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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
I agree with the above statements. We should be satisfied about the fact that Ridley ends up playable and be the more mature group who doesn't treat those who wronged us with equal malice. If detractors are going to admit they were wrong, let them say it themselves and not shove it down their throats.
I don't understand how you guys act so civil, I wouldn't give Ridley detractors a break until Smash6 or 7, with how much they've messed with us.
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the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I don't understand how you guys act so civil, I wouldn't give Ridley detractors a break until Smash6 or 7, with how much they've messed with us.
I feel you. As I said earlier, I will annoy the hell out of the haters if Ridley is confirmed. To hell with maturity.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
I don't understand how you guys act so civil, I wouldn't give Ridley detractors a break until Smash6 or 7, with how much they've messed with us.
When you've been pestered since pre-Brawl with it (8 years that is) you really learn the meaning of discipline and respect. Having the same attitude as the majority of detractors and shove **** in their faces would make us no better than any of them for all these years, and I don't plan to ever sink down to that level.

It's not like I've ever felt like I've been waging wars or having rivalries with detractors, I've just been stating why I think Ridley is a good and possible choice for Smash, it's always been centered around getting Ridley as a playable character in Smash and that only, I'm not one for holding grudges or splitting people up in camps like that, that's not going to get Ridley anywhere.
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Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
I don't understand how you guys act so civil, I wouldn't give Ridley detractors a break until Smash6 or 7, with how much they've messed with us.
The point is that we (should) behave better then they do. It's always a running joke around here that users on Gamefaqs and Miiverse are mindless ignorant people and are at the bottom of humanity's intelligence (not my own words mind you), so how can we act like we are above them if we stoop down to their level?


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I can easily refrain myself from being immature in regards to Ridley because I have endured much worse in regards to characters such as Toon Link. At least with Ridley, there are so many people that support him and even more that want him despite not believing that he is in the game. I was pretty much all alone with Toon Link and there were very few that were ecstatic at his reveal. So Ridley is nothing really; it is not as personal, I suppose.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
I really liked Ridley, even before getting into Smash. In fact, he was my introduction to the Metroid franchise as a kid, back when I first saw him on the box art for Super Metroid, the first game I ever had for myself (every other game belonged to my brother). Sixteen years to this day, I still cherish it, and replay it again and again.

But I'll say this: I only seriously started hoping for Ridley when I first saw him in Melee's intro like most of you.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
I've always been remotely aware of who Ridley was since I got Brawl in 2011 (which was also where I really started to become a true Nintendo fan). Ever since then I've always thought it'd be cool if he was in the roster, but it wasn't until I first starting frequenting this site that I became an avid supporter.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
As I've said, I only joined the Space Pirates despite passing familiarity with Metroid Prime and Fusion when the Pyrosphere was unveiled with no Bossley in sight.

I think what solidified it for me was Little Mac being ascended, and that's when the idea of a playable boss character wormed its way into my mind.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
During the first few hours after Ridley's reveal, I'm sure I'll be bound to be all like "HA! WHO'S TOO BIG NOW, HUH?" to detractors, but it will only last a while. After that the hype levels will cool down and recover my serenity.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
I've been contemplating writing a victory story should Ridley's time come, but I'm sure this thread will be too full of gifs and one-liners for anybody to actually stop and read it.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2014
During the first few hours after Ridley's reveal, I'm sure I'll be bound to be all like "HA! WHO'S TOO BIG NOW, HUH?" to detractors, but it will only last a while. After that the hype levels will cool down and recover my serenity.
If he is revealed, the only thing that will be too big will be the thousands of raging hard ons.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
As ironic as it is, I feel like Ridley's size is the thing that may well all but confirm Ridley's playability at this point. Though people might disagree and say 'maybe we just have a small boss on a big stage'. I still don't think Sakurai would take a boss from Brawl, more than half his size, and make him the boss of a stage that is just as big as before if not bigger.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2014
As ironic as it is, I feel like Ridley's size is the thing that may well all but confirm Ridley's playability at this point. Though people might disagree and say 'maybe we just have a small boss on a big stage'. I still don't think Sakurai would take a boss from Brawl, more than half his size, and make him the boss of a stage that is just as big as before if not bigger.
Between Ridley's apparent size and the whole lava disappearing on the FD version thing, on top of all of the oddly vague teasing, I fully suspect to see a bait and switch occur; leading everyone to believe Ridley is the hazard and then, bam, Vorash (or Goyagma) emerges from the lake of fire.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Advocating for Satan yet again, but Ridley's size is likely proportional to the Pyrosphere.

