The library idea was a huge bust. Me and Castro walk in the teen section (where they hook up the games for the youngins) and theres a wii and 6 people playing in the back room. Looks good, about what we expected. So I go to the parking lot and get my tv while Castro restores order and makes himself look good in a free for all.
I walk back in with the tv. A lady comes up behind me.
"Is that tv yours?"
"Yes ma'am"
"You can't bring that in here."
"Oh I'm sorry ma'am. I was invited here by someone else and I was under the assumption that we could bring tv's to this videogame room"
"Who told you that?"
"This guy right here"
*I point at Kyro*
"Well you can't bring that in here. Idk why he told you that, but this is a library."
"I apologize ma'am. I'll get rid of it, it's not a problem."
"Oh, and are you even between 13 to 18 years old?"
"No ma'am I'm 19"
"Then your not even allowed to be in this section. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the area."
*Gives Kyro a veryyyyyy dirty look*
And trust me, it gets better. On the way to the parking lot, when me and Castro got in the elevator to get to my car, a security guard stops the doors and comes in. He starts asking me where I got the tv and was looking all over the sides while I was explaining to him what happened. He thought I stole the tv and walked us all the way to my car while talking to his radio.
So long story short. We gotta send Kprime into the teen section to recruit these half dozen brawlers.