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Tiers above most detractors.I'm sorry.
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Tiers above most detractors.I'm sorry.
Lol Guys Roger actually referenced me in the video.I'm sorry.
Decent video. I still think Ridley is going to be in but, I'll keep watching this video to prevent from becoming too hyped.I'm sorry.
Man, you're always the guy I look up to whenever I lose faith! ^^' I've been struggling with supporting the whole thing on Miiverse, and it's come to the point of taking over my life...actually, that's pretty sad now that I think about it.I promised yesterday, so I'll deliver today.
I just want to recap my logical reasoning before and then make this official. Consider this as a sequel to my essay so I assume that you're aware and know my whole essay. If you completely disagree with my essay, you will here so I suggest to not even read this if it's the case.
We have been teased since August 20 2013. Every one here will probably remember forever this date as it was probably the biggest tease Sakurai every done with selected targeting.
What happened here that made this tease not obvious at all was that it was double meaning and not clear. The fact that it wasn't clear however was proven to be the tease after all. Now, by being clueless on what this stage is for trigger the assumption of not seeing the teased character playable since other character already confirmed could belong to the stage. Here, it would have been samus or any metroid character, but what was ignored except here was that the stage is THE SAME location you fight Ridley canon.
Can we just agree that this stage without Ridley would just feel weird? So, it's more Ridley's home stage than other metroid character then. Just that is the starting point of the tease.
Let me explain what I mean by selected targeting. Sakurai makes his tease in a way that it only works for certain people. There's evidences of Sakurai knowing what feel a supporter has upon deconfirmation, doubtful and confirmation. So, in other words, he's playing with the emotions of people by teasing which make this only work for the one who CARE and does absolutely nothing and it may even do the opposite on the one who DON'T CARE.
Let me explain what it means here. The double meaning here is hazard or playable. The former means that the stage is home of every metroid character except Ridley who is locked here because he would only appear in a fixed way at a fixed interval and nothing more. The latter would means that the stage was made for Ridley. Kinda like a home for his supporters if you want.
So, what honestly do people who don't care will think? Not even doubt that hazard would be the truth because they would mostly not understand how this stage feels like a home and they mostly who care to check deeper since there's already an outcome implied and they are happy with it.
As for the supporters, they would obviously understand this notion and this is when they start to think something is "wrong". Because understanding how this stage would be a home for Ridley and not even being clear on this from Sakurai is just "fishy". By reading the sentences before the any second part, your reaction will depend whether or not you care about Ridley.
If you're a supporter, you will likely understand the tease since you would likely understand the home stage notion. If you're not, you're likely just going to take this as an actual fact and not trying to link this fact to the last sentences which is the tease itself. By not linking those, you would assume that by default, he's an hazard because of how it was mentioned as a boss fight.
In other words, you need to INVESTIGATE DEEPER to know what's going on and people who don't care will miss it because they won't take the effort of doing investigation and just take what is written as fact and implies the truth.
But the tease is hidden because of this. When you would assume this truth, the belief would contradicts what's actually going on. This would make you DENY the tease while it's happening without you knowing. The persons that are likely going to spot the tease are the one who made research or most supporters. So, you would have an idea of what's going to happen while others will deny this until it's happening.
This^, is literally what's happening every single time a tease like this happens. The direct is even more obvious because you need to do hours of research to spot the tease, but on first or second watch, you will get that there's something wrong in the clip. In other words, the direct was made so that you, supporters, spot it while others mostly will not. It became to a point where I ran out of theory for him not being playable so it turned out to be the opposite logic making more sense: instead of being not playable until confirmed, he is playable until deconfirmed. That's the opposite of speculation and the fact that I went there is a proof of how likely he is.
Basically, I said a while ago in this thread that the tease may have been made so that when I watched the clip the second time, I would get that there's something hidden and fishy here. It turns out that it was the truth as the one who support hope while others won't care and be mind blown after.
Ok, this explains the way it happened, but why always by stage reveal?
