Beware. A
new challenger long post approaches.
Don't want to start any arguments here, but posting anyways...
Ahem. Before starting, everyone, please don't feel a need to respond to this first part. The thread easily digresses as it is. I just figured I'd put this out there, to be "informative." Yes, I am painfully aware that saying not to will prompt others to respond, but please ignore those urges.
Other M's critical reception is not nearly as bad as everyone believes, at least, as far as concerning "professional" reviewers. If Metacritic is to be believed, the game had a mostly positive critical reaction, with a few "mixed" reviews, while lacking any negative critical reviews.
Edit: X-play notwithstanding. Well, if you consider X-play professional anyways...
I believe that Metroid didn't have much of a big fan base in Japan because Metroid came out for the NES during the end of it's life cycle. Famicon System (SNES) was coming out soon in Japan and people were looking forward to other games. The US had an extra year to develop a relationship with the Metroid franchise before the SNES got here; which probably gave rise for the western audience.
If I recall correctly, the Metroid fanbase is actually pitifully small, at least compared to the "big four" (Mario, Pokémon, The Legend of Zelda, and Super Smash Bros.) Nintendo franchises. Metroid games generally average around 1 million copies sold. Prime and maybe Prime 3 were the only games to really act as outliers to that.
If his final smash were of him using his skin hardening from other M, I could SEE why they wouldn't use black skin red eyes because the only change would be his eyes turning green instead of red in his final smash.
Though we should get a sort of "Dark Ridley" palette yeah.
That should happen. SAKURAI! Make it happen.
This question has been on my mind as of lately: Since Ridley was apparently confirmed to be a stage hazard, what's keeping Sakurai and Nintendo from showing him in action? Why haven't they shown any pictures of him on Pyrosphere, and why did they only show an awkwardly-moving shadow?
Considering that NoA is painfully aware of what the Smash fandom wants over here, why haven't they gone over to Sakurai to ask him to "reveal the damn stage hazard so the fanbase can be put out of their misery"?
They don't DARE question the MIGHT of the GREAT Sakur- *gets shot*
Serious answer: Sakurai is a troll, and Nintendo of America may actually be aware of what is truly going on.
Probably because NoA, for the most part, has as much power as a crushed bug

. They follow orders from the old wise japanese men in suits and never ask questions. They are just the localization and marketing guys. Also who's to say they didn't ask and Sakurai just shrugged off their concerns :/ .
Oddly enough, Nintendo of America is essentially responsible for the creation of roughly three games initially released only there (ExciteBots, Elite Beat Agents, and Super Mario Bros. 2/Super Mario USA).
Frankly, there is very little logical reason for not showing him at this point. His presence on the Pryosphere has been teased for nearly a whole year now, and so far we've only got a glimpse of his shadow. He hasn't even been named yet. And this is coming from the same people who randomly and nonchalantly confirmed the return of Green Hill Zone in a group of recent pictures, and who went out of their way to officially de-confirm Chrom after his appearance at the end of Robin's trailer (despite it being fairly clear that he was part of a Final Smash). With that in mind, I see no reason for why they have yet to properly show Ridley, despite him being hyped up for so long.
Answer to this and everything: 42 + Nintendo +Smash Bros. = Because Sakurai.
I'm amazed that people can't tell that Ridley is being handled strangely and differently from literally everyone else.
No pictures, no name, no coverage, no acknowledgement, no Pyrosphere information but lots of Pyrosphere PICTURES, all the while Sakurai goes "X is not playable" and things get haphazardly revealed in press pictures. There's only one reason they would tease Ridley, and only one reason they would completely avoid him like this.
... He's molting.
Well, he is a space reptile...
Something that could work is if some major gaming site advertized Ridley as a playable character, perhaps forcing a reply from Nintendo's PR department
Wouldn't work. NOA, NOE, and NOJ + some other, smaller branches would give the generic "We can't really comment on that now." response.
And I mean he looks like he is on drugs. He looks like he's not "calculating axe murderer" crazy but more like "Hallucinating schizophrenic who is coincidentally holding a knife while they flail around angrily and make loud noises through their mouth froth" crazy. Which isn't the right kind of crazy for Ridley.
"Kill as much as you want! Have fun!" - Ridley
Sure sounds like a psychopath to me.
What, you mean Sakurai didn't just FORGET in those hundreds of post-direct press photos to include Ridley in a single one despite him being so CLEARLY AND ACTIVELY deconfirmed?
Aging in reverse will do that to a man...
Oh, I thought you meant someone like IGN just posts "RIDLEY'S A BOSS HAZARD. :I" *phew*
Certainly sounds something like what IGN would do...
If Ridley IS revealed in an August Direct, when does everyone hope/pray/believe/expect that to be as well as how will Sakurai would lead into the reveal, plus how much Rids trolling do you believe he'll pull off before the (hypothetical) August Direct reveal?