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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
The title would be

Ridley - actual size may vary


Ridley - not to scale


Ridley - objects in the screen are larger than they appear
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The King of Skulls

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2014
In the threshold of time and space.
Maybe Green Ridley should just be Ridley, but Green. Like, not based off of Kraid's colors or anything, just green. Sort of how like green Mario and green Falco aren't particularly based on any previous designs.

Although, Kraid-color Ridley looks wicked sick.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
This is something I've been wanting to write for a long time. Short and simple like always, though beware of my bad fashion sense...

I also highly recommend listening to this while reading. It's what I listened to while writing it.
The onset of dusk swiftly approached as the sun dipped below the expansive horizon, with millions of fellow stars taking its place and filling the sky like tiny glimmering jewels. The moon soon arose and rested on its rightful throne as lord of the night, casting a faint blue glow upon the darkened landscape.

All lights shown brightly in the Smash Mansion, and a festive atmosphere filled the air. It was time for the annual ball, and Smashers gathered from far and wide to attend this most magnificent of occasions.

Peach and Mario were among the first to arrive, the plumber decked out in a sharp tuxedo with a red bowtie, and his princess had donned a most elegant deep pink dress complete with golden elbow length gloves.

Next was Pit and Palutena. The angel wore a light blue long-sleeved undershirt covered by a white vest and black slacks. Palutena was adorned by a shouldered forest green ball gown laced with intricate white patterns along the bottom.

After them followed many more guests, some with dates, others in groups just to have a good time.

At last the final pair arrived at the mansion. Strolling towards the double oak doors, the Space Pirate Commander shifted in discomfort. "This thing is too tight." Ridley grumbled as he tugged on the indigo tailcoat fastened to his chest. His fumbling nearly caused the black top hat perched on his head to fall.

Rosalina, his ball partner, reached towards his strained neck. "Now, now Ridley…" she cooed softly while readjusting the buttons so the clothing didn't choke him.

Frustrated though he was, Ridley calmed down to allow the galactic matriarch to fix his problem. Rosalina wore a specially made version of her usual outfit, with extra frills around the ends of her sleeves, a faint dark blue star pattern ringed around the shoulders, and a large ruby necklace.

"There." Rosalina stated, stepping back and looking satisfied with her work.

Ridley teased the coat a little, and made a little grunt. "Its better, thanks."

His date smiled in reply and the two of then continued to the entrance. The scanner by the door proceeded to shrink the dragon until he was just over a head taller then Rosalina, at which point she couldn't help but giggle. Ridley merely rolled his eyes in annoyance as a familiar robot putted towards them.

"Good evening Miss Rosalina and Mr. Ridley." The robot, named R.O.B., announced as it bowed stiffly.

"How many times to I have to tell you to just call me Ridley you worthless piece of-"

A stern glare from the woman beside him stopped Ridley midsentence, who snarled angrily as Rosalina gave the robot a curtsy. "Good evening to you as well Mr. R.O.B."

The mechanical being replied with a nod and led them through the many halls of the mansion, eventually arriving at the massive dining room, which had been specially decorated for the occasion.

Two grand chandeliers hung from the tall ceiling, each seemingly overflowing with an abundance of clear crystals that reflected the surrounding lights like brilliant mirrors. Beneath them sprawled a dance floor composed of polished redwood, which in turn was flanked on all four sides by thick plush grey carpet.

Multiple circular tables assembled around the woodwork, all decorated with satin cloth and crowned with vases full of vibrant red roses. On the right lay the food table, brimming with delicacies of every fashion, and in the far corner an orchestral band played soothing melodies beside the French doors that led to the outside where a beckoning fountain played music of its own with cascading waters.

Ridley grunted at the fancy display. "Huh, looks like that old Hand went all out. Figures…"

"Oh Rosalina!" a female's voice called. It was Zelda, wearing a beautiful royal purple dress with Triforce symbols stitched into the shoulder fabric with golden thread. She waved Rosalina over to join the conversation she was have with Peach and Palutena.

The blue-clad woman returned the gesture with her own wave, and set off to greet the Hylian, leaving Ridley to himself.

Adjusting his top hat, the dragon made his way to the food table. Grabbing a juicy steak, Ridley opened wide and swallowed the chuck of flesh whole. Savoring the taste, he licked his fingers devilishly before reaching for another bite.

"Boy, don't you look fancy."

Ridley turned to his left and saw Bowser leaning against the table nonchalantly, a mischievous smirk on his toothy face.

"You're one to talk turtle breath." It was true; the Koopa King looked quite fashionable in his dapper black suit and tie. There was even a pair of cufflinks bearing his insignia clipped to the suit's wrists.

