I'm actually not done, excuse me saying I'm not done.
I don't understand why people think I'm stating my opinions as facts, when really I'm stating my opinions as opinions. I guess it's my wording...
Anyways, all in all, I still don't think he could work. Yes, he could be rescaled. Yes, his wings and tails and parts could be tucked in as well. But I wouldn't like the idea of his idle animation having all of his parts tucked in. Technically, I think he could work. But judging from how all his parts would likely have to be rescaled, I think he wouldn't look too good. Take into the account that in ALL the games he's been in he's been ginormous, except for the original, but also note that he was bigger in the remake (Zero Mission).
Bowser is constantly changing size. He's big in Mario 64, and huge in Sunshine, and then shrunk a little bit for Galaxy.
Olimar and Kirby are .75 and 8 inches, respectively. However Kirby does not look that small in-game, however, thanks to the camera. They don't look funny or strange at all when I play Smash. I don't ever think, Oh, Olimar is actually .75 inches tall, when I play Brawl.
What I'm trying to say is, is that Ridley is too big, and has always been too big. Wouldn't it be strange seeing Samus nearly the same height as Ridley? Yes, that happened in the original but was corrected in the remake. It isn't strange seeing Bowser or Olimar or Kirby in their Smash Bros. sizes. I mean, it could look weird having Olimar throwing pellets, because in the original they are large compared to Olimar. Ridley has always been portrayed as big. He is big in comparison to Samus, big as shown by the in-game camera, and is just objectively big. Bowser has varied in size, objectively. Kirby is objectively small, but the camera makes him look otherwise. Olimar is small and is at times portrayed by the camera to be small as well, but his re-scaling in Smash makes sense. Smash characters are trophies, and trophies aren't always true to scale. Say that about Ridley all you want but I can't imagine him looking good at all when scaled down to size as a playable character, even when looking at the photos in the first post of this thread.
By the way, these are opinions couples with facts, in case the moderators or other users can't tell. Because apparently, stating an opinion without stating that it's an opinion means that I believe that my opinions to be fact, or the end-all of the argument.