The difference is that unlike Shokio I'm not a sexist, I will be right, and people have actually watched my YouTube videos.
But for more realsies, I called out people by name when Diddy was confirmed (and before he was confirmed) on that. Not for being wrong, but because people were jerks about it. I made one person quit SWF and the internet for losing a $50 bet against me on it after he was such a prick.
The only people who actively don't want a character and hate on potential playable characters like Ridley or Diddy are idiots like Shokio who hate things just to hate things because their lives are barren because they have daddy issues, entitlement issues, and weak personal resolve.
Honestly, those people need to be called out without being bashful on this and many other things anyways for being pricks.
Ain't that the truth=???