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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2007
How many of you would be okay with a Ganon/Falcon-style clone of Charizard for Ridley?

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
I still support Ridley no matter how many people left the support group. I don't care if even PizzaDudeManGuy gives up hopes for him, I'll believe he's disconfirmed IF I see it.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
How many of you would be okay with a Ganon/Falcon-style clone of Charizard for Ridley?

I find the premise of that thread dumb. Even hypothetically, no one should want to "settle" for a clone type character, to any extent. Rosalina is vastly different/unique despite similar build/appearance to Peach. Likewise, I think Greninja and Sheik show how similar characters/fighting styles aren't necessarily clones.

I'm reminded of the dark pre-Brawl days before PT was confirmed, and everyone used to argue that Ridley would be a Bowser clone.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I'd bet that the Greninja trailer included Charizard specifically for Sakurai to more easily torment the fanbase with the idea of Ridley being a Charizard clone/Charizard displacing Ridley on the roster.

Setting up Greninja as Mewtwo? Icing on the cake.

Knuckles the Knuckles

Here's a taste of the remedy
Apr 12, 2014
Shaq City USA
How many of you would be okay with a Ganon/Falcon-style clone of Charizard for Ridley?
If thats what it takes to get him in man.... although this might curse him the same way it did Ganondorf, dooming him to being a clone forever on the ground of people liking his clone playstyle in one game and then being upset of it changing in the next one. But I feel it would be a sacrifice worthy of making.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
If thats what it takes to get him in man.... although this might curse him the same way it did Ganondorf, dooming him to being a clone forever on the ground of people liking his clone playstyle in one game and then being upset of it changing in the next one. But I feel it would be a sacrifice worthy of making.
It would make a lot of sense; one of the most prominent Nintendo villains of all time, reduced to a clone from a different franchise. I mean; I am surprised it didn't happen to Bowser.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
If thats what it takes to get him in man.... although this might curse him the same way it did Ganondorf, dooming him to being a clone forever on the ground of people liking his clone playstyle in one game and then being upset of it changing in the next one. But I feel it would be a sacrifice worthy of making.
But isn't Ridley more of a savage fighter compared to Charizard? Ridley's moves tend to be more destructive and ruthless, not to mention savage.

Knuckles the Knuckles

Here's a taste of the remedy
Apr 12, 2014
Shaq City USA
But isn't Ridley more of a savage fighter compared to Charizard? Ridley's moves tend to be more destructive and ruthless, not to mention savage.
Yea, it wouldnt be a perfect solution, I still would preffer Ridley to have his own moveset, but if its either a clone or not making it in at all... I guess you could adjust his moves to better fit Ridley to some degree, like how Wolf was compared to Fox.

Also, I want to clarify: by sacrifice worthy of making I ment pissing people who ware fans of the clone playstyle off so that in the sequels he would have his own moveset. Im not sure how I would feel with holding Ridley off for one more game so he could have his own moveset in Smash 5, as I much rather just have him included now and then build up on that later.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
Yea, it wouldnt be a perfect solution, I still would preffer Ridley to have his own moveset, but if its either a clone or not making it in at all... I guess you could adjust his moves to better fit Ridley to some degree, like how Wolf was compared to Fox.

Also, I want to clarify: by sacrifice worthy of making I ment pissing people who ware fans of the clone playstyle off so that in the sequels he would have his own moveset. Im not sure how I would feel with holding Ridley off for one more game so he could have his own moveset in Smash 5, as I much rather just have him included now and then build up on that later.
I can understand people wanting to play him, but the thought of Ridley being a clone to Charizard, when he is clearly his own unique character and fights in a different style, would not settle well with me.
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Knuckles the Knuckles

Here's a taste of the remedy
Apr 12, 2014
Shaq City USA
It would make a lot of sense; one of the most prominent Nintendo villains of all time, reduced to a clone from a different franchise. I mean; I am surprised it didn't happen to Bowser.
On one side, you've got a point there. On the other, Ganondorf. Again, it all depends if we either get to play as him at all or not, because as much as Falcondorf confuses and annoys me, Im grateful I get to play as the character at all... even though I much rather have him have his own moveset, its not even a question if theres a choice between the two.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2013
Galbadia Hotel
I wouldn't mind Ridley sharing a couple of Charizard's moves. A lot of characters in Smash share similar moves while still feeling unique. Charizard and Bowser have pretty much the same Neutral B, after all.

