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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2014
I don't know why everyone starting to lose hope, with this game coming out on October we are going to have one more direct, maybe 2. Maybe sakurai wants to reveal Ridley on his birthday (august 6th), or in October before the game releases to get hyped for when the game comes out. I mean the only really exciting newcomer revealed was Palutena, and even then she was expected so it was not really that exciting. This doesn't really mean anything for Ridley's chances, in fact since Pyrosphere was not playable that boosts Ridley's chances pretty significantly. Sakurai probably just did not want to reveal Ridley this early, or who knows maybe he is secret or a boss.

Smash G

Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2014
Flame baiting
I don't know why everyone starting to lose hope
Hope was lost when Sakurai literally said he was a Boss when he talked about "other bosses" and showed Ridley's wings.
This whole thread is in deep denial.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2013
The hype train
Hope was lost when Sakurai literally said he was a Boss when he talked about "other bosses" and showed Ridley's wings.
This whole thread is in deep denial.
See if this was literally ANY other character, they would be instantly disconfirmed in the eyes of Smashboards. But something about that purple dragon keeps people believing in him.


Smash Lord
May 19, 2014
We've still got a couple days of E3 left guys, we may get more character reveals this week, especially since we haven't had any veterens confirmed yet.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2013
The hype train
We've still got a couple days of E3 left guys, we may get more character reveals this week, especially since we haven't had any veterens confirmed yet.
We only got 3 characters last E3, I'm not getting my hopes up anymore. Sal's leak is looking true though, so we may see Ridley as DLC.

The King of Skulls

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2014
In the threshold of time and space.
Honestly, I don't think Ridley is playable anymore. Maybe it's post-E3 depression, but I don't feel it. I sure as hell hope he's playable, but after that faith squash, I can't have faith in anything anymore...

Except the Sal leak, but I don't really care about Shulk, Chrom, or the singing *******.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Or maybe Sal added the DLC leak so when the final roster is revealed and Chorus kids aren't on it he can say "Planned for DLC"


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
The Sal leak may not have ALL the newcomers, and there hasn't been any sight of Ridley, not as a stage hazard, not anything else so far. So technically there still is hope... but I'm personally getting tired with the speculation, especially in Ridley's case. All I wish for is closure...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2014
People are overreacting big time in this thread, do not forget that RIdley is a bowser sized, slow moving, clunky boss, he is still being teased despite sakurai always deconfirming characters directly. On top of all this Pyrosphere, the one stage that should be playable during the demo is not, and it just so happens that if that stage was playable it could deconfirm or confirm a certain character. Just because he was not revealed at e3 does not mean he is not, K rool was not revealed, shulk, or chrom. He is probably just waiting to reveal him closer to release.

The King of Skulls

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2014
In the threshold of time and space.
People are overreacting big time in this thread, do not forget that RIdley is a bowser sized, slow moving, clunky boss, he is still being teased despite sakurai always deconfirming characters directly. On top of all this Pyrosphere, the one stage that should be playable during the demo is not, and it just so happens that if that stage was playable it could deconfirm or confirm a certain character. Just because he was not revealed at e3 does not mean he is not, K rool was not revealed, shulk, or chrom. He is probably just waiting to reveal him closer to release.
I concede that you make good points, but right now, I'm still kind of bummed about the Sal leak being true. Don't get me wrong, Palutena, Pacman, and Mii look phenomenally better than I'd ever imagine, but I don't particularly care about them. Ridley's chances are more or less the exact same, but I personally can't see him anymore. Of course, if he's a secret character I'll be ecstatic.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
The Sal leak may not have ALL the newcomers, and there hasn't been any sight of Ridley, not as a stage hazard, not anything else so far. So technically there still is hope... but I'm personally getting tired with the speculation, especially in Ridley's case. All I wish for is closure...
It doesn't, he never mentioned Rosalina & Luma. But expecting any character other than the ones in Sal's leak may lead only to disappointments.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 2, 2014
The Tardis
I just wish Sal's tipster will outright say if they are all the newcomers, at least then if he isn't playable I can move on, sigh.
On a lighter note, Pac-man is a LOT more interesting than I thought.
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Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2014
Eh, Pac Man doesn't look all that interesting to me..... when's the new 3DS Game thing they were planning on showing?


