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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
I want Ridley in Smash as much as the next guy, but the overall vibe from this thread just blows. I made my first post here, I argued with TooBigots, I remained faithful after Sakurai let us know that an enemy from Samus' past could appear at any moment, and I still believe Ridley has a solid shot at being playable in the game after seeing his shadow in the direct. But I have come to dislike the very thread that caused me to join in the first place. For this next part when I say "you" I mean it collectively, as in everyone that frequently posts here. This thread is primarily comprised of you jerking off to some weird Ridley/Rosalina hybrid **** that's omgkawaiidesudesu and telling eachother how awesome you are at drawing, and when that isn't happening then you sit there in denial of the situation Ridley is in. "SAKURAI DIDN'T CONFIRM ANYTHING SO HE'S OBVIOUSLY CONFIRMED". Ridley's chances are... well in the air. You can't say for certain that he isn't going to be playable, but in no way can you state that he is. Then of course woe betide the person that will actually say that Ridley's chances kinda suck now. That person is obviously an idiot for not believing Ridley is playable right? Amirite? It would almost be worth it to see Ridley be confirmed as anything but playable to knock you smug *******s off your high horses, but alas, I love Ridley to much.

TL;DR: This thread sucks but Ridley doesn't.
Eh, I think Ridley's chances are pretty dead, but even when I've brought it up I haven't been trampled over. Mind you I haven't been convinced by people either that he is anything but a boss, but in their attempt I never found people trying to tear me apart. Perhaps it's because I'm a frequent visitor of the thread and thus a recognizable face, I haven't kept up to date how other people are received within this thread.

Some people are way too certain of his chances of course, but there's nothing offending or provoking about that, even if they're likely to set themselves up for dissapointment it's their own fault. Let them have their fun in believing Ridley is guaranteed for E3 or whatever.

As for the drawings, Ridley's fanbase is bigger than most fanbases for confirmed characters even, and that becomes a problem when we're limited to only one thread. Such things are obviously at home in a social thread, but of course Ridley himself doesn't warrant that much, so it's quite the dilemma. I do personally prefer we keep that to a minimum too, no offense to the people who post drawings here of course but when I'm here it's to herald Ridley for Smash 4, with the ocassional Metroid talk, not anything else.

I wouldn't say the thread downright sucks though, but it needs a facelift.
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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
I just want to know if that Ridley will still be a boss or not.

Don't get me wrong, Ridley is almost certainly playable if he is that small but it would be cool if he was still a boss and gets the Alfonzo treatment.

Although if it had to be one way or the other, definitely have him playable. I wonder how Ridley would react when he discovers Samus has been split in two.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2014
I always felt the evidence was more for Ridley than against him. People are always pessimistic about how Ridley was implied to be a boss on Pyrosphere, and therefore he's a boss, but Sakurai has shown so much of Pyrosphere, and yet despite the fact that we have seen quite a few stages with bosses, Ridley being a boss has never been confirmed. It's almost as if he's intentionally avoiding the question, especially considering Japan is largely aware of the fact that Ridley is a really wanted character here. I honestly can't believe about how biased people are, and although I can see why the people here are pessimistic, if Ridley isn't in the game, as an unlockable or otherwise, then I'm going to send my sincerest regards to Sakurai. Most people with skills in unbiased reasoning could logically figure out that he was probably wasn't a boss, and I understand that the argument here isn't that he's too big, but the evidence presented against him (It was implied several times (Yet never outright shown), his model wasn't finished (Which is just as much an argument for him being a playable character, if they're really working on him for that long,) that Metroid isn't that popular in Japan (When Punch Out also isn't,) and that Sakurai isn't aware (If he knows enough about the Smash Bros. fandom, he would know that we wanted Ridley, as the Japanese fans have said that several times.) And, I can understand why setting ourselves up for disappointment would be a bad thing, but if we were actually disappointed, the Ridley haters would rub it in our faces so much it could practically destroy the game's reception. Ultimately, there's a lot more at risk here if Ridley is deconfirmed then if he's confirmed. I understand that may be why Sakurai is dancing around the question, but if Ridley isn't unlockable or playable when all is said and done, the Toobigots or whatever are still going to be rubbing it in our face like spoiled children. The fact is, when a simple tease is enough to light Miiverse in flames, him not being playable is enough to make it self destruct.


Smash Rookie
May 6, 2014
Guys, until E3 (hopefully), there will always be those people that feel its their job to come to this support thread and point out the very obvious hits to Ridley's playable credibility, but as this inevitably happens, keep in mind all the reasonable and compelling evidence we as the fanbase have uncovered in Ridley's favor:

1. The shadow of doom has been proven to be about Bowser/Rosalina size (playable size). Why would Sakurai downsize him that much from Brawl if he was just reprising the same/similar role? Especially when you take into account Yellow Devil's size on the smaller stage. Very suspicious.

2. The clunky frame skipping shadow animation is very indicative of a player controlled element. Pre-scripted boss animations in no way act like that. Even Brawl had a smoother Ridley frame rate iirc.