Ridley could use that sweet Psycho Crusher style move Charizard uses. (Here@38:38).


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
At this point, I'd have Ridley with his dyna Blade moveset just to have Ridley playable. Also, the Ridley mod for Brawl has the coolest neutral B for Ridley, when held, he charges up a big fireball, and when tapped, he fires several fireballs like a machine gun.
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Here's a little something I doodled in English class, ironically the day of the Direct.
Clearly I drew and erased a lot of ideas before settling on one.

I may have lost a lot of hope, but my stance still stays.
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Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
Oh no, I did it, I actually did it. I said I would do it a long time ago, so, here it is. A (sort of) Rosalina X Ridley story. :nervous:

I'm not what you may call, "cuddly" by any sense of the word. Cruel, heartless, bloodthirsty; yeah that sounds more like me. Not something even a mother could love right? Well, that's what I thought myself, until she came along…

The sun shined brightly, birds fluttered about and bees fastidiously buzzed about the spring flowers sprawling across a great meadow like a carpet encrusted with multicolored jewels. But the serenity came to a halt as an ominous shadow cast itself upon the flowing grassland. Panic-stricken, the local denizens fled from the approaching monster gliding through the sky.

With a single beat of its great leathery dull yellow wings, a big purple creature not unlike the pterosaurs of old dived toward the soft ground. With deadly clawed hands and feet, long pointed tail, and menacing jaws that put a crocodile to shame, Ridley, the great leader of the Space Pirates, touched down after a long flight. "So, this must be the place…" He arrived at a humongous abode, the place where legends from across the universe gather to participate in the most prestigious and intense of tournament battles: Smash Mansion.

"Huh, wonder if I'll be stuck as a lousy boss again. One would think someone like me would get more respect." Ridley thought to himself angrily while making his way to the double oak doors.

Standing before the entryway Ridley stood still, for he was too tall to fit inside the ten foot tall doors. A few seconds later a sensor sounded off and sent a small red beam at the waiting mansion guest, causing the commander's body to shrink until he was just able to squeeze through.

Grumbling in discomfort, Ridley twisted and turned beforestumbling inside, straightening a wing that had gotten slightly crumpled. "I hate that part."

With cold, piercing golden eyes, the space pirate scanned the expansive lobby which bustled with participants. Two stocky mustached brothers in overalls, one in red, the other in green, jumped about helping a young blonde woman in a bright pink dress, a fair looking swordsman checked over his shiny blade before brushing a lock of sapphire hair away from his face, a muscle-bound ape flexed his arms beside the fountain situated at the center of the room, and others that Ridley had quickly lost interest in.

Not wanting to garner unwanted attention, the dragon crept quietly towards a distant shady corner of the lobby where a couple large palm tree pots were placed to lie down on the white marble floor for a rest and regain his depleted strength.

Just before he could shut his eyes, a deep echoing voice reached the pirate's ear. "Ah, Mr. Ridley glad to see you've arrived." Ridley raised his head with a slight snarl as a large floating white glove floated towards him.

"I told you, just call me Ridley."

The floating entity, known as Master Hand, swayed up and down as a way of nodding. "Ah yes, my apologies."

With another snarl, the pirate leader sat up slowly, baring his many sharp teeth as he did so. "The Hunter isn't here yet is she?"

Tilting slightly, Master Hand responded nervously, "Actually Samus arrived early, but she's currently in her room."

"Good enough. Now leave me be so I can get some shut eye, or else."

With another nod, the glove did as asked. "Very well Mr.-er Ridley."

Once again the space dragon started to drift off into slumber, only to pick up the sound of an opening door with his acute ears. Letting one eye open a slit, Ridley spied another blonde woman walk through the entry doors.

She looked similar to the female in the pink dress; only she was taller and her hair was longer, covering half her face. Atop her head rested a glittering silver crown laden with precious red and blue stones. The dress she wore wasn't pink, but a pale blue with faint celestial patterns ringed around the bottom. In one hand she carried a thin rod with a star ornament at the end, and it cast a tiny cloud of sparkles with every step.

Alongside the woman, a small yellow sentient star with a pair of black eyes bounced happily in midair all around her while emitting soft squeaks of joy.

