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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Maybe it's just me, but it looks like things are becoming more and more positive for Ridley as of late. I still think he's more than likely not playable, but...

I will say this much. Before the Direct, the Pyrosphere was shown quite frequently, in both pictures and game footage. What I (and many others) read that to mean at the time was that the Pyrosphere was possibly a hazard-less stage, or at least one that wasn't particularly dangerous. Considering how often they showed it, it would have been rather difficult to hide Ridley through all of that. After the Direct, that hasn't really changed. There's only that one scene where Ridley appears at all. The Pyrosphere is still shown pretty frequently in pictures and footage, and there's still no sign of Ridley.

Maybe this means nothing at all and they're just really good at hiding Ridley or just use some kind of debug feature to remove him temporarily while they're making those pictures, but on the other hand...


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
You know what's gonna suck? The second playable Ridley appears at E3, I won't be able to focus on anything else during the rest of the show, and the rest of the week...


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
You know what's gonna suck? The second playable Ridley appears at E3, I won't be able to focus on anything else during the rest of the show, and the rest of the week...
Why not? You have already known that Ridley was going to be playable for awhile now, it wont be that surprising during the actual reveal. I could understand hype for the rest of the week, but the show must go one. Ridley is only the beginning.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Not that I wasn't expecting the hybrid thing to happen, but it just still hurts my pride....

And I'm so nervous to see how it looks like that I'm feeling kind of sick...


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014

View attachment 13785

Just Kraid messing with Ridley. It's like any good brotherly relationship. :p

I tried to emulate FuPoo's style here.
Man I miss Brinstar Depths.

Actually, what DOES Kraid do in the Space Pirates besides hang out in caves and have decoys hanging around?

Mother Brain is in charge of organization and acts as leader of the Space Pirates until otherwise incapacitated, Ridley is in charge of military operations and commands the Space Pirates when Mama Brain isn't around...what does Kraid do?

And how did they get him in that cave in the first place?

Not that I wasn't expecting the hybrid thing to happen, but it just still hurts my pride....View attachment 13786
And I'm so nervous to see how it looks like that I'm feeling kind of sick...
I'm sure the hybrid design is there so that the default costume will be at least tolerable to look at. Sakurai has had two years of listening to fan complaints and looking over the design of Other M Ridley to refine it to something more pleasing, I'm sure.

Besides, we've seen a couple of alternate costumes already. Though the Brawl costume would be easiest to do, I kinda want to see the Zero Mission version, myself.
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
Man I miss Brinstar Depths.

Actually, what DOES Kraid do in the Space Pirates besides hang out in caves and have decoys hanging around?

Mother Brain is in charge of organization and acts as leader of the Space Pirates until otherwise incapacitated, Ridley is in charge of military operations and commands the Space Pirates when Mama Brain isn't around...what does Kraid do?

And how did they get him in that cave in the first place?
He's supposed to serve as a military secondary commander as well as a guard to the Varia Suit using his massive girth, of course. Maybe.

Not that I wasn't expecting the hybrid thing to happen, but it just still hurts my pride....View attachment 13786
And I'm so nervous to see how it looks like that I'm feeling kind of sick...
Well, it can't be THAT bad...


Just sayin'.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2014
Man I miss Brinstar Depths.

Actually, what DOES Kraid do in the Space Pirates besides hang out in caves and have decoys hanging around?

Mother Brain is in charge of organization and acts as leader of the Space Pirates until otherwise incapacitated, Ridley is in charge of military operations and commands the Space Pirates when Mama Brain isn't around...what does Kraid do?

And how did they get him in that cave in the first place?
There are things man was not meant to know...

Well, it can't be THAT bad...

View attachment 13787

Just sayin'.
The spikes. So many.
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Well, it can't be THAT bad...

View attachment 13787

Just sayin'.
If it looked like that, oh I would feel glad, but it seems that Sakurai is using more of the Other M thing, ZSSamus has that freaking Other M version of it, the only thing that changed is her hair, and those wierd heels....the same with the Varia suit.....BUT let's see what Sakurai can come up with in Ridley's case...so I will try to relax a bit....