3. The prolonged flying is something people have questioned, but to me personally, it is clear as day that it's a mid air grab into an idle (and immobile) flying animation. A very characteristic move of Ridley that comes to mind above almost all other attacks he has. Pikachu was needed to create the extra air time due to being in Ridley's grasp until he broke free from the neutral grab. After that, Ridley was forced to use his remaining jumps to stay in the air and get off screen. I really don't think it's as complicated as perma-flight, or some kind of up special as I can easily see that Pikachu is in his grasp while he's in that animation.

4. Ridley's popularity in the west is right up there with Mewtwo and K Rool, which is more than some new comers that already made it in like Little Mac, WFT, and I'm pretty sure Greninja, etc. There are a lot of unreasonable and unrealistic character requests, but Ridley certainly isn't one of them. If anyone deserves the newcomer spot, it's the main antagonist of one of Nintendo's (under-repped) flagship series. PLUS Dark Samus, the ONLY other possible rep was made as an assist. It's a no-brainer to me.

5. Sakurai. Is there anyone that still believes he isn't one of the biggest trolls in the gaming industry? Him and Kojima are infamous for this behavior, and for the most requested characters in all of Smash, he'd be a fool not to wait until E3 to blow everyone's mind. Granted maybe not all of the fan favorites will get in, but Ridley? There's been too much toying and tomfoolery going on while not even a word about him has been spoken since the direct. We know who this man is. He may be hard to read at times, but now Sakurai's Ridley trolling is looking clearer every day.

Other opinions of mine are that we will not have a "boss" Ridley because I feel like the stage does indeed keep tradition with the lava hazard. Another possibility is that one of the many other bosses from Pyroshere can also be a hazard. God knows there's plenty to choose from.

Another thing is that when Sakurai said "an enemy of Samus' past may appear at any second", I believe he was referring to Ridley eventually being revealed playable. Think about the fact that the 3ds version does not have Pyroshere. Half representation for Ridley on one console? I don't think so.

Anyway, let's not waste energy on trying to defend against haters, pessimists, or what have you. We got plenty of evidence going for Ridley, so lets dwell on that and expand until the inevitable confirm/dis-confirm. Stay positive and keep this thread in a positive light. ^^


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
So someone said that this was proved fake because of this but, did everyone miss that the picture doesn't line up properly? It's taken from a different angle.



Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2014
Switch FC
I like to imagine Ridley has a gruff, raspy voice, other times I like to think of that but he also inexplicably has some sort of accent, recently it's a French one because he runs away so much
"Ah Madame chasseur de primes, I did no bring oo 'ere for ze idle cheet-chat, but merely, for oo. Too Die."
*casually bites into a federation soldier trapped in a baguette *
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Smash Rookie
May 6, 2014
So someone said that this was proved fake because of this but, did everyone miss that the picture doesn't line up properly? It's taken from a different angle.

Interesting. I believe Angelglory put that image together, so perhaps he could explain it? Other than that, it does look off. Almost as if the platform is at a different elevation. I don't know if I'd go as far as to say it was a legit leak, but it's definitely something to consider.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Well this is truely it.

If ridley does not get shown this week plus next monday, ridleys fate is locked for E3.

And its looking good for him so far.


Smash Rookie
May 6, 2014
Well this is truely it.

If ridley does not get shown this week plus next monday, ridleys fate is locked for E3.

And its looking good for him so far.
It certainly is. And thank you for all your contribution for Ridley's cause. I know my hopes along with many others were raised due to the work you put into analyzing and comparing the shadows among other things. Good job and well done.

Just a little more time and hopefully we get the answer we're looking for.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
After this week, I can finally go to threads of characters in actual need of support! Like Pig Ganon, Porky, and K. Rool!


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2014
The New World
Guys, until E3 (hopefully), there will always be those people that feel its their job to come to this support thread and point out the very obvious hits to Ridley's playable credibility, but as this inevitably happens, keep in mind all the reasonable and compelling evidence we as the fanbase have uncovered in Ridley's favor:

1. The shadow of doom has been proven to be about Bowser/Rosalina size (playable size). Why would Sakurai downsize him that much from Brawl if he was just reprising the same/similar role? Especially when you take into account Yellow Devil's size on the smaller stage. Very suspicious.

2. The clunky frame skipping shadow animation is very indicative of a player controlled element. Pre-scripted boss animations in no way act like that. Even Brawl had a smoother Ridley frame rate iirc.

3. The prolonged flying is something people have questioned, but to me personally, it is clear as day that it's a mid air grab into an idle (and immobile) flying animation. A very characteristic move of Ridley that comes to mind above almost all other attacks he has. Pikachu was needed to create the extra air time due to being in Ridley's grasp until he broke free from the neutral grab. After that, Ridley was forced to use his remaining jumps to stay in the air and get off screen. I really don't think it's as complicated as perma-flight, or some kind of up special as I can easily see that Pikachu is in his grasp while he's in that animation.