Arching his open eyelid to the slightest degree, Ridley snickered, "Must be one of the new ones; ah whatever, just another face for someone to trash." With another grumble, the dragon curled up beneath the greenery using his wings as a blanket, inconspicuous to all.

The overall-clad brothers rushed to greet the celestial denizen, with their princess not far behind.

"Oh Rosalina, you-a made it!" The shorter of the two brothers shouted excitedly.

"Thank you Mario. It's an honor to be here." Rosalina replied in a quiet yet dignified voice.

Others in the lobby gathered to welcome the newcomer, except for Ridley, who had since fallen soundly asleep.

A little while later, after everyone had gone their separate ways into the mansion, Rosalina happened to pass by where Ridley was still snoozing. Despite his large size, the palm fronds had concealed him well, as nobody had noticed his presence since his initial arrival. She sensed tiny movements disturbing the trees, and then saw the unusual scaly purple lump in-between them.

Curious, she lightly tapped the side of the leathery wings with one of her delicate fingers. "Hello?" she prodded politely. The touched appendage slowly lifted, revealing the owner's content face as it slowly rose and fell from every breath.

The star accompanying Rosalina, called a Luma, floated down and hovered right in front of the space pirate's closed eye, wondering what to do next.

The very next moment, Ridley awakened, staring at the Luma mere inches away from his head. Clearly annoyed, he rose slightly and growled with great menace, causing the poor celestial child to dash behind its protector, cowering in fear.

Growing angrier, Ridley lifted his toothy maw at the perceived intruders. "If you know what's good for ya, you'll go away and never dare touch me again. Got it?!"

Rosalina, despite the threat, wasn't intimidated in the slightest. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see who it was under those beautiful wings of yours."

"Flattery ain't gonna get you anywhere with me, now beat it before I bite your head off!" Ridley was now standing at full height towering over Rosalina, who still stood her ground.

The galactic woman merely smiled in amusement. "I'll leave, but first, will you tell me your name? I'm Rosalina by the way."

Ridley huffed and flapped his wings several times in frustration. Eyes ablaze, his anger was reaching the boiling point. "Why won't she just leave me alone?! If it weren't for the stupid mansion rules, she'd been dead by now. Argh!"

Taking a breath to cool down, he folded his wings in front of him so Rosalina couldn't see his face. Uttering what was barely above a whisper, he answered, "Its Ridley…" He heard light laughter beyond his cover, to which he growled in response.

"Ridley? That's a very nice name. Well Ridley, maybe I'll see again some time."

After a few seconds, Ridley withdrew a tiny bit of his wings to catch a glimpse of Rosalina walking away, the Luma trailing behind her. "The nerve of that woman, trying to make small talk; though, I've never seen someone act so…nice like that towards me… Maybe she even… Bah! That's stupid, there's no way she could…like me… Could she?"
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Oh no, I did it, I actually did it. I said I would do it a long time ago, so, here it is. A (sort of) Rosalina X Ridley story. :nervous:

I'm not what you may call, "cuddly" by any sense of the word. Cruel, heartless, bloodthirsty; yeah that sounds more like me. Not something even a mother could love right? Well, that's what I thought myself, until she came along…

The sun shined brightly, birds fluttered about and bees fastidiously buzzed about the spring flowers sprawling across a great meadow like a carpet encrusted with multicolored jewels. But the serenity came to a halt as an ominous shadow cast itself upon the flowing grassland. Panic-stricken, the local denizens fled from the approaching monster gliding through the sky.

With a single beat of its great leathery dull yellow wings, a big purple creature not unlike the pterosaurs of old dived toward the soft ground. With deadly clawed hands and feet, long pointed tail, and menacing jaws that put a crocodile to shame, Ridley, the great leader of the Space Pirates, touched down after a long flight. "So, this must be the place…" He arrived at a humongous abode, the place where legends from across the universe gather to participate in the most prestigious and intense of tournament battles: Smash Mansion.

"Huh, wonder if I'll be stuck as a lousy boss again. One would think someone like me would get more respect." Ridley thought to himself angrily while making his way to the double oak doors.

Standing before the entryway Ridley stood still, for he was too tall to fit inside the ten foot tall doors. A few seconds later a sensor sounded off and sent a small red beam at the waiting mansion guest, causing the commander's body to shrink until he was just able to squeeze through.

