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The Original Midna for Brawl thread. (Debate the Wolf here!)

Midna In Brawl?

  • Only Midna in Brawl!

    Votes: 277 30.8%
  • Midna and Wolflink in Brawl!

    Votes: 398 44.3%
  • I don't want Midna in there, period!

    Votes: 89 9.9%
  • Just give me Wolflink sans Midna!

    Votes: 30 3.3%
  • I really couldn't care less.

    Votes: 105 11.7%

  • Total voters


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
ok for those who think that Midna cant do anything on her own...let me present to you a moveset I came up with...

Red: black with gray skin, red/orange hair (default)
Blue: gray with dark blue skin(almost black), light gray/cyan hair [like when she was dying]
Green: brown with tan skin, lime/green hair
Purple: black with a tint of purple in her skin, light purple/dark purple hair

Neutral B: Energy Field - she does the energy field thing like in TP...instead of Wolf Link tearing ppl up, she creates a shadowy afterimage kindof thing to do it (it doesnt really have a shape...and Im not good at explaining...it could just be twili particles instead or a silhouette of a wolf I dunno...w/e you prefer...)

Up B: Warp - she breaks up into twili particles and it kinda works like Zelda's Up B except you can see where its going and theres a curve to it...

Side B: Twili Lance - she impales forward with her hair like a watered down version of what she did to Zant after you beat him...

Down B: Twili Magic - she shoots that spark that she shot at Link's chain when she freed him...I guess this could be her Neutral B and the energy field can be a down b w/e u want I guess...

Final Smash: Fused Shadows - she takes out the Fused Shadows and she turns into that.....thing...and just *****...

-Taunt 1: she does her little giggle
-Taunt 2: she yawns and stretches like she does in the game...
-Taunt 3: she does that big toothy grin with her eyes all mischievious and stuff...

-A: she slaps downwards with her hair
-Forward A: she does a flip kick
-Up A: she swipes upwards with her hair
-Down A: it looks as if she is going into someones shadow...so she slides down kicking (the best way to explain it for now)

-Dash A: if youve ever played DK64...its kinda like Tiny when she does that sliding barrel roll kick thing...

-Forward Smash: she slams down with her hair and brings out her arms and in the center of her hair and hands is an orb of magic...this works like a sweetspotted Zelda Fsmash
-Up Smash: she punches upwards with her hair with she channels electricity through...so this basically does drill/combo damage like her Fsmash...
-Down Smash: she points down towards her feet and twili particles rise up kinda like how she summons that teleport thingy when you beat a boss...

-Neutral Air: she splits up into twili particles, cutting up anyone in the way, and then reforms
-Forward Air: she volleyball spikes them with her hair
-Up Air: like Ness' Fair but upwards
-Back Air: kinda like Ganondorf's Bair but with her hair
-Down Air: she does a drill kick

-Grab: she grabs with her hair by the head
-Grab Hit: she channels electricity through her hair or she could do Zelda's Neutral A in their face...

-Forward Throw: kinda like Ness' Fthrow
-Up Throw: she shoots them up like when she's gunna warp a bridge or something in the game....basically like Mewtwo's UpThrow but without the spinning....
-Back Throw: turns around and catapults them
-Down Throw: she lunges at them beating on them in the face (so shes on top of them and shes smacking them in the face)

-Edge Attack (-100%): she punches forward with her hair
-Edge Attack (+100%): she does a hammer kick thing...

-Victory Pose 1: she giggles in this position http://www.thelostwoods.net/image/TP_cg_Midna03.jpg then teleports away....
-Victory Pose 2: she yawns and then looks at you (like the pic at the right) http://www.zeldatp.com/images/artworks/Midna_parchemin.jpg
-Victory Pose 3: she takes out the Fused Shadows and then puts it on and the weight of it makes her fall over OR she could be free of the curse and turn into her true form...

Kirby Hat: Midna's Fused Shadow headpiece and her hair

she glides across the floor like Mewtwo....