4. Ridley's popularity in the west is right up there with Mewtwo and K Rool, which is more than some new comers that already made it in like Little Mac, WFT, and I'm pretty sure Greninja, etc. There are a lot of unreasonable and unrealistic character requests, but Ridley certainly isn't one of them. If anyone deserves the newcomer spot, it's the main antagonist of one of Nintendo's (under-repped) flagship series. PLUS Dark Samus, the ONLY other possible rep was made as an assist. It's a no-brainer to me.

5. Sakurai. Is there anyone that still believes he isn't one of the biggest trolls in the gaming industry? Him and Kojima are infamous for this behavior, and for the most requested characters in all of Smash, he'd be a fool not to wait until E3 to blow everyone's mind. Granted maybe not all of the fan favorites will get in, but Ridley? There's been too much toying and tomfoolery going on while not even a word about him has been spoken since the direct. We know who this man is. He may be hard to read at times, but now Sakurai's Ridley trolling is looking clearer every day.

Other opinions of mine are that we will not have a "boss" Ridley because I feel like the stage does indeed keep tradition with the lava hazard. Another possibility is that one of the many other bosses from Pyroshere can also be a hazard. God knows there's plenty to choose from.

Another thing is that when Sakurai said "an enemy of Samus' past may appear at any second", I believe he was referring to Ridley eventually being revealed playable. Think about the fact that the 3ds version does not have Pyroshere. Half representation for Ridley on one console? I don't think so.

Anyway, let's not waste energy on trying to defend against haters, pessimists, or what have you. We got plenty of evidence going for Ridley, so lets dwell on that and expand until the inevitable confirm/dis-confirm. Stay positive and keep this thread in a positive light. ^^
*clap........clap........clap.....clap..clap..clap..clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap*


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
So, on that quote Sakurai said about Ridley being pretty impossible and slow...

Was that said after Melee or after Brawl? Not gonna affect Ridley's chances in my eyes, just kinda curious.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
As much as I want Ridley in SSB4, it won't happen sadly. Ridley was basically confirmed as a stage hazard in the direct, but the hardcore Ridley fanboys think it's Meta Ridley. Who knows, it could be one of those things with Toon Link on the Spirit Tracks stage, but I have my doubts.
Mortal fool, thinking you can arrogantly arrive here, and ignorantly claim Ridley was deconfirmed in the Direct!

You are oblivious to the true strength that is the Ridley thread!

You cannot comprehend the true power of the Ridley Support Thread's attack!!!

EDIT: I'm just kidding by the way. I know the argument is over. I just felt I had to make this joke.
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Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2014
The New World
Mortal fool, thinking you can arrogantly arrive here, and ignorantly claim Ridley was deconfirmed in the Direct!

You are oblivious to the true strength that is the Ridley thread!

You cannot comprehend the true power of the Ridley Support Thread's attack!!!

EDIT: I'm just kidding by the way. I know the argument is over. I just felt I had to make this joke.
His only chance is to pray!


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
So someone said that this was proved fake because of this but, did everyone miss that the picture doesn't line up properly? It's taken from a different angle.

Nice. Very nice. While I still think this is a fake, I want some explanations. Please.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2008
Clock Town, Termina
I know! I love it! :( I wish I had that cute little thing as a toy...also, I wish I had references to draw it, my cousin has a Wii U and I have literally begged to him to take some photos to the "trophy" on the main plaza so I can get some useful references to draw him...but he forgets about it... :(

xD And more practice!
Edit: @ Xhampi Xhampi : Sorry, I didn't know that you want to make some pictures for Andrea mate. However, she'll have more references with your pictures added and that's a good thing! :)
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Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
On the silliness that happens in this thread...I quite like it. It's actually my favorite part of the thread. It would be no fun if we were just arguing about Ridley's status constantly.

Deleted member

I think this whole "deconfirmed/confirmed" talk is useless when we already tackled everything in the last 300 pages.
Now, since this is the Ridley SUPPORT thread, how about we make something like that, I had some ideas on how he could be revealed at E3: I believe the best way would be Sakurai showing Ridley flying in one of the sides of Pyrosphere while talking about bosses, Ridley is too big to be playable and is standing at one side of it similar as to his Brawl incarnation, then Sakurai says:"Boss characters are a new mecyanic in this Smash", but then, suddenly, it's revealed Ridley was using a super mushroom and he lands on one of the platforms "Oh yeah, this is our new character, Ridley, I think I got the wrong footage"
Maximum trolling level achieved


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2014
The New World
I think this whole "deconfirmed/confirmed" talk is useless when we already tackled everything in the last 300 pages.
Now, since this is the Ridley SUPPORT thread, how about we make something like that, I had some ideas on how he could be revealed at E3: I believe the best way would be Sakurai showing Ridley flying in one of the sides of Pyrosphere while talking about bosses, Ridley is too big to be playable and is standing at one side of it similar as to his Brawl incarnation, then Sakurai says:"Boss characters are a new mecyanic in this Smash", but then, suddenly, it's revealed Ridley was using a super mushroom and he lands on one of the platforms "Oh yeah, this is our new character, Ridley, I think I got the wrong footage"
Maximum trolling level achieved
If Sakurai does this....

