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The Original Midna for Brawl thread. (Debate the Wolf here!)

Midna In Brawl?

  • Only Midna in Brawl!

    Votes: 277 30.8%
  • Midna and Wolflink in Brawl!

    Votes: 398 44.3%
  • I don't want Midna in there, period!

    Votes: 89 9.9%
  • Just give me Wolflink sans Midna!

    Votes: 30 3.3%
  • I really couldn't care less.

    Votes: 105 11.7%

  • Total voters


Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2007

1) POPULARITY - The no-brainer. You don’t need a global census to surmise that Midna is indeed a very popular character among gamers new and experienced, casual and hardcore. And you don’t need to be a corporate genius to know that popular things make money. There are a few reasons for this. One being that, yes, Midna was a very well-developed character that took the hearts and minds of many Wii and GCN owners, particularly the growing number of those searching for deeper storylines. Another reason relies on Nintendo’s standings: for the first time since before the Nintendo 64, Ninty is winning the console war. More people own a Wii than systems from either of the two lead competitors. This not only led to high sales for Twilight Princess in North America (quickly becoming the center of attention for game developers as Japan stoops into “gamer drift”), but also more people being introduced to the series through TP. And to Nintendo. People are more likely to buy into something that contains that which they already know and love. It fits over their comfort zone. Midna being clearly visible in Brawl would pull in people who wouldn’t necessarily purchase it because they are unfamiliar with the fifty or so other characters from games they’ve never heard of.

2) GENDER EQUALITY - Remember way back when the very first Super Smash Bros. came out? I still have my case, cartridge, and instruction booklet, and I can look through the character bios and see only one female character in the pronoun. Of course, SSB was released back during the Industrial Revolution, when girls in general weren’t really inclined to play games no matter how many skirts they saw in them. Melee comes along just as gaming really starts to grow popular with everyone, not just bored, bespectacled youth in stereotype. That means more girls. So we have a couple more Pokemon (works well for both genders), as well as the additions of Princesses Zelda and Peach to appeal to the growing number of choosy female gamers edging into the world of Nintendo. We’re moving on up. In an age when Brawl’s about to be released, I’m hearing girls talking about games just as much as the guys, if not more. And both are talking about Midna. If Twilight Princess had been released eight years ago it would have been all but unheard of for a sixteen year old girl to say “I was so pissed when I thought Ganondorf had killed Midna. I just murdered that guy. My hands were shaking and I didn’t even care if I got hurt.” (quote from Diana W.). But that’s the situation now, and the moral of the story here contains the suggestion to implement more playable female characters into this third and final episode of Smash Bros., preferably, as the title advocates, our newest Princess, whose popularity spans gender perhaps even better than Zelda/Sheik in Melee.

3) COMBAT ABILITY - Yeah, that imp can fight! She has the attitude and the capability to put the smack down on just about anything that gets in her way (which we see several times in Twilight Princess, utilizing whatever magic is at her disposal at that point in the game, from the ‘Midna Field‘ to the elusive and destructive powers we‘re shown when we first meet her). However, although not to discredit other characters already confirmed for SSB3, this is more than we can say for some playables in the Smash Bros. series. Captain Falcon comes from a racing game; we hardly see him in the F-Zero games. Princess Peach is known for anything but her ability to defend herself in the Mario franchise. Mr. Game and Watch starred only in more puzzle-type games. The Ice Climbers…well, they climbed ice, and in the one game they appeared in they were never very combat-heavy. Considering that all these characters have believable and fun move sets, and made it into Melee, I can’t understand how it could be anything but incredibly simple to implement a fully tricked-out Midna. And don’t worry: I’m not going to post a fan move set (although I’ve seen many).

4) DEPTH - One of the most heartrending lines of dissent my gaming side might often hear or read when the subject of Midna being in Brawl comes up is “Well, Nintendo’ll prolly just make her into an assist trophy.” Don’t even think it! In Twilight Princess, Midna shocked newbs and long-time fans of the series by becoming hands-down the most well-developed and dynamic character in the whole franchise. How would it be made out if in her second game that wonderful concept was turned on its head and she became a flat, linear character that pops on screen for a moment, does her bit, then leaves? Suddenly this creature that made grown men cry is as emotionless and detached as a Pokeball. That’s not just a disappointment, that’s a full-blown copout.

5) CONTROVERSY - If a baby’s screaming for a motorbike, shove a bottle in its mouth and it’ll shut up, at least for the time being. Depending on how attentive you’ve been to the fan community, you may or may not know that there’s a fair number of people who want to see a whole new second game for Midna. Not only will these babies probably quiet down were they to see their favourite character in another game, but you, the developers, might also be able to glean something of an idea of where people stand on this. The Legend of Zelda is a popular series, and it’s not one that you want to take too many chances on without being informed of how those chances will fare when presented to the gaming community. Having Midna in Brawl, from a purely corporate perspective, would be a good way to check this character’s pulse. See just how well loved - or not - she is in the world, and judge how future decisions should be made. Because let’s face it: if this one-shot character really is popular, she’s a gold mine waiting to be dug, and that’s not something you want to either under- or overestimate.

While I don’t have a particularly influential reasoning behind this, I would prefer Midna in her cursed form playable on her own, rather than paired with Wolf Link or in her true form. It’s just preference, and will probably get the best results from fans by ensuring that the character doesn’t just become another version of Link or Zelda, but something completely new and different.

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007

1) POPULARITY - The no-brainer. You don’t need a global census to surmise that Midna is indeed a very popular character among gamers new and experienced, casual and hardcore. And you don’t need to be a corporate genius to know that popular things make money. There are a few reasons for this. One being that, yes, Midna was a very well-developed character that took the hearts and minds of many Wii and GCN owners, particularly the growing number of those searching for deeper storylines. Another reason relies on Nintendo’s standings: for the first time since before the Nintendo 64, Ninty is winning the console war. More people own a Wii than systems from either of the two lead competitors. This not only led to high sales for Twilight Princess in North America (quickly becoming the center of attention for game developers as Japan stoops into “gamer drift”), but also more people being introduced to the series through TP. And to Nintendo. People are more likely to buy into something that contains that which they already know and love. It fits over their comfort zone. Midna being clearly visible in Brawl would pull in people who wouldn’t necessarily purchase it because they are unfamiliar with the fifty or so other characters from games they’ve never heard of.

2) GENDER EQUALITY - Remember way back when the very first Super Smash Bros. came out? I still have my case, cartridge, and instruction booklet, and I can look through the character bios and see only one female character in the pronoun. Of course, SSB was released back during the Industrial Revolution, when girls in general weren’t really inclined to play games no matter how many skirts they saw in them. Melee comes along just as gaming really starts to grow popular with everyone, not just bored, bespectacled youth in stereotype. That means more girls. So we have a couple more Pokemon (works well for both genders), as well as the additions of Princesses Zelda and Peach to appeal to the growing number of choosy female gamers edging into the world of Nintendo. We’re moving on up. In an age when Brawl’s about to be released, I’m hearing girls talking about games just as much as the guys, if not more. And both are talking about Midna. If Twilight Princess had been released eight years ago it would have been all but unheard of for a sixteen year old girl to say “I was so pissed when I thought Ganondorf had killed Midna. I just murdered that guy. My hands were shaking and I didn’t even care if I got hurt.” (quote from Diana W.). But that’s the situation now, and the moral of the story here contains the suggestion to implement more playable female characters into this third and final episode of Smash Bros., preferably, as the title advocates, our newest Princess, whose popularity spans gender perhaps even better than Zelda/Sheik in Melee.