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
He's supposed to serve as a military secondary commander as well as a guard to the Varia Suit using his massive girth, of course. Maybe.
Ridley: So why do YOU get the decoys and body doubles while I'm stuck without any diversions?

Kraid: My job's super-important. This Varia upgrade? I'm suppose to dispense it to any Zebesian that wants to go to Norfair.

Ridley: And that requires you to have a body double.

Kraid: Yeah, pretty much. How about you?

Ridley: Well, MY job is to kill the damn bounty hunter that slaughters us while you sit on your green *ss and eat potato chips! Seriously, I swear that you'd eat her Super Missiles if given the chance, you fat slob!

Kraid: That sucks. A shame Mother Brain didn't whip up some fakes for you. I'll talk to her, see if she can get you some ninja pirates.

Ridley: Now I remember why I keep you around.

Space Pirate brofist
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
The best kind of brofist.
Rivaled only by the one shared by Drs. Wily and Eggman.

If it looked like that, oh I would feel glad, but it seems that Sakurai is using more of the Other M thing, ZSSamus has that freaking Other M version of it, the only thing that changed is her hair, and those wierd heels....the same with the Varia suit.....BUT let's see what Sakurai can come up with in Ridley's case...so I will try to relax a bit....
If you're worried about Other M oversaturation, I have just the image to ease your worries.

A quick amendment to the Super Metroid section: Mother Brain has the brown eyelid from the game, and her size relative to Samus is about the same (assuming the NES Metroid proportions didn't play a role)

Deleted member

Ridley: So why do YOU get the decoys and body doubles while I'm stuck without any diversions?

Kraid: My job's super-important. This Varia upgrade? I'm suppose to dispense it to any Zebesian that wants to go to Norfair.

Ridley: And that requires you to have a body double.

Kraid: Yeah, pretty much. How about you?

Ridley: Well, MY job is to kill the damn bounty hunter that slaughters us while you sit on your green *ss and eat potato chips! Seriously, I swear that you'd eat her Super Missiles if given the chance, you fat slob!

Kraid: That sucks. A shame Mother Brain didn't whip up some fakes for you. I'll talk to her, see if she can get you some ninja pirates.

Ridley: Now I remember why I keep you around.

Space Pirate brofist
We need Ridley-Kraid codecs for this game!


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Rivaled only by the one shared by Drs. Wily and Eggman.

If you're worried about Other M oversaturation, I have just the image to ease your worries.

A quick amendment to the Super Metroid section: Mother Brain has the brown eyelid from the game, and her size relative to Samus is about the same (assuming the NES Metroid proportions didn't play a role)
:3 Thanks...it helps a little but....wouldn't it be that Sakurai used her classic design because in Other M she only was depicted like this?
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
:3 Thanks...it helps a little but....wouldn't it be that Sakurai used her classic design because in Other M she only was depicted like this?
View attachment 13790
And he didn't! No Godzilla Brain assist trophies to once again represent Other M!

And even if Sakurai wanted to inject some Other M into Mother Brain, it would have been easy to give Mother Brain a mouth and teeth in her jar form. You can see it in Super Metroid that she has a mouth even in her first form. And most importantly, he COULD have given her a golden eye like in Other M, but it's just boring brown! (which is a little confusing, I could have sworn she had a red eye. Or was it an irisless eye?)


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
And he didn't! No Godzilla Brain assist trophies to once again represent Other M!

And even if Sakurai wanted to inject some Other M into Mother Brain, it would have been easy to give Mother Brain a mouth and teeth in her jar form. You can see it in Super Metroid that she has a mouth even in her first form. And most importantly, he COULD have given her a golden eye like in Other M, but it's just boring brown! (which is a little confusing, I could have sworn she had a red eye. Or was it an irisless eye?)
Yeah....you are right about that....well, if the Other M oversaturation happens....I just hope Sakurai gets an alternate appearance that just looks like Ridley...


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
Well, here's what I promised. It's a bit short though. :urg:

"What have I done…?"

