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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
Ironically. Talking about the thread's status is off-topic, guys. So...Relax.

I firmly believe we'll be getting character reveals this month. Don't know whether it'll be Ridley or not... I think Sakurai might save him for last. There's 2 newcomer trailers left, after all.
Probably Meta Knight and Ridley. :D

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Ironically. Talking about the thread's status is off-topic, guys. So...Relax.:4falcon:
I firmly believe we'll be getting character reveals this month. Don't know whether it'll be Ridley or not... I think Sakurai might save him for last. There's 2 newcomer trailers left, after all.
Yeah, we normally see at least one character a month. So chances are we'll see something this month too. But of course none of us can really say what that'll be. And on top of that, we don't know how many new characters might be kept secret. It might be a decent time to see Ridley, even if he isn't a playable character. Given so many Metroid games were released in August. I guess that's just being hopeful though.

Also, congrats on 1500 pages.


Smash Hero
Jul 5, 2014
Watching the world burn
Make a guess...
I know it's an expression, but given how he said bottom of the barrel, I'm really hoping for a King K. Rool trailer along with his huge friend Ridley

Wise Multishine

Jul 23, 2014
Central New York
I'm going to assume that we have 3 newcomers left. Those three being Ridley, Chorus Boys, and Shulk. I know this is very hopeful, but I think they make the most sense. Especially when it comes to Sakurai's behavior and way of thinking. The Gematsu leak is very... accurate. Chrom could have very well been a miscommunication.

With this group of characters in mind. Would they all appear in one trailer? I doubt it.
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Smash Master
Apr 14, 2014
I'm going to assume that we have 3 newcomers left. Those three being Ridley, Mewtwo, and Shulk. I know this is very hopeful, but I think they make the most sense. Especially when it comes to Sakurai's way of thinking. I kind of expect Chorus Boys as well. The Gematsu leak is very... accurate. Chrom could have very well been a miscommunication.

With this group of characters in mind. Would they all appear in one trailer? I doubt it.
You don't know what you've done.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 10, 2014

I firmly believe we'll be getting character reveals this month. Don't know whether it'll be Ridley or not... I think Sakurai might save him for last. There's 2 newcomer trailers left, after all.
Do we know we have only 2 left it's looking that way since we still haven't gotten as reveal this month and the game is out in Japan next month (woah no way) unless we get just multiple reveals within a few weeks 2 does seem the most realistic has there been any confirmation of this yet?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2014
not behind you thats for sure...
So, do you all think we'll see a reveal of Ridley sometime this month?
I can see us getting a smash direct towards the pyrosphere anniversary or at the very end of the month just to make us wait. If Ridley is not shown then he is probably a secret character. Or he would be the lame Bowser sized, slow moving pinata Boss Ridley that all the Detractors/haters wanted so bad.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2014
I hope we get both Ridley and Isaac, but I'm not sure if that's gonna happen. It does seem like we may get a direct this month that has both Ridley and Metaknight, but that's just wild speculation.

The Pizza Guy

Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2014
I really admire how optimistic you guys are about Ridley being playable.
Especially because of that "may be a boss" thing.
Keep the dream of Ridley alive everyone!


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
I'm going to assume that we have 3 newcomers left. Those three being Ridley, Chorus Boys, and Shulk. I know this is very hopeful, but I think they make the most sense. Especially when it comes to Sakurai's behavior and way of thinking. The Gematsu leak is very... accurate. Chrom could have very well been a miscommunication.

With this group of characters in mind. Would they all appear in one trailer? I doubt it.
Gematsu is dead, man. The first leak may have been legitimate, but the second one was just a bunch of easy guesses + an unexpected character.

It's better to look at the teases from Sakurai himself instead of some "gospel of truth".

Wise Multishine

Jul 23, 2014
Central New York
Gematsu is dead, man. The first leak may have been legitimate, but the second one was just a bunch of easy guesses + an unexpected character.

