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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
I just thought of a potential problem with Ridley speaking. In Smash, characters that normally would talk, or at least have human-like speech patterns, are changed to sound more animalistic. The greatest examples of this are DK and Bowser. Both can and do talk, but don't whatsoever in the world of Smash. So by that it wouldn't make sense for Ridley, who looks just as if not more animalistic, to suddenly talk.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2014
Ridley should talk but it should sound almost like grunts or roars like a different language. He should not speak english but at least some form of speech.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Guys we gotta ship Ridley x Olimar.
Imagine Olimar drowning in the deep end, and with his largeness, Ridley is the knight in shining armor.

Or Ridley just eats him, I hear their relationship is not a healthy one...
This should seriously become a thing.

Still, I'm on the edge of either shipping Ridley with Little Mac or with Palutena. Little Mac seems to hate Samus, so I think the two would get along.

Now Palutena...I'm almost positive that she has a thing for giant purple space dragons. Brawl in the Family seems to agree with me on this.


Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013
Palutena and Ridley are alike in many ways. As I wrote awhile back:


-Kid Icarus and Metroid are sister series
-Ridley and Palutena are the most logical choices for a 2nd character for those series
-Both are highly requested Smash Bros. characters
-Both have had stages associated with them teased by Sakurai on Miiverse (Ridley was fought on the Pyrosphere in Other M, while Palutena was fought at her temple in Uprising)
-Both are technically NPCs in their respective series
-Both characters seem to have a lot of detractors. The primary argument used against both has something to do with size, actually (IE Ridley is too big, Kid Icarus is too small a series to warrant more than Pit). Usually these people tend to support characters like Isaac, Saki, Tingle, Chibi-Robo, etc


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Come to think of it I bet porn between two characters with great size difference between each other would be pretty cute. They'd wonder and explore together just what all they can do together. With Ridley there would inevitably species differences too so they'd like have to learn about different physiologies and stuff and it'd just be really nice.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
To me, the things that always sold Ridley as an intelligent/magnificent ******* (besides the Melee trophy/guidebooks/game manuals outright telling us, and prior to reading what a condescending assdouche he is in the manga) was a combination of the following:

1 - Him typically being one of the most well designed bosses/characters in the games despite any "limitations" or problems he faced (ironically being one of the smaller and straightforward main bosses, not being shown to verbally communicate in an understandable language outside of non-game media, and usually not being the final boss, and thus often not thought of as the "main/true" antagonist of the series). This to me proves infallibly true in that he A) had a tremendous impact on her backstory (I daresay he set the entire series in motion), B} frequently shows up and is or downright becomes the reason/resolve for the missions portrayed in the games (tracking him down/retrieving the baby Metroid in Super Metroid, following and destroying him in Metroid Prime, etc.) and lastly C) him actually being shown to be one of the few characters/entity that canonically (sometimes potentially) held his own against Samus (going beyond the unwinnable/event fights, the cutscenes for Metroid: Zero Mission, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Other M beautifully show off that he's not just some random mindless creature to be taken down, and that this is something that both knows how to fight back and survive).

2 - Despite being incredibly menacing, he still has that cold, calculating and commanding atmosphere about him. Maybe it doesn't translate well into the actual battles themselves, since at those times all bets are off and the two arch-nemeses' are going trigger happy on each other, or in the games in general since we don't really see him commanding his forces, but subtle things like concept art, cutscenes that show his presence overlooking you, and even the way he appears to you in game (either swooping in from afar or appearing out of nowhere) all add up to Ridley being smarter than your average dragon, at least to me.

Couple that all in with his tenacity to not stay dead, general combat prowess besides his natural abilities (being nimble and able to dodge is surprising for someone so often stated to be "characterized by his large size"), and being purpleevil incarnate, and you get the tl;dr reason why I think Ridley comes off as intelligent despite being relegated to growls, roars and snarls. If they could show even half of that off with just body movement/facial expressions/eyes (something like this would do justice), then I'd be fine with him getting Bowser treatment in terms of voice in Smash.

...I actually forget how long I've been working on this post. If Ridley is disconfirmed or shown to be mindless as ****, I doubt it'll change my views on him.

