Gilbert Gottfried should voice Ridley instead.
I would personally love it if he was voiced by David Hayter.
If Ridley does end up talking in Smash 4, I hope he's voiced by Norio Wakamoto in the Japanese version. (I prefer the Japanese versions of Smash over the English versions.)
Norio Wakamoto also did Cell in Dragon Ball Z...
(I would have used the forum's media feature, but it removes the part of the URL that links to a specific video time.)
^^ This is what Ridley would sound like during his Final Smash if he were to absorb Phazon and transform into Omega Ridley.

(I saw a leak that said that Ridley was in the game and his Final Smash was "Omega Ridley".)
But on a more serious note, Norio Wakamoto's voice might be a bit deep for Ridley, considering he's sort of a skinny, almost reptilian-like creature. (Other than being mostly dragon-like.) So I could totally see him getting voice like this...
However, honestly, I doubt he will speak or get a voice, since he never talked in any of the games, only the manga. But who knows? Especially with Sakurai.
I'm a big Ridley supporter, by the way, if it wasn't obvious enough.

I would be VERY VERY surprised if Ridley is not a playable character in Smash 4.
I also saw a
CCD23 lurking here shortly ago, who caught my attention for a moment because of the manga Ridley avi and whatnot. Don't be shy new ones!
Wow, that's ironic. :D
I had been working on my post. I've been lurking the boards for about the last month or so, but I just decided to jump in. I've been planning to post about some things about Smash 4 I'd like to talk about, and so I've been working on making a signature I pieced together from the manga, but it looks like I'll need to resize...
The signature's intention is to show how much of an ass Ridley is to Samus in order to sort of show his personality (or his relationship with Samus, however you want to look at it) to those that aren't familiar with him when I post in other threads.
On that note, I was thinking about something the other day. Among all of the Nintendo villains, wouldn't you say that Ridley is at least the second most evil or dangerous villain? I'd say Ganondorf is a close competitor in those fields. The rest of the villains, including Bowser, really aren't that murderous or bloodthirsty...