Because it's the best element to make a character chance situation change. If Sakurai confirms a music, that's not really a clear evidence, but a stage is. A stage takes a huge amount of work and even then, they are VERY detailed. It's crazy how a stage feels like his game because of the details put into it. To dedicate so much work on this is a good reason to think a character associated to the stage would be in.
In fact, only a few exceptions exists, but most stages works like this. So, by revealing the stage, all Sakurai has to do is simply not tell a crucial information on the stage for speculation or not being clear on purpose. In this case, it's the role of Ridley on that stage. You have to check the circumstances to realise that playable makes sense while hazard doesn't. If you don't check, you will assume hazard because assumption and not caring to check.
Let me fill you on previous cases to make you realise how much sense it makes.
Boxing ring: revealed on first trailer by showing it. No crucial infos was given only that the rope acts like a trampoline. Because of the way the stage is showed and presented, it was IMPLIED that it was global. The truth is, no one said something on that matter and Little Mac supporters quickly realised that something fishy was going on. I remember that there was a lot of talks about it on his thread, but supporters started to spot some punch out reference that make this stage a punch out atmosphere. So, why having this stage without Little Mac? It would just feel weird, but you have to at least have played punch out and care for seeing Little Mac so that you could clearly spot those. That's why lots of people DENIED the tease because it was IMPLIED to be global while not only Sakurai wasn't even clear, but it was also the opposite.
Result: After 7 months, Little Mac wa confirmed via a trailer that not only reveals him, but also the SECOND VERSION of the boxing ring. Both informations was HIDDEN for trailer setup AND making the tease works. Since lots of people denied it, mind blown which makes the reveal more hype.
After, that where Ridley one comes in and I already explained deeper enough.
And then, another one was done that in my knowledge, almost no one got it.
Prism Tower: Reveal around a month vefore Greninja's reveal. The initial reveal was partial as it only confirmed the stage with the info that you fight on top of the tower at one point. 2 weeks after (so 2 weeks before reveal), almost every remaining info was given. We are now aware of how this stage acts, but there's one thing he wasn't clear. The location of the stage is from the 6G and so far, no 6G pokemon was confirmed. So, people assumed it was to rep existing one while it was a hidden tease to a 6G pokemon rep.
Result: Greninja was confirmed in the direct, but on the same trailer, a WiiU stage was revealed. Again, this was for trailer setup and it may even be related to a mewtwo tease, but this one is so unclear that I'm not sure if it is one. I'll let you think what you want on this, but the stage was a hidden tease.
Another one!
Palutena's Temple: Revealed with almost no info to then show the complete layout in the direct. Infos came progressively as the stage itself was teased. It wasn't clear who it repped between pit and Palutena so people assumed it was pit. But since the stage is dedicated to Palutena, it would feel weird to not see her. Here however, the direct tease was so obvious that imo, it kinda scrapped the tease. Without it though, it worked.
Result: Palutena was revealed at E3. And on the same trailer, we see her fighting on that same stage so it's obvious how it's her home. Same thing here: mind blown for the one who denied it.
At this point, it should be enough for you to understand.
HOWEVER, it surprisingly became way...way...WAY too personal to deny this for me. I have to say that I did NOT expected this to happen in ANY possible way, but because it happened, I now understand CLEARLY what other supporters lived.
It's happening now so we don't know the result, but check the circumstances, it makes way too much sense for me to deny this possibility.
??? (it's the Paper Mario stage): Ok, please, read before you claim I'm biased because what I'm going to say was me after removing most of my bias and trust me, I will NEVER think it was the truth without evidences and logic so please, read before.
The stage reveal honestly, seems like usual like what happened with Greninja. From the image, there's nothing fishy about them only that I spotted nice details. But not the captions. The first one and particularly the very first sentence along with 2 other circumstances were the tease giveaway.
1: He said "for the first time ever" to then reveal the stage immediately after. In itself, there's nothing abnormal. But why 2 POTD before when he introduced the menu, why he said the EXACT same words? There's no relation on them and if I compare the meaning, it doesn't make sense on the stage.