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Off topic E3 speculation
Metroid 3ds? Nintendo Pls.
(Majoras Mask will work too.)
Some people think it will be localisation of Mother 3. Which honestly wouldn't count as a big game announcement to me, even though Mother 3 is terrific. I am all for Majora's Mask remake... The only Zelda I truly care about. A Metroid would do to and would perhaps boost Ridley's chance (or at least, the mood in this thread), a little bit. I think Majora's Mask is more likely since Skull Kid is in Smash, the moon is in Hyrule Warriors, Majora's Mask is in A Link Between Worlds and Zelda Williams had a Majora's Mask with her yesterday for whatever reason.

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Smash Journeyman
Feb 2, 2014
The Tardis
I don't see this being huge really, Saying that is just trying to rebuild my Ridley dreams...
I will be honest though, I will take Mother 3.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
A Majora's Mask remake would be sick! I love that game. It'd actually get me more excited than a new Metroid, as I'm not a huge fan of Metroid, or at least, I'm a bigger Zelda fan.
You are a traitor to our people. :p
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Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
[quould te="Swampasaur, post: 16867905, member: 217148"]Guys...

Calm down.

Just be grateful that he's not disconfirmed.

I want closure too but jeez. Don't bash Mii and Palutena fans.[/quote]
I would have preferred him to be shown then find out October that's the point

Yaaaay, more proof positive of a terrible roster. -sarcastic party blower-

This ****'s going downhill faster than a lead landslide in a goddamn black hole.
Real ****ING Talk
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Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2013
The hype train
I just wish Sal's tipster will outright say if they are all the newcomers, at least then if he isn't playable I can move on, sigh.
On a lighter note, Pac-man is a LOT more interesting than I thought.
Honestly I think he doesn't know. Most of us think his information is dated, because of how early the Pokemon slot was still up in the air. The absence of Rosalina can be explained by maybe she was added in a bit later.
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Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
Honestly I think he doesn't know. Most of us think his information is dated, because of how early the Pokemon slot was still up in the air. The absence of Rosalina can be explained by maybe she was added in a bit later.
The way I see it, the sal leak is win/win at this point

either: He is completely right. We know 3 more newcomers. but not ALL newcomers. There are also gonna be DLC characters . No harm for Ridley here.

or: He is really, really, really damn lucky. We don't know any newcomers. No harm for Ridley here

Ridley's situation hasn't changed at all. We still don't know the answer to the only question that matters. Was Sakurai trolling at that direct or not. We did get Palutena. Who was trolled at that direct. *shrug*


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2004
The space between genius and madness
Some serious advice for some of you guys:

...There is nothing wrong with pulling away and taking a much needed break from anything Smash 4. If you're really starting to feel drained about chances and speculations and stuff, cut back or cut it all out for a good while. Come back when you start to feel genuinely interested again.

At some point I was involved in some daily Smash Pic of the Day prediction game. Started to feel like I was dwelling on Smash a bit too much, dropped out of the game, and I felt a bit better. Maybe some have also noticed I don't frequent this thread as often as others despite being a MAJOR Ridley supporter.

It's like delicious chocolate cake (or insert your favorite dessert here). It's still possible to get sick and bored of something. Ya gotta pace yourself. This E3 came the inevitable flood of new information, and you may have thought you were ready to take it all in and accept all revelations. But maybe you weren't.

...So take a break. Smash 4 will be here when you come back. The speculation that is. Or you could wait until Smash 4 is literally here on Oct. 3.

Deleted member

At this point I'm just hoping that Smash 4 is the same situation as Brawl where worst case scenario some/most of the unlockable characters go unrevealed until release, and this time around Ridley is one of those characters, as I've said before, I'd be disappointed if the Sal Leak is all we have left in terms of newcomers.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2013
The hype train
Let's just go over all that we've seen

First thing, "an enemy from Samus's past" will appear on Pyrosphere, Japanese version of the daily pic description says "an enemy from Samus's past that caused her trauma" so definitely referring to Ridley

Then the Direct where we see Ridley's shadow after he says there will be other boss appearances

Ridley's theme during the King Kihunter trophy quiz

Brinstar theme during the invitational, Sakurai talking about Samus not being picked and that she is powerful

Pyrosphere not being playable in the demo or invitational

Am I missing anything? So far all of this seems to point to Ridley being a stage hazard and Pyrosphere not being playable is them still trying to put the finishing touches on Hazardley

But then again this could all be a massive tease and he's playable, Sakurai IS aware we want Ridley, so it's strange he teases him so much when another much wanted character Waluigi was shutdown immediately

Trying to be as unbiased as I can.
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Smash Rookie
May 6, 2014
Cant believe a lot of you are giving up hope already. Ridley's chance as a playable character is all but confirmed with the cloak and dagger Pyrosphere situation. I understand it's a bummer that we haven't seen Ridley yet, but E3 isn't over. Even if he doesn't show up tomorrow though, think about it... Ridley was not debunked. He did not appear as a boss. You most likely feel a bit depressed because a lot of other characters you weren't hoping for were confirmed. You feel left out I know, but it will pass. We will have our day too.

