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The ORIGINALS-Last of the dying breed


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Shut up Famous. You just made one of the most nonsensical points I've ever seen.

does this mean you won't randomly show up at my apartment, uninvited to play brawl?
I was at Yoster's place when he decided to head to your place (the night candy was over). I declined going because I figured you didn't like having too many people over, or me for that matter. So I stayed at his place by myself, then he called me an hour later saying no one was there and it was cool I could come over. I still declined, but he insisted. I asked, "Would be Hova cool with me coming over?", to which Yoster replied it was fine because I guess Omni said it was cool since you weren't home at the time. I never would have come if Yoster didn't insist on me coming because no one was at your place and he wanted to do teams. I knew you'd bring it up later, because you always do, without fail. That's why I refused going several times. I really don't understand why you hate me so much. But whatever, I won't ever go to your place again if that's what you want.

famous...i love you but thumbs is 100% right on this

Will i love you but you need to stop ****ing lying! this isnt the only time you've pulled **** like this with someone...its not thumbs fault for loaning you the money...its your fault for accepting the money when you knew you wernt gonna pay it back...you should of just not went to the tourny...and you always lie about getting a job and **** and its now getting old

im not saying that to make fun of you im saying it b/c u need to realize what your doing is ****ed up and learn from your mistakes!
<3 Candy

lol you guys loan him money knowing that hes broke i mean YOU KNOW HES BROKE thats why you are giving money to him in the first place... now think about it if hes been broke for almost the whole duration .... of brawl then why do you expect him not to be broke ?? ..... i given boss money to enter tourneys ALOT and i dont ever expect him to pay me back ... i bring him food sometimes at smashfests just cause im like hey this guy only brought money to get to a smashfest so i might as well get him some food since i have some extra money i dont ever expect it back .... even hes like yea dude i got your money i'll be like nah its straight .....

clear your heads and shut the **** up

Yeah? Guess what? I AGREE, but guess what Boss did? He purposefully stranded himself out in the cold by the metro waiting for me, AND SAID THERE WAS NO PLACE TO PURCHASE A TICKET FOR THE BUS IN PERSON and that I'd have to buy the tickets online. Because of this I bought both of our tickets online before meeting him at the station. GUESS WHAT!??! HE ****ING LIED THERE WAS A PLACE TO BUY THE TICKETS IN PERSON BY THE BUS STOP. I never was going to pay for his tickets, but he lied to me and I thought he'd be stranded out in the cold and not able to go. I felt sorry for him, forgive me for having a heart. But now I realize I was dead wrong, because Boss has been nothing but an ******* to me about this and I did him a ****ing favor. That's the last time I do anything nice for you again Boss. I love how you try to make me look like the bad guy when you are 100% at fault and only in this situation because you lied several times and still haven't paid me back.

Oh, and he lied to me about being broke. He said he had $40 on him and that he'd be able to pay for his ticket at the bus stop for the way there. He claimed he'd make the rest back in mms to pay for his ride home. Unbelievable. Just lie after lie. Thank God Candy is sensible enough to see this too.


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
Shut up Famous. You just made one of the most nonsensical points I've ever seen.

I was at Yoster's place when he decided to head to your place (the night candy was over). I declined going because I figured you didn't like having too many people over, or me for that matter. So I stayed at his place by myself, then he called me an hour later saying no one was there and it was cool I could come over. I still declined, but he insisted. I asked, "Would be Hova cool with me coming over?", to which Yoster replied it was fine because I guess Omni said it was cool since you weren't home at the time. I never would have come if Yoster didn't insist on me coming because no one was at your place and he wanted to do teams. I knew you'd bring it up later, because you always do, without fail. That's why I refused going several times. I really don't understand why you hate me so much. But whatever, I won't ever go to your place again if that's what you want.

<3 Candy

Yeah? Guess what? I AGREE, but guess what Boss did? He purposefully stranded himself out in the cold by the metro waiting for me, AND SAID THERE WAS NO PLACE TO PURCHASE A TICKET FOR THE BUS IN PERSON and that I'd have to buy the tickets online. Because of this I bought both of our tickets online before meeting him at the station. GUESS WHAT!??! HE ****ING LIED THERE WAS A PLACE TO BUY THE TICKETS IN PERSON BY THE BUS STOP. I never was going to pay for his tickets, but he lied to me and I thought he'd be stranded out in the cold and not able to go. I felt sorry for him, forgive me for having a heart. But now I realize I was dead wrong, because Boss has been nothing but an ******* to me about this and I did him a ****ing favor. That's the last time I do anything nice for you again Boss. I love how you try to make me look like the bad guy when you are 100% at fault and only in this situation because you lied several times and still haven't paid me back.

Oh, and he lied to me about being broke. He said he had $40 on him and that he'd be able to pay for his ticket at the bus stop for the way there. He claimed he'd make the rest back in mms to pay for his ride home. Unbelievable. Just lie after lie. Thank God Candy is sensible enough to see this too.
dude why are u still talking about this....

your right

im wrong

you win

i lose.....


(candy meatriding not included -_^b)


Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2008
On the Runway
Famous, alright if im down to Sova i'll bring my laptop :) and you know who else in Sova good at computer ?
Toasty ?

Yeah, Toasty is pretty decent dealing with computers as well. I can't make any promises but we should be able to fix it

Thumbs, you had no reason to tell me to shut up... You really need to check that attitude of yours...Lol, I might stoop down to your level but I don't want to become INFAMOUS as a forum flamer...

