I want Ridley's reveal trailer to be related to some random Nintendo character. Rosalina's had Kirby in the beginning and Little Mac's had Samus making fun of his height. I just have no idea who would be the best character for his trailer. Maybe Marth (don't ask me why) or Peach...
I'm guessing you said Marth because he would have some kind of dragon slayer moment or something (only reason I can think of anyway

), and Peach? Well... I guess she could be in said trailer to cheat on Bowser or something.
Fusion is amazing. Linear (which isn't a bad thing entirely, just weird for a Metroid game), but amazing.
I love the bosses and music in that game.
Yeah, out of the linear Metroids we got (most of which happen to still be the latest games released :\), I think Fusion was the one that pulled off linearity the best.
Not only that, but it was one of the darker games enemy & atmosphere wise, and things like the stealth and survivor elements like against the SA-X made it have some of the most unique gameplay in the series to this day, in addition to the whole gathering x-parasites for health instead of those little purple spheres and such. Both the dialogue and monologue with Samus I also felt was handled best in that game, but it's the latest in the timeline, so of course she would be most mature, experienced, etc. by that point.
I'm sitting here with my original Fusion cartridge and my Gameboy Advance. Get on my level son!
I honestly still can't believe Fusion and Prime are 12 years old, they're two games which truly have stood the test of time.
Yep. On that note, I wonder if there will ever be a time again where you can link up two different Metroid games for extra bonus content, like Prime and Fusion, with being able to have the Fusion Suit skins in Prime 1. I was sad when they dropped that kinda concept rather early on.
I had this idea while I was making my paper Art Toy pattern.....
View attachment 8530

Hope you like it! Happy Valentine's Day to EVERYONE!!!
I tried to refrain from responding to any of the obligatory "happy valentine's day" posts, but this one was too adorable for me to
not make any kind of reaction to. So good. <3 I know it's technically not that day anymore now with the time that I'm making this post, but hope y'all had a good one too. Mine was average, or rather like any other day, which is fine (when I'm able to not be depressed by it anymore at least), but seeing what you posed here definitely lightened up that day some for me. <3 Thank you again for making and posting that image here, especially when you were already in the middle of that other project earlier. Heh.
Moving on...
My only problem with Zero Mission is that it's so damn short, though that's probably a silly thing for me to complain about since I ocassionally speed run the game. I do also think that the game is at its best from the start until Tourian, I never enjoyed the Chozodia part that much, and Mecha Ridley is just a big joke as a final boss too. However, I do still consider it the third best Metroid game, only behind Prime 1 and Super. Plus, it was my first Metroid game, so there's also that.
While Zero Mission was admittedly short, it was made in mind for the player to be able to beat in multiple different ways and speed run, giving it some insane replay value compared to at least most in the series. Hence why the game has at least 8 different endings for the player to unlock, and being me I got 'em all, eventually... That said, I have to disagree on Mecha Ridley being a "joke". Not only did it gain more health or its attacks became stronger (forgot which, maybe it was both) when you had a 100% collection rate, but on a 15% or less runthrough which is needed for the final ending, pretty much any of his attacks would kill you in one hit or so. I remember it being a pain having to beat Mecha again a few times when I got killed by those special black colored pirates on the way out of the Mother Ship. Ironic how Zero Mission's the only game where a version of Ridley is actually the final boss; I kinda liked that.
I liked Chozodia. Probably wasn't my favorite, but guess I can see why others didn't enjoy it that much. The Space Pirate Mother Ship was where it was at though.
honestly I believe that It's still the same ridley personality wise. His body might have been destroyed but he came back with the same mind set, cause in other m he seemed to know samus, and in fusion they transported his body there from other m and preserved it. I'm not saying your wrong but I'd much rather have the same personality all the way through.
Other M Ridley's persistence when it came to Samus may have just been based on instinct (seeing her as the biggest threat compared to the Federation jarheads) rather than actually knowing Samus or having memories of her in a previous life, though I used to believe in the latter admittedly. Now, I don't know anymore.
I would even go as far as to say that Nightmare was the main deal of Fusion for me, more so than the SA-X. (one thing that bugs me about that game is the fact that Ridley-X, despite being the before-last boss (as usual) was never even mentioned anywhere, whereas others like Serris, Nightmare and BOX got more exposure)
Oh, and I got his theme on Fountain of Dreams, so ya.
I guess it went to show that not even a digitized Adam knew about the clone Ridley's corpse being preserved for study by some shady people of the Federation, even though he knew of their other experiments in the B.S.L.
Anyone seen the new bitf? Apparently Ridley is a hummingbird.
Link to it?
Nevermind, got it now.