I just wouldn't even know what to do
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
I'm pretty sure the anticipation has outweighed any sort of reward this game will give us. No matter how much we fight, it's just a game in the end. Whether Ridley is playable or not, he's not going to be worth all of this idiocy and hatred.

There's a point in time where one has to stand back and look at the bigger picture -- when you realize that this is just a video game, one that we'll all stop playing a few weeks or a month after launch. One that won't even matter in a few years. There are people who have developed what are essentially cults around these characters, and they hate each other and fight like they were a bunch of cavemen.

It's just a game, people. Is it really worth all of this?

Deleted member

If Sakurai does this....

I just wouldn't even know what to do
I would say: "ALL PRAISE SAKURAI!"
Everyone here would be like "Noooo!"
The TooBigots would be "Finally, they can shut up Ridley fanboys now!"
Then, we would be "What!? Yes! Thanks Sakurai!"
And they "What!? Sakurai lied to me!/We were right he looks awful shrunken down/Sakurai said he was a boss before, we were right, but he lied to us"


Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
I'm pretty sure the anticipation has outweighed any sort of reward this game will give us. No matter how much we fight, it's just a game in the end. Whether Ridley is playable or not, he's not going to be worth all of this idiocy and hatred.

There's a point in time where one has to stand back and look at the bigger picture -- when you realize that this is just a video game, one that we'll all stop playing a few weeks or a month after launch. One that won't even matter in a few years. There are people who have developed what are essentially cults around these characters, and they hate each other and fight like they were a bunch of cavemen.

It's just a game, people. Is it really worth all of this?
Replace video game and Ridley with territory and needs to conquer. You have humanity. :nifty:
So someone said that this was proved fake because of this but, did everyone miss that the picture doesn't line up properly? It's taken from a different angle.

Maybe from another pic ?


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2014
The New World
I'm pretty sure the anticipation has outweighed any sort of reward this game will give us. No matter how much we fight, it's just a game in the end. Whether Ridley is playable or not, he's not going to be worth all of this idiocy and hatred.

There's a point in time where one has to stand back and look at the bigger picture -- when you realize that this is just a video game, one that we'll all stop playing a few weeks or a month after launch. One that won't even matter in a few years. There are people who have developed what are essentially cults around these characters, and they hate each other and fight like they were a bunch of cavemen.

It's just a game, people. Is it really worth all of this?
I don't know. It could potentially matter for a long time since Melee has mattered for a long LONG time.
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the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I'm pretty sure the anticipation has outweighed any sort of reward this game will give us. No matter how much we fight, it's just a game in the end. Whether Ridley is playable or not, he's not going to be worth all of this idiocy and hatred.

There's a point in time where one has to stand back and look at the bigger picture -- when you realize that this is just a video game, one that we'll all stop playing a few weeks or a month after launch. One that won't even matter in a few years. There are people who have developed what are essentially cults around these characters, and they hate each other and fight like they were a bunch of cavemen.

It's just a game, people. Is it really worth all of this?
Speak for yourself. I still play Brawl, even Melee sometimes, so I will surely not stop playing SSB4 a month after the release.

That is, if Ridley is in the game. :p


Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
I'm pretty sure the anticipation has outweighed any sort of reward this game will give us. No matter how much we fight, it's just a game in the end. Whether Ridley is playable or not, he's not going to be worth all of this idiocy and hatred.

There's a point in time where one has to stand back and look at the bigger picture -- when you realize that this is just a video game, one that we'll all stop playing a few weeks or a month after launch. One that won't even matter in a few years. There are people who have developed what are essentially cults around these characters, and they hate each other and fight like they were a bunch of cavemen.

It's just a game, people. Is it really worth all of this?
Smash Bros isn't just a game, it's a way of life.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I'm pretty sure the anticipation has outweighed any sort of reward this game will give us. No matter how much we fight, it's just a game in the end. Whether Ridley is playable or not, he's not going to be worth all of this idiocy and hatred.

There's a point in time where one has to stand back and look at the bigger picture -- when you realize that this is just a video game, one that we'll all stop playing a few weeks or a month after launch. One that won't even matter in a few years. There are people who have developed what are essentially cults around these characters, and they hate each other and fight like they were a bunch of cavemen.

It's just a game, people. Is it really worth all of this?
While I agree with you about how it is just a game, Smash really is something that lasts longer than a few weeks. People to this day still play Brawl and Melee, whether competitively or just for a fun time with friends. Smash has a tendency to stand the test of time. So when people get worked up over what characters they want in the game, I think it's because they know this game will be around for quite some time, and they want the best out of it.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Edit: @ Xhampi Xhampi : Sorry, I didn't know that you want to make some pictures for Andrea mate. However, she'll have more references with your pictures added and that's a good thing! :)
OH MY GOODNESS! Thank you, Thank you!! :D


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
We are almost to E3

So time to resurrect my motor shells for the detractors again.

