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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era

Zuba Oki

Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2014
o.O Me? oh, no no no no, I can't take such responsability...

:/ Eh, don't worry. My ship will be always Ridsalina.

Be careful on what you say.....you don't want to get me mad....again.
Mad Andrea is Best Andrea


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
because the back and forth humor, and the fact we all must have at least giggled when we saw the mad Rayman saying ITS NOT A GODDAMNED SHIPPING THING. Or because Hell have no fury as a woman's wrath, I dunno
=u=u Yeah....when I get enraged I want to assassinate people with a retractable blade....um....not really.... -u-


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
So....are the Ridley supporters so bored that they are trying to pretend to be detractors, is that what is going on?

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
So....are the Ridley supporters so bored that they are trying to pretend to be detractors, is that what is going on?
That only happens when there is no information to discuss and if we want to ridicule toobigots, preferably in 133T to make their intellectual level look like their arguments on why Ridley can't be playable

Oh I've been lurking this thread for ages now. But i just never speak up cause im never sure what to say. :urg:
Eh, think of something Ridley related, and everyone here seems to like a good joke
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
That only happens when there is no information to discuss and if we want to ridicule toobigots, preferably in 133T to make their intellectual level look like their arguments on why Ridley can't be playable
I thought it was because the Ridley supporters were bored, but thanks for the information.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
So....are the Ridley supporters so bored that they are trying to pretend to be detractors, is that what is going on?
pretending? more like getting smart they are finally seeing the truth......
ridly is not playable!!!! lol mark my words if theres any support left that is


......*cough* OH GOD. That hurt my fingers to type.

Such ignorance and disregard for grammar. Anyway, that's me pretending to be a detractor.
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Zuba Oki

Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2014
So....are the Ridley supporters so bored that they are trying to pretend to be detractors, is that what is going on?
that would actually be pretty fun. ok let me try

Ridley can't be resized because he would look silly with his lanky figure and Ridley is most known for his large menacing size

Deleted member

Ridley won't get in because he would look ridiculous and wouldn't look right to Samus grab him in my opinion and my opinion is what determines the game's roster


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
Now that I caught up with all the posts, I would like to share my thoughts on this;

So, what evidence actually convinces you the most that Ridley is playable? I know it all combined is causing some people to go all-or-nothing (and really, it's not like there's anything to lose as we're already the Smash community punching bags), but what's the one piece of evidence that convinces you more than the others?

I don't put much stock in shadow analysis or theories, myself.

The most convincing thing for me was when Majora brought up that it made no sense for Sakurai to be hyping up Stage Hazardley, and then explained why. Also, by the way, I believe that absolutely deserves to be put into the OP, @Con0rrrr

IMO, the one thing that makes me think Ridley is indeed playable is Palutena. Palutena has never been mentioned by name (always been mentioned as the "Goddess of Light") and has been referenced with other things (Psuedo-Palutena, Palutena statue), until she's been announced. You know who else hasn't been mentioned by name? Ridley. You know who else hasn't been shown off directly and referenced by other things? Ridley.

I'd also want to say something about "Ridley being a Boss" theory. If Ridley was indeed a boss character, why is it taking so long to reveal him as a boss character? From what I heard, during SSBB's development, Ridley was mentioned by name as a Boss when his theme was added to the Music section to reveal his theme was for Norfair. This took place fairly early in SSBB's development. If he wasn't playable, Sakurai would have mention this much sooner. The fact Sakurai hasn't said "Ridley is a Boss" as he shown off Ridley's shadow, makes me think this further. Also, why show off Yellow Devil being a stage boss with no problem, yet don't show Ridley off directly, like Yellow Devil?

My point? Taking this long just to say Ridley isn't playable, simply doesn't make sense. Not from Sakurai, not from anyone. If Chrom (in the same video mind you) can get de-confirmed when revealing Lucina and Robin, then Ridley should have gotten the same treatment with Yellow Devil.

Sry for that mini rant, got carried away.
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Smash Rookie
Jun 8, 2014
Or fighting a mega mushroomed Samus while playing Ridley.

Oh how the tables have turned my friend.


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
Mad Andrea is Best Andrea
dude.. i was planning to either do a ridleyxrayman and say exactly the very same words.. but now that you said it... it's not the same Y.Y

Regarding Ridley size, i was munching something that have been said, Sakurai saying that Ridley would need to be slow in order to not be OP in the roster, and if that would have been alright. . .

And while in a lot of games Ridley is bigger than Samus, Ridley "design wise" along other metroid bosses, is being the small but very mobile and lethal boss (Rivals kinda take that approach) (it's clear sakurai knows this) so is not part of Ridley character being big and all, is just that all metroid bosses tend to be massive, stuff that already have been said.

I know is almost a moot point with the shadow analyses and all, but how woud you take a Ridley thats almost samus size? (looking bigger only due to wingspan) that keeps that agility so charateristic of Ridley? I know the idea have grown on me a little : )


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
4 Ridleys with Super-Mushroom in Giant Match in the smallest stage of the game, I call it: "There is no room for you, you can't fit in"
No, the event should be "Ridley is too Big."

Now that I caught up with all the posts, I would like to share my thoughts on this;

IMO, the one thing that makes me think Ridley is indeed playable is Palutena. Palutena has never been mentioned by name (always been mentioned as the "Goddess of Light") and has been referenced with other things (Psuedo-Palutena, Palutena statue), until she's been announced. You know who else hasn't been mentioned by name? Ridley. You know who else hasn't been shown off directly and referenced by other things? Ridley.

I'd also want to say something about "Ridley being a Boss" theory. If Ridley was indeed a boss character, why is it taking so long to reveal him as a boss character? From what I heard, during SSBB's development, Ridley was mentioned by name as a Boss when his theme was added to the Music section to reveal his theme was for Norfair. This took place fairly early in SSBB's development. If he wasn't playable, Sakurai would have mention this much sooner. The fact Sakurai hasn't said "Ridley is a Boss" as he shown off Ridley's shadow, makes me think this further. Also, why show off Yellow Devil being a stage boss with no problem, yet don't show Ridley off directly, like Yellow Devil?

My point? Taking this long just to say Ridley isn't playable, simply doesn't make sense. Not from Sakurai, not from anyone. If Chrom (in the same video mind you) can get de-confirmed when revealing Lucina and Robin, then Ridley should have gotten the same treatment with Yellow Devil.

Sry for that mini rant, got carried away.
Chrom is by far the biggest, most expected character to get deconfirmed to date. He's the one that has hurt the most so far. Others are to come... but thankfully we know Ridley isn't one, their is too much evidence towards Ridley at this point.
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