Bowser merely shrugged. "Hey, if it means free food, then it's worth the price of admission!" he said with a hearty laugh.

The night went along as the guests made the most of the eventful evening; feasting, dancing, and enjoying each other's company. Ridley on the other hand mostly kept to himself, and made sure to keep clear of the attention-drawing dance floor.

As the party wore on, Rosalina suddenly realized she hadn't seen much of her date, and went to search for him. Sure enough, the space pirate commander was found within the reclusiveness of the outside garden, sitting quietly by the bubbling fountain and staring up at the sky.

"Hey." Rosalina spoke softly.

Ridley gave her a glace before looking back to the heavens. "Yeah?"

The galactic overseer folded her hands behind her back and leaned in close. "I haven't seen much of you tonight."

"You know I hate fancy stuff like this…"

"Yes, but I do appreciate you coming here with me."

Releasing a heavy sigh, Ridley looked at Rosalina's kind face and held out his clawed hand before looking away again, only this time at the ground.

With a confused expression, Rosalina hesitated.

"Do you want to dance or what?" the dragon snarled without moving his head.

Understanding Ridley's intentions, she delicately gave her hand to his, and together they danced the rest of the night away underneath the sparkling stars.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
This is something I've been wanting to write for a long time. Short and simple like always, though beware of my bad fashion sense...

I also highly recommend listening to this while reading. It's what I listened to while writing it.
The onset of dusk swiftly approached as the sun dipped below the expansive horizon, with millions of fellow stars taking its place and filling the sky like tiny glimmering jewels. The moon soon arose and rested on its rightful throne as lord of the night, casting a faint blue glow upon the darkened landscape.

All lights shown brightly in the Smash Mansion, and a festive atmosphere filled the air. It was time for the annual ball, and Smashers gathered from far and wide to attend this most magnificent of occasions.

Peach and Mario were among the first to arrive, the plumber decked out in a sharp tuxedo with a red bowtie, and his princess had donned a most elegant deep pink dress complete with golden elbow length gloves.

Next was Pit and Palutena. The angel wore a light blue long-sleeved undershirt covered by a white vest and black slacks. Palutena was adorned by a shouldered forest green ball gown laced with intricate white patterns along the bottom.

After them followed many more guests, some with dates, others in groups just to have a good time.

At last the final pair arrived at the mansion. Strolling towards the double oak doors, the Space Pirate Commander shifted in discomfort. "This thing is too tight." Ridley grumbled as he tugged on the indigo tailcoat fastened to his chest. His fumbling nearly caused the black top hat perched on his head to fall.

Rosalina, his ball partner, reached towards his strained neck. "Now, now Ridley…" she cooed softly while readjusting the buttons so the clothing didn't choke him.

Frustrated though he was, Ridley calmed down to allow the galactic matriarch to fix his problem. Rosalina wore a specially made version of her usual outfit, with extra frills around the ends of her sleeves, a faint dark blue star pattern ringed around the shoulders, and a large ruby necklace.

"There." Rosalina stated, stepping back and looking satisfied with her work.

Ridley teased the coat a little, and made a little grunt. "Its better, thanks."

His date smiled in reply and the two of then continued to the entrance. The scanner by the door proceeded to shrink the dragon until he was just over a head taller then Rosalina, at which point she couldn't help but giggle. Ridley merely rolled his eyes in annoyance as a familiar robot putted towards them.

"Good evening Miss Rosalina and Mr. Ridley." The robot, named R.O.B., announced as it bowed stiffly.

"How many times to I have to tell you to just call me Ridley you worthless piece of-"

A stern glare from the woman beside him stopped Ridley midsentence, who snarled angrily as Rosalina gave the robot a curtsy. "Good evening to you as well Mr. R.O.B."

The mechanical being replied with a nod and led them through the many halls of the mansion, eventually arriving at the massive dining room, which had been specially decorated for the occasion.

Two grand chandeliers hung from the tall ceiling, each seemingly overflowing with an abundance of clear crystals that reflected the surrounding lights like brilliant mirrors. Beneath them sprawled a dance floor composed of polished redwood, which in turn was flanked on all four sides by thick plush grey carpet.

Multiple circular tables assembled around the woodwork, all decorated with satin cloth and crowned with vases full of vibrant red roses. On the right lay the food table, brimming with delicacies of every fashion, and in the far corner an orchestral band played soothing melodies beside the French doors that led to the outside where a beckoning fountain played music of its own with cascading waters.