The Pyrosphere IS scaled down from Other M, after all.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Advocating for Satan yet again, but Ridley's size is likely proportional to the Pyrosphere.

The Pyrosphere IS scaled down from Other M, after all.
I've been over this. Scaling to the stage does not actually matter here. If you have a very small and very slow boss on the stage, they are exceedingly easy to avoid and damage. Particularly for characters with projectiles, who are coincidentally usually also the most mobile characters. A boss needs to be large and quick enough to necessitate SOME level of effort to avoid them, even for quick characters.

Play against Ridley in Brawl with Pikachu, except follow the following rules: Never run, dodge, block, or use special moves. Just walk around casually and see how it works out.

This Ridley, if a boss, would ONLY be saved by the existance of a lava hazard. But if you really need a stage hazard as invasive as lava to make your boss battle more than "walking casually away because what are they going to do about it", you *really* messed up your boss battle. Especially for Smash Bros.

The boss needs to be at a size and speed where it can actually be a threat to characters with the severely telegraphed AI behavior. Not conveniently resized to match the backdrop, even if it means the boss is insanely poorly thought out mechanically.
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Someone get on this. Please. Before E3, preferably.

I used the pillar for reference, so it's probably not 100% accurate.

Doesn't really matter though, as based on the shadow in Smash, these are the much more likely range of sizes.



Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
You guys have convinced me that Ridley still has a chance. The size comparisons and the weird jerky behavior seen in the Direct makes me rethink my assumption that he was disconfirmed. While I'm not an avid Metroid fan or Ridley supporter, I mainly jumped on the bandwagon because I want to see the glorious celebration if he turns out to be playable. I've been supporting Dixie for a while, but you guys have had it much worse. I want to see Sakurai pull through for you all. Plus, I'm all for playing as a giant, intimidating purple dragon and kicking ass.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2014
I don't think I have ever posted in the ridley support topic till now despite Ridley being my #1 most requested. After the direct I was sure ridley was out but you guys brought me back to thinking he was playable, so thank you. Soon we will see Ridley's role in this game(hopefully), I am hoping for the best, please do not let me down Sakurai.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 25, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
About a year or so after Melee came out, I was in grade school and my brother and I pooled the allowance money we had both been saving up to buy a GCN. The first time I played Melee, I had already known that Ridley was not a playable character because I had flipped through one of those "official strategy guides" at a bookstore and had learned of the full roster. Still, I remember watching that epic intro movie and thinking that the purple dragon guy fighting Samus would be a really cool character to play in Smash. However, my most wanted newcomers for the next installment were characters that I was more familiar with, such as Diddy, Sonic, and especially Wolf (and for some reason, I also really wanted Shadow-Mario back then.)

In middle school, I discovered that I could persuade my parents to let me buy used games on eBay without them realizing that the games I was buying were more "violent" than they were okay with. (I had a somewhat sheltered childhood.) My first eBay game was Metroid Prime, and even as a 7th/8th grader, I could tell that it was a masterpiece. Since then, I have desperately wanted Ridley to be in Smash. Ridley was my most wanted newcomer for Brawl.

Now that I am 21, Metroid is my favorite game series, and there is only one character that I truly want in Smash--a character that I have wanted for the majority of the time that I have been alive.

I can't believe we'll be finding out whether Ridley is a boss character or a playable fighter in less than a week. One way or the other, the moment when Ridley's role in the game is revealed is going to be very significant moment for me.
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I really liked Ridley, even before getting into Smash. In fact, he was my introduction to the Metroid franchise as a kid, back when I first saw him on the box art for Super Metroid, the first game I ever had for myself (every other game belonged to my brother). Sixteen years to this day, I still cherish it, and replay it again and again.

But I'll say this: I only seriously started hoping for Ridley when I first saw him in Melee's intro like most of you.
That's pretty much how Ridley was introduced to me too, being the posterboy of Super Metroid and his appearance in the game's prologue when I was learning how to play a Metroid for the first time when I was like 9, and it was the game that came with my SNES, so I had a bit more of a bond with that game than other SNES titles partly since I was exposed to it before Donkey Kong Country and the like, though my fondness of DKC (in general) runs pretty deep too.

During Melee though I actually didn't care about or wanted other characters that much with how content I was with Mewtwo and the rest of the roster at the time (for the most part), though somewhere in the back of my head I thought having guys like Ridley and Diddy Kong would be cool, and later being exposed to Brawl speculation kinda solidified my character wishes (in addition to Metroid's revival after Melee with Prime & Fusion), where at least half my hopes ended up coming true minus Mewtwo being cut.