Rain fell heavily, covering the surrounding meadow like a wet blanket. Some of the water struck a figure shielding himself from the precipitation with his great leathery wings. Within the walls of his own self-made tent, Ridley stood absolutely still. He wasn't alone, for in the dragon's palms laid the deceased form of Rosalina, the only person to show him kindness and, beyond all odds, love. Tears flowed out from the space pirate's softened eyes before cascading onto the limp body he held with the greatest of care in his bloodied clawed hands.

"Rosalina, I didn't mean to…to…"

Gently, Ridley brushed the galactic overseer's golden hair with a single finger, trailing down her forehead before stopping just above her closed eyelids, eyelids that will never open again and greet him with their warm welcoming expression. With a slight accidental press, the tip of his claw drew a tiny drop of red liquid from her cold complexion. More tears fell to mix with the blood of the lifeless, swirling together before dripping unto the still dry ground beneath them.

A great unbridled cry rang though the torrent as Ridley mourned the loss of his beloved. He couldn't believe it. She was gone. Nothing could bring her back. The one light in his otherwise dark existence, destroyed.

"What everyone said is true, I am a monster."

The dragon drew her body close for an embrace, uncaring of the crimson result on his ribbed chest. His wings wrapped tighter around them as he rocked back and forth like a child on a swing.

Ridley stayed in that position for a time, comforted that Rosalina was still in his protection, even though he knew that her spirit had long since left.

Suddenly, voices reached Ridley's ears amongst the pouring rain.

"Where-a is Miss Rosalina?"

"I think she went over there!"

A group of Smashers were coming, looking for the missing celestial maiden.

The lavender dragon exhaled slowly, steam pillowing from between his glistening teeth. He knew the search party would find them eventually, and that they would find him guilty for Rosalina's untimely demise. With a resolved look, Ridley stood up, fully aware that he couldn't stay with her any longer.

"I have no choice."

Reluctantly, the fragile woman was placed at the foot of a nearby tree, her hands carefully rested atop her unmoving chest.

Ridley spread his wings, ready to take off, but took one last look towards the one that proved to the world that he could be more then a senseless beast, and noticed something that rocked him to his reptilian core. Rosalina, with bloody tresses covering her eyes, sported the smallest of smiles. Even in death she still radiated joy.

Closing his steely yellow orbs, Ridley turned away for the final time and took to the sky. He blocked the screams and wails that reverberated through the air soon after his departure. The space pirate had heard these sounds of agony before and even used to relish every earful, but he couldn't listen to the cries this time, or ever again.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Well, here's what I promised. It's a bit short though. :urg:

"What have I done…?"

Rain fell heavily, covering the surrounding meadow like a wet blanket. Some of the water struck a figure shielding himself from the precipitation with his great leathery wings. Within the walls of his own self-made tent, Ridley stood absolutely still. He wasn't alone, for in the dragon's palms laid the deceased form of Rosalina, the only person to show him kindness and, beyond all odds, love. Tears flowed out from the space pirate's softened eyes before cascading onto the limp body he held with the greatest of care in his bloodied clawed hands.

"Rosalina, I didn't mean to…to…"

Gently, Ridley brushed the galactic overseer's golden hair with a single finger, trailing down her forehead before stopping just above her closed eyelids, eyelids that will never open again and greet him with their warm welcoming expression. With a slight accidental press, the tip of his claw drew a tiny drop of red liquid from her cold complexion. More tears fell to mix with the blood of the lifeless, swirling together before dripping unto the still dry ground beneath them.

A great unbridled cry rang though the torrent as Ridley mourned the loss of his beloved. He couldn't believe it. She was gone. Nothing could bring her back. The one light in his otherwise dark existence, destroyed.

"What everyone said is true, I am a monster."

The dragon drew her body close for an embrace, uncaring of the crimson result on his ribbed chest. His wings wrapped tighter around them as he rocked back and forth like a child on a swing.

Ridley stayed in that position for a time, comforted that Rosalina was still in his protection, even though he knew that her spirit had long since left.

Suddenly, voices reached Ridley's ears amongst the pouring rain.

"Where-a is Miss Rosalina?"

"I think she went over there!"

A group of Smashers were coming, looking for the missing celestial maiden.