Ridley grunted at the fancy display. "Huh, looks like that old Hand went all out. Figures…"

"Oh Rosalina!" a female's voice called. It was Zelda, wearing a beautiful royal purple dress with Triforce symbols stitched into the shoulder fabric with golden thread. She waved Rosalina over to join the conversation she was have with Peach and Palutena.

The blue-clad woman returned the gesture with her own wave, and set off to greet the Hylian, leaving Ridley to himself.

Adjusting his top hat, the dragon made his way to the food table. Grabbing a juicy steak, Ridley opened wide and swallowed the chuck of flesh whole. Savoring the taste, he licked his fingers devilishly before reaching for another bite.

"Boy, don't you look fancy."

Ridley turned to his left and saw Bowser leaning against the table nonchalantly, a mischievous smirk on his toothy face.

"You're one to talk turtle breath." It was true; the Koopa King looked quite fashionable in his dapper black suit and tie. There was even a pair of cufflinks bearing his insignia clipped to the suit's wrists.

Bowser merely shrugged. "Hey, if it means free food, then it's worth the price of admission!" he said with a hearty laugh.

The night went along as the guests made the most of the eventful evening; feasting, dancing, and enjoying each other's company. Ridley on the other hand mostly kept to himself, and made sure to keep clear of the attention-drawing dance floor.

As the party wore on, Rosalina suddenly realized she hadn't seen much of her date, and went to search for him. Sure enough, the space pirate commander was found within the reclusiveness of the outside garden, sitting quietly by the bubbling fountain and staring up at the sky.

"Hey." Rosalina spoke softly.

Ridley gave her a glace before looking back to the heavens. "Yeah?"

The galactic overseer folded her hands behind her back and leaned in close. "I haven't seen much of you tonight."

"You know I hate fancy stuff like this…"

"Yes, but I do appreciate you coming here with me."

Releasing a heavy sigh, Ridley looked at Rosalina's kind face and held out his clawed hand before looking away again, only this time at the ground.

With a confused expression, Rosalina hesitated.

"Do you want to dance or what?" the dragon snarled without moving his head.

Understanding Ridley's intentions, she delicately gave her hand to his, and together they danced the rest of the night away underneath the sparkling stars.
:3 Awww....so cute! Awesome as always!


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
This is perhaps the first time I have drawn Ridley smiling.

But this will be the best reaction pic for Ridley's playable status.


False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
So, here's a what-if question. Going off of the Final Destination version of the Pyrosphere, it would seem that lava is going to be a hazard on the stage, as the Final Destination form removes the "decorative" lava fall in the background. So, what if for one of the pics-of-the-day, we get info on how lava is a hazard on the Pyrosphere and how it interacts with the stage... while also getting no sign of Ridley? I would think that, if they had a day where they were showing off Pyrosphere hazards, they'd show off Ridley as well. So, what do you think? Could this happen, and if it did, would it affect Ridley's chances?
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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Well in the character discussion

Sadly we have are first dislike on my 2 cannonballs aginist the ridley detractors

I have absolutly no idea how those post were poorly presented

(But my guess is that hes just in denial on my post now the detractors turns in being in denial)(hopefully)
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Well in the character discussion

Sadly we have are first dislike on my 2 cannonballs aginist the ridley detractors

I have absolutly no idea how those post were poorly presented
Capitalization, Grammar, and proper punctuation is key to qualifying any argument. Also, maybe breaking it down into multiple sections with their own spoiler tags. I'll try cleaning it up for you tomorrow if you want me to.
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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Capitalism, Grammar, and proper punctuation is key to qualifying any argument. Also, maybe breaking it down into multiple sections with their own spoiler tags. I'll try cleaning it up for you tomorrow if you want me to.
That will be great i would love for help to improve the post

Show me the errors (mispells/proper grammers) and i will repair (or you if you want)

Now it makes sense on poorly presented i am not so good at english (not the language writing sentances)

(EDIT i took your advice for one part i seperated them into seperate spoiler boxes so its more organized but i definatly still need help for the grammer part)
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Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
I have to agree with Dalek, proper grammar would help your presentation immensely, while I could tell that you had good points, it was hard to take them seriously when the sentences were formed improperly. English is a ***** to learn, I know, but people will question your intelligence even with minor grammatical errors, they won't take into account if it's your primary language or not.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC

@ Smashoperatingbuddy123 Smashoperatingbuddy123

You're a smart guy with a good head on your shoulders but without basic English skills like grammar, punctuation, spelling and capitalization, people won't take you seriously.

If you want, you can PM me a draft if you want. I can teach you some things.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
To be honest, he forms more coherent and logical sentences than many native English speakers do online.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
If nothing else now (assuming we don't get Ridley as a character), I somewhat look forward to re-skins and such of what looks like Ridley using Flare Blitz, lol. Would make for some interesting animations I'm sure.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2007
I feel E3 is so far. I want answers so freakin' bad!! Less than a month now though...