To the detractors, and those of you saying that Sakurai said he was a boss during the direct, you're wrong. He gave you a visual idea to which you drew your own conclusion. If he was indeed a boss, we would of seen it today; if not through Pyrosphere, than through a video or other explanation such as the developer discussion. Sakurai has a plan for Ridley; and it's not to make him Pyrosphere's hazard. That's the lava's job as is always the case in EVERY Metroid stage in Smash history (as much as I hate it). Ridley's a major 1st party character to a flagship series starved of reps. When someone is excited for Ridley's chance to be playable, don't be that guy that tries to find every little detail no matter how ridiculous in an attempt to crush someones hopes for a character just because you don't like the idea, or because it's popular opinion. That's douchebaggery 101. There's really no excuse not to include Ridley in this game, and almost no argument outside of the ambiguous direct statement. Anything else (like size arguments, etc.) is just your own personal theory, and are rules Sakurai does not play by.

As for the Sal leak, don't be so quick to give full "leak" credibility to easy educated guesses. Pac Man is Namco's #1 and a gaming icon that Sakurai would never pass up while teamed with Bamco. Mii is a Nintendo icon since the launch of the Wii and a obvious good choice for many reasons; especially the customizable aspect. Palutena? She is one of Sakurai's pride and joy characters from his creation, and a perfect addition for another Kid Icarus rep. Everyone knew she was getting in. Chrom is another one I would say is fairly obvious. I will say this though.. if Chorus men are confirmed, I'll be a believer. But until the REALLY outlandish one is guessed, I don't count this leak legit. That's even tougher than WFT to guess. At least with WFT, you can see the obvious sales figures of Wii Fit to make a safe guess. Also, I don't think Shulk has a real chance anymore to be honest, but we'll see.

Anyway guys, Ridley's chances live on to fight another day. Don't let the down and out emotions conquer your hope and knowledge of the facts.

The King of Skulls

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2014
In the threshold of time and space.
Cant believe a lot of you are giving up hope already. Ridley's chance as a playable character is all but confirmed with the cloak and dagger Pyrosphere situation. I understand it's a bummer that we haven't seen Ridley yet, but E3 isn't over. Even if he doesn't show up tomorrow though, think about it... Ridley was not debunked. He did not appear as a boss. You most likely feel a bit depressed because a lot of other characters you weren't hoping for were confirmed. You feel left out I know, but it will pass. We will have our day too.

To the detractors, and those of you saying that Sakurai said he was a boss during the direct, you're wrong. He gave you a visual idea to which you drew your own conclusion. If he was indeed a boss, we would of seen it today; if not through Pyrosphere, than through a video or other explanation such as the developer discussion. Sakurai has a plan for Ridley; and it's not to make him Pyrosphere's hazard. That's the lava's job as is always the case in EVERY Metroid stage in Smash history (as much as I hate it). Ridley's a major 1st party character to a flagship series starved of reps. When someone is excited for Ridley's chance to be playable, don't be that guy that tries to find every little detail no matter how ridiculous in an attempt to crush someones hopes for a character just because you don't like the idea, or because it's popular opinion. That's douchebaggery 101. There's really no excuse not to include Ridley in this game, and almost no argument outside of the ambiguous direct statement. Anything else (like size arguments, etc.) is just your own personal theory, and are rules Sakurai does not play by.

As for the Sal leak, don't be so quick to give full "leak" credibility to easy educated guesses. Pac Man is Namco's #1 and a gaming icon that Sakurai would never pass up while teamed with Bamco. Mii is a Nintendo icon since the launch of the Wii and a obvious good choice for many reasons; especially the customizable aspect. Palutena? She is one of Sakurai's pride and joy characters from his creation, and a perfect addition for another Kid Icarus rep. Everyone knew she was getting in. Chrom is another one I would say is fairly obvious. I will say this though.. if Chorus men are confirmed, I'll be a believer. But until the REALLY outlandish one is guessed, I don't count this leak legit. That's even tougher than WFT to guess. At least with WFT, you can see the obvious sales figures of Wii Fit to make a safe guess. Also, I don't think Shulk has a real chance anymore to be honest, but we'll see.

