Log 02.008.2013
We have received information of news in regards to some multi-universal battle, again taking place in a world known as the Super Smash Bros. This peculiar world pits warriors of various worlds and universes against each other, and are turned into trophies by the ruler known as Master Hand, created by a being named Masahiro Sakurai. We are not sure how this came to be, but we have found that our enemy, the Hunter, is amongst the returning competitors in this battle. Our great leader geoform 187, code-named Ridley, continues to be restless because of this. Our leader is angry that he has not had a chance to fight back against the Hunter under his own independent glorious leadership, as he has merely been given a lesser role under our previous leader Mother Brain and the Dark Hunter, as well as being under control under the mysterious creature named Tabuu. It is in our best interests that Ridley joins in the battle against the Hunter and the supposed Heroes of the various universes, with glory, and defeat the Hunter once and for all, not confined to a mere "stage" code-named "Pyrosphere". Glory to the Space Pirates!
Log 02.082.0140
Reports suggest that our numbers seem to increase day by day, more and more recruits joining the Space Pirates and our vision in controlling the universe. Our leader is pleased. However, it was advised by our science teams that drinking the liquid substance, known as "Splounge Water", should not be consumed, due to the fact that it would cause side effects including hallucinations, illogical thought patterns, and foolishness amongst the ranks. Anyone caught drinking this substance will be confined to the sick bay until they have returned to their senses, and in the meantime they are used for experiments by our science teams. If the symptoms worsen and cannot be treated, they are then placed in the quarantine bay, and then exiled to a nearby uncharted planet. Our leader Ridley believes that there should be no mercy for those who have no loyalty to him, our leader's vision, and the Space Pirates.