In short, the Melee intro, strangely enough, was not what made me realized I wanted Ridley in Smash, which I guess is why it's a pet peeve of mine defend my case and/or Ridley when others say "If he hadn't appeared the way he did in the Melee intro, no one would've wanted him this much today".
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Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
I've been contemplating writing a victory story should Ridley's time come, but I'm sure this thread will be too full of gifs and one-liners for anybody to actually stop and read it.
Enough one-liners to make David Caruso feel sick.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2014
Hello fellow space pirates I hope it isn't to late to join the crew, I have been lurking since about pg 590 and didnt know about theses forums until I saw this epic video https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=nEcabFkhpa8

I was never against Ridley joining Smash but I just believed the usual counter that he is too big, but after watching this previous vid and many other explanations I believe he can be resized And he deserved to be in. Another reason is seeing such a passionate ( and funny) fanbase for a character keep on truckin, even after the years of dealing with horrible detractors. So count me on board the hype train to E3 my pirate comrades!


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
:/ I suddently thought that, I hope that Ridley's reveal trailer is JUST about him and not with other characters...like Greninja's trailer....

I have been waiting for HIM and only HIM...so I would really want that the reaveal trailer mainly focuses on Ridley....
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Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
:/ I suddently thought that, I hope that Ridley's reveal trailer is JUST about him and not with other characters...like Greninja's trailer....
I just got this image in my head of Ridley completely alone in his trailer roaring and screeching on Pyrosphere for a good two minutes before realizing that nobody is there and he just stops and stands awkwardly silent while nothing happens.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
I just got this image in my head of Ridley completely alone in his trailer roaring and screeching on Pyrosphere for a good two minutes before realizing that nobody is there and he just stops and stands awkwardly silent while nothing happens.
xD Aw, poor guy....I mean, yeah, other characters will appear on it....but I do not want it like "RIDLEY'S BIG DEBUT!" and 5 seconds later..."Oh and this Other character TOO!"


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I just got this image in my head of Ridley completely alone in his trailer roaring and screeching on Pyrosphere for a good two minutes before realizing that nobody is there and he just stops and stands awkwardly silent while nothing happens.
Ridley: (Triumphant Roaring)
Looks around, nobody there to behold him
Ridley: (Confused roars)
More awkward silence
Ridley: (Sad roars)



Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC

Ridley is best Hyrule Warrior.

Pretty much the same thing
Who's to say that Samus isn't an incarnation of Link?

And to take this even further, Ridley is an incarnation of Demise's hate.
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Ridley: (Triumphant Roaring)
Looks around, nobody there to behold him
Ridley: (Confused roars)
More awkward silence
Ridley: (Sad roars)



OH GOD....Now I feel REGRETFUL and SAD about what I said! :( Don't have those watery eyes, my dear! EVERYONE will be on your reveal trailer! and you are going to kick their butts!


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I would actually prefer if Ridley's trailer isn't exclusive to him. As I suggested in Palutena's thread, I would like them to be revealed together, just for the lulz.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
A Palutena vs Medusa double reveal trailer, when suddenly Ridley flies in. "RIDLEY is TOO BIG FOR SKYWORLD". Ohhh snap, the crowd goes wild.
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
xD Aw, poor guy....I mean, yeah, other characters will appear on it....but I do not want it like "RIDLEY'S BIG DEBUT!" and 5 seconds later..."Oh and this Other character TOO!"
Don't worry, he'll be the last one to appear in that scenario.

Although I hope we get various trailers for each separate character in a row.

King K. Rool's trailer ends; immediately start Palutena's trailer; immediately after that, Ridley's trailer.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
(Thanks to N3ON for this banner)

Gonna have to nip that other one in the bud. Sorry ChronoBound.

SO YEAH, Ridley is pretty much inarguable. Don't even have to make a big post about it.

Guess I could post my moveset or whatever. I'll edit that in later.

Look, see, an edit:
[collapse=Moveset]This is how I see Ridley, by the way (FOR THE MOST PART HUSH ABOUT THE WINGS):

Attributes – Ridley is a large character, nearly the size of Bowser. However, his scrawny frame, useful for flying, keeps him from being as heavy. In fact, I’d say he could be as light as Wolf (the 14th heaviest character in Brawl) but no heavier than R.O.B. (10th heaviest character). His ground speed would be pretty good (Charizard (7th fastest) to Donkey Kong (9th) range). His aerial maneuverability in general would be among the top, probably similar to Yoshi. He can also jump five times. He can glide, but not wall cling, wall jump, or crawl.