It's better to look at the teases from Sakurai himself instead of some "gospel of truth".
"Dead" is a strong word. I change my mind a lot when considering newcomers. I thought Gematsu was dead for a while after the FE trailer. But I find myself looking back at it a lot, lately. For various reasons.
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
"Dead" is a strong word. I change my mind a lot when considering newcomers. I thought Gematsu was dead for a while after the FE trailer. But I find myself looking back at it a lot, lately. For various reasons.
Shulk and a RH rep are still completely plausible, but the leak has pretty much been murderized by Robin's trailer.

But this is getting off topic, so here's to 500 more!

Oh wait, isn't that when the glitching begins OH SH*T OH CRAP NO DON'T DO IT--


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
"Dead" is a strong word. I change my mind a lot when considering newcomers. I thought Gematsu was dead for a while after the FE trailer. But I find myself looking back at it a lot, lately. For various reasons.
It's dead. Sakurai never started work on Chrom as a playable character, he was never intended to be on the roster, and he wasn't even a placeholder for a FE newcomer. Sakurai took one look at him and essentially said, "No, he won't do.".

Xenoblade has yet to get any teasing in SSB4, casting some legitimate doubt on Shulk from my perspective. There's a Rhythm Heaven enemy in Smash Run, but that doesn't mean that Chorus Kids are a lock, or if there's even a RH character. There are a lot of potential characters to choose from in that series, and the Chorus Kids are far from the main characters or even a significant mainstay.

It's time people stopped looking at it and focused more on the characters that are actually teased, but not outright confirmed/disconfirmed yet, like Ridley.

Wise Multishine

Jul 23, 2014
Central New York
It's dead. Sakurai never started work on Chrom as a playable character, he was never intended to be on the roster, and he wasn't even a placeholder for a FE newcomer. Sakurai took one look at him and essentially said, "No, he won't do.".

Xenoblade has yet to get any teasing in SSB4, casting some legitimate doubt on Shulk from my perspective. There's a Rhythm Heaven enemy in Smash Run, but that doesn't mean that Chorus Kids are a lock, or if there's even a RH character. There are a lot of potential characters to choose from in that series, and the Chorus Kids are far from the main characters or even a significant mainstay.

It's time people stopped looking at it and focused more on the characters that are actually teased, but not outright confirmed/disconfirmed yet, like Ridley.
You seem to be shutting down the leak just because Ridley isn't mentioned in said leak. Now. Consider for a second that the leak wasn't just made up. We have no clue how/where this person got their information. I think the way Chrom was treated suggests that his situation could have easily been miscommunicated. I'm treating this leak the way I am because the character listing just screams "Sakurai's idea." That's the point I'm trying to make.

I'm talking about newcomers. The only characters that have been treated somewhat like Ridley have been Meta Knight and Mewtwo.(Meta Knight being all but confirmed) I also said that I believe Ridley is going to be one of the newcomers.
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Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
I'm going to assume that we have 3 newcomers left. Those three being Ridley, Mewtwo, and Shulk. I know this is very hopeful, but I think they make the most sense. Especially when it comes to Sakurai's way of thinking. I kind of expect Chorus Boys as well. The Gematsu leak is very... accurate. Chrom could have very well been a miscommunication.

With this group of characters in mind. Would they all appear in one trailer? I doubt it
2 problems here:

1) Mewtwo is a veteran. He appeared before, therefor he is a vet.

2) Gematsu is dead (to me at least). I personally don't see how people believed it in the first place, a lot of it was way to vague / obvious.

First off, anyone can make a leak. Just because it is from a website doesn't make it any more credible than it was before. Here's the leak if you aren't familiar: http://gematsu.com/2014/04/rumor-shulk-palutena-set-super-smash-bros . So many of the things they predicted were extremely obvious.

Mega Man and Pac-man were obvious. I don't know how you're going to argue against that, but they are the most obvious third parties (to me).

Pokemon from X and Y is also really obvious. No matter what, GameFreak is going to put a pokemon from their newest game in. In Melee it was Pichu, in Brawl it was Lucario, and now it's Greninja.