Alright this is the biggest thing I have ever posted I really hope I did well

first off I like to thank lackadaisyalex for this it does almost all of the arguments' part's for me

but I will be doing some of the arguments anyway

now then

it all started with this

after the yellow devil Ridley gets shown

but this does not mean that Ridley is not playable and I will show you why and then the after this will be the best part

toon link survived despite his cameo appearance
well first off most of us thought toon link was kicked because of this happening

he was a stage cameo instead of playable we all thought because of that he was doomed to come back.

on 9/26 2013
Wait wait wait, but that's impossible he was a cameo before how did toon link survived. Well turns out sakurai had something prepared

Alfonzo is taking toon Links place when he is being played as

So what does this have to do with Ridley well it's this.

Well sakurai called this stage the pyrosphere.

but there's something that's plausible it's this

pyrosphere is NOT the correct name for where you fight Ridley
that's the correct name

pyrosphere is the name of the fire world in other m not the room. This may be a scrolling room some of the stages already confirmed and some of the past ones, For example this one
in this quote looks suspicious

Hmmm now that's suspicious.

Now where I'm going is this.

the Goyagma

and the Vorash

(This user of the videos is not me before you ask.)

They could be boss hazards and Ridley as well if this is a scrolling stage.

In other words the Goyagma, and Vorash, maybe bosses, but when Ridley, is being played as Ridley may be simply turned off

which brings the next thing

Both boss hazard and playable
We know this is Ridley.

And could be a hazard, but it does not roll out playable if he was boss and here's why.

remember this fight on Kirby air ride city trial.

Yea he's a boss in city trial

'But look...'
Start at 2:19ish

That's playable Dedede also on city trial.

So Dedede is both playable, and a boss, on city trial.

So going back the stage thing that's how I think Ridley. Simply disable will work when he's in the arena if a scrolling stage.

OK next up is

Sakurai can have a change of heart
Now what's this has to do with him well its this.

OK what he is saying is Ridley is impossible. But change of heart is very likely.

What it means he thought villager was not suitable for battle.

He had a change of heart obviously.

So, he made villager playable.

Now for exhibit B

He claimed that Namco would not get any special treatment. If he said that why did this get added to smash.

And these guys from galaga (which is made by Namco)

the S flag is a proud symbol of Namco and how charizard is holding it. It is probably going to be an assist trophy based item. That is nothing but retro Namco character that the S flag was in probably

And also not to mention this helps pac-man, and that's a Namco character. And, Sakurai probably knows that if he lets pac-man in as playable his game is going to make history

(worlds first game with Mario sonic mega man pac-man all playable in one game)

(I suppose another is the first time ever Ridley is playable in something that's not fan based game if confirmed playable)
and now for the big apple pie

This is by far the worst argument in the history of these forms.


Let's start with Bowser.

Oh he was this once.


They did it twice. (Unless the left is fan based ofcoarse.) and that's not the only time he was huge.

So he resize's Bowser All of the time in stuff. (Without any magical stuff he grab's .)

but when playable.

He's smaller.

And this is with a bunch of other character's with shrinkage or growth.

"King k rool"


He's even bigger in this.

But playable.

WTF a toad is half his height.

"Petey pirhana"

But playable.

:crazy: Luigi is almost as tall as him.

And here's my favorite

"Quenn bee"


But playable


in other words characters get shrunken when playable

and ofcoarse this kills it
the quote of this is
This dog is huge… Wait, no, the playable characters are small. The Smash Bros. series doesn’t always stay true to scale

ok that kills the argument CYA
link to part 2

Part 2 shadow analyze

Part 2 of the shadow analysis: Before we start, I would like to address one more thing out of Part 1:


When the footage was shown in the Yellow Devil section, he never mentioned Ridley as another boss; He only heavily implied so.

He also deconfirms characters without beating around the bush, as with Waluigi, Ashley, Dillon, Wonder Red...

"We didn’t introduce ALL of the Assist Trophies in the Smash Bros. Direct. Here’s Dillon from Dillon’s Rolling Western!! He may rival Sonic in the art of rolling.
This is his trophy. He may be an animal, and his buckles are definitely on the adorable side, but there’s no denying he looks cool!! His Assist Trophy can even do things like a quick charge."

"The Wonderful 100!! We also made trophies of some of the other Wonderful Ones."

There's a precedence of deconfirming characters directly. Ridley was not directly deconfirmed, so his chances still remain high.

Anyhow, onto the second part.

Yeah, about that...
Okay, yeah, it DOES looks huge, but his shadow doesn't cover the central platform with the little pegs there.

Why is that relevant? Well, look at this picture.
His shadow is not as big as the center platform, which means he is smaller than he lets on.

Plus, his wings give off the illusion that his body is enormous.

But if we take some measurements...
We can see that his wingspan far exceeds his body.

And if we exclude the wings of the shadow picture above:

Wow, that's so much smaller.