Playstyle concept – I see Ridley as awkward on the ground, but amazing in the air. Jigglypuff’s king, if you will. His ground game in general would be damaging, and focus on sending opponents upward, but hard or risky to connect most of the time. In the air though, all of his moves are useful and quick, as well as being capable of comboing. Ridley’s aerial potential is why I say he should not be a heavyweight, as that may make him broken.

Entrance – A pair of glowing eyes appear out of nowhere. Ridley gives out loud roar as the rest of his body fades into visibility.

A – Quickly swipes with left hand claws. Fixed knockback. 4%-2%
AA – Follows up with right hand claws. Fixed knockback. 3%
AAA – Follows up with a quick bite. All together relatively good damage. 5%
Dash – Ridley spins above the ground (think Falco’s F-air) to lightly knock opponents upward. 10%-7%

F-tilt – Extends neck to bite. Awkward to connect due to the length of his neck. Could very well miss an opponent that is too close. Good damage and horizontal knockback to compensate. 12%-9%
U-tilt – Quickly puts his head down and lifts it upward over his body in an arcing motion. Flips opponents up into the air with fixed knockback. Naturally combos into U-smash. Does not hit behind him. 11%-8%
D-tilt – Sweeps the ground in front of him with his tail. One of his faster ground attacks and can trip opponents. 9%-5%

F-smash – Winds up his tail while charging, then stabs straight forward. Sweetspot at the tip which can KO. Awkward to connect like his F-tilt. Good damage and a bit of ending lag. 17-15%
U-smash – Breathes a single large burst of fire upward. Combos with U-tilt. Good damage and knockback. Does not hit to either side of him. 16%-14%
D-smash – Lowers himself and spins around once. While spinning he extends his tail outward and breathes fire. The fire does not have much knockback, but may be followed up by the tail at lower percentages. The tail is mainly what you want to hit with. It sends opponents up into the air. His slowest ground attack. This move recalls an attack from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Tail: 9%, Fire: 6%

N-air – Spins his tail around his body (clockwise when facing to the left). Think Meta Knight, Wolf, etc. Tip knocks opponents outward, while non-tip hits knock opponents at the angle they were hit. Combo potential. Mostly just gets opponents off you. Sweetspot: 13%, Sourspot: 7%
F-air – Stabs tail forward quickly. Already a good KO move, but a sweetspotted tip makes it even more so. Tipper: 18%, Non-Tipper: 12%
B-air – Twirls his tail closely behind his body for multiple (six) hits. Similar to Yoshi’s. 2% every hit, finishing hit is 5%
D-air – Stabs his tail downward. Tip sweetspots with a meteor smash. If not sweetspotted, it causes a pogo effect similar to Link’s. Sweetspot: 14%, Sourspot: 8%
U-air – Attacks with wing spikes. Slight upward knockback. Can probably hit with it a few times if you’re moving upward, like with Meta-Knight’s. 5%

Glide attack – A strong bite. As strong as Charizard’s. 12%

Pummel – While holding opponent by their head, he breathes fire on them. Relatively slow yet damaging among pummel attacks. 4%
F-throw – While holding opponent by their head, he quickly stabs them with his tail about five times, then with a sends them flying with a stronger sixth stab. Very damaging. 2% each stab, 4% last stab
U-throw – Grabs opponents with his talons and carries them into the air while swatting them twice with his tail. He quickly descends, slamming them into the ground with all his weight. Most damaging throw due to the high vulnerability. Opponents are sent upward after being slammed. 4% each swipe, 7% on slam
D-throw – Grabs opponents in his mouth, raises them upward and brutally slams them into the ground. Very damaging. 12%
B-throw – Stabs tail into opponent while they are in his grasp. He then flings his opponent, now impaled on his tail, behind him. 8%

