After much digging around, the only meaty bit of new Wario info I could glean is the bike has enough knockback to KO middleweights in the low 100% range at the edge of FD if it's thrown upward, which makes it a bit scarier as an edgeguard option now.
It seems like it's strictly the direction the bike is thrown in that influences its damage now, not the velocity, as it still does 19% even if it hits as it's landing as opposed to at the start of the throw.
EDIT: The healing from eating projectiles also seems to be around 20% of the damage it would've dealt, as a fully Dark Samus neutral B healed a measly 6%. It seems like it has a minimum healing value though, as wimpy stuff like uncharged Aura Sphere was noted as healing 2% still. Doesn't seem to produce any significant effect on waft charge either.
It seems like it's strictly the direction the bike is thrown in that influences its damage now, not the velocity, as it still does 19% even if it hits as it's landing as opposed to at the start of the throw.
EDIT: The healing from eating projectiles also seems to be around 20% of the damage it would've dealt, as a fully Dark Samus neutral B healed a measly 6%. It seems like it has a minimum healing value though, as wimpy stuff like uncharged Aura Sphere was noted as healing 2% still. Doesn't seem to produce any significant effect on waft charge either.
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