And another thing:

the shadow does stretch out at points, so its an illusion to make Ridley much larger than he appears to be:

Not only is the shadow much larger, but the bottom is really stretched.

Possible, but the exact quote was:
"Boss characters makes appearances in other stages, not just this one."

Why say boss characters?

I mean, these guys are/were bosses in their own games at some point, and they're characters.
Yes, even good ol' DK. So we can't rule out vague diction.

Another point against him being a boss: Did you notice Pikachu actually escapes Ridley?

Now this was a few moments before Ridley started flying again.

So how did Pikachu escape without any struggle? He was definitely not struggling.
According to the wiki on grabs, if your damage is at 0%, you can escape without struggle in about six seconds.

But the absolute weirdest sign is that just before the footage fade out, he may have jumped.
View attachment 12399

Compare with Brawl Ridley(s). Their movement is so smooth and well-telegraphed, much like most bosses in other games.

Compare with shadow footage Ridley. His movement is so jerky, much like how every character throughout the Smash Bros. series moves.

For all we know, that quote could mean anything.


Alright, let's start with the most important thing in my opinion: his hand and tail.
Pictured: Ridley's hand.

Pictured: Ridley's tail. (Estimated)

Because these shadows are on a wall, the only thing that can distort it is a zoom in effect on the picture. But since the shadows mostly stay true to the size of the characters, these are at least 80% accurate to actual size, in my opinion.

And it took me a while, but I found a another character shadow on the pillar, Donkey Kong.

At 2:29, look at the pillar, slow down the video, and don't blink.

That's my estimate, but I'm probably off on the fill in, so keep that in mind.

Ridley's tail is no where near Donkey Kong's height. It is most likely only 1/2 ish of Donkey Kong's height.

and his hand is only 1/6 of Donkey Kong's height.

Onto the hand!
Picture A: Ridley's size in Other M.
Picture B: angel glory's resized Ridley holding Samus.

Judging by the hand picture, if we increase the size of the hand shadow by a few knuckles, doing so would most likely yield Ridley's size from Picture B.
As for his tail, it's most likely this size:

Left: This is the size of Ridley's tail in Other M as compared to Samus.

Right: This is the estimated size of Ridley's tail in Sm4sh as compared to Pikachu.

Next up his head:

his head is right there and my estimates are correct by his head size and kirbys shadow (which will be a little lower on this post)
is 2/3 or 1/2 ridleys head

And now the best part of them all: Body comparisons!
Okay, I gathered a few pictures of as many character's shadows as possible. (If you want to help me with this part, you can find me some full shadow pictures of other characters that aren't being covered by other obstructing/obscuring objects.)

As I mentioned earlier, Ridley's wings make him look a lot bigger, so for estimation purposes, I excluded the wings for size comparison. Also keep in mind that these aren't 100% perfect.

Heeeeeere we go


at 2:01


Go to 1:25
(Don't blink and you will see it. This took me many attempts to get this one.)

Zero Suit Samus (And by extension, Samus)

you will see it under the correct categorys


(this one was Really tough)

See Charizard for the source, and go to 1:38.

(With a keen eye, you can see Greninja's shadow)

(This is by far the most useful for arguments, because Rosalina and Bowser are almost the exact same height.)

(yes I know because of how she is its the best I can do)

Rosalina is almost as large as Ridley's whole body!

Go to 2:18.

(but if you guys/girls not commenced by this see if you can get me a better Rosalina shadow)

Ok Bowser is next

The Next picture is where the shadow is.
(picture by @majora_787)

So, with this now without a further ado. Here is the pin points.

Blue, & Green, = shadow positions.

Red, & Yellow, = Approximate measurement of the shadow over here.

Hehehe look at that "Bowsers shadow is almost as big as Ridleys."

you will see it under the correct categorys

And going back to Rosalina's shadow.

Like I Said Rosalina, & Bowser Are Almost the same Height

and now the best for last

I did Mother Brain, but I did Ridley's shadow points instead.

(The green dot is on the other size because that's his foot. And since Pikachu is on the other side, I need to use his other foot for reference.)

:crazy: Wait a Second Ridley shadow is smaller than mother brains

look at these

Ridley has always been bigger than Mother Brain, (Well, except for the NES, but Zero Mission retconned that) so why is Mother Brain's shadow now bigger than Ridley's?
well that's what I got you want more you can help for finding more shadows of other characters or better pictures or mention anything I missed I will post it for a part 3 (sectioned missed arguments)

so what are you thoughts

link to part 1
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Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2014
Guys, until E3 (hopefully), there will always be those people that feel its their job to come to this support thread and point out the very obvious hits to Ridley's playable credibility, but as this inevitably happens, keep in mind all the reasonable and compelling evidence we as the fanbase have uncovered in Ridley's favor:

1. The shadow of doom has been proven to be about Bowser/Rosalina size (playable size). Why would Sakurai downsize him that much from Brawl if he was just reprising the same/similar role? Especially when you take into account Yellow Devil's size on the smaller stage. Very suspicious.