Very glad to see you're feeling better. Here, have this for now:

Very well said.. One thing I'm glad you reminded me about (which can be easy to forget at times) is Ridley's tendency to be nimble and able to dodge. Aside from the times he dodged Anthony's shots, was particularly impressive how he dodged a plasma beam shot (during the cutscene after his Other M boss fight) like that even while in a weakened state...

I wonder...how Ridley would be able to speak english? I mean, he should have learned and do some research about the language in his "free" time i guess...but why? xD i think he wanted to the humans to be understand when he was insulting them, because i think he also do research on swear words (in the manga he says a lot sh#t and bullsh#t...and maybe others that i do not remember he said).

xD I don't know what i am saying again....random thoughts....
I don't think that would be too far from the truth actually (him researching how to do human language just so his enemies would know he's insulting them). Him using those sort of swear words at times in the manga kinda supports that if anything. xD Eh... It's no wonder physical copies of the Metroid manga never reached western shores with that said (last I had checked anyway).

And without quoting one of your other posts, of course he doesn't have to talk to be or show that he's intelligent... Doesn't mean it wouldn't be nice/cool though if done right. :p I'm fine with his usual rawrs and stuff too though.

And hopefully Ridley has a more central role in the next Metroid. Some dialogue would be nice, at the very least, even if it's in Space Pirate language. Man, if I was in charge of Metroid, just imagine...then again, I'm pretty sure everyone here has the same feeling XD.
Dialogue or not, I'm still unsure on Ridley even being in the next Metroid myself. Guess it depends where in the timeline the next game will take place, whether or not there will even be any Space Pirate activity in said game (unlike Metroid II and one or two others), and if there's another way for someone to bring Ridley back during that point in time.

And as terrible writing as most saw it as, Other M pretty much gave him the most central role he had gotten yet (far as the games), and with as controversial as it was, I fear they may just take a step back with Ridley (far as having a bigger role or impact) after Other M... :\ At least Ridley's appearance in Nintendo Land kinda gives some hope about his future though, Smash Bros or otherwise.

p.s. This made me laugh probably more than it should have. Poor Kraid... or Ridley depending on how you look at it.

Next they should have only a sample of Ridley's blood left and say they can make that work too in bringing him back! While poor Kraid would still get left in the waiting room for an assignment... xd

@ MasterOfKnees MasterOfKnees I guess we've reached common ground now, so I won't really say anymore on that subject, but yeah. Pretty much agree on what you said there.
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Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
p.s. This made me laugh probably more than it should have. Poor Kraid... or Ridley depending on how you look at it.

Next they should have only a sample of Ridley's blood left and say they can make that work too in bringing him back! While poor Kraid would still get left in the waiting room for an assignment... xd
Man, makes me feel sorry for good ol' Kraid. Just look at his face, how can you refuse after seeing that? I really hope he has some sort of appearance soon.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
Man, makes me feel sorry for good ol' Kraid. Just look at his face, how can you refuse after seeing that? I really hope he has some sort of appearance soon.
When we get the inevitable "this game is totally NOT Super Metroid!" game on the 3DS, he'll show up again.

As I've said before, as far as Ridley appearing in the "next" Metroid, I think it's extremely plausible that the real Ridley escaped Zebes before it exploded, albeit mortally wounded. He could be hiding out somewhere, doing his whole regeneration thing, and waiting. The guy's survived similar situations before.

IDEA: Samus's ship is forced out of hyper-space travel by a strange jamming signal. As it emerges, near a seemingly-lifeless planet, the ship is attacked by the now-fully-regenerated (and more powerful than ever) Ridley and pulled from orbit. Samus is heavily antagonized by Ridley the entire game, constantly being thrown into life-or-death situations by her scaly nemesis. The game builds suspense and, at times, even fear as Ridley taunts you, places traps, and uses Samus's and the player's instincts against them (leading you into traps using upgrades, etc.).

As you explore the planet further, you discover that it, as many other planets, was an outpost for the Chozo: more specifically, a warlike offshoot of the culture (similar to Tallon IV's "one with nature" tribe) dedicated to spreading peace and knowledge through the domination of violent and ignorant races. The further you go, the more dangerous Ridley seems to get, until you learn that you're not the only one gaining power through Chozo artifacts.

