Name stuff every other game, and for Nuzlocke runs obv. Didn't name much in HG or White, though. I'll list only the latter here.
Musket the Accelgor - Traded a friend for it, was my in game one/beat the E4/game with it.
(Sir) Poogington the Slowking - Asdafadsagagadg; name limit. Named after a closed friend of mine who's a slooooooooooooooowpoooooooke.
Celestia the Elygyem
Appleboom the Totodile
Macintosh the Pawniard
The above three were used and named in the Mystery egg night event. Had three before these for the previous event, but I didn't name them.
Mien-Ko the Mienshao - It just fit. <3
Olibu the Golurk - First thing I EV trained in this game. Rock Polish set, would be better with No Guard though.
Klungo the Klingklang
Xiao the Haxorus
Amorbis the Hydreigon
Raised these few together, along with anything else that didn't evolve until 50+
Opalescence the Sneasel - Best thing I've bred/my DW Pokemon of choice. <3
The following are things I've imported from older games, etc. Not gonna bother listing things from GTS trades.
Iyaji - Dratini
Goober - Gulpin
Leeroy - Cacturne
Kelly - Mantine
AAAAAGGG - Swampert
Sky - Leafeon
Maha - Manaphy
Ga - Murkrow
Drasea - Seadra