Little Mac is one of the most requested characters from America. He was pretty obvious to rank up to playable character. (He is the Nintendo fighter. That's everything Punch Out is about, fighting. How could you not include him?)

Miis. Miis are everywhere today. If you didn't think that Miis were going to be in Smash Bros, what rock were you living under? People expected Miis for Brawl, where they didn't get in. Now was the next best time to reveal them.

Palutena is next. Sakurai loves his own series. With Kid Icarus just getting another game and how well it did, it's pretty obvious they were going to add a second Kid Icarus rep. Magnus wouldn't work, too irrelevant. So Palutena was the next best choice. Don't even bring up any of the villains, because, dare I say it, they're too big. Not like Ridley, though. Those things are colossal. Like mountain size.

As for Chrom, Awakening was guaranteed a rep. I haven't played it, but it was pretty obvious to me that Sakurai wouldn't do 3 blue-haired swordsmen. [EDIT: MALE SWORDSMEN. I don't want to get Lucina thrown at me.]

Villager is obvious because Animal Crossing is a huge selling series. It's amazing it hasn't been repped before. They needed a rep for it. Instead of the peaceful villager, we got the god of death. I'm okay with that.

For Shulk and Chorus Men, I haven't played their games, but with Shulk getting a Wii U sequel and the series having good reception, I feel he held a decent chance.

Now for the one not many people were expecting, Wii Fit Trainer. Actually, when you look at it, she was really likely. Wii Fit U is a system seller. Maybe not to you, but to fitness centers and nursing homes (I've seen it happen). Wii Fit U is the reason these places upgraded from Wiis to Wii Us. All of the new features in Wii Fit U is a great offer for these places. I guess this is Nintendo's way of saying thanks to the Trainer. Also she's athletic, like one of the most athletic Nintendo characters ever (because she teaches it).

These are just my views, but they're off topic. It'd be preferred (by everyone) that if you have something to say on the matter, you'd PM and not reply in the thread.

But no, I don't expect all of those in one trailer. I'm hoping for a villains trailer (Ridley and Mewtwo) and then maybe one for Shulk. Personally, I don't want the Chorus Boys, but this is my opinion, not yours. I think they'd be better suited for an Assist Trophy.

A villains trailer (NO GHIRAHIM; NEVER GHIRAHIM) would be great. I can see it now...
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2002
It's dead. Sakurai never started work on Chrom as a playable character, he was never intended to be on the roster, and he wasn't even a placeholder for a FE newcomer. Sakurai took one look at him and essentially said, "No, he won't do.".

Xenoblade has yet to get any teasing in SSB4, casting some legitimate doubt on Shulk from my perspective. There's a Rhythm Heaven enemy in Smash Run, but that doesn't mean that Chorus Kids are a lock, or if there's even a RH character. There are a lot of potential characters to choose from in that series, and the Chorus Kids are far from the main characters or even a significant mainstay.

It's time people stopped looking at it and focused more on the characters that are actually teased, but not outright confirmed/disconfirmed yet, like Ridley.
personally, if a RH character HAD to be chosen... i'd prefer the wrestler... i like his poses. :awesome:

regarding ridley, i just cant possibly view him as anything other than playable... i know theres no solid evidence to it, but if he WERE anything else, then nintendo would've stepped in a LONG time ago and made it 100%, without a freaking shadow of a doubt, COMPLETELY CLEAR about what he was, with no vagueness involved at all.

especially since they jumped to attention when there was just a tiny bit of confusion about chrom's status.

this is not blind belief, it is the refusal to accept sakurai as a cruel, mean-spirited fool who would torture fans for a year without it paying off in the end.
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 10, 2014
It's dead. Sakurai never started work on Chrom as a playable character, he was never intended to be on the roster, and he wasn't even a placeholder for a FE newcomer. Sakurai took one look at him and essentially said, "No, he won't do.".