The lavender dragon exhaled slowly, steam pillowing from between his glistening teeth. He knew the search party would find them eventually, and that they would find him guilty for Rosalina's untimely demise. With a resolved look, Ridley stood up, fully aware that he couldn't stay with her any longer.

"I have no choice."

Reluctantly, the fragile woman was placed at the foot of a nearby tree, her hands carefully rested atop her unmoving chest.

Ridley spread his wings, ready to take off, but took one last look towards the one that proved to the world that he could be more then a senseless beast, and noticed something that rocked him to his reptilian core. Rosalina, with bloody tresses covering her eyes, sported the smallest of smiles. Even in death she still radiated joy.

Closing his steely yellow orbs, Ridley turned away for the final time and took to the sky. He blocked the screams and wails that reverberated through the air soon after his departure. The space pirate had heard these sounds of agony before and even used to relish every earful, but he couldn't listen to the cries this time, or ever again.


And like i said....I cried...:cry:


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
Well, here's what I promised. It's a bit short though. :urg:

"What have I done…?"

Rain fell heavily, covering the surrounding meadow like a wet blanket. Some of the water struck a figure shielding himself from the precipitation with his great leathery wings. Within the walls of his own self-made tent, Ridley stood absolutely still. He wasn't alone, for in the dragon's palms laid the deceased form of Rosalina, the only person to show him kindness and, beyond all odds, love. Tears flowed out from the space pirate's softened eyes before cascading onto the limp body he held with the greatest of care in his bloodied clawed hands.

"Rosalina, I didn't mean to…to…"

Gently, Ridley brushed the galactic overseer's golden hair with a single finger, trailing down her forehead before stopping just above her closed eyelids, eyelids that will never open again and greet him with their warm welcoming expression. With a slight accidental press, the tip of his claw drew a tiny drop of red liquid from her cold complexion. More tears fell to mix with the blood of the lifeless, swirling together before dripping unto the still dry ground beneath them.

A great unbridled cry rang though the torrent as Ridley mourned the loss of his beloved. He couldn't believe it. She was gone. Nothing could bring her back. The one light in his otherwise dark existence, destroyed.

"What everyone said is true, I am a monster."

The dragon drew her body close for an embrace, uncaring of the crimson result on his ribbed chest. His wings wrapped tighter around them as he rocked back and forth like a child on a swing.

Ridley stayed in that position for a time, comforted that Rosalina was still in his protection, even though he knew that her spirit had long since left.

Suddenly, voices reached Ridley's ears amongst the pouring rain.

"Where-a is Miss Rosalina?"

"I think she went over there!"

A group of Smashers were coming, looking for the missing celestial maiden.

The lavender dragon exhaled slowly, steam pillowing from between his glistening teeth. He knew the search party would find them eventually, and that they would find him guilty for Rosalina's untimely demise. With a resolved look, Ridley stood up, fully aware that he couldn't stay with her any longer.

"I have no choice."

Reluctantly, the fragile woman was placed at the foot of a nearby tree, her hands carefully rested atop her unmoving chest.

Ridley spread his wings, ready to take off, but took one last look towards the one that proved to the world that he could be more then a senseless beast, and noticed something that rocked him to his reptilian core. Rosalina, with bloody tresses covering her eyes, sported the smallest of smiles. Even in death she still radiated joy.

Closing his steely yellow orbs, Ridley turned away for the final time and took to the sky. He blocked the screams and wails that reverberated through the air soon after his departure. The space pirate had heard these sounds of agony before and even used to relish every earful, but he couldn't listen to the cries this time, or ever again.
How did this thread go from funny to depressing in a single page?


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Well, here's what I promised. It's a bit short though. :urg:

"What have I done…?"

Rain fell heavily, covering the surrounding meadow like a wet blanket. Some of the water struck a figure shielding himself from the precipitation with his great leathery wings. Within the walls of his own self-made tent, Ridley stood absolutely still. He wasn't alone, for in the dragon's palms laid the deceased form of Rosalina, the only person to show him kindness and, beyond all odds, love. Tears flowed out from the space pirate's softened eyes before cascading onto the limp body he held with the greatest of care in his bloodied clawed hands.