2. The clunky frame skipping shadow animation is very indicative of a player controlled element. Pre-scripted boss animations in no way act like that. Even Brawl had a smoother Ridley frame rate iirc.

3. The prolonged flying is something people have questioned, but to me personally, it is clear as day that it's a mid air grab into an idle (and immobile) flying animation. A very characteristic move of Ridley that comes to mind above almost all other attacks he has. Pikachu was needed to create the extra air time due to being in Ridley's grasp until he broke free from the neutral grab. After that, Ridley was forced to use his remaining jumps to stay in the air and get off screen. I really don't think it's as complicated as perma-flight, or some kind of up special as I can easily see that Pikachu is in his grasp while he's in that animation.

4. Ridley's popularity in the west is right up there with Mewtwo and K Rool, which is more than some new comers that already made it in like Little Mac, WFT, and I'm pretty sure Greninja, etc. There are a lot of unreasonable and unrealistic character requests, but Ridley certainly isn't one of them. If anyone deserves the newcomer spot, it's the main antagonist of one of Nintendo's (under-repped) flagship series. PLUS Dark Samus, the ONLY other possible rep was made as an assist. It's a no-brainer to me.

5. Sakurai. Is there anyone that still believes he isn't one of the biggest trolls in the gaming industry? Him and Kojima are infamous for this behavior, and for the most requested characters in all of Smash, he'd be a fool not to wait until E3 to blow everyone's mind. Granted maybe not all of the fan favorites will get in, but Ridley? There's been too much toying and tomfoolery going on while not even a word about him has been spoken since the direct. We know who this man is. He may be hard to read at times, but now Sakurai's Ridley trolling is looking clearer every day.

Other opinions of mine are that we will not have a "boss" Ridley because I feel like the stage does indeed keep tradition with the lava hazard. Another possibility is that one of the many other bosses from Pyroshere can also be a hazard. God knows there's plenty to choose from.

Another thing is that when Sakurai said "an enemy of Samus' past may appear at any second", I believe he was referring to Ridley eventually being revealed playable. Think about the fact that the 3ds version does not have Pyroshere. Half representation for Ridley on one console? I don't think so.

Anyway, let's not waste energy on trying to defend against haters, pessimists, or what have you. We got plenty of evidence going for Ridley, so lets dwell on that and expand until the inevitable confirm/dis-confirm. Stay positive and keep this thread in a positive light. ^^
Calling Dark Samus the only other option is a stretch, but these are the key points. So hype. Time keeps moving slower it feels like D:

Deleted member

For some of the newer posters here like @SmashCast who are planning to post a Ridley moveset, I'll offer a warning that you should be ready to face a wall of text and questions coming from me, I like to analyze and interrogate the hell out of posted movesets, so come prepared with explanation. (if you doubt me ask @ Dalek_Kolt Dalek_Kolt or @ Angelglory Angelglory ).
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Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
Ashley's thread
Edit: @ Xhampi Xhampi : Sorry, I didn't know that you want to make some pictures for Andrea mate. However, she'll have more references with your pictures added and that's a good thing! :)
Thank god someone was able to do it, I tried myself a few hours ago and failed miserably , thank you lilt I was feeling horrible that I wouldn't be able to get any good pictures for AndreaAC =)


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2007
East Coast, US
So someone said that this was proved fake because of this but, did everyone miss that the picture doesn't line up properly? It's taken from a different angle.

I noticed when I was splicing the pictures together that it was slightly off. For one, parts of the "Ridley" picture appear to be warped and stretched. As for the circled part, I don't think that's part of the stage, but something unrelated to the stage like a program or something. Because of the warped properties of the picture, it was a huge pain to even get it to match up this closely.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2008
Clock Town, Termina
Part 2 shadow analyze

Part 2 of the shadow analysis: Before we start, I would like to address one more thing out of Part 1:


When the footage was shown in the Yellow Devil section, he never mentioned Ridley as another boss; He only heavily implied so.

He also deconfirms characters without beating around the bush, as with Waluigi, Ashley, Dillon, Wonder Red...

"We didn’t introduce ALL of the Assist Trophies in the Smash Bros. Direct. Here’s Dillon from Dillon’s Rolling Western!! He may rival Sonic in the art of rolling.
This is his trophy. He may be an animal, and his buckles are definitely on the adorable side, but there’s no denying he looks cool!! His Assist Trophy can even do things like a quick charge."

"The Wonderful 100!! We also made trophies of some of the other Wonderful Ones."

There's a precedence of deconfirming characters directly. Ridley was not directly deconfirmed, so his chances still remain high.

Anyhow, onto the second part.

Yeah, about that...
Okay, yeah, it DOES looks huge, but his shadow doesn't cover the central platform with the little pegs there.

Why is that relevant? Well, look at this picture.
His shadow is not as big as the center platform, which means he is smaller than he lets on.

Plus, his wings give off the illusion that his body is enormous.

But if we take some measurements...
We can see that his wingspan far exceeds his body.

And if we exclude the wings of the shadow picture above:

Wow, that's so much smaller.

