They already told us not to talk about the leaks here, but in any case dont believe any of them lol.
About RIDLEY and this tease its pretty simple. Lets sum it up
-Ridley is important/demanded by fans (This place is a fine example xD)
-Sakurai checks internet sources, he easily knows the "ITS TOO BIG" is probably the most recurring excuse for haters
-Sakurai has always disconfirm characters whenever they are hinted, you already know the list
-Sakurai is athe master troll
So, mix this. Sakurai hints us, making the world believe Ridley is a boss WITHOUT SAYING he is a boss. This makes up for the tease, people wanting him playable, haters wanting him as an hazzard/boss but not diconfirming him cause he didnt say his name nor showed more pics of him (Not even his design) and then the trolling is served.
Is that simple, if he was a simple stage hazzard why wouldnt he had said it in the first place? Like really, one entire year teasing with him and the end nothing? That seems unlikely, or at least 100 times more unlikely than him not being playable at this point.
We already know Ridley is in the game, and we have a lot of reasons for thinking he should be playable (Important to Metroid, iconic villain, Important to Nintendo, Demanded by fans, Metroid needs more representation at smash...). Plus, the classic "Its too big" argument doesnt stand a chance anymore, its countered heavily everywhere, and Sakurai was only scared of making him SLOW not big, according to what he said for Brawl