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2007
30 feet behind you with a sniper rifle
the reason the most she should be is an AT is because her role was very small in an overrated game. to let her be a playable character you'ld have to let the king of red lions playable. they serve the same purpose almost and both there games blew.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
Wind Waker and Twilight Princess didnt suck, dude...

and Midna can actually have a moveset, King of Red Lions cannot (you could FORCE him to have a moveset but it just wouldnt work...)......

and Sheik, most minor character in OoT who belongs to the main character list, says hi...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2007
30 feet behind you with a sniper rifle
Wind Waker and Twilight Princess didnt suck, dude...

and Midna can actually have a moveset, King of Red Lions cannot (you could FORCE him to have a moveset but it just wouldnt work...)......

and Sheik, most minor character in OoT who belongs to the main character list, says hi...
zelda was the main character in almost all LOZ games (other than link) shiek IS zelda

and yes TP was one of the worst overrated, overhyped, nonenjoyable game ever to have a nintendo name on it.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
Sheik is Zelda but they couldve easily ommitted her and the game wouldve progressed for the most part the same...

Midna on the other hand is completely different...the story practically revolves around her...

and Twilight Princess isnt a letdown....it couldve been better...(like everything else in life)...but certainly not a bad game...and Im pretty sure the worst game to have a Nintendo logo on it is like...Urban Fighter or something...

sorry if it didnt wow you like OoT...<_<

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
Mewtwo does not use dark magic. He uses ghost powers. Don't ever make such a horrible mistake ever again.
My bad, my bad, a minor misconception, but you know, he's actually a Psychic Pokemon, not a Ghost Pokemon. Don't ever counter a horrible mistake with another one ever again.

:3 Spamming are for noobs

the reason the most she should be is an AT is because her role was very small in an overrated game. to let her be a playable character you'ld have to let the king of red lions playable. they serve the same purpose almost and both there games blew.
Now this is not spam. You should use this a lot you know. Anyways, I see what you're are getting at, however, Midna role in Twilight Princess was a lot bigger than KoRL in most of the games he played role in, possibly combined. Although it's overrated to some, it did sell nevertheless. Besides, it's the new Zelda theme for Brawl anyways, so what is so bad of having ONE more addition of something from that game that could be potentially good for Brawl? Besides, KoRL isn't much of a fighter since he doesn't display any strong physical attacks in any of the game. Midna did though, even though it was just that one scene with Zant, but they could expand her abilities if they could. She not nearly hopeless like the King.

King Helmaroc

Smash Rookie
Oct 31, 2007
Good ol' America. :P Yeah, we suck. XD
zelda was the main character in almost all LOZ games (other than link) shiek IS zelda.
...but Sheik is still only in one game. It's not like Zelda transforms into Sheik in every game. Sheik was only in OoT (Which, BTW, I think is beyond over-rated. But thats off topic)

and yes TP was one of the worst overrated, overhyped, nonenjoyable game ever to have a nintendo name on it.
...in your opinion. In my opinion, TP kicked A**. So did WW, but not quite as much. Please don't don your opinions like they are facts. It's rude.

Sheik is Zelda but they couldve easily ommitted her and the game wouldve progressed for the most part the same...

Midna on the other hand is completely different...the story practically revolves around her...

and Twilight Princess isnt a letdown....it couldve been better...(like everything else in life)...but certainly not a bad game...and Im pretty sure the worst game to have a Nintendo logo on it is like...Urban Fighter or something...

sorry if it didnt wow you like OoT...<_<
I could not agree any more.

King Helmaroc

Smash Rookie
Oct 31, 2007
Good ol' America. :P Yeah, we suck. XD
no and thats all she did in TP with very very few exceptions
Okay, I'm seeing a few possabliltys here. Either,

You hate Zelda games.
You dislike TP plus you are (insert any of the last three here).
You havn't actually played TP yet.
You want someone else in more.
You miss OoT.
Your biased.
Your stubborn.
Your stupid.