Grumbling in discomfort, Ridley twisted and turned beforestumbling inside, straightening a wing that had gotten slightly crumpled. "I hate that part."

With cold, piercing golden eyes, the space pirate scanned the expansive lobby which bustled with participants. Two stocky mustached brothers in overalls, one in red, the other in green, jumped about helping a young blonde woman in a bright pink dress, a fair looking swordsman checked over his shiny blade before brushing a lock of sapphire hair away from his face, a muscle-bound ape flexed his arms beside the fountain situated at the center of the room, and others that Ridley had quickly lost interest in.

Not wanting to garner unwanted attention, the dragon crept quietly towards a distant shady corner of the lobby where a couple large palm tree pots were placed to lie down on the white marble floor for a rest and regain his depleted strength.

Just before he could shut his eyes, a deep echoing voice reached the pirate's ear. "Ah, Mr. Ridley glad to see you've arrived." Ridley raised his head with a slight snarl as a large floating white glove floated towards him.

"I told you, just call me Ridley."

The floating entity, known as Master Hand, swayed up and down as a way of nodding. "Ah yes, my apologies."

With another snarl, the pirate leader sat up slowly, baring his many sharp teeth as he did so. "The Hunter isn't here yet is she?"

Tilting slightly, Master Hand responded nervously, "Actually Samus arrived early, but she's currently in her room."

"Good enough. Now leave me be so I can get some shut eye, or else."

With another nod, the glove did as asked. "Very well Mr.-er Ridley."

Once again the space dragon started to drift off into slumber, only to pick up the sound of an opening door with his acute ears. Letting one eye open a slit, Ridley spied another blonde woman walk through the entry doors.

She looked similar to the female in the pink dress; only she was taller and her hair was longer, covering half her face. Atop her head rested a glittering silver crown laden with precious red and blue stones. The dress she wore wasn't pink, but a pale blue with faint celestial patterns ringed around the bottom. In one hand she carried a thin rod with a star ornament at the end, and it cast a tiny cloud of sparkles with every step.

Alongside the woman, a small yellow sentient star with a pair of black eyes bounced happily in midair all around her while emitting soft squeaks of joy.

Arching his open eyelid to the slightest degree, Ridley snickered, "Must be one of the new ones; ah whatever, just another face for someone to trash." With another grumble, the dragon curled up beneath the greenery using his wings as a blanket, inconspicuous to all.

The overall-clad brothers rushed to greet the celestial denizen, with their princess not far behind.

"Oh Rosalina, you-a made it!" The shorter of the two brothers shouted excitedly.

"Thank you Mario. It's an honor to be here." Rosalina replied in a quiet yet dignified voice.

Others in the lobby gathered to welcome the newcomer, except for Ridley, who had since fallen soundly asleep.

A little while later, after everyone had gone their separate ways into the mansion, Rosalina happened to pass by where Ridley was still snoozing. Despite his large size, the palm fronds had concealed him well, as nobody had noticed his presence since his initial arrival. She sensed tiny movements disturbing the trees, and then saw the unusual scaly purple lump in-between them.

Curious, she lightly tapped the side of the leathery wings with one of her delicate fingers. "Hello?" she prodded politely. The touched appendage slowly lifted, revealing the owner's content face as it slowly rose and fell from every breath.

The star accompanying Rosalina, called a Luma, floated down and hovered right in front of the space pirate's closed eye, wondering what to do next.

The very next moment, Ridley awakened, staring at the Luma mere inches away from his head. Clearly annoyed, he rose slightly and growled with great menace, causing the poor celestial child to dash behind its protector, cowering in fear.

Growing angrier, Ridley lifted his toothy maw at the perceived intruders. "If you know what's good for ya, you'll go away and never dare touch me again. Got it?!"

Rosalina, despite the threat, wasn't intimidated in the slightest. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see who it was under those beautiful wings of yours."

"Flattery ain't gonna get you anywhere with me, now beat it before I bite your head off!" Ridley was now standing at full height towering over Rosalina, who still stood her ground.

The galactic woman merely smiled in amusement. "I'll leave, but first, will you tell me your name? I'm Rosalina by the way."