"Rosalina, I didn't mean to…to…"

Gently, Ridley brushed the galactic overseer's golden hair with a single finger, trailing down her forehead before stopping just above her closed eyelids, eyelids that will never open again and greet him with their warm welcoming expression. With a slight accidental press, the tip of his claw drew a tiny drop of red liquid from her cold complexion. More tears fell to mix with the blood of the lifeless, swirling together before dripping unto the still dry ground beneath them.

A great unbridled cry rang though the torrent as Ridley mourned the loss of his beloved. He couldn't believe it. She was gone. Nothing could bring her back. The one light in his otherwise dark existence, destroyed.

"What everyone said is true, I am a monster."

The dragon drew her body close for an embrace, uncaring of the crimson result on his ribbed chest. His wings wrapped tighter around them as he rocked back and forth like a child on a swing.

Ridley stayed in that position for a time, comforted that Rosalina was still in his protection, even though he knew that her spirit had long since left.

Suddenly, voices reached Ridley's ears amongst the pouring rain.

"Where-a is Miss Rosalina?"

"I think she went over there!"

A group of Smashers were coming, looking for the missing celestial maiden.

The lavender dragon exhaled slowly, steam pillowing from between his glistening teeth. He knew the search party would find them eventually, and that they would find him guilty for Rosalina's untimely demise. With a resolved look, Ridley stood up, fully aware that he couldn't stay with her any longer.

"I have no choice."

Reluctantly, the fragile woman was placed at the foot of a nearby tree, her hands carefully rested atop her unmoving chest.

Ridley spread his wings, ready to take off, but took one last look towards the one that proved to the world that he could be more then a senseless beast, and noticed something that rocked him to his reptilian core. Rosalina, with bloody tresses covering her eyes, sported the smallest of smiles. Even in death she still radiated joy.

Closing his steely yellow orbs, Ridley turned away for the final time and took to the sky. He blocked the screams and wails that reverberated through the air soon after his departure. The space pirate had heard these sounds of agony before and even used to relish every earful, but he couldn't listen to the cries this time, or ever again.
I'll pull up some appropriate music.

The obvious one:

My personal saddest Nintendo song:



Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Not that I wasn't expecting the hybrid thing to happen, but it just still hurts my pride....View attachment 13786
And I'm so nervous to see how it looks like that I'm feeling kind of sick...
Then would Roidley getting in instead of Ridley be better since Ridley now has a hybrid design according to that shadow?
Ridley: So why do YOU get the decoys and body doubles while I'm stuck without any diversions?

Kraid: My job's super-important. This Varia upgrade? I'm suppose to dispense it to any Zebesian that wants to go to Norfair.

Ridley: And that requires you to have a body double.

Kraid: Yeah, pretty much. How about you?

Ridley: Well, MY job is to kill the damn bounty hunter that slaughters us while you sit on your green *ss and eat potato chips! Seriously, I swear that you'd eat her Super Missiles if given the chance, you fat slob!

Kraid: That sucks. A shame Mother Brain didn't whip up some fakes for you. I'll talk to her, see if she can get you some ninja pirates.

Ridley: Now I remember why I keep you around.

Space Pirate brofist
...Ninja Pirates confirmed.
Rivaled only by the one shared by Drs. Wily and Eggman.

If you're worried about Other M oversaturation, I have just the image to ease your worries.

A quick amendment to the Super Metroid section: Mother Brain has the brown eyelid from the game, and her size relative to Samus is about the same (assuming the NES Metroid proportions didn't play a role)
But its nothing compared to the Ganondorf and Ridley brofist i guess...it didn`t happened? Yes, but it will happen very soon...
And she has same brain texture as SM version`s.
:3 Thanks...it helps a little but....wouldn't it be that Sakurai used her classic design because in Other M she only was depicted like this?
View attachment 13790
He could just remove her neck and body then since there is no other differences between just Mother Brain and Mother Brain on a friggin` giant body.

The King of Skulls

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2014
In the threshold of time and space.
Well, here's what I promised. It's a bit short though. :urg:

"What have I done…?"