The final boss of the game would be Varia Ridley, who has integrated Chozo technology into his dying body, giving him new life and power that rivals or even surpasses Samus herself. We learn that, at some point, the Space Pirates either allied themselves with the Chozo or are, in fact, related to them somehow (there are more similarities than you'd think) and that the Chozo tribe that lived on this planet was working directly with the Space Pirates (we see the decline of Space Pirates from a helpful, industrious race into a violent, hateful people bent on domination and subjugation of other species through scans and the like).

Bonus points if we find the bones/carcasses of other "Ridleys", long-dead members of his now-singular species.
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Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
Ashley's thread
There's no reason to not have Ridley in the next Metroid game, Nintendo always find an excuse to bring back important characters or series, I mean look at the story of Yoshi's New Island for exemple :

Unless Retro decide to have wooden tikis as the next Metroid villains.
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
"It seems our silly stork has delivered the babies to the wrong house!"

Such an awful in-depth story for such a paragon of mediocrity great game.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US

Sorry to all you Ridley fans. This is most likely some Ridley hater. Scroll down to the fake SSB4 section.

D*** you trollers.
Read it again. I love wikis.

EDIT: Deleted it for the good of the Wiki, posted on the talk page about how there shouldn't be a Smash 4 page until Ridley is shown on the Dojo.
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
When we get the inevitable "this game is totally NOT Super Metroid!" game on the 3DS, he'll show up again.

As I've said before, as far as Ridley appearing in the "next" Metroid, I think it's extremely plausible that the real Ridley escaped Zebes before it exploded, albeit mortally wounded. He could be hiding out somewhere, doing his whole regeneration thing, and waiting. The guy's survived similar situations before.

IDEA: Samus's ship is forced out of hyper-space travel by a strange jamming signal. As it emerges, near a seemingly-lifeless planet, the ship is attacked by the now-fully-regenerated (and more powerful than ever) Ridley and pulled from orbit. Samus is heavily antagonized by Ridley the entire game, constantly being thrown into life-or-death situations by her scaly nemesis. The game builds suspense and, at times, even fear as Ridley taunts you, places traps, and uses Samus's and the player's instincts against them (leading you into traps using upgrades, etc.).

As you explore the planet further, you discover that it, as many other planets, was an outpost for the Chozo: more specifically, a warlike offshoot of the culture (similar to Tallon IV's "one with nature" tribe) dedicated to spreading peace and knowledge through the domination of violent and ignorant races. The further you go, the more dangerous Ridley seems to get, until you learn that you're not the only one gaining power through Chozo artifacts.

The final boss of the game would be Varia Ridley, who has integrated Chozo technology into his dying body, giving him new life and power that rivals or even surpasses Samus herself. We learn that, at some point, the Space Pirates either allied themselves with the Chozo or are, in fact, related to them somehow (there are more similarities than you'd think) and that the Chozo tribe that lived on this planet was working directly with the Space Pirates (we see the decline of Space Pirates from a helpful, industrious race into a violent, hateful people bent on domination and subjugation of other species through scans and the like).

Bonus points if we find the bones/carcasses of other "Ridleys", long-dead members of his now-singular species.
Have you tried sending in an application to work for Nintendo yet? if not, then please do.
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
When we get the inevitable "this game is totally NOT Super Metroid!" game on the 3DS, he'll show up again.

As I've said before, as far as Ridley appearing in the "next" Metroid, I think it's extremely plausible that the real Ridley escaped Zebes before it exploded, albeit mortally wounded. He could be hiding out somewhere, doing his whole regeneration thing, and waiting. The guy's survived similar situations before.

IDEA: Samus's ship is forced out of hyper-space travel by a strange jamming signal. As it emerges, near a seemingly-lifeless planet, the ship is attacked by the now-fully-regenerated (and more powerful than ever) Ridley and pulled from orbit. Samus is heavily antagonized by Ridley the entire game, constantly being thrown into life-or-death situations by her scaly nemesis. The game builds suspense and, at times, even fear as Ridley taunts you, places traps, and uses Samus's and the player's instincts against them (leading you into traps using upgrades, etc.).