Ridley huffed and flapped his wings several times in frustration. Eyes ablaze, his anger was reaching the boiling point. "Why won't she just leave me alone?! If it weren't for the stupid mansion rules, she'd been dead by now. Argh!"

Taking a breath to cool down, he folded his wings in front of him so Rosalina couldn't see his face. Uttering what was barely above a whisper, he answered, "Its Ridley…" He heard light laughter beyond his cover, to which he growled in response.

"Ridley? That's a very nice name. Well Ridley, maybe I'll see again some time."

After a few seconds, Ridley withdrew a tiny bit of his wings to catch a glimpse of Rosalina walking away, the Luma trailing behind her. "The nerve of that woman, trying to make small talk; though, I've never seen someone act so…nice like that towards me… Maybe she even… Bah! That's stupid, there's no way she could…like me… Could she?"
Oh my God.....I LOVE IT! -u-b GREAT JOB!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2014
Since Smash 4 is getting a demo at E3, and that Pyrosphere is most likely a stage that they're going to show off, I think it's now or never for Ridley.

Unless of course, they're using the FD version of all the stages, which is possibly possible.

The King of Skulls

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2014
In the threshold of time and space.
Since Smash 4 is getting a demo at E3, and that Pyrosphere is most likely a stage that they're going to show off, I think it's now or never for Ridley.

Unless of course, they're using the FD version of all the stages, which is possibly possible.
If anyone here gets to test out the Sm4sh demo, spam play Pyrosphere to learn the truth! It is your civil duty to Ridley!


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
Oh no, I did it, I actually did it. I said I would do it a long time ago, so, here it is. A (sort of) Rosalina X Ridley story. :nervous:

I'm not what you may call, "cuddly" by any sense of the word. Cruel, heartless, bloodthirsty; yeah that sounds more like me. Not something even a mother could love right? Well, that's what I thought myself, until she came along…

The sun shined brightly, birds fluttered about and bees fastidiously buzzed about the spring flowers sprawling across a great meadow like a carpet encrusted with multicolored jewels. But the serenity came to a halt as an ominous shadow cast itself upon the flowing grassland. Panic-stricken, the local denizens fled from the approaching monster gliding through the sky.

With a single beat of its great leathery dull yellow wings, a big purple creature not unlike the pterosaurs of old dived toward the soft ground. With deadly clawed hands and feet, long pointed tail, and menacing jaws that put a crocodile to shame, Ridley, the great leader of the Space Pirates, touched down after a long flight. "So, this must be the place…" He arrived at a humongous abode, the place where legends from across the universe gather to participate in the most prestigious and intense of tournament battles: Smash Mansion.

"Huh, wonder if I'll be stuck as a lousy boss again. One would think someone like me would get more respect." Ridley thought to himself angrily while making his way to the double oak doors.

Standing before the entryway Ridley stood still, for he was too tall to fit inside the ten foot tall doors. A few seconds later a sensor sounded off and sent a small red beam at the waiting mansion guest, causing the commander's body to shrink until he was just able to squeeze through.

Grumbling in discomfort, Ridley twisted and turned beforestumbling inside, straightening a wing that had gotten slightly crumpled. "I hate that part."

With cold, piercing golden eyes, the space pirate scanned the expansive lobby which bustled with participants. Two stocky mustached brothers in overalls, one in red, the other in green, jumped about helping a young blonde woman in a bright pink dress, a fair looking swordsman checked over his shiny blade before brushing a lock of sapphire hair away from his face, a muscle-bound ape flexed his arms beside the fountain situated at the center of the room, and others that Ridley had quickly lost interest in.

Not wanting to garner unwanted attention, the dragon crept quietly towards a distant shady corner of the lobby where a couple large palm tree pots were placed to lie down on the white marble floor for a rest and regain his depleted strength.

Just before he could shut his eyes, a deep echoing voice reached the pirate's ear. "Ah, Mr. Ridley glad to see you've arrived." Ridley raised his head with a slight snarl as a large floating white glove floated towards him.

"I told you, just call me Ridley."

The floating entity, known as Master Hand, swayed up and down as a way of nodding. "Ah yes, my apologies."

With another snarl, the pirate leader sat up slowly, baring his many sharp teeth as he did so. "The Hunter isn't here yet is she?"

Tilting slightly, Master Hand responded nervously, "Actually Samus arrived early, but she's currently in her room."