Rain fell heavily, covering the surrounding meadow like a wet blanket. Some of the water struck a figure shielding himself from the precipitation with his great leathery wings. Within the walls of his own self-made tent, Ridley stood absolutely still. He wasn't alone, for in the dragon's palms laid the deceased form of Rosalina, the only person to show him kindness and, beyond all odds, love. Tears flowed out from the space pirate's softened eyes before cascading onto the limp body he held with the greatest of care in his bloodied clawed hands.

"Rosalina, I didn't mean to…to…"

Gently, Ridley brushed the galactic overseer's golden hair with a single finger, trailing down her forehead before stopping just above her closed eyelids, eyelids that will never open again and greet him with their warm welcoming expression. With a slight accidental press, the tip of his claw drew a tiny drop of red liquid from her cold complexion. More tears fell to mix with the blood of the lifeless, swirling together before dripping unto the still dry ground beneath them.

A great unbridled cry rang though the torrent as Ridley mourned the loss of his beloved. He couldn't believe it. She was gone. Nothing could bring her back. The one light in his otherwise dark existence, destroyed.

"What everyone said is true, I am a monster."

The dragon drew her body close for an embrace, uncaring of the crimson result on his ribbed chest. His wings wrapped tighter around them as he rocked back and forth like a child on a swing.

Ridley stayed in that position for a time, comforted that Rosalina was still in his protection, even though he knew that her spirit had long since left.

Suddenly, voices reached Ridley's ears amongst the pouring rain.

"Where-a is Miss Rosalina?"

"I think she went over there!"

A group of Smashers were coming, looking for the missing celestial maiden.

The lavender dragon exhaled slowly, steam pillowing from between his glistening teeth. He knew the search party would find them eventually, and that they would find him guilty for Rosalina's untimely demise. With a resolved look, Ridley stood up, fully aware that he couldn't stay with her any longer.

"I have no choice."

Reluctantly, the fragile woman was placed at the foot of a nearby tree, her hands carefully rested atop her unmoving chest.

Ridley spread his wings, ready to take off, but took one last look towards the one that proved to the world that he could be more then a senseless beast, and noticed something that rocked him to his reptilian core. Rosalina, with bloody tresses covering her eyes, sported the smallest of smiles. Even in death she still radiated joy.

Closing his steely yellow orbs, Ridley turned away for the final time and took to the sky. He blocked the screams and wails that reverberated through the air soon after his departure. The space pirate had heard these sounds of agony before and even used to relish every earful, but he couldn't listen to the cries this time, or ever again.

Sad Ika.gif

10/10, I cried. Captured deep rooted sorrow and heartlessness in a sparse few paragraphs.

You, sir, should be an author.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
What are you crying about are you a grownass man with money problems trying to write an angry e-mail despite being a delicate little flower I don't think so.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Well, here's what I promised. It's a bit short though. :urg:

"What have I done…?"

Rain fell heavily, covering the surrounding meadow like a wet blanket. Some of the water struck a figure shielding himself from the precipitation with his great leathery wings. Within the walls of his own self-made tent, Ridley stood absolutely still. He wasn't alone, for in the dragon's palms laid the deceased form of Rosalina, the only person to show him kindness and, beyond all odds, love. Tears flowed out from the space pirate's softened eyes before cascading onto the limp body he held with the greatest of care in his bloodied clawed hands.

"Rosalina, I didn't mean to…to…"

Gently, Ridley brushed the galactic overseer's golden hair with a single finger, trailing down her forehead before stopping just above her closed eyelids, eyelids that will never open again and greet him with their warm welcoming expression. With a slight accidental press, the tip of his claw drew a tiny drop of red liquid from her cold complexion. More tears fell to mix with the blood of the lifeless, swirling together before dripping unto the still dry ground beneath them.

A great unbridled cry rang though the torrent as Ridley mourned the loss of his beloved. He couldn't believe it. She was gone. Nothing could bring her back. The one light in his otherwise dark existence, destroyed.

"What everyone said is true, I am a monster."

The dragon drew her body close for an embrace, uncaring of the crimson result on his ribbed chest. His wings wrapped tighter around them as he rocked back and forth like a child on a swing.