Xenoblade has yet to get any teasing in SSB4, casting some legitimate doubt on Shulk from my perspective. There's a Rhythm Heaven enemy in Smash Run, but that doesn't mean that Chorus Kids are a lock, or if there's even a RH character. There are a lot of potential characters to choose from in that series, and the Chorus Kids are far from the main characters or even a significant mainstay.

It's time people stopped looking at it and focused more on the characters that are actually teased, but not outright confirmed/disconfirmed yet, like Ridley.
I feel like even without Gematsu both Rhythm Heaven and Xenoblade are due for a representation wuth Xenoblade representing a newer insanely popular ip and rhythm heaven representing a popular series in Japan that could introduce an interesting character and moveset to smash 4 I don't believe that Gematsu is correct but rather many of their guesses were ones that already seemed within the realm of possibility anyway of course I still can't explain how they predicted Wii Fit Trainer but other than that I think many of their characters felt pretty likely at least to me anyway. It is possible they had some inside information and simply messed up regarding Chrom but whether it's right or wrong that is no reason to cancel out the possibility of a RH rep or Shulk
Edit: :4greninja:'d most of what I said about Gematsu was said by Blue Bubbee before me
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Smash Rookie
Jul 20, 2014
I really admire how optimistic you guys are about Ridley being playable.
Especially because of that "may be a boss" thing.
Keep the dream of Ridley alive everyone!
I'm impressed too, seems like most of the people here aren't wondering whether or not Ridley will be playable, they're wondering when he'll be revealed as playable. That's not even optimism anymore, the confidence is admirable. I hope he is playable, for his fans, more power to them!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 10, 2014
I'm impressed too, seems like most of the people here aren't wondering whether or not Ridley will be playable, they're wondering when he'll be revealed as playable. That's not even optimism anymore, the confidence is admirable. I hope he is playable, for his fans, more power to them!
It's very impressive I wish I could be 100% sure that he is in but I'm still divided on if he's playable; I want him to be playable, but I have my doubts...


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I'm impressed too, seems like most of the people here aren't wondering whether or not Ridley will be playable, they're wondering when he'll be revealed as playable. That's not even optimism anymore, the confidence is admirable. I hope he is playable, for his fans, more power to them!
I'm not even a huge Ridley fan, but personally I am 95% confident in his inclusion at this point. That's saying something, because coming into this game Ridley was only about #6 for me with K. Rool as #1, and I can't give K. Rool more than 85% (it was lower, around 70% after the Kritter reveal, and its been increasing as we learn about more DK teases potentially in the game).

Wise Multishine

Jul 23, 2014
Central New York
2 problems here:

1) Mewtwo is a veteran. He appeared before, therefor he is a vet.

2) Gematsu is dead (to me at least). I personally don't see how people believed it in the first place, a lot of it was way to vague / obvious.

First off, anyone can make a leak. Just because it is from a website doesn't make it any more credible than it was before. Here's the leak if you aren't familiar: http://gematsu.com/2014/04/rumor-shulk-palutena-set-super-smash-bros . So many of the things they predicted were extremely obvious.

Mega Man and Pac-man were obvious. I don't know how you're going to argue against that, but they are the most obvious third parties (to me).

Pokemon from X and Y is also really obvious. No matter what, GameFreak is going to put a pokemon from their newest game in. In Melee it was Pichu, in Brawl it was Lucario, and now it's Greninja.

Little Mac is one of the most requested characters from America. He was pretty obvious to rank up to playable character. (He is the Nintendo fighter. That's everything Punch Out is about, fighting. How could you not include him?)

Miis. Miis are everywhere today. If you didn't think that Miis were going to be in Smash Bros, what rock were you living under? People expected Miis for Brawl, where they didn't get in. Now was the next best time to reveal them.

Palutena is next. Sakurai loves his own series. With Kid Icarus just getting another game and how well it did, it's pretty obvious they were going to add a second Kid Icarus rep. Magnus wouldn't work, too irrelevant. So Palutena was the next best choice. Don't even bring up any of the villains, because, dare I say it, they're too big. Not like Ridley, though. Those things are colossal. Like mountain size.