Smash Hero
May 12, 2014
Planet Urtraghus
I just remembered that Nintendo's E3 Direct starts at 9am PDT (5pm BST), I'll likely be starting my shift at work then.
So I won't be able to see the SSB4 stuff until later on in a catch up video ;~;
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Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
I just remembered that Nintendo's E3 Direct starts at 9am PDT (5pm BST), I'll likely be starting my shift at work then.
So I won't be able to see the SSB4 stuff until later on in a catch up video ;~;
Quit your job! Ridley's fate in Super Smash is more important!!!....Just kidding.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2013
The hype train
If he appears on Pyrosphere at Smash Fest, then he stage hazard. If he doesn't, then he's either not done yet or POSSIBLY playable and could be shown at E3.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013

@ Smashoperatingbuddy123 Smashoperatingbuddy123

You're a smart guy with a good head on your shoulders but without basic English skills like grammar, punctuation, spelling and capitalization, people won't take you seriously.

If you want, you can PM me a draft if you want. I can teach you some things.
I sent it over i definatly want to repair the grammer, punctuations, spellings and capitalizations, of my 2 cannonballs and upgrade them to king bill sized bullets
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Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
I sent it over i definatly want to repair the grammer, punctuations, spellings and capitalizations, of my 2 cannonballs and upgrade them to king bill sized bullets
Then after that you should post it in the character discussion forum. Like some people have said it won't matter too much cuz we will have our answer soon but it should be interesting to see what they think.

Once Ridley does get revealed at E3 then you should be the first guy to say "I told you so".


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2014
Battleship Halberd
Here's some food for thought. Starting with Rosalina, each character has gotten a title for themselves in the official Nintendo youtube videos for each newcomer. Rosalina has "Comet Observatory" (generic I know), Little Mac has "Champion of the Ring", and Greninja has "Challenger from the Shadows".

What would Ridley have? I would like to see "Cunning God of Death", but they would probably choose something else.

how about "an enemy from samus's past" because of the miiverse quote :awesome:
also first post YAY!:kirby:


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
I honestly don't believe any of these leakers. If 300 people make fake leaks, one of them is bound to get a few predictions right. idgaf if they predict ridley or not, it's fake. E3 will definitely get us some newcomers, so all we can do is cross our fingers for Ridley

Also welcome Ender, good choice of place for your first post

hail bigley
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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Then after that you should post it in the character discussion forum. Like some people have said it won't matter too much cuz we will have our answer soon but it should be interesting to see what they think.

Once Ridley does get revealed at E3 then you should be the first guy to say "I told you so".
I fixed part one significantly

With a grammer checker (still a couple of mistakes though)


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Part 2 of the shadow analysis:

Before we start, I would like to address one more thing out of Part 1:

When the footage was shown in the Yellow Devil section, he never mentioned Ridley as another boss; He only heavily implied so.

He also deconfirms characters without beating around the bush, as with Waluigi, Ashley, Dillon, Wonder Red...

"We didn’t introduce ALL of the Assist Trophies in the Smash Bros. Direct. Here’s Dillon from Dillon’s Rolling Western!! He may rival Sonic in the art of rolling.
This is his trophy. He may be an animal, and his buckles are definitely on the adorable side, but there’s no denying he looks cool!! His Assist Trophy can even do things like a quick charge."

"The Wonderful 100!! We also made trophies of some of the other Wonderful Ones."

There's a precedence of deconfirming characters directly. Ridley was not directly deconfirmed, so his chances still remain high.

Anyhow, onto the second part.


Yeah, about that...

Okay, yeah, it DOES looks huge, but his shadow doesn't cover the central platform with the little pegs there.

Why is that relevant? Well, look at this picture.

His shadow is not as big as the center platform, which means he is smaller than he lets on.

Plus, his wings give off the illusion that his body is enormous.

But if we take some measurements...

We can see that his wingspan far exceeds his body.

And if we exclude the wings of the shadow picture above:

Wow, that's so much smaller.

And another thing:

the shadow does stretch out at points, so its an illusion to make Ridley much larger than he appears to be:

Not only is the shadow much larger, but the bottom is really stretched.

Possible, but the exact quote was:
"Boss characters makes appearances in other stages, not just this one."

Why say boss characters?

I mean, these guys are/were bosses in their own games at some point, and they're characters.

Yes, even good ol' DK. So we can't rule out vague diction.

Another point against him being a boss: Did you notice Pikachu actually escapes Ridley?

Now this was a few moments before Ridley started flying again.