3) COMBAT ABILITY - Yeah, that imp can fight! She has the attitude and the capability to put the smack down on just about anything that gets in her way (which we see several times in Twilight Princess, utilizing whatever magic is at her disposal at that point in the game, from the ‘Midna Field‘ to the elusive and destructive powers we‘re shown when we first meet her). However, although not to discredit other characters already confirmed for SSB3, this is more than we can say for some playables in the Smash Bros. series. Captain Falcon comes from a racing game; we hardly see him in the F-Zero games. Princess Peach is known for anything but her ability to defend herself in the Mario franchise. Mr. Game and Watch starred only in more puzzle-type games. The Ice Climbers…well, they climbed ice, and in the one game they appeared in they were never very combat-heavy. Considering that all these characters have believable and fun move sets, and made it into Melee, I can’t understand how it could be anything but incredibly simple to implement a fully tricked-out Midna. And don’t worry: I’m not going to post a fan move set (although I’ve seen many).

4) DEPTH - One of the most heartrending lines of dissent my gaming side might often hear or read when the subject of Midna being in Brawl comes up is “Well, Nintendo’ll prolly just make her into an assist trophy.” Don’t even think it! In Twilight Princess, Midna shocked newbs and long-time fans of the series by becoming hands-down the most well-developed and dynamic character in the whole franchise. How would it be made out if in her second game that wonderful concept was turned on its head and she became a flat, linear character that pops on screen for a moment, does her bit, then leaves? Suddenly this creature that made grown men cry is as emotionless and detached as a Pokeball. That’s not just a disappointment, that’s a full-blown copout.

5) CONTROVERSY - If a baby’s screaming for a motorbike, shove a bottle in its mouth and it’ll shut up, at least for the time being. Depending on how attentive you’ve been to the fan community, you may or may not know that there’s a fair number of people who want to see a whole new second game for Midna. Not only will these babies probably quiet down were they to see their favourite character in another game, but you, the developers, might also be able to glean something of an idea of where people stand on this. The Legend of Zelda is a popular series, and it’s not one that you want to take too many chances on without being informed of how those chances will fare when presented to the gaming community. Having Midna in Brawl, from a purely corporate perspective, would be a good way to check this character’s pulse. See just how well loved - or not - she is in the world, and judge how future decisions should be made. Because let’s face it: if this one-shot character really is popular, she’s a gold mine waiting to be dug, and that’s not something you want to either under- or overestimate.

While I don’t have a particularly influential reasoning behind this, I would prefer Midna in her cursed form playable on her own, rather than paired with Wolf Link or in her true form. It’s just preference, and will probably get the best results from fans by ensuring that the character doesn’t just become another version of Link or Zelda, but something completely new and different.
All terrible reasons!


Jul 1, 2007
The more and more I think about it, the more and more I like the idea of having Minda and Wolf Link as a playable character in Brawl. Someone made a thread which included drawings of M&WL's possible moveset, and it all made perfect sense. The only real reason that I doubted their inclusion was simply because I couldn't see a reasonable moveset for them, that actually fits.

Minda and Wolf Link for Brawl.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
That wasn't exactly called for either. Please don't tell me this is a forum of one-liners. If there's something wrong, or something you like about my reasons, say them.
I'm pretty sure Storm Eagle was addressing Luke, not you.


Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
All terrible reasons!

Really dude, you suck.
Wow, an insult instead of trying to prove someone wrong. What an expected thing from a Midna fan boy.


1) POPULARITY - The no-brainer. You don’t need a global census to surmise that Midna is indeed a very popular character among gamers new and experienced, casual and hardcore. And you don’t need to be a corporate genius to know that popular things make money. There are a few reasons for this. One being that, yes, Midna was a very well-developed character that took the hearts and minds of many Wii and GCN owners, particularly the growing number of those searching for deeper storylines. Another reason relies on Nintendo’s standings: for the first time since before the Nintendo 64, Ninty is winning the console war. More people own a Wii than systems from either of the two lead competitors. This not only led to high sales for Twilight Princess in North America (quickly becoming the center of attention for game developers as Japan stoops into “gamer drift”), but also more people being introduced to the series through TP. And to Nintendo. People are more likely to buy into something that contains that which they already know and love. It fits over their comfort zone. Midna being clearly visible in Brawl would pull in people who wouldn’t necessarily purchase it because they are unfamiliar with the fifty or so other characters from games they’ve never heard of.
Deoxys thinks you are a NOOB! Sakurai made a point about Deoxys being popular so he obviously doesn't take it into consideration for playable spots. AT and pokeball slots maybe but not playable.

2) GENDER EQUALITY - Remember way back when the very first Super Smash Bros. came out? I still have my case, cartridge, and instruction booklet, and I can look through the character bios and see only one female character in the pronoun. Of course, SSB was released back during the Industrial Revolution, when girls in general weren’t really inclined to play games no matter how many skirts they saw in them. Melee comes along just as gaming really starts to grow popular with everyone, not just bored, bespectacled youth in stereotype. That means more girls. So we have a couple more Pokemon (works well for both genders), as well as the additions of Princesses Zelda and Peach to appeal to the growing number of choosy female gamers edging into the world of Nintendo. We’re moving on up. In an age when Brawl’s about to be released, I’m hearing girls talking about games just as much as the guys, if not more. And both are talking about Midna. If Twilight Princess had been released eight years ago it would have been all but unheard of for a sixteen year old girl to say “I was so pissed when I thought Ganondorf had killed Midna. I just murdered that guy. My hands were shaking and I didn’t even care if I got hurt.” (quote from Diana W.). But that’s the situation now, and the moral of the story here contains the suggestion to implement more playable female characters into this third and final episode of Smash Bros., preferably, as the title advocates, our newest Princess, whose popularity spans gender perhaps even better than Zelda/Sheik in Melee.
She could increase the female count just fine as an AT.


3) COMBAT ABILITY - Yeah, that imp can fight! She has the attitude and the capability to put the smack down on just about anything that gets in her way (which we see several times in Twilight Princess, utilizing whatever magic is at her disposal at that point in the game, from the ‘Midna Field‘ to the elusive and destructive powers we‘re shown when we first meet her). However, although not to discredit other characters already confirmed for SSB3, this is more than we can say for some playables in the Smash Bros. series. Captain Falcon comes from a racing game; we hardly see him in the F-Zero games. Princess Peach is known for anything but her ability to defend herself in the Mario franchise. Mr. Game and Watch starred only in more puzzle-type games. The Ice Climbers…well, they climbed ice, and in the one game they appeared in they were never very combat-heavy. Considering that all these characters have believable and fun move sets, and made it into Melee, I can’t understand how it could be anything but incredibly simple to implement a fully tricked-out Midna. And don’t worry: I’m not going to post a fan move set (although I’ve seen many).
Everbody has the ability to fight in smash. What's the point of this argument if it's the same for every other character in existense?


