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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
inb4 one of the guests is Shokio and he's gonna make a video of how "stupid" our points/facts are. :\


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
inb4 one of the guests is Shokio and he's gonna make a video of how "stupid" our points/facts are. :\
By quoting our joke posts. Like those that say "Sakurai...R...Ridley confirmed". Is there someone who thinks that video was not stupid? By someone, i mean not idiots of course.
At least when (not if, because im not talking only about Sm4sh, there may be more sequels and at least in one of them Ridley will be playable) Ridley will be confirmed to be playable, all of that will end and will bring mild amusement for us in form of excuses from toobigots...and "i was wrong" from just detractors.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
By quoting our joke posts. Like those that say "Sakurai...R...Ridley confirmed". Is there someone who thinks that video was not stupid? By someone, i mean not idiots of course.
At least when (not if, because im not talking only about Sm4sh, there may be more sequels and at least in one of them Ridley will be playable) Ridley will be confirmed to be playable, all of that will end and will bring mild amusement for us in form of excuses from toobigots...and "i was wrong" from just detractors.
Shokio is a arrogant twit from what I saw, he complained about zero combos in Brawl and lack of exploits in the sm4sh demo, brawl may not have had a lot of combos, but they still existed! and boohoo, no wavedash! It's Ridley videos are stupid as Shokio only quotes a third of an interview, the rest actually helps Ridley, and by using concept art as an argument! What a nuisance, especially how much people think those are good and legit arguments


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
so he's allowed to express his opinion, even if it angers others, but i am not allowed to express mine?

people throw the word "detractor" around, despite that basically being the same as "troll", atleast regarding the subject of ridley.

what is this topic becoming... you are defending a detractor, suddenly defending their evidence, atleast that is what it sounds like to me.

this whole wait is starting to tear at my mind and starting to turn us against each other, it seems... that is just depressing.

i miss when i first came to this thread, it was more fun... andrea needs to post more drawings of ridley to break up the tension, or something.
You seem to be interpreting people's posts here a lot more aggressively than their intent.

I'm not telling anyone that they aren't allowed to express their opinions, that was in fact my point. Passive aggressively telling everyone here you think someone is a troll may technically count as an opinion, but it's also a personal attack against that person, especially when he's posting completely normally, and not trolling.

Also, not wanting Ridley in the game is definitely not the same thing as a troll. There are people who genuinely dislike Metroid, or Ridley as a character. And that's ok. It doesn't mean you have to fight with them. I will defend any detractor who gets unjustly badmouthed by overzealous supporters here.

But I was not defending his "evidence". If you re-read my posts, I was doing my best to show him why his arguments were bunk. But I was respecting him, and treating him like a person. I wasn't talking in a way that pretended he didn't exist, telling everyone else I thought he was less than human.

I understand the wait sucks. I've been waiting since pre brawl, too. I'm just saying there's no need to be mean to other people, detractor or not. Wanting Ridley in the game isn't an excuse to be mean in posts.

August is gonna be a rough patch, but we'll get through. I want Ridley playable soooo much, it's really hard to wait. So lets at least wait like gentlemen?

67 Guests:?
What is this? Pre E3 or something?
Ow my.....its just the Ridley thread
Wow, you're right, that's crazy. I leave for a meeting, come back and @.@

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Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2014
Dem 69 guests.. what the...

PS: Joining doesn't hurt, and we do not eat people...most of the time...
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Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
C'mon guests. Join in on the conversation!

Seriously, there are 80 of you here now:


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
I want to see this reddit thread and see what there saying about us.

BTW this thread turned me into a Ridley supporter so maybe others will convert too.
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May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
You just murdered my ears...

I saw the title and I wasn't sure how to feel.

Yeah, believe it or not he isn't a horrible person because he made one video. You all should really stop giving him **** for it, he has some logical videos, too.
I was just wondering why he said Brawl had "No Combos" and that a Beta Game had no Exploits. Isn't any game (Beta or not) Not supposed to have exploits?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2014
I believe in Ridley, but he's either making it as an initial playable character or a stage boss. From here, I'll assume DLC is happening for the sake of the argument. DLC is an option for characters that aren't in such a big role in the game. For example, Takamaru can't really be DLC now, because he's an assist trophy. That's a pretty big role, and changing him from assist to playable to create an Alfonso effect would likely require a lot of work. It's also the reason why I don't see Chrom making DLC, as they'd have to go through a big process to substitute Chrom with someone else when Chrom wasn't playing, change the sound clips, etc.