"Good enough. Now leave me be so I can get some shut eye, or else."

With another nod, the glove did as asked. "Very well Mr.-er Ridley."

Once again the space dragon started to drift off into slumber, only to pick up the sound of an opening door with his acute ears. Letting one eye open a slit, Ridley spied another blonde woman walk through the entry doors.

She looked similar to the female in the pink dress; only she was taller and her hair was longer, covering half her face. Atop her head rested a glittering silver crown laden with precious red and blue stones. The dress she wore wasn't pink, but a pale blue with faint celestial patterns ringed around the bottom. In one hand she carried a thin rod with a star ornament at the end, and it cast a tiny cloud of sparkles with every step.

Alongside the woman, a small yellow sentient star with a pair of black eyes bounced happily in midair all around her while emitting soft squeaks of joy.

Arching his open eyelid to the slightest degree, Ridley snickered, "Must be one of the new ones; ah whatever, just another face for someone to trash." With another grumble, the dragon curled up beneath the greenery using his wings as a blanket, inconspicuous to all.

The overall-clad brothers rushed to greet the celestial denizen, with their princess not far behind.

"Oh Rosalina, you-a made it!" The shorter of the two brothers shouted excitedly.

"Thank you Mario. It's an honor to be here." Rosalina replied in a quiet yet dignified voice.

Others in the lobby gathered to welcome the newcomer, except for Ridley, who had since fallen soundly asleep.

A little while later, after everyone had gone their separate ways into the mansion, Rosalina happened to pass by where Ridley was still snoozing. Despite his large size, the palm fronds had concealed him well, as nobody had noticed his presence since his initial arrival. She sensed tiny movements disturbing the trees, and then saw the unusual scaly purple lump in-between them.

Curious, she lightly tapped the side of the leathery wings with one of her delicate fingers. "Hello?" she prodded politely. The touched appendage slowly lifted, revealing the owner's content face as it slowly rose and fell from every breath.

The star accompanying Rosalina, called a Luma, floated down and hovered right in front of the space pirate's closed eye, wondering what to do next.

The very next moment, Ridley awakened, staring at the Luma mere inches away from his head. Clearly annoyed, he rose slightly and growled with great menace, causing the poor celestial child to dash behind its protector, cowering in fear.

Growing angrier, Ridley lifted his toothy maw at the perceived intruders. "If you know what's good for ya, you'll go away and never dare touch me again. Got it?!"

Rosalina, despite the threat, wasn't intimidated in the slightest. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see who it was under those beautiful wings of yours."

"Flattery ain't gonna get you anywhere with me, now beat it before I bite your head off!" Ridley was now standing at full height towering over Rosalina, who still stood her ground.

The galactic woman merely smiled in amusement. "I'll leave, but first, will you tell me your name? I'm Rosalina by the way."

Ridley huffed and flapped his wings several times in frustration. Eyes ablaze, his anger was reaching the boiling point. "Why won't she just leave me alone?! If it weren't for the stupid mansion rules, she'd been dead by now. Argh!"

Taking a breath to cool down, he folded his wings in front of him so Rosalina couldn't see his face. Uttering what was barely above a whisper, he answered, "Its Ridley…" He heard light laughter beyond his cover, to which he growled in response.

"Ridley? That's a very nice name. Well Ridley, maybe I'll see again some time."

After a few seconds, Ridley withdrew a tiny bit of his wings to catch a glimpse of Rosalina walking away, the Luma trailing behind her. "The nerve of that woman, trying to make small talk; though, I've never seen someone act so…nice like that towards me… Maybe she even… Bah! That's stupid, there's no way she could…like me… Could she?"
NIce. Can't for the part with the candles. :awesome:

There'll be a scene with candles, right?

Zero Suit Wario

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2014
Switch FC
SW 3576 5099 8787
Sakurai's ultimate plan is to include Ridley in the demo. Only the demo. You want Ridley? Fine, take him. He's all yours at the local best buy..
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Since Smash 4 is getting a demo at E3, and that Pyrosphere is most likely a stage that they're going to show off, I think it's now or never for Ridley.

Unless of course, they're using the FD version of all the stages, which is possibly possible.
I was just thinking this, and I agree completely.
I'd bet that we know Ridley's fate by E3.