4) DEPTH - One of the most heartrending lines of dissent my gaming side might often hear or read when the subject of Midna being in Brawl comes up is “Well, Nintendo’ll prolly just make her into an assist trophy.” Don’t even think it! In Twilight Princess, Midna shocked newbs and long-time fans of the series by becoming hands-down the most well-developed and dynamic character in the whole franchise. How would it be made out if in her second game that wonderful concept was turned on its head and she became a flat, linear character that pops on screen for a moment, does her bit, then leaves? Suddenly this creature that made grown men cry is as emotionless and detached as a Pokeball. That’s not just a disappointment, that’s a full-blown copout.
You have to be kidding me right? If you cryed for that ***** then you officialy have no balls. The scene at the end of MM when the deku butler is crying for his dead son has more depth than the entire game of TP.


5) CONTROVERSY - If a baby’s screaming for a motorbike, shove a bottle in its mouth and it’ll shut up, at least for the time being. Depending on how attentive you’ve been to the fan community, you may or may not know that there’s a fair number of people who want to see a whole new second game for Midna. Not only will these babies probably quiet down were they to see their favourite character in another game, but you, the developers, might also be able to glean something of an idea of where people stand on this. The Legend of Zelda is a popular series, and it’s not one that you want to take too many chances on without being informed of how those chances will fare when presented to the gaming community. Having Midna in Brawl, from a purely corporate perspective, would be a good way to check this character’s pulse. See just how well loved - or not - she is in the world, and judge how future decisions should be made. Because let’s face it: if this one-shot character really is popular, she’s a gold mine waiting to be dug, and that’s not something you want to either under- or overestimate.
People have been *****ing about a MM prequel a hell of alot longer than a couple hundred emo guys have been wanting a Midna game. If they won't do one fan wanted thing they won't do another.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2007
ha? do i want to get *****?

1) POPULARITY - The no-brainer. You don’t need a global census to surmise that Midna is indeed a very popular character among gamers new and experienced, casual and hardcore. And you don’t need to be a corporate genius to know that popular things make money. There are a few reasons for this. One being that, yes, Midna was a very well-developed character that took the hearts and minds of many Wii and GCN owners, particularly the growing number of those searching for deeper storylines. Another reason relies on Nintendo’s standings: for the first time since before the Nintendo 64, Ninty is winning the console war. More people own a Wii than systems from either of the two lead competitors. This not only led to high sales for Twilight Princess in North America (quickly becoming the center of attention for game developers as Japan stoops into “gamer drift”), but also more people being introduced to the series through TP. And to Nintendo. People are more likely to buy into something that contains that which they already know and love. It fits over their comfort zone. Midna being clearly visible in Brawl would pull in people who wouldn’t necessarily purchase it because they are unfamiliar with the fifty or so other characters from games they’ve never heard of.

2) GENDER EQUALITY - Remember way back when the very first Super Smash Bros. came out? I still have my case, cartridge, and instruction booklet, and I can look through the character bios and see only one female character in the pronoun. Of course, SSB was released back during the Industrial Revolution, when girls in general weren’t really inclined to play games no matter how many skirts they saw in them. Melee comes along just as gaming really starts to grow popular with everyone, not just bored, bespectacled youth in stereotype. That means more girls. So we have a couple more Pokemon (works well for both genders), as well as the additions of Princesses Zelda and Peach to appeal to the growing number of choosy female gamers edging into the world of Nintendo. We’re moving on up. In an age when Brawl’s about to be released, I’m hearing girls talking about games just as much as the guys, if not more. And both are talking about Midna. If Twilight Princess had been released eight years ago it would have been all but unheard of for a sixteen year old girl to say “I was so pissed when I thought Ganondorf had killed Midna. I just murdered that guy. My hands were shaking and I didn’t even care if I got hurt.” (quote from Diana W.). But that’s the situation now, and the moral of the story here contains the suggestion to implement more playable female characters into this third and final episode of Smash Bros., preferably, as the title advocates, our newest Princess, whose popularity spans gender perhaps even better than Zelda/Sheik in Melee.

3) COMBAT ABILITY - Yeah, that imp can fight! She has the attitude and the capability to put the smack down on just about anything that gets in her way (which we see several times in Twilight Princess, utilizing whatever magic is at her disposal at that point in the game, from the ‘Midna Field‘ to the elusive and destructive powers we‘re shown when we first meet her). However, although not to discredit other characters already confirmed for SSB3, this is more than we can say for some playables in the Smash Bros. series. Captain Falcon comes from a racing game; we hardly see him in the F-Zero games. Princess Peach is known for anything but her ability to defend herself in the Mario franchise. Mr. Game and Watch starred only in more puzzle-type games. The Ice Climbers…well, they climbed ice, and in the one game they appeared in they were never very combat-heavy. Considering that all these characters have believable and fun move sets, and made it into Melee, I can’t understand how it could be anything but incredibly simple to implement a fully tricked-out Midna. And don’t worry: I’m not going to post a fan move set (although I’ve seen many).

4) DEPTH - One of the most heartrending lines of dissent my gaming side might often hear or read when the subject of Midna being in Brawl comes up is “Well, Nintendo’ll prolly just make her into an assist trophy.” Don’t even think it! In Twilight Princess, Midna shocked newbs and long-time fans of the series by becoming hands-down the most well-developed and dynamic character in the whole franchise. How would it be made out if in her second game that wonderful concept was turned on its head and she became a flat, linear character that pops on screen for a moment, does her bit, then leaves? Suddenly this creature that made grown men cry is as emotionless and detached as a Pokeball. That’s not just a disappointment, that’s a full-blown copout.

5) CONTROVERSY - If a baby’s screaming for a motorbike, shove a bottle in its mouth and it’ll shut up, at least for the time being. Depending on how attentive you’ve been to the fan community, you may or may not know that there’s a fair number of people who want to see a whole new second game for Midna. Not only will these babies probably quiet down were they to see their favourite character in another game, but you, the developers, might also be able to glean something of an idea of where people stand on this. The Legend of Zelda is a popular series, and it’s not one that you want to take too many chances on without being informed of how those chances will fare when presented to the gaming community. Having Midna in Brawl, from a purely corporate perspective, would be a good way to check this character’s pulse. See just how well loved - or not - she is in the world, and judge how future decisions should be made. Because let’s face it: if this one-shot character really is popular, she’s a gold mine waiting to be dug, and that’s not something you want to either under- or overestimate.

While I don’t have a particularly influential reasoning behind this, I would prefer Midna in her cursed form playable on her own, rather than paired with Wolf Link or in her true form. It’s just preference, and will probably get the best results from fans by ensuring that the character doesn’t just become another version of Link or Zelda, but something completely new and different.
i want her in.
and all those reasons make it all the better.
annd, in by herself not in with any dumb wolf.
although links wolf form is cool.
it'd be weird.
i think a wolf would be i don't know i just don't like the idea of it.
but thats just me.


Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2007
Thank you, Rapht. Chivalry is not dead ;) .


Wow, an insult instead of trying to prove someone wrong. What an expected thing from a Midna fan boy.

Wow. I had no idea. When was it that you decided to convert to hypocrisy? In my experience, Midna fans are very eager to support their girl with both facts and emotions: quite a well-rounded debate. One-liners are just sort of a staple of SWF.