Alfonso'ing Ridley as a stage boss just seems like it'd be far too much effort to be considered by the Smash Team in the first place anyway, I believe. I don't support the "clone is stage boss original is playable" OR the "stage boss is there when Ridley's not picked, not there when he's not" arguments because the former could cause confusion, and the latter would take more work than the dev team likely feels is necessary for a single character. Toon Link is different because he's just a part of the stage otherwise, but Ridley causes an effect in battles. I've said it before, and I still hold true to it:

We're getting playable Ridley or Stage Hazard Ridley. Not both. The chances of this being proven false seems astronomically small to me. DLC, even if implemented, could not include Ridley because his role would have been confirmed in the game and if he's playable there'd be no need, however if he's a stage hazard the devs would probably just feel like it's too much effort for one character when they could just bring back Mewtwo easily and get people hyped the exact same way.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Yeah, believe it or not he isn't a horrible person because he made one video. You all should really stop giving him **** for it, he has some logical videos, too.
Unless that information is fake, he complained about lack of combos in Brawl and lack of exploits in sm4sh. Its like complaining about lack of Conami code in Sm4sh or lack of fish in cheezeburger.Oh, and he uses size argument. So, he is at least an idiot.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
I believe in Ridley, but he's either making it as an initial playable character or a stage boss. From here, I'll assume DLC is happening for the sake of the argument. DLC is an option for characters that aren't in such a big role in the game. For example, Takamaru can't really be DLC now, because he's an assist trophy. That's a pretty big role, and changing him from assist to playable to create an Alfonso effect would likely require a lot of work. It's also the reason why I don't see Chrom making DLC, as they'd have to go through a big process to substitute Chrom with someone else when Chrom wasn't playing, change the sound clips, etc.

Alfonso'ing Ridley as a stage boss just seems like it'd be far too much effort to be considered by the Smash Team in the first place anyway, I believe. I don't support the "clone is stage boss original is playable" OR the "stage boss is there when Ridley's not picked, not there when he's not" arguments because the former could cause confusion, and the latter would take more work than the dev team likely feels is necessary for a single character. Toon Link is different because he's just a part of the stage otherwise, but Ridley causes an effect in battles. I've said it before, and I still hold true to it:

We're getting playable Ridley or Stage Hazard Ridley. Not both. The chances of this being proven false seems astronomically small to me. DLC, even if implemented, could not include Ridley because his role would have been confirmed in the game and if he's playable there'd be no need, however if he's a stage hazard the devs would probably just feel like it's too much effort for one character when they could just bring back Mewtwo easily and get people hyped the exact same way.
While I understand your argument that characters already represented in the game won't make it as DLC, I'll also say you don't have much to base it on. There are so many characters that are both stage elements and playable already (mii's, toon link, ect), assuming we have DLC, it could expand past there, even to assist trophies. They wouldn't even have to alphonzo them, just have them both in at the same time. With Ridley it could be a different model, ect.

That being said, I don't think we'll get DLC at all, and I agree with the thought that Ridley will either be a boss or playable.


Smash Master
Apr 14, 2014
We're entering the Pirate Homeworld now. Everyone, restore your energy and renew your missiles. This is gonna be one heck of a ride.


Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2014
I'm one of the daily lurkers here (hi!) and I decided to get an account here. Full supporter of Ridley. I'm suspicious that Sakurai hasn't even said his name yet and all of that.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2014
While I understand your argument that characters already represented in the game won't make it as DLC, I'll also say you don't have much to base it on. There are so many characters that are both stage elements and playable already (mii's, toon link, ect), assuming we have DLC, it could expand past there, even to assist trophies. They wouldn't even have to alphonzo them, just have them both in at the same time. With Ridley it could be a different model, ect.

That being said, I don't think we'll get DLC at all, and I agree with the thought that Ridley will either be a boss or playable.
Yeah, I can't say I felt 100% confident with my points when posting them, but I went ahead because I feel that about every argument I ever write. :laugh: Personally, while I still don't see Ridley as getting in that way, I guess I can see how it'd work. Brawley is totally different to Roidley and... actually, pretty much every single Ridley ever created is totally different from all the others, at the very least design-wise. Even Meta Ridley in Prime is radically different in design to Meta Ridley from Prime 3.