Most likely the last three. :laugh:

Midna did tons. She saved Link from the Castle; She provides almost all of Wolf Link's unique moves; She kills Zant; She brakes the barrier around the Castle; She is beyond important to the storyline; And much, much more.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2007
30 feet behind you with a sniper rifle
Okay, I'm seeing a few possabliltys here. Either,

You hate Zelda games. played most, missing GB ones
You dislike TP plus you are good at basic games.
You havn't actually played TP yet. it got the same treatment galaxy got, trash can.
You want someone else in more. don't we all want good characters in brawl
You miss OoT.i can play it on my PC
Your biased. nope, i can just see through BS
Your smart.

Most likely the last three. :(
10 charlimit


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2007
30 feet behind you with a sniper rifle
you know, if you dont like midna, get out of her ****ing thead.

So you hate TP and Galaxy? Why not trown away your Wii.

If you cant do these, do us all a favour, get a gun, point to your head, and pull the trigger
i'm here because this is a debate were multiple parties clash and agree with ideas.

QFT! Galaxy and TP are the best games available for the Wii. Other than Metroid Prime, MOH, and Bwii
corruption was an oddball in the wii's library, it was actually good at times. galaxy and TP sold to you purly by brand loyalty.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
i'm here because this is a debate were multiple parties clash and agree with ideas.
Its supposed to be, yes. Thus far you simply seem to be spewing opinion without giving any basis in fact through which to debate. Feel free to start any time, though.

If you ask me, Twilight Princess and Mario Galaxy are easily among the best games in their respective series and on the Wii. The only problem either has is being too easy. TP's story outshines that of any Zelda game before it* while delivering the same great gameplay that has marked the Zelda series since its inception, and Galaxy's gameplay is just too fun even if its story is corny (and of course, all Mario games have a corny story at best anyway). The only other games on the Wii that are their peers in my opinion are Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and Metroid Prime 3 (and I'd put MP just below the other three personally).

*And what was the best piece of TP's story? Midna, who has more personality and character development than Zelda's big 3 combined, as well as greater importance to TP's story than Zelda and at least equal importance to that of Link and Ganondorf. How anyone could play TP and not fall in love with her is beyond me.



Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
thank you, Zevox....you practically took every word out of my mouth...(although I havent played MP3 yet so I cant judge but it looks nice...)

King Helmaroc

Smash Rookie
Oct 31, 2007
Good ol' America. :P Yeah, we suck. XD
Okay, I'm seeing a few possabliltys here. Either,

You hate Zelda games played most, missing GB ones Good for you. Moving on...
You dislike TP plus you are good at basic games You lack the ability to look past difficulty. The game was a gem.
You haven't actually played TP yet it got the same treatment galaxy got, trash can I loved Galaxy. Wait, does that mean you havn't played TP yet? lol
You want someone else in more don't we all ewant good characters in brawl Yeah, and IMO Midna + Wolf Link is a good character :laugh:
You miss OoT i can play it on my PC I mean you want another game as good (Rolls eyes) as OoT. Heck, you can even play it on VC. That is really not what I ment.
Your biased nope, i can just see through BS Nope, you can't apreciate anything
YOUR STUBBORN (Missed that one ;))
Your stupid (How origional [/srcsm])

Most likely the last three. :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
In Smithy's Factory Mains: Fox, Sheik Brawl Mains:
Okay, I'm seeing a few possabliltys here. Either,

You hate Zelda games played most, missing GB ones Good for you. Moving on...
You dislike TP plus you are good at basic games You lack the ability to look past difficulty. The game was a gem.
You haven't actually played TP yet it got the same treatment galaxy got, trash can I loved Galaxy. Wait, does that mean you havn't played TP yet? lol
You want someone else in more don't we all ewant good characters in brawl Yeah, and IMO Midna + Wolf Link is a good character :laugh:
You miss OoT i can play it on my PC I mean you want another game as good (Rolls eyes) as OoT. Heck, you can even play it on VC. That is really not what I ment.
Your biased nope, i can just see through BS Nope, you can't apreciate anything
YOUR STUBBORN (Missed that one ;))
Your stupid (How origional [/srcsm])

Most likely the last three. :chuckle:
are you saying that to me

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
are you saying that to me
It was blazer he was aiming at. You're fine as it is.