Let me explain. By saying that there's a first time and reveal right after, you imply that this first time would "happen at one point anyway". It makes sense for the menu because it was implied that we would get a menu and that we would see it at one point. Saying those words means that he wants to hype this first time as it was "due to happen". It's appropriate for the menu, but the stage was completely unexpected to even exist. It was even not implied to see a Paper Mario stage so why this wording is used to hype something that was "due to happen"?
It's like it was "planned before", but if it was the case, what happened before that we didn't see anything from it? This fact alone doesn't prove anything, but that was when I started to doubt the reveal. It's only theory.
2 This one though is a bit weird, but that's when I was starting to consider such a theory seriously. Because the name of the character is literally the same as the name of the series, he had to mention it in this way, but here, it was in a series context, not character. What confirms this is seeing how it seems to rep the series as a whole by repping 2 games with 8 years each apart. The thing is, since it doesn't mention the character, it's not clear if it reps generally the existing Mario characters or Paper Mario. So, I guess I'm stuck here,
3: It just fits with Greninja more now. What you have to remember is that repping TTYD on 3ds and not on WiiU, THAT would be questionable. 3 out of 4 games were released on home console so not seeing a WiiU sage here is unlikely. Though, why hiding such a stage? If it was just for sticker star, then I guess it would be OK, but that's not what happens. So, it seems fishy to not include a WiiU stage.
At this point, this is what happened: people are starting to use a counterargument claiming that because it reps the existing mario characters, it doesn't mean anything for Paper Mario. But, I just said I was stuck and it wasn't clear so, I guess it was implied. I still can't claim the opposite though...until I think about the argument itself.
And that's when I spotted it. If you think about it, using such a stage to rep the main series would be redundant. If I take rainbow road, it only represent one location of one instalment of quite a big and popular sub series. For me, it doesn't rep this series enough to treat it as a whole entity, but rather as a branch related to the main series. Not to mention that other stages like Bowser's Castle would be appropriate considering how well known in the main series such a location is.
But the second picture just break that consistency. The first picture show a game from 2012 while the second one shows a game from 2004. That's really broad for something that would be claimed as branch series related to the main one. There's even a good possibility that there's more, but just those pictures would make this stage too "out of there" to rep the main series.
It rep the series as a whole so much that it could even be considered as a whole entity that is separate. That's the issue because if it's the case, it's no longer the main series now.
Where it makes so much sense is where you put all the pieces together. By hiding his reveal and a WiiU stage, Sakurai is doing a setup for later. For teasing, he would reveal the 3DS stage, but being unclear on who the stage is for which is exactly what happened. People like me (and it's happening in his thread now) would spot the tease since I really care about his case and I checked deeper. Now, people IMPLY that it would just rep the mario series while it wasn't clear.
The existence of such an argument ironically makes this theory even more likely. Now, he will act like he said nothing and keep his mouth shut until he does what most people denied: reveal him and a WiiU stage for trailer setup.
Take Greninja: EXACTLY what would happen and it's history repeating itself FOR THE 5TH TIME!!!
Now, I know his pattern enough to tell that doing it again is heavy evidence on Ridley now. For happening the same way 3 times, me being on another case, I expect that the 5th time is very likely now.
My case is a small tease compared to Ridley. Because Ridley went into tricking us with an unknown entity and that being the shadow. We only know it's Ridley and nothing else. I talked so much that I don't even have any reason to think he would be an hazard since all the remaining are contradictory like what I just found on my end.
It got WAY too far here to deny it. No joke I'll probably have a good laugh at the "I was wrong thread". It's the biggest tease I never being part of and now, to even became to be DIRECTLY and even personally affected by them, I have no choice but to claim that I can't deny this one FOR SURE. So, I'm now comfortable to say it, but...