Deoxys thinks you are a NOOB! Sakurai made a point about Deoxys being popular so he obviously doesn't take it into consideration for playable spots. AT and pokeball slots maybe but not playable.

That's why I included four more points. My mommy always told me popularity wasn't everything, but you're still kinda screwed if you don't have it.

She could increase the female count just fine as an AT.

ATs are not as visible, and that's kind of the point.


Please stop saying that. I can tell you for a fact that I've been on more forums, and for longer, than you ever will probably in your entire life. And I've debated about things that would make your manly extremities fall off.

Everbody has the ability to fight in smash. What's the point of this argument if it's the same for every other character in existense?

I just mentioned several who, in their games, showed very little to no inclination towards violence. I love it when people read my posts before responding to them. Oh, and I'm erasing your "NOOB"s. They're hurting my feelings.

You have to be kidding me right? If you cryed for that ***** then you officialy have no balls. The scene at the end of MM when the deku butler is crying for his dead son has more depth than the entire game of TP.

I didn't, but I know a lot of people who did. Kids, adults, boys, girls, men, women, hardcore, casual...and from the six forums I've been to TP is almost unanimously considered the most story-central LoZ game out there.

People have been *****ing about a MM prequel a hell of alot longer than a couple hundred emo guys have been wanting a Midna game. If they won't do one fan wanted thing they won't do another.

I have yet to hear anyone complain for a Majora's Mask prequel (or OoT sequel). Wait, maybe once, but that fell in when the fact that Tingle would probably be in there came into play :p .
Sometime I need to write up Five Rules of Online Debating and post it. One, treat your opponent with respect and do not attack his or her character as a means of getting your point across. Two, try to use as many facts as you are able. Three, know when to admit defeat and pledge to learn. Four, be as thorough as humanly possible and use a correct and formal language. Five...hmm. I dunno. Five can be MIDNA FOR BRAWL, I guess :p . I'll try to remember what it was later.

EDIT: Wait, I remembered it! There's an image to go with it somewhere on the internet, but my dialup is...well, dialup. It can't handle any images bigger than a sig banner. So, rule five is "Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics: Even if you win, you're still ********."

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Sometime I need to write up Five Rules of Online Debating and post it. One, treat your opponent with respect and do not attack his or her character as a means of getting your point across.
**** YOU!

Two, try to use as many facts as you are able.
I preffer to not overkill n00bs.

Three, know when to admit defeat and pledge to learn.
Follow your own rules n00b.

Four, be as thorough as humanly possible and use a correct and formal language.
You reworded 2 and added the language part.

Five...hmm. I dunno. Five can be MIDNA FOR BRAWL, I guess :p . I'll try to remember what it was later.
It was probably "always respond to your opponent and don't just make up some stupid list of debating rules in order to avoid him".


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
Numa Dude....there is already a Majora's Mask prequel....its called Ocarina of Time...and if you think a plant crying on his knees over a plant has immense depth then your the frikin noob....you dont know what your talking about so just STFU and leave...

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Numa Dude....there is already a Majora's Mask prequel....its called Ocarina of Time...and if you think a plant crying on his knees over a plant has immense depth then your the frikin noob....you dont know what your talking about so just STFU and leave...
There is a difference between having a prequel and being a sequel you *******. You suck if you don't acknowledge the depth of that moment. A father finally finds his only son after years of being missing only to find he is dead. That alone is more depth than everything in TP combined. You are a n00b. Goodbye. :)


Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2007
Can Midna(with wolf link) & ww link both get in? Or does have to be one or the other?
People just think that having three different Links in the game is a little too much. I think having two is too much, myself. lol, are you in conflict? :p

@ Numa: You seem to be outnumbered here, which is interesting. And I don't think it's because of your position. But I'll reply anyway; maybe we can work to make a third response from you more than a compilation of swear words.

"I prefer not to overkill n00bs."

Once again, I'm not a noob. I am to this board, but in my experience it's the ones with a whole ton of posts that are the flamers and spammers.

"Follow your own rules"

I do. But if you think I'm going to yield because someone called me a noob, then you need to learn how to debate better.

"You reworded 2"

No I didn't. Two involves the use of facts. Facts don't necessarily have to be thorough. A graph, for instance, is not thorough. But it is a fact.

And I remembered rule 5. It's probably the most important one, so if anyone's interested I edited it in.

"There is a difference between having a prequel and being a sequel you *******. You suck if you don't acknowledge the depth of that moment. A father finally finds his only son after years of being missing only to find he is dead. That alone is more depth than everything in TP combined. You are a n00b."

Everyone has his own opinion. Please stop shooting down those of others. Me, I think the willingness for Midna to sacrifice her own life to save Link and Zelda, or even the scene where Colin's mother finds out he's alive is quite a bit more emotional than anything in OoT. But notice that there's no asterisks in my post.

EDIT: I just realized that you didn't realize that I did reply to every one of your remarks in bold in the quote. Maybe you should read before you go making accusations.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
There is a difference between having a prequel and being a sequel you *******. You suck if you don't acknowledge the depth of that moment. A father finally finds his only son after years of being missing only to find he is dead. That alone is more depth than everything in TP combined. You are a n00b. Goodbye. :)
I don't think you'd come across as bad if you were to lighten up a bit. Actually, I think everyone needs to lighten up a bit. Everyone has their right to express why and why not a character should be a Brawl as long as they do it humanely. Just lighten up a bit.

I do disagree with the fact that a moment in the game has more depth than Twilight Princess combined. However, I have yet to finish Majora's Mask so it indeed could be very deep. I doubt that it'd be as deep as the whole game.


Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2007
Well really i despise ww link, i dont want him, i just want midna and wolf link
Heh, same here (except just Midna; I think her fighting on her own would be very unique).

HipsterKid said:
I don't think you'd come across as bad if you were to lighten up a bit. Actually, I think everyone needs to lighten up a bit. Everyone has their right to express why and why not a character should be a Brawl as long as they do it humanely. Just lighten up a bit.
Wanna go get a drink? :D

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
I had a post responding to everyone but it didn't go through because the site is a douchebag. Someone post all the reasons people think Midna should be in brawl and I will counter them in the most humane way I can.


Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2007
Wow. Triple-post, Manny G O_o . Anyway, Midna's shattered chains, enveloped enemies, lifted and transported heavy objects, and turned into a load of bubbles before reassembling on the other side of a wall. And warped, and turned into the monster ;) .

@ Numa: I just did, and you didn't. You responded to only the last paragraph of my reply. Look inside the quote and you'll find a bit of bold. Reply to that in the most humane way possible.


Smash Lord
Feb 12, 2006
Thank you, Rapht. Chivalry is not dead ;) .

Sometime I need to write up Five Rules of Online Debating and post it. One, treat your opponent with respect and do not attack his or her character as a means of getting your point across. Two, try to use as many facts as you are able. Three, know when to admit defeat and pledge to learn. Four, be as thorough as humanly possible and use a correct and formal language. Five...hmm. I dunno. Five can be MIDNA FOR BRAWL, I guess :p . I'll try to remember what it was later.