Moving back into our little discussion Mr. King, I'm still saying Wolf Link isn't a requirement for Midna being in Brawl. Maybe as one of her special move, I can probably see that one coming, but I don't want to take control over him when I really want to use Midna the whole time.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
yea in all honesty...Wolf Link just hinders her potential IMHO...she can work perfectly alone...besides...its not Midna if shes not alone...it would be Midna and Wolf Link and seeing as how they dont have a team name (Popo and Nana are the Ice Climbers for example)...then it just doesnt make sense to call 2 people 1 name from just one group member even though the unmentioned one is doing most of the work...


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
God, what kind of idiots just seem to appear when one leaves a thread for a week.

I love how Blazer makes all his opinions facts just by saying they are facts...


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Midna, hm... I've kind of had mixed opinions over her. That's mainly because she's only appeared in one game out of the whole series, but now I don't know if that's even a real reason to oppose her. As... there was a character named Sheik in Melee. :laugh:

I loved TP, and I wouldn't mind seeing her playable. I'd much rather see her than WW Link.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 10, 2007
BC, Canada
If there ever was a reason for Midna's inclusion in Brawl's roster, this would be it:

"I want to see Kirby wear Midna's helmet, 'cause it would make one pimpin' hat for the little guy." — A friend of mine.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
never said they were facts. i wouldn't mind her being an AT, i would mind if she was playable
Go read your own posts buddy, or do you need me to quote them.

PS: You don't need to literally say: THIS ARE FACTS! to imply that what you are saying are facts. When you say "XXX was YYY" and do not in any way emphasize it is either your opinion, a rumor or any other kind of thing it means its a fact, the verb was is what makes it a fact.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
never said they were facts. i wouldn't mind her being an AT, i would mind if she was playable
You say it like Sakurai is making the game for you. You're not going to get what you want always. Midna has a great shot and there almost isn't a thing holding her back. I'd say to just move on and, instead of putting down other people's beliefs, go make some of your own.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
If there ever was a reason for Midna's inclusion in Brawl's roster, this would be it:

"I want to see Kirby wear Midna's helmet, 'cause it would make one pimpin' hat for the little guy." — A friend of mine.
You know what? That's a solid point.

Who else sucked up Mr. G&W as Kirby just to see how nifty he looked? Anyone? . . . Anyone?

*is left hanging*

Anyway, even if you don't want to support Midna for Brawl just for herself, do it for Kirby. I'm sure he'll do a little dance if you do.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
he is making a game for consumers to buy
And some consumers want Midna in and some don't. If you'd realize that, then everyone would be okay and we could all move on with our lives.

You know what? That's a solid point.

Who else sucked up Mr. G&W as Kirby just to see how nifty he looked? Anyone? . . . Anyone?

*is left hanging*

Anyway, even if you don't want to support Midna for Brawl just for herself, do it for Kirby. I'm sure he'll do a little dance if you do.
Hehe. I've Game and Watch'd Kirby before. He looked so awesome :D
I'd only wish that Kirby could suck up the colors too. I'd love to see a solid blue/green/red Kirby :D