EDIT] I see you fixed your 2nd post...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Silver Spring, Md
Famous, alright if im down to Sova i'll bring my laptop :) and you know who else in Sova good at computer ?
Toasty ?
I'm good with computers...

And yeh my bad Hova I wanted thumbs to come over to practice teams and didn't really think Meep or Esoj would show up. Plus I felt bad about leaving him at my house by himself while i hang out with the cooters.


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
what the gay.. you never told me before D:

then i'll bring my laptop when i see you then :/ but this weekend im not going to plank's though....... im not interested in random tourney

i hope you could fix it without format... T__T then i'll pay you, i don't want to lose my laptop that my mom bought it for me.

and famous, thanks.
i'll see who would i get to see first lol..


Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
i just wanna play Street fighter 4 with peeps really ...... melee is dead nobody wants to play Brawl is a game where eventually your just like why?

SF4 is soooo nice that im willing to spend more money on that game than i ever have through out brawl and melee


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Silver Spring, Md
Anyway Korn its probably because you keep overheating you laptop. Kinda told ya to watch out for that, but just don't turn it on anymore until i see you.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Thumbs, you had no reason to tell me to shut up... You really need to check that attitude of yours...Lol, I might stoop down to your level but I don't want to become INFAMOUS as a forum flamer...

EDIT] I see you fixed your 2nd post...
You were arguing in a conversation with which you had no part in, and had no leg to stand on. You don't know anything about the situation, yet you blindly defended Boss anyway without even knowing both sides of the story. Don't comment on the situation until you are willing to listen and understand what happened. THEN you can form your opinion.


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
You were arguing in a conversation with which you had no part in, and had no leg to stand on. You don't know anything about the situation, yet you blindly defended Boss anyway without even knowing both sides of the story. Don't comment on the situation until you are willing to listen and understand what happened. THEN you can form your opinion.
dont worry famous anyone else is allowed to jump in.....just not you....:laugh:


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
dont worry famous anyone else is allowed to jump in.....just not you....:laugh:
No, you really are an idiot. His posts were completely one sided and defended the person at fault in the situation (you) without having any knowledge of what was going on. Had he taken the time to understand exactly what happened and THEN explained his thoughts on the matter, it would be fine. You probably asked him to make those posts. I don't blame him though, he just jumped to some conclusions. Now I hope he reads what happened and understands where I'm coming from.


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
No, you really are an idiot. His posts were completely one sided and defended the person at fault in the situation (you) without having any knowledge of what was going on. Had he taken the time to understand exactly what happened and THEN explained his thoughts on the matter, it would be fine. You probably asked him to make those posts. I don't blame him though, he just jumped to some conclusions. Now I hope he reads what happened and understands where I'm coming from.
dude thumbs it doesnt matter if u keep talking.....its just going in one ear and out the other to me..... *yawn* i wonder whats on t.v.

o yea i am paying you back btw

dammit Boss Thumbs

Boss let's just team at sova and win..
then you got money to pay Thumbs back there ya go.. :o

then team with me again, so you could keep money for yourself this time. :)
wow obviously cafe.....i tried to tell thumbs but he thinks its a lie....so i cant say anything without it being a lie.....therefore we arent going to sova and we arent teaming and i will not give thumbs his money <------see what i did there.....

thumbs dude your to stressed out i think u need to go outside...listen to music....and sip an arizona tea...that helps me when im under stress....*says all this with a calm voice*

no seriously man help me help you.....:dizzy:


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
uhhh...me and kadaj would easily beat you and cafe no offense...sorry cafe but mks are wayyyyyy to easy for me and kadaj...and picking DDD is just a ginat target that will b tossed around....me and chu were just a horrible team...but me and kadaj will **** any1 ****s....i would ask you to MM but i can see you have money problems as it is lol


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
uhhh...me and kadaj would easily beat you and cafe no offense...sorry cafe but mks are wayyyyyy to easy for me and kadaj...and picking DDD is just a ginat target that will b tossed around....me and chu were just a horrible team...but me and kadaj will **** any1 ****s....i would ask you to MM but i can see you have money problems as it is lol
your confident in teams b/c your teaming with boss so your relying on other ppl skills lol
ouch... you don't have to say that... that's mean :/

im just saying !!! that im confidence in teams. i dont relying on other ppl skills -__- wtf
when im teaming with you, i(we) did really good as well.. don't you remember ugh

i already know that i can't beat your snake.

and ...i don't see any Sova tourneys thread -_- ?


Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
well judging from 7th place CoT4 and 5th palce at Cot 4 for korn and boss and watching you guys play :( i can say korn and boss are better


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
ouch... you don't have to say that... :/

im just saying !!! that im confidence in teams. i dont relying on other ppl skills -__- wtf
when im teaming with you, i(we) did really good as well.. don't you remember ugh
lol calm down....i know you guys are good.....im just ****talking for the hell of it cause im bored lol...obv we are good

well judging from 7th place CoT4 and 5th palce at Cot 4 for korn and boss and watching you guys play :( i can say korn and boss are better
well me and kadaj shouldnt have lost to panda/jash.....1st match kadaj suicided all 3 stocks ( which isnt like him at all) and the second match we just played rele bad...if we won we would of played boss/korn next...plus ive gotten alot better since

and we beat dmbrandon and shadow...a team they got 2-0'd in

you know what??? when you places higher than 9th then you can talk....untill then...SSHHHHHHH lmao :-P
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