I can't place any confidence in DLC, either. It'd be cool to put in characters that people want, but I'd much prefer to be able to say something like "Ridley was in the official release as playable!" than to have to say "Ridley was DLC, which means that he wasn't thought of as playable material until the end". It'd feel like a half-victory, if that makes any sense.

We're entering the Pirate Homeworld now. Everyone, restore your energy and renew your missiles. This is gonna be one heck of a ride.
Don't forget your acid-rain-proof undergarments!


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2014
Unless that information is fake, he complained about lack of combos in Brawl and lack of exploits in sm4sh. Its like complaining about lack of Conami code in Sm4sh or lack of fish in cheezeburger.Oh, and he uses size argument. So, he is at least an idiot.
So yeah, he's an idiot when it comes to arguing about Ridley and a few other characters. But that doesn't make him an overall idiot. That's like saying "Oh, you can't do advanced trigonometry because you were never taught? That must mean that you're completely useless for anything and everything."
It just doesn't work like that. Sure, his Ridley video is stupid and pointless, but a lot of his other videos make good points for other topics. You can't call him an idiot because he uses the size argument, because (while it is easily debunked) it was good at one point in time. It isn't anymore, but it was a few years ago.

And I'm not saying that his lack of exploits and combos points are good either, I'm saying look a little farther than the initial impression to see someone's true self.


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
first of all i want to congratulate @ Phaazoid Phaazoid for the common sense (more uncommon than you think) and for saying mostly what I wanted to say, so i will write less :p

Regarding "bashing detractors" please, don't bash people that are using their brains, I don't share @Weavel views or how he is defending his argument. but he isn't trolling.

We may be vicous and cruel space pirates, but we aren't irrational savage beasts (with no personality) that hardly use their brains we have a science team for whoever sake! (even if they are pretty incompetent), lets just not give that impresion.

Also please, metroids aren't pets.

Regarding DLC while DLC isnt entirely ruled out, I can see it not happening. maybe it would be outrageous to other companies, but Nintendo never have had a lot of post release content. not even balance patches (brawl could have used a couple) the way i see them doing things, once a game is completed, teams start with another project. Thats for good or for bad been Nintendo way of doing things during GC and WII eras (when online features started gaining importance). It may change, cnsidering now Nintendo seems to been giving more importance to internet, but is still to early to say.

as if they DO DLC, don't expect anything coming at least one year post release date. i just hope that if they keep developing the game post release, they do it right. I really liked how capcom handled the whole SFIV DLC stuff... specially Ultra. i would love if there is something as Smash DLC it would be handled similar, as a full expansion, instead of individual characters. wouldn't mind individual alternate costumes though, never have had a problem with "PAY2PRETTY". but for balance sake (both casual and competitive), I think it would be better if they just sold all stages and characters in one pack. it would be easier to distinguish between vanilla smash and expansion smash, and while you maybe never use an specific character, you still need to know how to fight against it.

Is wishful thinking, but imagine half and a year post wiiu release, we get something as a smash expansion with 4 newcomers, returning cut veterans, some new stages and old stages pack, and another gamemode for say 15-20 dollars?. (I think it would be easier for the competitive community, and the casual community could have stuff like more gamemodes, so is a Win Win situation in my eyes)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2014
On the topic of Ridley, Shokio was really putting himself out there by spreading "too big" further the way he did and becoming well-known for it. He was practically opening himself up to say "detractors of Ridley, flock to me" so it's absolutely inevitable that he was going to get serious flack from supporters for offering himself up to be that "too big" figurehead that he's become.

Still, I wouldn't judge him as a person. He's absolutely an idiot when it comes to Ridley and he has no right to complain about supporters attacking him (not that he does anyway, I don't believe) because he helped significant spread an argument that's hurt us about as much as supporters have been going against him, if not moreso, but it doesn't mean he's even a bad person so much as it does just mean that he doesn't like Ridley.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2014
Camp Wawanakwa! :D
I agree.

It really grinds my gears when ignorant people say he's deconfirmed even though Sakurai or Nintendo themselves never said he was not playable.
EXACTLY!!! This basically can go for any character as well. People jump to the conclusion that just because Sakurai is trolling with fans that a certain character is either disconfirmed or confirmed. It can sometimes bring unneeded hype or let downs ya know?