"Ridley is [almost confirmed] to be playable in Super Smash Brothers for WiiU and 3DS." - aldelaro5 August 1 2014 at 6:00 PM EST
There you have it. July 29 was the last event for me to claim such a statement. When I got directly involved of one of those tease, there wasn't any reason for me to not do it as I understood what happened every time. It doesn't imply the same verdict for my case because Ridley was far bigger and we will almost reach a year now, but I put my case on [quite likely] for safety. Also, I don't think any tease would be revealed after release from now on.
It was a special and hidden tease for a special fanbase.
Thanks for the good speculation you brought up, and I wish you the best hype reveal you would desire and I would be hype too.
Not to bring the storm that rampaged through this thread four or so pages ago back, but the point in particular I'd like to bring up regarding jerkiness is Ridley's tail. When Ridley moves from idle in the air -> flying left, his tail warps from downward to sideways. There's jerky movement, and then there's that.You can't base what all the bosses in the game are going to look like based on the Yellow Devil. That's just one.
Not to mention the Dark Emporor is a bit jerky in his animations.
Pffft, you kidding me? Obviously too big for Smash.So, guys. You know that villain from Metroid? The dragon? His name is Ridley I think. I think he should be in the next Smash game. Any thoughts?
Well, I mean... if you start with Other M, no way to go but up from there, right?Definitely get the Prime games. There's a trilogy edition for the Wii. If you do start buying them...DON'T START with Other M.
This so much. I feel tons better about a detractor that actually listens to what we have to say than one that just keeps calling us delusional without paying attention.I have to thank you for actually trying to listen to our reasons for his inclusion before.
You're a higher tier than the people at GameFAQs and Miiverse, but you won't convince anyone here that Ridley's not playable in your JapanTime videos.
Xenorange I have aHe's playable, if he wasn't, it would
Have been clarified like every other deconfimation. It's silly to assert otherwise with adamant certainty. He's not down and he's not out. All
Signs point to yes
Well, she saves the universe from a galactic threat in nearly every game (Space Pirates in Zero Mission and Super Metroid, Phazon and Space Pirates in Metroid Prime series after events of Metroid Prime 1, the Ing in Prime 2, Gorea in Prime Hunters, metroids in Metroid 2, X-Parasites in Fusion)...Metroid Fusion and Metroid 2 had other parts of the plot that makes them important - in Fusion, Samus becomes part mertoid and is now an...don`t remember how it is called...and in Metroid 2, she finds the baby Metroid. Metroid Other M has few too - Adam dies, Ridley`s clone gets killed by Queen Metroid and, with Nightmare, disappears and we know where you find them again. So, those games where not that pointless. Ridley encounters are the only part of Prime series that makes them important if you won`t count her daily save-the-universe-from-galactic-threat.Well arguably, it gives Samus a lot more fame and also means she saves Planet Aether, I suppose? Interestingly, it introduced Seeker Missiles, which were the only part Sakamoto apparently thought were good enough to keep. But the entire Phazon thing meant that Samus was stopping a threat to the universe; if you argue like that, then you could just as easily say that Metroid II: Return of Samus was pointless, and Metroid Fusion was pointless as they were both the exact same thing; stopping an alien thing from destroying the galaxy. She stopped Phazon from consuming the entire universe, stopped the Ing from taking over Aether and then spreading, and defeated Gorea, if you count Prime Hunters as part of the Prime sub-series. It also introduces numerous other occasions where Ridley appears for Samus, making it known that she's never escaping him.
Note: im not quoting actual message because i don`t remember where it was and too lazy to find it, but i remember about what it was. And i know it was just a theory.Nat Perry said:Ridley`s tail was seen, and since playable characters` models or parts of them are not shown before the reveal, he is deconfirmed.
Mecha Ridley lacks legs, tail, wings and looks bad compared to Ridley. They already resized Olimar and Pikachu without any explanation, so, it is unnecessary.Well Space pirates are normally bigger then samus aren't they? little or a lot. They could resize mecha Ridley, Its not like he needs all that size in a world like his, and being smaller is actually beneficial.