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
[FONT=&quot]. . Character Information[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Name . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thri Tan’los[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Age . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Gender . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Race . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Base Class . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sub Class . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]. . Physical Appearance[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Height . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]5’ 3’[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Weight . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]102 lb[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Skin Tone . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Slight tan[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Hair Color . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dark Brown[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Eye Color . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Light Brown[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Build . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]. .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]As far as clothing goes, Thri on most occasions outside of her home town will ware a cloak to hide her “disability”. This is done not out of fear of being judged or embracement, but to divert attention and thus avoid unnecessary confrontation. This cloak falls down to about the knee. The cloak is black down to about the waist and the rest is a light brown. Underneath this she’ll ware a short sleeved shirt and s pair of long shorts.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]On her belt she wears two swords. Her mothers katana, the Garden, and her own sword, the Rain. The Garden is a shattered blade that Thri has pieced together perfectly inside of its black sheath. Measuring from the hand guard the remaining portion of the blade comes to just over nine inches on this portion of the blade just above the hilt the words “The Garden” are written on dwarven text. As a whole the blade would come to two and a half feet. The rain is in almost new condition and is enclosed in a white sheathe. The blade has been decorated with a cloud stretching down its center. The blade of the Rain comes to seventeen inches. The hilt, made from pressurized redwood, was made special for one hand and is 5 inches in length.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]As far as looks go, she’s an attractive girl. She’s always smiling. She has long dark brown hair that naturally curls upwards at the tips. She has big brown expressive eyes that are always curious. Her skin shows of slight work out doors. Thri has a small bust, something she is thankful for since they don’t impair her swords play. Going a bit deeper than this one should notice she lacks an arm. Due to childhood experience thri lost her Left arm.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]. .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]. . History[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]. . Incomplete o.0[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thri was the first born into the loving family of Ellevin and Saven Tan’los. Ellevin, once a world famous artist settled down with Saven once she fell in love with him. Once Thri was born she completely threw away her old life style to become a house wife and raise a family. Saven, once a traveling swordsman also settled down after the birth of his first daughter and built a school dedicated to teaching the Tan’los style of swordsmanship, a style focused on deception and counter attacking.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]In the next two years many things happened Saven’s school building was completed, and the students enrolling were picking up, Ellevin gave birth to another little girl which Ellevin and Saven decided to name Tew. And probably the most important moment in Thri’s life when she held her first sword, this was under supervision of course, but even two and a half years old Thri will still tell others that she could feel the possibilities locked inside of the blade. This sole event is what made Thri want to become a great swordsman like her father.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Over the next four years Saven taught Thri the basics of the Tan’los sword style she took to it extremely quickly. And though sat such a young age her body wasn’t strong enough, or often times large enough to master some of the more complicated techniques, she still worked hard at become as good as possible. While she couldn’t train her ability with her father she spent time with her mother; helping her watch Tew, learning math, languages, art, and Thri would help her mother in the garden as well. Ellevin also taught Thri how to manipulate the earth, how to move it at will. Ellevin could manipulate the earth at amazing distances and mold it to her will. For Thri it wasn’t so easy, it took lost of concentration to simply move it slightly. This was something a child of four, five, or six didn’t have the attentiveness for.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]By the time Thri was ten she had mastered the Tan’los sword style. In sparing matches against grown men Thri often times would come out the victor by countering lack of range with speed and agility. Thri had also begun to better understand her ability to control the earth. Areas of the ground she touched she could command to shoot into the sky. On more than one occasion she’d put on what she called “Dust Shows” for her family, where she create patterns on the ground and have dust fly tens of feet into the sky.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]At twelve Thri was well on her way to finishing her own Sword style, “twin Tan’los rainbow”. A style that used the basics taught by the Tan’los style and applied them to two short swords instead of just one. With this style Thri was able to beat her father in a sparing match. It was now that Thri was quickly becoming known as a prodigy, a genius of the blade.