Smash Ace
Apr 16, 2014
I'm 100% that even if the ones that plays the demo says that ridley is not on the pyrosphere people would still argue that ridley boss model is not finished yet (assuming pyrosphere is one of the stages in the demo, I think it will be only battlefield and fd anyway) to be honest I'm a bit nervous but I hope that one of the first things sakurai shows is ridley reveal trailer


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
Looks like we're getting down to the wire. E3 and demos? The game is at a maximum of 4 months away. We will know all soon.

Let's just hope Sakurai is who I think he is, and he is doing the Ridley playable and Stage Hazard thing I suggested a while back.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
So guys

E3 2014 Smash Tourney plus playable demo at Bestbuys (will it be playable on the showfloor aswell?)

So thoughts on if Pyrosphere will be a stage there?

dont worry i know hows its gonna go ok everyone pick a side.

1. It wont be there

2. It Will be there but Sakurai edited out Ridley in the Demo

3. ???????


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
So E3 is basically going to be one big Smash hype fest (real shocker there). And looking at the last Direct, it seemed more like a "loser's circle" event where more characters were shown to be deconfirmed then the other way around, whereas the next time it'll be all about the "winners" who got in the roster.

Given that Ridley technically wasn't completely shot down during that massacre, he still has a chance to be a winner.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
Ashley's thread
So guys

E3 2014 Smash Tourney plus playable demo at Bestbuys (will it be playable on the showfloor aswell?)

So thoughts on if Pyrosphere will be a stage there?

dont worry i know hows its gonna go ok everyone pick a side.

1. It wont be there

2. It Will be there but Sakurai edited out Ridley in the Demo

3. ???????
Ridley is revealed as playable character before the demo and is a playable character in said demo =p

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Oh no, I did it, I actually did it. I said I would do it a long time ago, so, here it is. A (sort of) Rosalina X Ridley story. :nervous:

I'm not what you may call, "cuddly" by any sense of the word. Cruel, heartless, bloodthirsty; yeah that sounds more like me. Not something even a mother could love right? Well, that's what I thought myself, until she came along…

The sun shined brightly, birds fluttered about and bees fastidiously buzzed about the spring flowers sprawling across a great meadow like a carpet encrusted with multicolored jewels. But the serenity came to a halt as an ominous shadow cast itself upon the flowing grassland. Panic-stricken, the local denizens fled from the approaching monster gliding through the sky.

With a single beat of its great leathery dull yellow wings, a big purple creature not unlike the pterosaurs of old dived toward the soft ground. With deadly clawed hands and feet, long pointed tail, and menacing jaws that put a crocodile to shame, Ridley, the great leader of the Space Pirates, touched down after a long flight. "So, this must be the place…" He arrived at a humongous abode, the place where legends from across the universe gather to participate in the most prestigious and intense of tournament battles: Smash Mansion.

"Huh, wonder if I'll be stuck as a lousy boss again. One would think someone like me would get more respect." Ridley thought to himself angrily while making his way to the double oak doors.

Standing before the entryway Ridley stood still, for he was too tall to fit inside the ten foot tall doors. A few seconds later a sensor sounded off and sent a small red beam at the waiting mansion guest, causing the commander's body to shrink until he was just able to squeeze through.

Grumbling in discomfort, Ridley twisted and turned beforestumbling inside, straightening a wing that had gotten slightly crumpled. "I hate that part."

With cold, piercing golden eyes, the space pirate scanned the expansive lobby which bustled with participants. Two stocky mustached brothers in overalls, one in red, the other in green, jumped about helping a young blonde woman in a bright pink dress, a fair looking swordsman checked over his shiny blade before brushing a lock of sapphire hair away from his face, a muscle-bound ape flexed his arms beside the fountain situated at the center of the room, and others that Ridley had quickly lost interest in.

Not wanting to garner unwanted attention, the dragon crept quietly towards a distant shady corner of the lobby where a couple large palm tree pots were placed to lie down on the white marble floor for a rest and regain his depleted strength.

Just before he could shut his eyes, a deep echoing voice reached the pirate's ear. "Ah, Mr. Ridley glad to see you've arrived." Ridley raised his head with a slight snarl as a large floating white glove floated towards him.

"I told you, just call me Ridley."

The floating entity, known as Master Hand, swayed up and down as a way of nodding. "Ah yes, my apologies."