Metroid for NES, Super Smash Bros Melee.Daniel from Miiverse said:Well I'm not a metroid fan so please name a game where Ridley is small
THEN we MUST HATE WALUIGI, TOAD, DAISY, MEWTWO, K.ROOL, BLACK SHADOW, TAKAMARU, *instert other highly requested characters here* JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE REQUESTS THEM!..That is illogical.Daniel from Miiverse (again) said:They don't hate him, they're just tired of him getting requested as he would be better as a boss, stage hazard or, an assist trophy.
Ganondorf goes from big...to big again. Even in OoT, he is big and that doesn`t really matters if his canonical size is available and it is pretty big, BIGGER than in Brawl anyway.Daniel from Miiverse (again!) said:Pfft Ganon and bowser have different sizes in each game look at OoT for small Ganon or Mario Galaxy for Bowser 3 times bigger then Mario. Ridley has always been too big and it's better of as a stage hazard.
Anyway, what did i missed except for that flawed argument?
Thanks! I'm glad that it make your opinion more accurate. I'm used to view both side and combining them is what is the foundation of opinions so it's always important to look both.
Man, you're always the guy I look up to whenever I lose faith! ^^' I've been struggling with supporting the whole thing on Miiverse, and it's come to the point of taking over my life...actually, that's pretty sad now that I think about it.
I actually used to be a detractor until I saw you make good points. It was a painful transformation, but I'm glad I made the change.![]()
...what is it? I can`t watch youtube videos or even read their names unless im searching in google.
Ridley boss exciting? For nth time? Then Ganondorf must be a boss because he is a good boss and would be exciting!..Ridley as a boss is nothing new and he would just reveal his role in that case. Ignore that idiot. You won`t have any problems like wanting to punch him in the face or breaking something or just getting a head ache. That is the best solution of that problem. That pointless debate won`t help you anyway.http://3dsforums.com/showthread.php?t=16636&page=291
i dont agree with SRT's opinion about sakurais reason for having the ridley shadow. " I feel like people who make this argument fail to recognize how many other possible, equally, if not more reasonable explanations exist. Maybe he thinks people will consider boss Ridley exciting?" but if your interested in reading it. (its about ridley stufffffffff)
It's a rant about Ridley not being playable for sure....what is it? I can`t watch youtube videos or even read their names unless im searching in google.
i posted the charizard wing pic on the pyrosphere to a ridley fan page and they wanted my opinion on the link i sent you guys and i gave them my opinion so i thought i would share the link to you guys for your opinions c:...what is it? I can`t watch youtube videos or even read their names unless im searching in google.
Ridley boss exciting? For nth time? Then Ganondorf must be a boss because he is a good boss and would be exciting!..Ridley as a boss is nothing new and he would just reveal his role in that case. Ignore that idiot. You won`t have any problems like wanting to punch him in the face or breaking something or just getting a head ache. That is the best solution of that problem. That pointless debate won`t help you anyway.
It always bothers me when I watch a video such as this as I have the inherent desire to refute their fallacious arguments; however, there is no point as videos are a form of unilateral communication. Sad face.
And... I've already gotten into two completely different arguments. CURSE YOU HUMANITY!!!!!I'm sorry.
Pffft, sorry for what? You didn't bring up anything we can't counter, stated what we already knew you thought, and stated an absolute opinion that's going to bite you in the ***I'm sorry.
I think I need to answer to this because I didn't saw such an argument once.http://3dsforums.com/showthread.php?t=16636&page=291
i dont agree with SRT's opinion about sakurais reason for having the ridley shadow. " I feel like people who make this argument fail to recognize how many other possible, equally, if not more reasonable explanations exist. Maybe he thinks people will consider boss Ridley exciting?" but if your interested in reading it. (its about ridley stufffffffff)
what i got from this:"i see the evidence from the supporters but lol ridley will not be playable"
I know that feel. If people don't think he'll be in? Cool. If they give reasons that are easily countered and are dated? Then I take the bait almost every time.And... I've already gotten into two completely different arguments. CURSE YOU HUMANITY!!!!!
How dare you. I have wanted Flag since Play Station All Stars Battle Royale. Reported for hateful content.The flag isn't a ****ing character.