As for Chrom, Awakening was guaranteed a rep. I haven't played it, but it was pretty obvious to me that Sakurai wouldn't do 3 blue-haired swordsmen.

Villager is obvious because Animal Crossing is a huge selling series. It's amazing it hasn't been repped before. They needed a rep for it. Instead of the peaceful villager, we got the god of death. I'm okay with that.

For Shulk and Chorus Men, I haven't played their games, but with Shulk getting a Wii U sequel and the series having good reception, I feel he held a decent chance.

Now for the one not many people were expecting, Wii Fit Trainer. Actually, when you look at it, she was really likely. Wii Fit U is a system seller. Maybe not to you, but to fitness centers and nursing homes (I've seen it happen). Wii Fit U is the reason these places upgraded from Wiis to Wii Us. All of the new features in Wii Fit U is a great offer for these places. I guess this is Nintendo's way of saying thanks to the Trainer. Also she's athletic, like one of the most athletic Nintendo characters ever (because she teaches it).

These are just my views, but they're off topic. It'd be preferred (by everyone) that if you have something to say on the matter, you'd PM and not reply in the thread.

But no, I don't expect all of those in one trailer. I'm hoping for a villains trailer (Ridley and Mewtwo) and then maybe one for Shulk. Personally, I don't want the Chorus Boys, but this is my opinion, not yours. I think they'd be better suited for an Assist Trophy.

A villains trailer (NO GHIRAHIM; NEVER GHIRAHIM) would be great. I can see it now...
I appreciate the well-thought-out reply, but this, in a way, supports the leak. And yes. All of these characters are obvious now. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. If the leak has been so accurate so far, (with the exception of one character) how can we just immediately assume that it's dead? I've never relied on the leak, but I think it's plausibility is still there.

When it comes to trailers. I believe there will be a Star Fox/Ridley trailer. Seems fitting.
The other trailer could be anything. If there is, in fact, another one left.
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
The first leak (or at least the three that got confirmed) may have been a legit one, but the second one has been proven false by Robin. Sure, Palutena and the suspiciously vague as heck "Pokemon from X and Y" sis appear indeed, and Shulk and an RH character aren't out of the picture, but as a leak it has already been proven to be a farce

But enough about me, let's kill you! Gematsu, Ridley wasn't even affected by it at all.
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Lord of the Nigelchu's
Jun 10, 2014
Switch FC
I think the biggest question right now for Ridley is when another trailer will be shown. Maybe a direct, maybe another lone trailer like Robin's was. Ridley and a veteran would definitely leave people satisfied like Robin's did...

I think that the most likely trailers right now would be for Shulk or Ridley, I think King K. Rool might be unlockable.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
How are things here? Any recent Shadow analysis and other stuff?

Shame I can't come on as often I used to.

Waluigi is too big

Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2014
Wow, congrats on 1,500 pages fellow Ridlians! Hopefully we won't reach 2000 before Ridley is confirmed as playable!
No! waiting that long to find out what Ridley is will kill me.
Waluigi's dis-conformation was like a spear through my chest. This wait for ridley is like sakurai holding up a first aid kit and saying "Am I going to give this to you?."


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
Sakurai was waiting for this thread to hit the BIG 1500 page mark before revealing Ridley. Because Ridley's reveal is a BIG occasion. :troll:


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Sakurai was waiting for this thread to hit the BIG 1500 page mark before revealing Ridley. Because Ridley's reveal is a BIG occasion. :troll:
But everyone overshot, and we passed the mark before the PotD, so the reveal is postponed for a month.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2013
If Ridley is playable. He would have a brand new design like ZSS but still have elements of Other M just like her.

Why make a new design for him if he is going to be a Stage boss when you can just copy/import his Other M model.

Development time for him would be way faster and his status would have been known by now rather than just teasing a could be non playable character.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
August 13th PotD,

Sakurai: I have heard that people wanted more Pyrosphere pictures so I finally decided to put someone there that has never been fully shown:


I hope you enjoy this PotD.
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