EDIT: Wait, I remembered it! There's an image to go with it somewhere on the internet, but my dialup is...well, dialup. It can't handle any images bigger than a sig banner. So, rule five is "Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics: Even if you win, you're still ********."
You'll learn and you'll learn quick that you just have to ignore the idiots on this forum/


Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2007
What bold?
Post 1214. I quoted you, and placed my argument in bold inside the original quote. I take it people don't do that here O_o .

@ rapht: I'd much rather just put the idiots in their place. If you don't, they just keep on talking. So basically, Numa, you have three choices: continue being ignorant (not a good one, but for some reason is very popular around here), leave (not my favorite option either), or smarten up (we have a winner).

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
In [post=3505421]this post[/post] he replied to your comments in bold print within the quote box. You missed it, it appears.

This is why seperating the quotes is a good thing. Had he done that I would not have missed his arguments.

Wow. I had no idea. When was it that you decided to convert to hypocrisy? In my experience, Midna fans are very eager to support their girl with both facts and emotions: quite a well-rounded debate. One-liners are just sort of a staple of SWF.
You obviously haven't met Stryks.

That's why I included four more points. My mommy always told me popularity wasn't everything, but you're still kinda screwed if you don't have it.
I should get to work on those other four points then.

ATs are not as visible, and that's kind of the point.
So instead of making important characters playable we should add some stupid sidekick just because she is female?

Please stop saying that. I can tell you for a fact that I've been on more forums, and for longer, than you ever will probably in your entire life. And I've debated about things that would make your manly extremities fall off.
I find that hard to believe after reading your idiotic debate on zelda universe about if Midna can come back or not. ZOMG TEY KAN MAKE A KNEW PORTEL TO DA TWILIHT RELM!

I just mentioned several who, in their games, showed very little to no inclination towards violence. I love it when people read my posts before responding to them. Oh, and I'm erasing your "NOOB"s. They're hurting my feelings.
You completely missed (or ignored) the point I was making. Anyone can fight therefore saying someone can get in due to being able to fight is a moot point.

I didn't, but I know a lot of people who did. Kids, adults, boys, girls, men, women, hardcore, casual...and from the six forums I've been to TP is almost unanimously considered the most story-central LoZ game out there.
Most story central Zelda? Have you played Majora's Mask?

I have yet to hear anyone complain for a Majora's Mask prequel (or OoT sequel). Wait, maybe once, but that fell in when the fact that Tingle would probably be in there came into play :p .
You are obviously either lying or you're an idiot. Zelda Universe has so many people that want that game it's not even funny.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
This is why seperating the quotes is a good thing. Had he done that I would not have missed his arguments.
I did it now, so you could read it all

You obviously haven't met Stryks.
IMO Stryks is a hypocrit, not trying to cause any debate here, if he reads this or anything, take in mind its just my own personal opinion. But why would you bring up 1 example out of a whole board when Yitik is obviously talking about the boards in general.

I should get to work on those other four points then.
Is that supposed to be funny?

So instead of making important characters playable we should add some stupid sidekick just because she is female?
Like there are only main characters in Brawl right? No sidekicks that were really important to the game? So I guess Luigi is out for good, so is Diddy, better kick him out of the game before its too late. And as I can completely predict your next post: "I meant important characters as (insert example here)" Well Midna is an important character. With her completely new and unique personality (to a personality lacking game, mind you, since Link is a silent protagonist) she is not only a side-kick but she almost achieves the same role of importance as Link. The whole story of TP revolves around her, to all those Geno fans out there.... Where the **** are you when we need you to debate about this (JK) :p

I find that hard to believe after reading your idiotic debate on zelda universe about if Midna can come back or not. ZOMG TEY KAN MAKE A KNEW PORTEL TO DA TWILIHT RELM!
I seriously don't know what you are talking about sooo...

You completely missed (or ignored) the point I was making. Anyone can fight therefore saying someone can get in due to being able to fight is a moot point.
I agree, they can make anything with eyes fight in SSB, seriously...

Most story central Zelda? Have you played Majora's Mask?
Ok, WTF!!!! Are you a MM junky? I mean W...T....F.

Majora's Mask is a great game, yes, but it is in no way more story central than TP. Not only is TP a hell lot longer, but it also wraps you up from beginning to end. With MM I would constantly find myself stop playing after I had to go back in time (After I completed a dungeon or certain event and had to play the song in order to proceed the game). TP's plot has a hell lot more depth than MM's.

As for the example you are giving about the Father and his son.
A father finally finds his only son after years of being missing only to find he is dead. That alone is more depth than everything in TP combined.
That is not depth in any way or form, that is the feeling called sadness. I believe you are confusing them both.

You are obviously either lying or you're an idiot. Zelda Universe has so many people that want that game it's not even funny.
Again you are seriously a MM fanboy. I have to disagree here. I have never heard anyone want an MM prequel. At one time people wanted a Sequel to OoT, at another people were just claiming for another Zelda (OoT, MM style game, instead of Cel Shaded) and the answer to that was TP. I have never though, as a popular demand that is, because obviously I heard it from you, a desire for an MM Prequel.


Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2007
I'll reply to both, because I have so much to say that everyone wants to hear :p .

This is why seperating the quotes is a good thing. Had he done that I would not have missed his arguments.

People do it in six of the eight forums I've been to recently. Conform! The power of bold bbcodez compels you!

You obviously haven't met Stryks.

No, I haven't. But one lengthy poster does not a thorough conversation make. Back in my day, you got a warning if you posted as little as some of you do. And internet only moved at fifty-six kilobytes per second. Mind, for me, it still does :( .

I should get to work on those other four points then.

I'm stoked.

So instead of making important characters playable we should add some stupid sidekick just because she is female?

No. Hence the other four points. One of five does not equal a whole, mate. Just one good reason.

I find that hard to believe after reading your idiotic debate on zelda universe about if Midna can come back or not. ZOMG TEY KAN MAKE A KNEW PORTEL TO DA TWILIHT RELM!

That wasn't me that posted that. We're not including any responses from ZU in the email. I'm actually a little disappointed with that place :( .

You completely missed (or ignored) the point I was making. Anyone can fight therefore saying someone can get in due to being able to fight is a moot point.

Oh. Then they should put me in Brawl. I'm pretty sure I could kick the crap out of the Ice Climbers. All jokes aside, I was pretty annoyed when I saw all these characters in Melee that really don't seem like they'd have any chance of beating up Samus. And I know a lot of other people that were as well.

Most story central Zelda? Have you played Majora's Mask?

I've read the story, and although it's a second, it doesn't even touch Twilight Princess. That's my opinion, but it's also the opinion of about ninety per cent of the people I've confronted about the subject.

You are obviously either lying or you're an idiot. Zelda Universe has so many people that want that game it's not even funny.

Are you a frequent? Zelda Universe is divided into little groups of people, a little like the Old NSider (and NSider2, to a point). Big forums often do that. However, I've yet to be confronted with the idea that the next Wii game should fall directly between OoT and MM, much less a well-supported one. And you're not doing a very good job yourself, I'm sorry to say.
I did it now, so you could read it all

IMO Stryks is a hypocrit, not trying to cause any debate here, if he reads this or anything, take in mind its just my own personal opinion. But why would you bring up 1 example out of a whole board when Yitik is obviously talking about the boards in general.

