I would like some advice for running Smash Run. I die at least 3 times in each run with several characters.
Many creatures seem to be over-powered, should I simply run past them?
And are there tips on finding doors easier?
I've done a lot of smash run myself, so I can tell you my impressions.
You can start with custom equipment if you want, but it isn't necessary. I personally did all my smash runs without equipment (just smash powers), because in some cases certain stats (like jump or run) got boosted to crazy levels, which made spacing with those moves difficult, and then ended up with the jump or race final challenge and lost because I couldn't properly control my character and kept SDing on the mines and stage hazards. :-/ Best to start with a vanilla build and end with more modest, but balanced, stats, IMO, unless you don't care about winning the final battle.
Next, let's talk about smash powers. Hands down the best smash run power for me is the horizon beam. This is most useful for clearing the mini-games behind doors quickly, which lead to big prizes. They work best on the target smash mini-game, crystal smash mini-game, and "defeat all enemies" mini-game. They can also be used to clear out a screen-ful of enemies quickly if you get boxed in (like, in the room with the glowing red hazard floor). I load up on those until my char can't carry anymore. The second best smash power is health recovery, but I only picked that one if my character could carry more powers after loading up on horizon beams.
There are plenty of creatures you can't defeat easily. Run past them. It's worth it to stop and defeat the easy enemies, especially at the beginning of a run, but otherwise, I kept moving. While you run and jump, you slowly gain more stat bonuses in those areas, so your char is still improving. My primary goal when playing is to run through the stage looking for treasure chests and doors. They appear randomly in only certain specific locations on the map, as you get used to doing smash run you'll start remembering where to look. Generally, you can get more and better loot this way, which leads to a really good balanced character to take into the final battle.
Next, let's talk about the final battle. Best that I could tell, the final battle is chosen at random, and could be a mini-game, like jump the highest, or run to the finish line first, or they could be a variation on a smash battle (team smash, easy launch smash, etc).
For the jump and run mini-games, make sure you're very methodical in how you navigate the levels. As the mini-game progresses, mines and glowing red sections of floor will appear. Touch these, and you get instantly KO'd. It's better to go a little bit slower, but space your jumps properly, than risk hitting the hazard and getting sent pretty far back as a result. Characters that are lagging will get item drops, like temporary increased speed, the bunny ears, or an invincibility star. Characters that are in the lead will also start facing smart bomb drop hazards in the jump mini-game, so make sure you move upwards in a zig-zag pattern across the stage to keep from getting hit by them.
Hope this helps!