As you explore the planet further, you discover that it, as many other planets, was an outpost for the Chozo: more specifically, a warlike offshoot of the culture (similar to Tallon IV's "one with nature" tribe) dedicated to spreading peace and knowledge through the domination of violent and ignorant races. The further you go, the more dangerous Ridley seems to get, until you learn that you're not the only one gaining power through Chozo artifacts.

The final boss of the game would be Varia Ridley, who has integrated Chozo technology into his dying body, giving him new life and power that rivals or even surpasses Samus herself. We learn that, at some point, the Space Pirates either allied themselves with the Chozo or are, in fact, related to them somehow (there are more similarities than you'd think) and that the Chozo tribe that lived on this planet was working directly with the Space Pirates (we see the decline of Space Pirates from a helpful, industrious race into a violent, hateful people bent on domination and subjugation of other species).

Bonus points if we find the bones/carcasses of other "Ridleys", long-dead members of his now-singular species.
The only thing I have to say to this idea (or rather the whole Vaira Ridley thing) :

That's really well thought out though; the whole object of that game idea and everything.

There's no reason to not have Ridley in the next Metroid game, Nintendo always find an excuse to bring back important characters or series, I mean look at the story of Yoshi's New Island for exemple :

Unless Retro decide to have wooden tikis as the next Metroid villains.
Well like I was kinda saying in my last post, if they have another Metroid II or Prime Hunters kind of game, Ridley will most certainly be absent there. Whatever picks the series back up after Other M though I suppose, even if Ridley and the pirates are given a break again.

And lol @ that wiki.
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
Have you tried sending in an application to work for Nintendo yet? if not, then please do.
I have, but the guards keep tazing me.

Should probably stop wearing the Wario costume when I submit it


I hope I'm not the only one who gets goosebumps thinking about Samus trying to Screw Attack Ridley, only for him to leap toward her and curl up into a giant whirlwind of death with his own Screw Attack, or smashing her into the ground with his foot, then charging his own Arm Cannon right in her face like she so often does to him.

Witnessing that battle would probably give me the biggest fanboner.
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Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
:laugh: Ironically, you do get the Screw Attack for beating his clone of a clone in Fusion. Omega Ridley has a phobia for that particular attack though.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I guess it would, given the obscene damage I remember it doing to Dark Samus and the Aurora Unit. Forgot that that got changed with Omega in the Trilogy disc though. Strange, so I guess him constantly dodging the Screw Attack in Prime 3 was merely seen as a glitch. =(


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
I guess it would, given the obscene damage I remember it doing to Dark Samus and the Aurora Unit. Forgot that that got changed with Omega in the Trilogy disc though. Strange, so I guess him constantly dodging the Screw Attack in Prime 3 was merely seen as a glitch. =(
I remember reading that Omega Ridley's susceptibility to the attack made his boss fight exceedingly easy to those who could hit him with it consistently, and there was something about him that made him infinitely easier to hit than the other two.

Considering the Screw Attack in the Prime games is as unwieldy as a thief with a war hammer, I think it's a fairly decent trade-off.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
@ SpaceJell0 SpaceJell0 Been posted before, but still a good one.
The dumbest thing I've ever heard is someone waltzing into the biggest support thread on the board just to say "Your character doesn't need to be in Smash 4".

When will you whippersnappers learn?
This. Kind of annoying. Surprisingly, I don't even care all too much if you don't want Ridley playable, but bring something to the table at least. At least give reasons. So that we can actually discuss.
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Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Dedicating Post #1,500 to #2 on my most wanted list. May we see Ridley playable!

..I'm still working on something about Ridley. Progress is almost non-existent at this point, however.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2014
Who thinks that they are going to do something for Super Metroid's 20th anniversary on this Wednesday, maybe a Nintendo Direct, maybe something with Ridley.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
Who thinks that they are going to do something for Super Metroid's 20th anniversary on this Wednesday, maybe a Nintendo Direct, maybe something with Ridley.
Personally, I don't. Relying on anniversaries and/or releases of new games has for the most part gotten us nowhere.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014

Another Sketchy drawing...with Ridley and Rosalina again....i wish i had posted this earlier but i had to borrow my computer....i love doing cute drawings of those two....
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