With another snarl, the pirate leader sat up slowly, baring his many sharp teeth as he did so. "The Hunter isn't here yet is she?"

Tilting slightly, Master Hand responded nervously, "Actually Samus arrived early, but she's currently in her room."

"Good enough. Now leave me be so I can get some shut eye, or else."

With another nod, the glove did as asked. "Very well Mr.-er Ridley."

Once again the space dragon started to drift off into slumber, only to pick up the sound of an opening door with his acute ears. Letting one eye open a slit, Ridley spied another blonde woman walk through the entry doors.

She looked similar to the female in the pink dress; only she was taller and her hair was longer, covering half her face. Atop her head rested a glittering silver crown laden with precious red and blue stones. The dress she wore wasn't pink, but a pale blue with faint celestial patterns ringed around the bottom. In one hand she carried a thin rod with a star ornament at the end, and it cast a tiny cloud of sparkles with every step.

Alongside the woman, a small yellow sentient star with a pair of black eyes bounced happily in midair all around her while emitting soft squeaks of joy.

Arching his open eyelid to the slightest degree, Ridley snickered, "Must be one of the new ones; ah whatever, just another face for someone to trash." With another grumble, the dragon curled up beneath the greenery using his wings as a blanket, inconspicuous to all.

The overall-clad brothers rushed to greet the celestial denizen, with their princess not far behind.

"Oh Rosalina, you-a made it!" The shorter of the two brothers shouted excitedly.

"Thank you Mario. It's an honor to be here." Rosalina replied in a quiet yet dignified voice.

Others in the lobby gathered to welcome the newcomer, except for Ridley, who had since fallen soundly asleep.

A little while later, after everyone had gone their separate ways into the mansion, Rosalina happened to pass by where Ridley was still snoozing. Despite his large size, the palm fronds had concealed him well, as nobody had noticed his presence since his initial arrival. She sensed tiny movements disturbing the trees, and then saw the unusual scaly purple lump in-between them.

Curious, she lightly tapped the side of the leathery wings with one of her delicate fingers. "Hello?" she prodded politely. The touched appendage slowly lifted, revealing the owner's content face as it slowly rose and fell from every breath.

The star accompanying Rosalina, called a Luma, floated down and hovered right in front of the space pirate's closed eye, wondering what to do next.

The very next moment, Ridley awakened, staring at the Luma mere inches away from his head. Clearly annoyed, he rose slightly and growled with great menace, causing the poor celestial child to dash behind its protector, cowering in fear.

Growing angrier, Ridley lifted his toothy maw at the perceived intruders. "If you know what's good for ya, you'll go away and never dare touch me again. Got it?!"

Rosalina, despite the threat, wasn't intimidated in the slightest. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see who it was under those beautiful wings of yours."

"Flattery ain't gonna get you anywhere with me, now beat it before I bite your head off!" Ridley was now standing at full height towering over Rosalina, who still stood her ground.

The galactic woman merely smiled in amusement. "I'll leave, but first, will you tell me your name? I'm Rosalina by the way."

Ridley huffed and flapped his wings several times in frustration. Eyes ablaze, his anger was reaching the boiling point. "Why won't she just leave me alone?! If it weren't for the stupid mansion rules, she'd been dead by now. Argh!"

Taking a breath to cool down, he folded his wings in front of him so Rosalina couldn't see his face. Uttering what was barely above a whisper, he answered, "Its Ridley…" He heard light laughter beyond his cover, to which he growled in response.

"Ridley? That's a very nice name. Well Ridley, maybe I'll see again some time."

After a few seconds, Ridley withdrew a tiny bit of his wings to catch a glimpse of Rosalina walking away, the Luma trailing behind her. "The nerve of that woman, trying to make small talk; though, I've never seen someone act so…nice like that towards me… Maybe she even… Bah! That's stupid, there's no way she could…like me… Could she?"
Part 2 Please !
Please do a part 2 this is frigging great !
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Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
I hate when there's mistakes that I don't notice until after I post written stuff. I even do spell checks beforehand and it still happens. :urg:


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
I hate when there's mistakes that I don't notice until after I post written stuff. I even do spell checks beforehand and it still happens. :urg:
C: But that is not a problem....! :3 Your writing is awesome! (even with errors i did not see....)
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