Special – (Fireball) – When tapping the special button, Ridley releases a spray of four fireballs. They travel a relatively short distance for a projectile, and are essentially a wall of hitboxes. They do not do much knockback or damage. When holding special, Ridley releases a single large fireball. This fireball travels a longer distance, and causes more knockback and damage. When done in the air, the large fireball travels in a downward diagonal direction. If it were to hit the ground, a small damaging shockwave comes from the impact. His special can actually be used while gliding to fire up to four shots that “bomb” the stage. These do little damage and knockback. 2% each fireball, 5% on large one, 2% on shockwave
Side Special – (Command Grab) – Ridley flies forward a distance longer than Ganondorf’s side special, but with slightly longer startup. Ridley can only do this once in the air, but he will not be put into a helpless state. If the grab connects Ridley will essentially act as though he has a second normal grab. He can pummel opponents with his tail, and opponents can also break out of the grab. On the ground, “throwing” forward or back causes Ridley to drag the opponent across the ground for a set distance, racking up damage. At the end of the animation (he cannot fall off ledges during this) he will simply toss the opponent upward. You can also simply throw the opponent upward to begin with as a sort of “U-throw” option. Unlike Bowser and Ganondorf, Ridley has wings and does not have to plummet to the ground when connecting his command grab in the air. Again, while in the air it is essentially a second grab. There are no “F-throw” and “B-throw” options in the air, but you can “U-throw” opponents upward. You can also dive-bomb while holding the opponent as a “D-throw.” This will result in a suicide if done off the stage. Same percents as normal throws.
Down Special – (Reflector) – Holding down special charges up a reflector. While charging, you are vulnerable to any attack. Once the charge is complete, you can move around freely as though you have a Franklin Badge. Ridley’s skin darkens while you have these properties, accompanied by particle effects. All together, the charge time and effect time lasts about 3.5 to 4 seconds.
Up Special – (Fly/Unfly) – This move is similar to R.O.B. and Pit’s Up Specials. It works with Ridley’s five jumps. If you were to use Fly (and Unfly) five times, Ridley could no longer jump, and vice versa if you were to jump five times, you would not be able to use Fly. Pressing down while using Fly causes Ridley to Unfly. You are not put into a helpless state. You can attack with aerials normally while Flying, as well as after Unflying. Like R.O.B.’s “fuel,” you can only Fly for a certain amount of time – 3.5 seconds.

Final Smash – Meta-Ridley Transfo—**** THAT. SPACE PIRATE RAID: The camera zooms in on Ridley as he roars to summon two Space Pirate ships. The Space Pirates hop out to attack Ridley’s opponents. Think of them as enemies from Melee’s adventure mode. They have limited methods of attack, and can be attacked and killed themselves. The problem for your opponents is that there would be so many of them to deal with. The amount would depend on the amount of players, and Ridley’s damage. There would also be different kinds of Space Pirates that hop out. Grey pirates are the simplest to kill, with only a small amount of health. Green pirates have more health, Red have even more, and Gold pirates have the most. They all attack by shooting beams (which can be fired horizontally or diagonally upward) and jumping. Gold pirates can do a jump kick which has a lot of knockback. They disappear after a set amount of time.

Not even sure I agree with all of this anymore, BUT WHATEVER. There, the post is big like Ridley. HEELS.[/collapse]

Here's some size suggestion stuff courtesy of Mario_and_Sonic_Guy. I'd advise not even bringing up "he's too big" argument, because it's really dumb and no one wants to waste their time showing you why you're dumb just to here you say "OOOOHHHHhhhhh" or "Sorry, but I'm dumb and choose not to understand as a defense mechanism so I can feel like I'm right, even though I only believe the argument is true because I saw someone say it once long ago and it sounded kind of convincing at a glance so I believed it kind of like that time my brother told me the Earth's seasons are caused by the Earth's orbit being closer to the sun in the summertime." Just, I dunno, sit down for a minute, practice some critical thinking, and you won't make a terrible mistake. ANYWAY, here:
[collapse=Size Comparisons by Mario & Sonic Guy]Ridley & Mario

Ridley & Bowser

Ridley & Samus

Ridley & Ganondorf

Ridley & Charizard

Ridley & Groudon

Ridley & Zekrom

Ridley & Galleom

[collapse=Size Comparisons by Mario & Sonic Guy]Ridley & Bowser (T-stance version)

Ridley & Ganondorf (T-stance version)

[collapse=Size Comparisons by AngelGlory]


[collapse=Supporter list]Everyone with a brain pretty much.[/collapse]
Nice idea for a move set! I really like it.. But where'd the idea for a reflector come from? I've never heard if Ridley using one before(granted, my memory from playing what few Metroid games I've played is kinda foggy)
I also kinda had an idea where Ridley is mainly seen flying, that he could hover on every jump he has. But that would probably be a little too OP wouldn't it..
Also he should be able to wall-grab and slowly slide down in reference to MP3: Corruption :)
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