Until a character is officially proven to be anything other than playable, they still have a chance imo.
So yes! Ridley still has a shot, and imo, an even bigger shot now than before! :D

Also I just can't wait for this game any longer! IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME!! :D
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2014
people that leaked and tought it was the final roster would like ..had takamaru and not ridley.. but got proved wrong,because takamarus is a assist trophy and give more chance for ridley :)


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
first of all i want to congratulate @ Phaazoid Phaazoid for the common sense (more uncommon than you think) and for saying mostly what I wanted to say, so i will write less :p

Regarding "bashing detractors" please, don't bash people that are using their brains, I don't share @Weavel views or how he is defending his argument. but he isn't trolling.

We may be vicous and cruel space pirates, but we aren't irrational savage beasts (with no personality) that hardly use their brains we have a science team for whoever sake! (even if they are pretty incompetent), lets just not give that impresion.

Also please, metroids aren't pets.
thanks xD. I'm glad I wasn't the only one with that sentiment.

Having been here since pre brawl, honestly I have to say the anti ridley trolling has been almost non-existent in comparison to before. I remember it much worse pre brawl. I honestly think this thread has had more problem from our end than anything else, and it's a bit of a shame. Most people here have gotten better (shout-out to @ BaganSmashBros BaganSmashBros for a noticeable improvement in his attitude toward detractors), but there's always room for improvement.

Just treat people like people, and report/ignore the ones that are trolls. We haven't had a troll in a while. They're the ones that post in all caps "RIDLEY IS TWO BIG" and disregard other forum rules as well. They'll get what's coming to them, the moderation staff here is smart, and @ IsmaR IsmaR doesn't show any mercy.

We've got about a month and a half to wait, maybe less for the final word on Ridley. Lets stay civil in the process.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
Who do you think will be revealed with Ridley? My bets on Mewtwo and Lucas for non-villain trailer, K. Rool, Mewtwo, and Ganondorf for villains trailer.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 25, 2014
Finally back home from work so I can now cease to lurk as a guest. (Yet somehow there's still 70+ others left)

Anyhow, if I counted correctly there's only 16 more PotDs left till Ridmas (aka August 20th). Despite me being very confident in Ridley's chances, I can't help but feel a bit nervous after that Takamaru disconfirmation this morning. I know it helps Ridley's chances and all, but still.

Who do you think will be revealed with Ridley? My bets on Mewtwo and Lucas for non-villain trailer, K. Rool, Mewtwo, and Ganondorf for villains trailer.
I would agree with those characters. Possibly adding Meta Knight/Wario/Wolf to the villain one.
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Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
Finally back home from work so I can now cease to lurk as a guest. (Yet somehow there's still 70+ others left)

Anyhow, if I counted correctly there's only 16 more PotDs left till Ridmas (aka August 20th).
I just log in at work and post. All day. Like right now xD (it's almost noon where I am)

And you counted right. 16 PotD's until the 20'th. and 34 until the game's release in Japan.

34. Only 34 more pictures until we know the entire roster.

A bit chilling, isn't it.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I just log in at work and post. All day. Like right now xD (it's almost noon where I am)

And you counted right. 16 PotD's until the 20'th. and 34 until the game's release in Japan.

34. Only 34 more pictures until we know the entire roster.

A bit chilling, isn't it.
After Brawl was released, Sakurai confirmed some characters that were not known to be playable, like Wolf, who says this won't happen again?


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
After Brawl was released, Sakurai confirmed some characters that were not known to be playable, like Wolf, who says this won't happen again?
It probably will. there were 12 hidden un announced characters that didn't go on the brawl dojo until after brawl came out, some not for months.

But the most likely scenario is, a day or so after the game comes out, people in japan will have unlocked the whole roster and posted pictures of it online. I for one will be importing a japanese 3DS (I finally caved) and doing the same.


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
After Brawl was released, Sakurai confirmed some characters that were not known to be playable, like Wolf, who says this won't happen again?
everyone knew that wolf was in at that time. so far the leak prevention have been pretty good for this game, mbutonce the game will be out in japan.. it wiull be literally hours before the nwhole roster is published in teh internet with proof, (and it could even happen some days previous release, like people who don't mind the anti leak deal, getting access to the whole game data.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Switch FC
Just a heads up, but we may have a storm coming

Found someone posting about this twitter account on reddit https://twitter.com/LeakedSmash, apparently they're a play tester and are leaking pictures. Don't buy it for 1 second but we may have people coming here talking about them

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