Anyway guys, Ridley's chances live on to fight another day. Don't let the down and out emotions conquer your hope and knowledge of the facts.
You're right, exactly. I'll keep believing in Ridley, for what do we have left to believe in? Thanks for the picker upper.

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
No matter what happens...remember Brawl hacking and the clone engine (BrawlEx), and the fact that there's a Ridley hack with a new moveset.

Sure, it's a mod and it's not perfect, but it's still something...

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Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2013
The hype train
Sakurai has a plan for Ridley; and it's not to make him Pyrosphere's hazard. That's the lava's job as is always the case in EVERY Metroid stage in Smash history (as much as I hate it).
I feel like the lava argument is really weak. Ridley is the only thing that's caused Samus trauma, and in the Japanese description of the Pyrosphere daily pic he says "an enemy from Samus's past that caused her trauma"

He KNOWS he is implying Hazardley in both the daily pic and Direct
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the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I wish people would just leave us supporters alone in the thread. You don't believe Ridley is in? Okay, bye, go visit the thread of other character then.


Smash Rookie
May 6, 2014
I feel like the lava argument is really weak. Ridley is the only thing that's caused Samus trauma, and in the Japanese description of the Pyrosphere daily pic he says "an enemy from Samus's past that caused her trauma"

He KNOWS he is implying Hazardley in both the daily pic and Direct
Yes I believe its Ridley he's referring too as well. But lets keep it in context: "An enemy from Samus' past may appear at any second" could also mean he joins the fight as a playable character.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Cant believe a lot of you are giving up hope already. Ridley's chance as a playable character is all but confirmed with the cloak and dagger Pyrosphere situation. I understand it's a bummer that we haven't seen Ridley yet, but E3 isn't over. Even if he doesn't show up tomorrow though, think about it... Ridley was not debunked. He did not appear as a boss. You most likely feel a bit depressed because a lot of other characters you weren't hoping for were confirmed. You feel left out I know, but it will pass. We will have our day too.

To the detractors, and those of you saying that Sakurai said he was a boss during the direct, you're wrong. He gave you a visual idea to which you drew your own conclusion. If he was indeed a boss, we would of seen it today; if not through Pyrosphere, than through a video or other explanation such as the developer discussion. Sakurai has a plan for Ridley; and it's not to make him Pyrosphere's hazard. That's the lava's job as is always the case in EVERY Metroid stage in Smash history (as much as I hate it). Ridley's a major 1st party character to a flagship series starved of reps. When someone is excited for Ridley's chance to be playable, don't be that guy that tries to find every little detail no matter how ridiculous in an attempt to crush someones hopes for a character just because you don't like the idea, or because it's popular opinion. That's douchebaggery 101. There's really no excuse not to include Ridley in this game, and almost no argument outside of the ambiguous direct statement. Anything else (like size arguments, etc.) is just your own personal theory, and are rules Sakurai does not play by.

As for the Sal leak, don't be so quick to give full "leak" credibility to easy educated guesses. Pac Man is Namco's #1 and a gaming icon that Sakurai would never pass up while teamed with Bamco. Mii is a Nintendo icon since the launch of the Wii and a obvious good choice for many reasons; especially the customizable aspect. Palutena? She is one of Sakurai's pride and joy characters from his creation, and a perfect addition for another Kid Icarus rep. Everyone knew she was getting in. Chrom is another one I would say is fairly obvious. I will say this though.. if Chorus men are confirmed, I'll be a believer. But until the REALLY outlandish one is guessed, I don't count this leak legit. That's even tougher than WFT to guess. At least with WFT, you can see the obvious sales figures of Wii Fit to make a safe guess. Also, I don't think Shulk has a real chance anymore to be honest, but we'll see.

Anyway guys, Ridley's chances live on to fight another day. Don't let the down and out emotions conquer your hope and knowledge of the facts.
I know

Him not being shown and now another tease with only metroid music and dk music hints ridley and king k rool

I did not hear any other song than smash bros main songs no other series songs.

And besides E3 does not end till thursday and ridley could be accounced just like wii fit trainer a big suprise.
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