I was basing that opinion on what I've seen so far. The mods here say less in a post than frequenters of any other forum I've been to, and that is saying something.

Like there are only main characters in Brawl right? No sidekicks that were really important to the game? So I guess Luigi is out for good, so is Diddy, better kick him out of the game before its too late. And as I can completely predict your next post: "I meant important characters as (insert example here)" Well Midna is an important character. With her completely new and unique personality (to a personality lacking game, mind you, since Link is a silent protagonist) she is not only a side-kick but she almost achieves the same role of importance as Link. The whole story of TP revolves around her, to all those Geno fans out there.... Where the **** are you when we need you to debate about this (JK) :p

Well, I'm a Geno fan too :p . In SMRPG, Geno was the driving force of the story. If it weren't for him, like I said in the Geno thread, Mario and Mallow would just be trying to find Peach, and thus the game would have ended with Booster's Tower. Instead we have a much longer plot that still leaves a lot of holes and room for questions in the end. In this way, Geno is very much like Midna, as a matter of fact, and many Midna fans and haters alike are glad and irked respectively because they actually feel that Midna overtook Link as the protagonist of TP, seeing as her story was the central one, with the player just tagging along and fighting for her cause as the plot unfolded.

I seriously don't know what you are talking about sooo...

Meh, on ZU some newbs (I shouldn't say that, seeing as they were supportive of the Midna-oriented thread in question, but that's what they were) were nattering on about uncreative and implausible possible storylines for a TP sequel. Really, it's pretty irrelevant to this conversation.

I agree, they can make anything with eyes fight in SSB, seriously...

They don't even need those. We can't prove that G&W has eyes :D . I guess the point is that Nintendo probably doesn't descriminate very much, but you look at the number of battle-hardened characters, and the number that've jumped from random, non-violent games, you see a bit of inequality. But you look at the same numbers in favorites for Brawl, you see a lot more characters that can't fight, and that puts me on edge.

Ok, WTF!!!! Are you a MM junky? I mean W...T....F.

It's fine that he's a fan of a particular game. He just needs to be a little more open minded, is all. I'm pretty sure he doesn't love MM because it made him cry.

Majora's Mask is a great game, yes, but it is in no way more story central than TP. Not only is TP a hell lot longer, but it also wraps you up from beginning to end. With MM I would constantly find myself stop playing after I had to go back in time (After I completed a dungeon or certain event and had to play the song in order to proceed the game). TP's plot has a hell lot more depth than MM's.

I'll buy you a drink, too :p . Cheap Canadian beer :p .

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
I hate responding to two people at once. :(

I did it now, so you could read it all
Thank you.

IMO Stryks is a hypocrit, not trying to cause any debate here, if he reads this or anything, take in mind its just my own personal opinion. But why would you bring up 1 example out of a whole board when Yitik is obviously talking about the boards in general.
Because Stryks was the best possible example. There are others who I won't name because I don't want to start some big fight and get this place locked (I'm not that big of a jerk) but while there are Midna fans who are nice there are just as many who are mindless flamers.

Is that supposed to be funny?
No. I was stating that since he admitted that popularity doesn't mean much that I should get to work on his other four points. No jokes anywhere in that sentence.

Like there are only main characters in Brawl right? No sidekicks that were really important to the game? So I guess Luigi is out for good, so is Diddy, better kick him out of the game before its too late.
I hate it when people put words in my mouth. There is a difference from a sidekick who is important to the franchise (Luigi and Diddy) and a sidekick who is from one game in a huge franchise. If we add Midna we are saying that she is better than all the other one off sidekicks which would be biased.

And as I can completely predict your next post: "I meant important characters as (insert example here)" Well Midna is an important character.
She is a fairly important character to TP. That's only one game in a huge franchise. Sure you could argue that brawl is heavily influenced by TP but TP isn't the only Zelda style in the game (There is a cell shaded Tingle trophy).

With her completely new and unique personality
New and unique personality? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA That cracks me up.

(to a personality lacking game, mind you, since Link is a silent protagonist) she is not only a side-kick but she almost achieves the same role of importance as Link.
Not this crap again. I've seen people make this ridiculous claim countless times and I'm sick of it. Midna is the helper character in TP and that's all she is. Had Zant killed her during his coup of the twilight realm Link would still have to go on his adventure to save Hyrule (although it would be a hell of alot different).

The whole story of TP revolves around her, to all those Geno fans out there.... Where the **** are you when we need you to debate about this (JK) :p
The story of TP revolves around Link's quest not Midna's. I don't know where people are getting this stuff from.

Ok, WTF!!!! Are you a MM junky? I mean W...T....F.
Okay I admit MM is one of my favorite games. So what, wanna fight about it?

Majora's Mask is a great game, yes, but it is in no way more story central than TP. Not only is TP a hell lot longer, but it also wraps you up from beginning to end. With MM I would constantly find myself stop playing after I had to go back in time (After I completed a dungeon or certain event and had to play the song in order to proceed the game). TP's plot has a hell lot more depth than MM's.
You suck if you think TP was better than MM in any way. TP was an overhyped average game. MM on the other hand was an overlooked gem. Had it been released alot longer after OoT it would have been much more accepted. I still find myself replaying all the great sidequests and bosses in that game. The story of TP was average at best but MM had a long and deep story that was also emotional.

As for the example you are giving about the Father and his son. That is not depth in any way or form, that is the feeling called sadness. I believe you are confusing them both.
You obviously have no idea what depth means.


Again you are seriously a MM fanboy. I have to disagree here. I have never heard anyone want an MM prequel. At one time people wanted a Sequel to OoT, at another people were just claiming for another Zelda (OoT, MM style game, instead of Cel Shaded) and the answer to that was TP. I have never though, as a popular demand that is, because obviously I heard it from you, a desire for an MM Prequel.
You are one human being in a population of over 6 billion. What you have heard or not heard does not mean anything.

People do it in six of the eight forums I've been to recently. Conform! The power of bold bbcodez compels you!
At least do it in another color. This way it's harder to miss when you are speeding down a long quote.

No, I haven't. But one lengthy poster does not a thorough conversation make. Back in my day, you got a warning if you posted as little as some of you do. And internet only moved at fifty-six kilobytes per second. Mind, for me, it still does .
I was talking about what you said about Midna supporters using facts and emotion (which Stryks certainly doesn't) not anything about post length.

No. Hence the other four points. One of five does not equal a whole, mate. Just one good reason.
So what you are saying is all the points together are what makes Midna so likely in your eyes?

That wasn't me that posted that. We're not including any responses from ZU in the email. I'm actually a little disappointed with that place .
My mistake. I hate that place too. I made one joke about hentai and I got five infractions. What the hell kind of Nazi place is that?

Oh. Then they should put me in Brawl. I'm pretty sure I could kick the crap out of the Ice Climbers. All jokes aside, I was pretty annoyed when I saw all these characters in Melee that really don't seem like they'd have any chance of beating up Samus. And I know a lot of other people that were as well.
What you think doesn't matter because obviously the man in charge of the game doesn't care about that.

I've read the story, and although it's a second, it doesn't even touch Twilight Princess. That's my opinion, but it's also the opinion of about ninety per cent of the people I've confronted about the subject.
Those people are whats called *******es. If MM had not been released in the shadow of OoT then it would be much more popular than it is. I bet those people didn't even give it a chance.