And another thing:

the shadow does stretch out at points, so its an illusion to make Ridley much larger than he appears to be:

Not only is the shadow much larger, but the bottom is really stretched.

Possible, but the exact quote was:
"Boss characters makes appearances in other stages, not just this one."

Why say boss characters?

I mean, these guys are/were bosses in their own games at some point, and they're characters.
Yes, even good ol' DK. So we can't rule out vague diction.

Another point against him being a boss: Did you notice Pikachu actually escapes Ridley?

Now this was a few moments before Ridley started flying again.

So how did Pikachu escape without any struggle? He was definitely not struggling.
According to the wiki on grabs, if your damage is at 0%, you can escape without struggle in about six seconds.

But the absolute weirdest sign is that just before the footage fade out, he may have jumped.
View attachment 12399

Compare with Brawl Ridley(s). Their movement is so smooth and well-telegraphed, much like most bosses in other games.

Compare with shadow footage Ridley. His movement is so jerky, much like how every character throughout the Smash Bros. series moves.

For all we know, that quote could mean anything.


Alright, let's start with the most important thing in my opinion: his hand and tail.
Pictured: Ridley's hand.

Pictured: Ridley's tail. (Estimated)

Because these shadows are on a wall, the only thing that can distort it is a zoom in effect on the picture. But since the shadows mostly stay true to the size of the characters, these are at least 80% accurate to actual size, in my opinion.

And it took me a while, but I found a another character shadow on the pillar, Donkey Kong.

At 2:29, look at the pillar, slow down the video, and don't blink.

That's my estimate, but I'm probably off on the fill in, so keep that in mind.

Ridley's tail is no where near Donkey Kong's height. It is most likely only 1/2 ish of Donkey Kong's height.

and his hand is only 1/6 of Donkey Kong's height.

Onto the hand!
Picture A: Ridley's size in Other M.
Picture B: angel glory's resized Ridley holding Samus.

Judging by the hand picture, if we increase the size of the hand shadow by a few knuckles, doing so would most likely yield Ridley's size from Picture B.
As for his tail, it's most likely this size:

Left: This is the size of Ridley's tail in Other M as compared to Samus.

Right: This is the estimated size of Ridley's tail in Sm4sh as compared to Pikachu.

Next up his head:

his head is right there and my estimates are correct by his head size and kirbys shadow (which will be a little lower on this post)
is 2/3 or 1/2 ridleys head

And now the best part of them all: Body comparisons!
Okay, I gathered a few pictures of as many character's shadows as possible. (If you want to help me with this part, you can find me some full shadow pictures of other characters that aren't being covered by other obstructing/obscuring objects.)

As I mentioned earlier, Ridley's wings make him look a lot bigger, so for estimation purposes, I excluded the wings for size comparison. Also keep in mind that these aren't 100% perfect.

Heeeeeere we go


at 2:01


Go to 1:25
(Don't blink and you will see it. This took me many attempts to get this one.)

Zero Suit Samus (And by extension, Samus)

you will see it under the correct categorys


(this one was Really tough)

See Charizard for the source, and go to 1:38.

(With a keen eye, you can see Greninja's shadow)

(This is by far the most useful for arguments, because Rosalina and Bowser are almost the exact same height.)

(yes I know because of how she is its the best I can do)

Rosalina is almost as large as Ridley's whole body!

Go to 2:18.

(but if you guys/girls not commenced by this see if you can get me a better Rosalina shadow)

Ok Bowser is next

The Next picture is where the shadow is.
(picture by @majora_787)

So, with this now without a further ado. Here is the pin points.

Blue, & Green, = shadow positions.

Red, & Yellow, = Approximate measurement of the shadow over here.

Hehehe look at that "Bowsers shadow is almost as big as Ridleys."

you will see it under the correct categorys

And going back to Rosalina's shadow.

Like I Said Rosalina, & Bowser Are Almost the same Height

and now the best for last

I did Mother Brain, but I did Ridley's shadow points instead.

(The green dot is on the other size because that's his foot. And since Pikachu is on the other side, I need to use his other foot for reference.)

:crazy: Wait a Second Ridley shadow is smaller than mother brains

look at these

Ridley has always been bigger than Mother Brain, (Well, except for the NES, but Zero Mission retconned that) so why is Mother Brain's shadow now bigger than Ridley's?
well that's what I got you want more you can help for finding more shadows of other characters or better pictures or mention anything I missed I will post it for a part 3 (sectioned missed arguments)

so what are you thoughts

link to part 1
AWESOME work mate! Truly remarkable.
Your post contains almost all things we got from analysis since the original reveal of Pyrosphere.
One of the best posts I've ever seen.
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Thank god someone was able to do it, I tried myself a few hours ago and failed miserably , thank you lilt I was feeling horrible that I wouldn't be able to get any good pictures for AndreaAC =)
Oh, don't worry! :) Now I will try to draw Ridley's "Mini Me" in all his cute roundness....Aw, I want to poke that round body of his but I would end turning him off xD
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