Ridley is
Unfortunately for those who likes classic design more, it won`t happen because it will look odd compared to everything else that was designed after Other M (except for Dark Samus and maybe Mother Brain). So, either a hybrid or Roidley. With no classic alt because of different proportions. Maybe just not that bulky version of Roidley with different "beak" as alt, but don`t expect anything beyond that.Trailer Imagining time.
I DID A THINGStarts out on Pyrosphere.
Mii Gunner Sakurai and Samus are looking around, cautiously.
A violent screech happens.
Suddenly Roidley.
(Gameplay) Roidley, revealed as a boss, easily takes out both Sakurai and Samus.
(back to cutscene) Slightly Concerned, Samus looks at Sakurai, unsure of what to do.
Sakurai pulls out a Gamepad, a Poison Mushroom and a Smash 4 Invitation comes from said Gamepad as he whispers to Samus, calmly;
"We fight fire, with fire."
<An epic Remix of Ridley's Theme fades in.>
A Ridley trophy emerges from the Gamepad, and, placing the Poison Mushroom and Invitation on the Ridley Statue, Sakurai lets Ridley free, with Ridley's new knowledge of SSB4 and his smaller, more playable size in hand.
Ridley sees Roidley, Samus and Sakurai.
Swatting away the two gunners, Ridley lunges towards Roidley, tagline included.
(Que the gameplay of Ridley, showing off his moveset and him fighting Roidley.)
End of the trailer, before the Copyright screen, we see Ridley fly off, towards who knows where.
So, this video is your opinion on Charizard`s wing and/or the whole thing about Ridley..?i posted the charizard wing pic on the pyrosphere to a ridley fan page and they wanted my opinion on the link i sent you guys and i gave them my opinion so i thought i would share the link to you guys for your opinions c:
Let me guess...size argument, his shadow shown in BOSSES section even though that is YELLOW DEVIL SECTION, YELLOW F***ING DEVIL, NOT BOSSES, his tail shown, that line that says something about "Boss characters make appearance in other stages, not just this one"? Or just ingoring of our arguments and saying that Ridley will never be playable? Duh. Sometimes, i want to kill them. With fire. Because everything else failed. And you know what they say about it: "If everything else fails, use fire"...or something like that.It's a rant about Ridley not being playable for sure.
Dangit Opossum, you didn't add the Flag to the graveyard?Wait, the flag isn't a playable character? Why didn't anyone tell me?
You forgot to mention the ad hominem that implies that everyone who disagrees is a troll.what i got from this:"i see the evidence from the supporters but lol ridley will not be playable"
Man, Flag was top tier in Melee.Wait, the flag isn't a playable character? Why didn't anyone tell me?
Because sometimes I miss-click on my iphone and fail to notice it. Is it that bothersome?Xenorange I have a
question. Why do you always type
like this sometimes while other times it seems like you're
completely normal
Yeah, it used to have fantastic aerials, combos, and grapples.Man, Flag was top tier in Melee.
You were too young, son...we didn`t wanted to tell you until you will grow up...and since now you are...whatever, i failed at making that joke.Wait, the flag isn't a playable character? Why didn't anyone tell me?
Troll? Troll means absolutely different thing and why not "idiot"? That fits better because trolls do that for fun and we don`t. Anyway, how many dislikes and likes he has?You forgot to mention the ad hominem that implies that everyone who disagrees is a troll.
*Claps*You know I see a comment from that Ridley rant vid from a person with a little Mac avatar saying and I quote "How many times have you seen a fighter shown off before there revealed", I check there vids and see this.
Suspicious isn't It....
Ignorance is bliss, but it's the opposite for those that have to deal with it.You know I see a comment from that Ridley rant vid from a person with a little Mac avatar saying and I quote "How many times have you seen a fighter shown off before there revealed", I check there vids and see this.
Suspicious isn't It....
At least the "proportions argument" is more logical than the "size argument."*Claps*
Wow, it's like we have no hope now.