So how did Pikachu escape without any struggle? He was definitely not struggling.
According to the wiki on grabs, if your damage is at 0%, you can escape without struggle in about six seconds.

But the absolute weirdest sign is that just before the footage fade out, he may have jumped.
View attachment 12399

Compare with Brawl Ridley(s). Their movement is so smooth and well-telegraphed, much like most bosses in other games.

Compare with shadow footage Ridley. His movement is so jerky, much like how every character throughout the Smash Bros. series moves.

For all we know, that quote could mean anything.

Alright, let's start with the most important thing in my opinion: his hand and tail.

Pictured: Ridley's hand.

Pictured: Ridley's tail. (Estimated)

Because these shadows are on a wall, the only thing that can distort it is a zoom in effect on the picture. But since the shadows mostly stay true to the size of the characters, these are at least 80% accurate to actual size, in my opinion.

And it took me a while, but I found a another character shadow on the pillar, Donkey Kong.
At 2:29, look at the pillar, slow down the video, and don't blink.

That's my estimate, but I'm probably off on the fill in, so keep that in mind.

Ridley's tail is no where near Donkey Kong's height. It is most likely only 1/2 ish of Donkey Kong's height.

and his hand is only 1/6 of Donkey Kong's height.

Onto the hand!

Picture A: Ridley's size in Other M.

Picture B: angel glory's resized Ridley holding Samus.

Judging by the hand picture, if we increase the size of the hand shadow by a few knuckles, doing so would most likely yield Ridley's size from Picture B.
As for his tail, it's most likely this size:

Left: This is the size of Ridley's tail in Other M as compared to Samus.

Right: This is the estimated size of Ridley's tail in Sm4sh as compared to Pikachu.

Next up his head:

His head is right there. Based on my estimates, Kirby's shadow (which will be a little lower on this post)
is 2/3 or 1/2 of the shadow of Ridley's head.

And now the best part of them all: Body comparisons!

Okay, I gathered a few pictures of as many character's shadows as possible. (If you want to help me with this part, you can find me some full shadow pictures of other characters that aren't being covered by other obstructing/obscuring objects.)

As I mentioned earlier, Ridley's wings make him look a lot bigger, so for estimation purposes, I excluded the wings for size comparison. Also keep in mind that these aren't 100% perfect.

Heeeeeere we go!


Go to 2:01


Go to 1:25
(Don't blink and you will see it. This took me many attempts to get this one.)

Zero Suit Samus
(And by extension, Samus)

You will see it under the correct categories.

(this one was really tough)

See Charizard for the source, and go to 1:38.

(With a keen eye, you can see Greninja's shadow)

(This is by far the most useful for arguments, because Rosalina and Bowser are almost the exact same height.)

(yes I know because of how she is its the best I can do)

Rosalina is almost as large as Ridley's whole body!

Go to 2:18.

(but if you are not convinced by this, see if you can get me a better Rosalina shadow)

I saved my best for last.

I did Mother Brain, but I did Ridley's shadow points instead.

(The green dot is on the other size because that's his foot. And since Pikachu is on the other side, I need to use his other foot for reference.)

:crazy: Wait a second. Ridley's shadow is smaller than Mother Brain's?

Look at these!

Ridley has always been bigger than Mother Brain, (Well, except for the NES, but Zero Mission retconned that) so why is Mother Brain's shadow now bigger than Ridley's?
Well, that's all I've got for now. If you want more, you can help me by finding more shadows of other characters, better pictures than the ones I've used, or mention anything I missed. I will post whatever you can come up with for part 3, which I will catagorize as "Missed arguments"

Thoughts and feedback?

Part 1:
I cleaned up your post the best I could. The major points that confused me were describing Ridley's tail-spike as a "talon" (I thought you were referring to Ridley's claws for a while) and comparing Ridley's hand-shadow with angelglory's picture of Ridley. I wasn't sure if you were arguing that angelglory's Ridley or the hand could afford to be smaller.

(Man, localization is fun. If I wasn't so atrocious at learning foreign languages, I could probably do this for a living.)

Please, PLEASE look over the edits I made to ensure that I didn't misinterpret your intended meaning.

EDIT: Geez, why is the spoiler formatting so screwed up? This is why we need a spoiler button...
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
PTEROSAURUS! Not PTERODACTYL! But that doesn`t makes him less cool.

Just count how many times word "DIE" is said in CD-I games and Samus vomits on-screen in Metroid Prime 3. And Ridley had his throat bleading/blood leaking out of his mouth at the end of his first MP3 fight, so, they don`t care about that as much as they did before.

Just imagine Zamus and Ridley in this scenario. :troll:
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