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]A few years later, a few weeks before her 15th birthday a strange invasion of Thri’s small town took place. A strange race similar to orcs, but not quite the same stormed the small town. Thri, still being a child saw this as a chance to A help defend and truly test the Twin Tan’los style. And thus she began her first true battle where her life was truly at stake. Almost on the steps of her home she encountered the first beast it stood at twice her height and was several times her width, not some too far off from what she normally hard to deal with or at least that was how she saw it. Thri made the opening move rushing in blades ready expecting the monster to use its range against her. Thri guessed right, the beast swung its arm and the blade it held downward leaving Thri plenty of time to evade attack. She dove in with her left arm leading ready to land the first blow; unfortunately this isn’t how things played out. The monster grabbed Thri’s left arm with its massive free hand and lifted her into the air, and with another swing of its blade the being severed Thri’s arm from her body. Thri hit the ground hard only to be met by the beast’s foot. If she hadn’t already been screaming in agony she would have been by now. And just as The monster’s blade was coming down for a finishing blow Ellevin appeared seemingly from no where to guard against it. In one quick slash of her blade she felled the being. She turned to her daughter eye’s filled with tears and in a gesture of her hand covered her in dirt so that only her mouth and nostrils were exposed. And this was the last image Thri saw before passing out.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]. .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]. . Family[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Ellevin Tan’los . . Mother[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thri’s now deceased mother. Thri has a great deal of respect for her mom, she was a great artist, teacher, and an even more amazing mother. Thri is thankful for the time she’s had with her mother because as Thri would say so few have know love as true as her Mother’s.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Saven Tan’los . . Father[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thri’s dad. He’s been a great source of strength for Thri since her mother’s death. And he has been the sole inspiration behind Thri’s dive into the world of swordsmanship. Saven is an expert swordsman who teaches the Tan’los style of swordsmanship to the world through his school. Despite his daughters “handicap” both Saven and his daughter would like for Thri to one day take over the school. Thri would do just about anything for her father; even go out on a quest to find medicine to save his life.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Tew Tan’los . . Sister[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thri’s ‘girly girl’ little sister who just happens to be two years younger. They tease each other a lot about what the do and how they do it, but they do love each other.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Wen Tan’los . . Brother[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thri’s little bro. Ono has just hit 4 and is working his way up to 5 as fast as humanly possible. He’s a curious little tyke that loves to get into trouble.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]. . Fighting Style/ Special Abilities[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thri’s current style is an augmented version of her old original style. Since now more than ever she lacks power behind her attacks she favors speed and has found a way to move her blade so that even when attacks do not connect she can keep balance and a solid defense. This style of swords play she’s dubbed One Rainbow. The style is centered on making an opponent believe they have an upper hand thereby forcing an opening and attacking.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Outside of just her sword style through her mother’s training Thri has learned to control the earth. Spots of earth she touches she can will to move. (This works through shoes and clothing) Unfortunately blades and other similar objects can not be made by her touch alone, the ability is geared more towards quick movements rather than holding shapes. Also, the ability loses its effectiveness the dryer the earth is around her is.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]This ability can also be extended through and amplified by her mother’s sword, the garden, as long as Thri is touching it. (She can create a blade on the sword however it is still dull)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Weapon of Choice . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]She is best trained with the short sword, “The Rain”, but she also carries, and is experienced with her mothers Katana, ‘The Garden’.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]. . Personality[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thri is the kind giving type and one that few can say they’ve ever seen frown. She is very intelligent and very easy to like. She is the type to help out anyone who needs it, and is normally the one to explain why doing the right thing is good. Thri enjoys friendly tests of strength in all areas be they painting, drawing, or the art of swords play, and loves a challenge.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Character Flaws. .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]-Thri refuse to see missing an arm as a hindrance, this is both a weakness and a strength. There are in fact things she can’t do, and since she often times refuses to quit this can put her in bad situations.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]-Thri is truly naïve to the world. She is an excellent swordswoman, but is almost completely oblivious to how the world works and just how cruel people can really be.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Character Strengths . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]-Determination, Thri won’t give up at something until it is done or some one forces her away from it.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Biggest Fears . .[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Becoming useless. This is Thri’s most true fear at the moment. She doesn’t want to exist in a place where she is unable to help herself, and cannot help anyone else. Her quest to save her father is fueled by the fear of felling helpless to help. [/FONT]
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