Sakurai's career:
-Created Kirby, and the Kirby series. Quickly becomes accepted by Nintendo and loved by all.
-Creates Smash Bros. 64 which wasn't even a Nintendo fighter originally. Everyone loves him even more.
-Created Super Smash Bros. Melee which was a wetdream
minus Diddy for basically 98,76% of Nintendo fans. People LOVE the **** out of it, demanding moar and moar.
-Moar they get with Brawl. And everyone is crazy hyped for the game. Added a ton of fan favorite characters. Gameplay is less favored by the 'true fans' (dem dirty, dirty, filthy, lowly casuals
) but it's still one of the best Wii games ever.
-Revives Kid Icarus after being dead for decades formthe 3DS, instantly becomes one of the 3DS's best titles.
-2014: Fails to add Ridley to the new Smash and is condemned by the whole world. Get's sued by Nintendo fans, fired by Nintendo themselves, starts smoking crack and drink heavily, and frequent nightmares about a purple space dragon will continue to haunt him for the rest of his short, miserable life. Also, his cat gets taken away from him.