first, "stereotypical" and "hypocritcal" are NOT the same thing... YOU are in the wrong there, and so was he.
being hypocritical is to BE a hypocrite... which i was not, i was sincere in what i said, i said what we ALL have said, what we ALL believe, what OUR evidence SHOWS.
i pointed out that the detractors all use the same illogical reasoning, which is at its basest form... "ridley is too big"... thats literally all they say... they try using metroid canon to argue against him, but ignore the canon of everything else.
yes, we all use the same arguments, but OUR arguments have reasoning AND evidence supporting what we say, and we have torn apart every other detractor's argument in this topic... why would it be different this time?
by his age showing, i was not insinuating people of young ages can not be intelligent, because i showed wisdom beyond my years when i was younger, and i know people who are smarter than other kids their age... but TYPICALLY, young age tends to be viewed as inexperience, and that is what i meant... he was showing his age by not understanding what he was saying.
also, just for you people confused about the word "hypocritical", here, have some education.
Adj.1.hypocritical - professing feelings or virtues one does not have; "hypocritical praise"
insincere - lacking sincerity; "a charming but thoroughly insincere woman"; "their praise was extravagant and insincere"