Are you a frequent? Zelda Universe is divided into little groups of people, a little like the Old NSider (and NSider2, to a point). Big forums often do that. However, I've yet to be confronted with the idea that the next Wii game should fall directly between OoT and MM, much less a well-supported one. And you're not doing a very good job yourself, I'm sorry to say.
I used to be a frequent until the infraction thing I told you about happened. I still go on to see what Hylian Dan has discovered about his stone tower theory (It's a brilliant theory that I urge everyone to read) so that's why I know about your other Midna thread there. Just because YOU haven't heard anyone who wants a new MM game does not mean that there are none of them out there. I myself was surprised at the amount of people who wanted one when I made a thread about it (which got closed because one of the mods was being a ****).


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I had a post responding to everyone but it didn't go through because the site is a douchebag. Someone post all the reasons people think Midna should be in brawl and I will counter them in the most humane way I can.
Wow, I guess you don't have anything better to do now do you? I mean, it's fun to have a lil lively debate here or there. . .but when you put soo much energy into saying why you DON'T want a new character in/ think they will make it and ask everyone reasons for you to "counter" them than thats abit odd.

More characters, better game I say. Theres no reason to actually want one less character (In this case, Midna) unless you feel your fav doesn't stand much of a chance compared to them. So you would basically be ranting cause MM isn't as likely as Midna to the Smash fans.

Haters are funny:p

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Wow, I guess you don't have anything better to do now do you? I mean, it's fun to have a lil lively debate here or there. . .but when you put soo much energy into saying why you DON'T want a new character in/ think they will make it and ask everyone reasons for you to "counter" them than thats abit odd.

More characters, better game I say. Theres no reason to actually want one less character (In this case, Midna) unless you feel your fav doesn't stand much of a chance compared to them. So you would basically be ranting cause MM isn't as likely as Midna to the Smash fans.

Haters are funny:p
Why did you take the time to write that in different colors? It's a bit annoying. Anyway I'd be lying if I said I don't hate Midna. Why do I hate her you ask? Because she is annoying, she never helped in dungeons, her fanboys won't shut up about how great she is (this isn't directed at anyone in particular) and she just plain sucks in comparison to Tatl and Navi. Oh and she left Link to die in a burning bulilding.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Why did you take the time to write that in different colors? It's a bit annoying. Anyway I'd be lying if I said I don't hate Midna. Why do I hate her you ask? Because she is annoying, she never helped in dungeons, her fanboys won't shut up about how great she is (this isn't directed at anyone in particular) and she just plain sucks in comparison to Tatl and Navi. Oh and she left Link to die in a burning bulilding.

. . . Highlighting my post and pressing the color "blue" =/= a time consuming task. And like I said, why focus soo much on something you DON'T like? You seem to like MM and want him in brawl from what I gather. . . why are you hating on Midna just to make MM look better?

Soo much hate. . . you just have loads of this stuff.



Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2007
I hate responding to two people at once. :(

Thank you.

Because Stryks was the best possible example. There are others who I won't name because I don't want to start some big fight and get this place locked (I'm not that big of a jerk) but while there are Midna fans who are nice there are just as many who are mindless flamers.

I have yet to meet a single Midna fan who is a mindless flamers. Usually they're the ones being flamed (the hentai-viewers have given us all a bad name :( ). This conversation, for example. Midna fans...no flame. Midna hater...flame? Yep.

I hate it when people put words in my mouth. There is a difference from a sidekick who is important to the franchise (Luigi and Diddy) and a sidekick who is from one game in a huge franchise. If we add Midna we are saying that she is better than all the other one off sidekicks which would be biased.

Not to mention true O_o . But that's just a popular opinion. Would it not also be biased to put Lucas in instead of Ness? Would that be saying that Mother 3 is more important than Mother 2? Or vice-versa. No, all it's saying is that one has been deemed better for Brawl than the other.

She is a fairly important character to TP. That's only one game in a huge franchise. Sure you could argue that brawl is heavily influenced by TP but TP isn't the only Zelda style in the game (There is a cell shaded Tingle trophy).

There are only three characters that appear constantly in Zelda games (well, four, but Tingle doesn't count; Skull Kid's been in two but with very different purposes). And there are many vague characters that have made it into Brawl and Melee...more than Midna, anyway. I don't think I need to state examples.

New and unique personality? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA That cracks me up.

Hmm. You're certainly one of a kind, mate. You have no taste in story. Let me guess: Homer's Odyssey doesn't have enough violence in it? Sorry, that just slipped out.

Not this crap again. I've seen people make this ridiculous claim countless times and I'm sick of it. Midna is the helper character in TP and that's all she is. Had Zant killed her during his coup of the twilight realm Link would still have to go on his adventure to save Hyrule (although it would be a hell of alot different).

Naw, he would have just gone to save the kids and probably failed. See the next paragraph.

The story of TP revolves around Link's quest not Midna's. I don't know where people are getting this stuff from.

Midna had a more developed storyline, had more dialog, just as much cut scene screen time (if not more), and her story was more central to the game than Link's plight (which vaporized halfway through the game). It's not that hard to see that she could very well have been the real protagonist of TP, with the player just tagging along in the form of Link battling for her future.

Okay I admit MM is one of my favorite games. So what, wanna fight about it?

Violence solves nothing.

You suck if you think TP was better than MM in any way. TP was an overhyped average game. MM on the other hand was an overlooked gem. Had it been released alot longer after OoT it would have been much more accepted. I still find myself replaying all the great sidequests and bosses in that game. The story of TP was average at best but MM had a long and deep story that was also emotional.

He 'sucks'? What a brilliant argument. You gonna give us something else to chew on other than this Deku/son thing?

You obviously have no idea what depth means.


We're both fully aware of what depth means, I'm quite sure, considering we've used it articulately in sentences all the way up until now. We've even given examples. You, on the other hand, have given none.

You are one human being in a population of over 6 billion. What you have heard or not heard does not mean anything.

Gandhi was one man. Hitler was one man. They based their opinions off of what they had learned throughout their life. Only instead of ending or beginning a worldwide segregation, we're just rooting for a character.

At least do it in another color. This way it's harder to miss when you are speeding down a long quote.

I don't find it hard to miss. Sorry. I'll do it next time. Is there a particular color you like?

I was talking about what you said about Midna supporters using facts and emotion (which Stryks certainly doesn't) not anything about post length.


So what you are saying is all the points together are what makes Midna so likely in your eyes?

In essence, yes.

My mistake. I hate that place too. I made one joke about hentai and I got five infractions. What the hell kind of Nazi place is that?

Not as bad as TheHylia. They only have about fifteen active members on at once, and they act like they're running IGN.

What you think doesn't matter because obviously the man in charge of the game doesn't care about that.

But the man in charge cares about us. We're not the only ones with these opinions, you know.

Those people are whats called *******es. If MM had not been released in the shadow of OoT then it would be much more popular than it is. I bet those people didn't even give it a chance.

Twilight Princess was released in the shadow of its trailer. People expected all sorts of wonderful things that never happened. The people who loved it loved it because of its story, and not its gameplay or dungeons or that gamey stuff like the people who loved OoT did.