Ridley stayed in that position for a time, comforted that Rosalina was still in his protection, even though he knew that her spirit had long since left.

Suddenly, voices reached Ridley's ears amongst the pouring rain.

"Where-a is Miss Rosalina?"

"I think she went over there!"

A group of Smashers were coming, looking for the missing celestial maiden.

The lavender dragon exhaled slowly, steam pillowing from between his glistening teeth. He knew the search party would find them eventually, and that they would find him guilty for Rosalina's untimely demise. With a resolved look, Ridley stood up, fully aware that he couldn't stay with her any longer.

"I have no choice."

Reluctantly, the fragile woman was placed at the foot of a nearby tree, her hands carefully rested atop her unmoving chest.

Ridley spread his wings, ready to take off, but took one last look towards the one that proved to the world that he could be more then a senseless beast, and noticed something that rocked him to his reptilian core. Rosalina, with bloody tresses covering her eyes, sported the smallest of smiles. Even in death she still radiated joy.

Closing his steely yellow orbs, Ridley turned away for the final time and took to the sky. He blocked the screams and wails that reverberated through the air soon after his departure. The space pirate had heard these sounds of agony before and even used to relish every earful, but he couldn't listen to the cries this time, or ever again.
...If not that line from Mario kinda ruining my short cry, it would be 10/10. I just can`t take something absolutely seriously when i see something getting affected by his accent, but it is still great.

Deleted member

We're shipping Ridley and Rosalina now.
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Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
...If not that line from Mario kinda ruining my short cry, it would be 10/10. I just can`t take something absolutely seriously when i see something getting affected by his accent, but it is still great.
I'm not quite sure why I do it myself. Probably because I see others write it that way plus you can clearly hear the extra "a" when he talks. But eh, what can you do...


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014

THEN, SIR, YOU HAVE NOT SEEN RIDLEY X SAMUS PAIRING! Its even worse. At least Ridley had nothing personal with Rosalina (im still not a big fan of pairings).
I'm not quite sure why I do it myself. Probably because I see others write it that way plus you can clearly hear the extra "a" when he talks. But eh, what can you do...
It just sounds funny when he talks and i instantly imagine him saying something different. Mostly because of Super Gaming Bros. and their jokes. At least you didn`t used Pikachi...but yeah, what is done is done.

Wanna cheer up? Then watch this:
He WILL knock you all down. And just F̧҉ ̀E͠҉̀ȨL҉ ҉҉ ҉̀͠ TḨ҉Ȩ̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧͠ ҉̀҉ V҉҉ ҉O͠҉I̧̧҉҉ D҉҉ ...yeah, its kinda off-topic...Dancing Garland and Exdeath for Smash 4!


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
THEN, SIR, YOU HAVE NOT SEEN RIDLEY X SAMUS PAIRING! Its even worse. At least Ridley had nothing personal with Rosalina (im still not a big fan of pairings).

It just sounds funny when he talks and i instantly imagine him saying something different. Mostly because of Super Gaming Bros. and their jokes. At least you didn`t used Pikachi...but yeah, what is done is done.

Wanna cheer up? Then watch this:
He WILL knock you all down. And just F̧҉ ̀E͠҉̀ȨL҉ ҉҉ ҉̀͠ TḨ҉Ȩ̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧͠ ҉̀҉ V҉҉ ҉O͠҉I̧̧҉҉ D҉҉ ...yeah, its kinda off-topic...Dancing Garland and Exdeath for Smash 4!
God I love Exdeath.

Shipping for me have been kinda an oddity. I almost never seriously ship, and I only romantically pair characters together for just how bizarre and hilarious a pairing it can be, rather than any romantic reason they belong together.

Take my avatar for example.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
God I love Exdeath.

Shipping for me have been kinda an oddity. I almost never seriously ship, and I only romantically pair characters together for just how bizarre and hilarious a pairing it can be, rather than any romantic reason they belong together.

Take my avatar for example.
...Then why you didn`t made Exdeath X Wispy Woods or something like that?
Dang, this thread got deep.
I promise you we will make jokes on the next pages. A lot of them. If we won`t, then you can promptly shoot me.
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