[collapse="Critique"]0:05- DANG! Ally is so smart. Yeah, it's pretty hard for any player to read a response like that.
0:09- Also not a bad response on your part. It's pretty smart because normally people would land with a shield. Again, this is Ally.
0:15- Got kinda greedy for another bair there. I got scared, but I'm glad you kept zoning him with aerials and stopped attack when you knew it wouldn't work.
0:17- You have to go the CG. Don't be scared just 'cause it's Ally. If you drop it, it's you fault. It's shows your lack of confidence with the CG. Go practice it a lot to build some.
0:23- You did this before and it worked. That's how you got the CG. But, the same trick won't work twice. He adapted to you bait that you did (doing an aerial to get him to airdodge). Inhale or a charge Dsmash could have worked. You have to think crazy.
0:25- Why did you jump so early? You saw the mortar. If you waited just a little longer the jump invincibility would have let you go through the mortar.
0:29- Getting scared I see by the wild shielding and spotdodge. Just calm down.
0:31- Either fear or good restraint not to go for a grab after he whiffed the bair. No matter, it was good because I don't believe you could have got a grab.
0:34- Great bait
0:39- Smart to use the waddle Dee toss to make him believe he could land close, then using ftilt.
0:40- I don't agree with the fullhop bair unless it was a bait. It left you very open. Why did you try to fair after it also?
0:45- That was all one big bait to get you to UpB onstage like you did. Go for the ledge.
1:02- Nice bait. I don't know why people like to spotdodge to get out of a CG. People should try to grab/jab more.

Did he just use the dash attack to change his hurtbox and get around the grab!? Wow. Your also grabbing a little later than you should. You would have gotten both grabs if don't earlier. Doubt maybe?
1:15- Good option. He's been just walking up to you and that was a good punish.
1:20- I don't like the Waddle Dee toss so close. It's not a good move to block a grenade because it's slow. Same for close attacking. Use ftilt in situations like that.
1:22- What's up with the jabs? This is the second one. Nerves or technical error? Either way, practice technically always.
1:24- Great dair since it beats mortar and will hit a mortar slide.
1:37- Such a great set-up if that would have worked!
2:00-Scared again. Calm down. Try rolling behind them if they wait on the ground. It can bait them to do something dumb.
2:02- Aw. That would have worked if you were just a little farther back. good try.
2:45- Oh! Dair stage spikes. That's why you were doing it so much. Smart.
3:10- Missed up your bair. Did the attack to early.
3:20- That was a bait to get you to grab. It worked. He's noticing that you want grab too much. Try using other things in positions that you want a grab like ftilt and inhale.
3:49-You sealed your fate. Always do very low UpB's where it's abiguous if you are going for the stage or the ledge less you know for sure that you can get the higher UpB mix-up.
4:19-Should of tried another dsmash. You're getting greedy for a kill.
4:27-lol. He sees you want the kill, so he stopped spotdodging after a CG. Don't fish. Just go through with your Cg and see if you can get a killing bair or gimp. Even just getting more damage is better.
4:47-Again. You want that kill. Just calm down. Even if you have to go you low damaging more like inhale or ftilt, just play smart even at kill %'s.
5:17-5:45- Great string here. Even though he got some hits in, you had the momentum. Nice control and edge guarding. Just don't go offstage as much when he is offstage. If it fails you give you stage control and momentum.
5:45-So many Waddle dees. It's not a bad choice. But, you could try goign out and chasing him. You have the jumps to do it. Just don't go to low under him so you don't get spiked.
Good Dedede. You made really smart choices, but sadly it's Ally. That fact made you obviously nervous. You did things like:
*Roll away a lot
*Kill fish
*Retreating bair
*Dashed around a lot when waiting for him to come back from a kill (it shows you are anxious)
*many technical errors (make sure to practice)
*Lack of baits aside from the beginning.
which gave away your nervousness. Don't be. You have to separate the person from the match. You weren't fighting Ally, you were fighting Snake and I believe you are pretty comfortable fighting Snake, so think about it like that and you should be more settled. Also, train your nerves by playing more top players. You're in Canada, so you should be playing Holynightmare, TO Joe, Tinman, Meekspeedy, ect as much as possible so you know what higher levels of play are like. You also like to grab fish a lot, however you do it smarter than most people so you probably get away with it. Use moves like ftilt and inhale (two moves you really didn't use that are good) to mix it up. Lastly, you are at the point where you have to just play smarter in order to improve. When you play friendlies, go crazy with the options you pick so you learn more about the game. Instead of grabbing when you want, do a Fsmash and learn what people do against it. You'll learn a lot that way. And watch more of your videos so you can see with the things I named above are habits you have.[/COLLAPSE]
I encourage everyone to watch this because this is great play from Ally. Also, can someone tell me how to make those show/hide spoiler boxes so I don't have giant boxes of text all the time?
Edit: I learned how to do it! It's fun!