I used to be a frequent until the infraction thing I told you about happened. I still go on to see what Hylian Dan has discovered about his stone tower theory (It's a brilliant theory that I urge everyone to read) so that's why I know about your other Midna thread there. Just because YOU haven't heard anyone who wants a new MM game does not mean that there are none of them out there. I myself was surprised at the amount of people who wanted one when I made a thread about it (which got closed because one of the mods was being a ****).

Well, that's ZU. In my experience, they're a different brand of Zelda fans altogether (i.e. conservative ones). That thread I posted has variations across many different boards, and has received some amazing support. I actually came here, to SWF, to get some contributions; there's a similar thread in the Light House that was locked because it was seen as a topic revolving around the discussion of one character. If anyone here wants to check it out and PM me if they want to help out or contribute, we'd be stoked.

@ your last post: She didn't help out, yes, and that was a good thing. I hope you wouldn't need that much help in a Zelda game, particularly a new one. I don't see how you could find her annoying and yet like Navi and Tatl. Kinda just blew right over me, that one did. Her fanboys (and girls) won't shut up because you won't. You dis a favorite character, you're going to get the same thing back. I would have thought by now that you'd be able to understand that concept and handle it accordingly. And yes, she left Link in a burning building. That really cracked me up, "Yeah, this is really romantic and all, but I'm not staying in here!" (something to that effect)

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
My computer seems to be acting wierd today.

. . . Highlighting my post and pressing the color "blue" =/= a time consuming task. And like I said, why focus soo much on something you DON'T like? You seem to like MM and want him in brawl from what I gather. . . why are you hating on Midna just to make MM look better?

Soo much hate. . . you just have loads of this stuff.

I'm saving that pic.:laugh: The color thing was a joke (that you apparently missed) and my love of MM has nothing to do with my opinion of Midna.

I have yet to meet a single Midna fan who is a mindless flamers. Usually they're the ones being flamed (the hentai-viewers have given us all a bad name ). This conversation, for example. Midna fans...no flame. Midna hater...flame? Yep.
I obviously have to show you an example of a flaming Midna fan for you to believe me.


Read from that page up (it might take awhile to get through the whole thing) and you will see alot of flaming from Midna fan boys. I just realised something when I went back to find that page. I'm doing EXACTLY what those douches did to the SK supporters. I'm mindlessly attacking for no real reason. At first I was bored and thought that starting a debate would start up some excitement but my calling of you guys n00bs was uncalled for. I'm sorry.

Not to mention true O_o . But that's just a popular opinion. Would it not also be biased to put Lucas in instead of Ness? Would that be saying that Mother 3 is more important than Mother 2? Or vice-versa. No, all it's saying is that one has been deemed better for Brawl than the other.
I don't think the Mother analogy fits. Mother has a new main character in every game so it makes sense to choose the most recent one (Lucas) but if that's true why was Ness in 64 and melee? I believe I heard somewhere it had something to do with Ness's game being international and Mother 3 not being out yet but I could be wrong.

There are only three characters that appear constantly in Zelda games (well, four, but Tingle doesn't count; Skull Kid's been in two but with very different purposes). And there are many vague characters that have made it into Brawl and Melee...more than Midna, anyway. I don't think I need to state examples.
Why exactly does Tingle not count? SK has been in 3 games BTW all the same skull kid. What do you mean vague characters?

Hmm. You're certainly one of a kind, mate. You have no taste in story. Let me guess: Homer's Odyssey doesn't have enough violence in it? Sorry, that just slipped out.
How do you get bad taste in story from me making fun of Midna's personality?

Midna had a more developed storyline, had more dialog, just as much cut scene screen time (if not more), and her story was more central to the game than Link's plight (which vaporized halfway through the game). It's not that hard to see that she could very well have been the real protagonist of TP, with the player just tagging along in the form of Link battling for her future.
A friend of mine made a thread about this on another Zelda forum. His entire argument was destroyed by one post. I'll quote it here.

First off, without Midna, Link wouldn't even have entered the Twilight. Were it not for the BOTH of them, Twilight Princess would have never ended.

There is no despute between who is the real hero. None of them could do it without each other.

Link is Midna's hero, Midna is Link's hero.

Midna gives access to the Twilight so he can stop the spread, that's how she is his hero, and Link saves Hyrule to bring peace to the Twilight, that's how he is her hero.

You can't really debate over this. It's just the way it is. But Link being the chosen one would be the only way to stop the Twilight.

Midna can't do sh*t when it comes to taking Link's part. Nintendo specifically made it Link as the hero and Midna his sidekick.
Midna has her importance I'll give you that but it's nowhere near Link's.

Violence solves nothing.
It was a family guy joke.

He 'sucks'? What a brilliant argument. You gonna give us something else to chew on other than this Deku/son thing?
Do I really have to? name one point in TP that is as sad as the Deku crying for his son.

We're both fully aware of what depth means, I'm quite sure, considering we've used it articulately in sentences all the way up until now. We've even given examples. You, on the other hand, have given none.
I've given none? What about the DEKU BUTLERS SON!

Gandhi was one man. Hitler was one man. They based their opinions off of what they had learned throughout their life. Only instead of ending or beginning a worldwide segregation, we're just rooting for a character.
You missed my point completely. Just because you haven't heard of something does not mean it doesn't exist or it is scarce.

I don't find it hard to miss. Sorry. I'll do it next time. Is there a particular color you like?
Not really but the shade of green I used as an example seems to jump out more than most colors I've seen.

In essence, yes.
Then what's the point of me attempting to counter them individually?

But the man in charge cares about us. We're not the only ones with these opinions, you know.
Your opinion is pretty close minded. So what if a character "can't fight"? If the developers where bound by such rules we would have a very crappy game.

Twilight Princess was released in the shadow of its trailer. People expected all sorts of wonderful things that never happened. The people who loved it loved it because of its story, and not its gameplay or dungeons or that gamey stuff like the people who loved OoT did.
Then those people aren't true gamers. A true gamer values gameplay above all else. If there was a game called super happy homo fun land if the gameplay was good then it would still sell because the core of a game is the gameplay. Story graphics and all that other stuff are nice to have but if they don't have the gameplay then those games won't be very good.

@ your last post: She didn't help out, yes, and that was a good thing. I hope you wouldn't need that much help in a Zelda game, particularly a new one.
One of the main problems TP had was it was too easy but that still doesn't excuse Midna not at least telling me the monsters **** name.

I don't see how you could find her annoying and yet like Navi and Tatl. Kinda just blew right over me, that one did.
Navi and Tatl are much more helpful. I kinda like knowing the name of my enemy don't you?

Her fanboys (and girls) won't shut up because you won't. You dis a favorite character, you're going to get the same thing back. I would have thought by now that you'd be able to understand that concept and handle it accordingly.
I wasn't aiming that at anyone in particular. I was mostly talking about my past experiences with Midna fans. You are actually one of the better Midna fans and I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot.

And yes, she left Link in a burning building. That really cracked me up, "Yeah, this is really romantic and all, but I'm not staying in here!" (something to that effect)
How could you possibly find being left to die funny? She abondoned you like a cheap *****. That moment alone should have made her a very hated character.
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