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The Original Midna for Brawl thread. (Debate the Wolf here!)

Midna In Brawl?

  • Only Midna in Brawl!

    Votes: 277 30.8%
  • Midna and Wolflink in Brawl!

    Votes: 398 44.3%
  • I don't want Midna in there, period!

    Votes: 89 9.9%
  • Just give me Wolflink sans Midna!

    Votes: 30 3.3%
  • I really couldn't care less.

    Votes: 105 11.7%

  • Total voters

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
Just ignore raphtmarqui. He is shapeing up to be just some Midna flamer that no one cares about on this thread:ohwell:
Yeah. Besides, he flames more than just Midna in the Brawl Character board...it's just certain posts like those don't deserve any recognition.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Hmm? I don't know. Maybe because thats how you played as her in the god*amn game. >_>
Except that its not. You never play as her in Twilight Princess, just as Link. She provides information and guidance to Link, and helps him with one move to him in his Wolf form - the field that allows him to quickly attack many foes - and thats it. Thats not the same as playing as her, which is what many fans hope to do in Brawl.


Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Yes, but the point being argued is that WL could not be originial because he was Link (the original point anyways, I see now you changed it, even though it wasn't you who made it 0.o)
I don't know what you're referring to. I've never changed my idea on Wolf Link being in Brawl. It's always been a no.

What I said is that in Samus storyline, it was her who did all those things, she has the Zero Mission Suit, or at least used it in a game. In TLoZ, it is not Zelda who uses any of these, well at least not 95% of the Zelda's of TLoZ, just that other 5%, so how is that character her alter ego if its not really even in her in all the other games.
I'm thinking you haven't played Ocarina of Time by that statement. As I already stated, the game is meant to be nonsensical. The game is not in canon with the respective titles, so having Zelda with her Twilight Princess design transforming into Sheik shouldn't be noncomprehending. Zelda transforms into Sheik to hide from Ganondorf. Since Zelda has a starring roles in almost all Zelda games, there shouldn't even be any argument that she is more than eligible to be in Brawl. Sheik managed to smuggle her way into Melee by means through being Zelda's transformation.

And if Doctor Mario was a Big Bird, who could fly and was in his own game and everyone loved that game, do you think it woudn't be more plausible for him to be in than, say, Boo?
Dr. Mario is a doctor, and he was in his own video games. Face the facts, Dr. Mario is Mario, and having another Mario in Brawl would be superfluous, even if he has his own move set. I already threw you a bone stating that Wolf Link would be unique since we don't get many quadrupedal brawlers, but you keep evading my main point. Wolf Link is a canine version of Link-- two Links. Why have another Link when there is already one Link representing Twilight Princess, and that character slot could go to someone from a different franchise that deserves that spot just as much as Wolf Link, like say Custom Robo's Ray, or Golden Sun's Issac, or Olimar from Pikmin.

On a second note, I apologize if I seemed condescending about the whole grammar and spelling issue. Wasn't meant to berate you, and for that, I'm sorry.

That aside, I don't even know what you're arguing about anymore. I've stated my opinion about it to you so many times, and all those times, you completely disregarded it and had not shared any opinions on my valid argument.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
I think he was referring to me, but I forgot to reply :dizzy:, but I think you got it cover for now.
He doesn't know how to follow conversations of multiple ppl, I don't know if it was you, but I am sure some other dude made the statement that WL was not original because he would be Link's clone, HENCE THE FACT I said: How can WL be even closely similar to Link, its impossible, he doesn't even have a sword to begin with. (And you (Darky Dee, not the original poster) responded saying, he is still Link, which I found odd, as I was talking about moveset, and then I responded saying he is in 4 legs and said that if Sheik had an original moveset so could WL, then you said its still Link and some out of place Sheik crap, and I finnaly understood you had misread the first 2 posts. See how you are confusing yourself and thus bringing more confusion)

I'm thinking you haven't played Ocarina of Time by that statement. As I already stated, the game is meant to be nonsensical. The game is not in canon with the respective titles, so having Zelda with her Twilight Princess design transforming into Sheik shouldn't be noncomprehending. Zelda transforms into Sheik to hide from Ganondorf. Since Zelda has a starring roles in almost all Zelda games, there shouldn't even be any argument that she is more than eligible to be in Brawl. Sheik managed to smuggle her way into Melee by means through being Zelda's transformation.

Dr. Mario is a doctor, and he was in his own video games. Face the facts, Dr. Mario is Mario, and having another Mario in Brawl would be superfluous, even if he has his own move set. I already threw you a bone stating that Wolf Link would be unique since we don't get many quadrupedal brawlers, but you keep evading my main point. Wolf Link is a canine version of Link-- two Links. Why have another Link when there is already one Link representing Twilight Princess, and that character slot could go to someone from a different franchise that deserves that spot just as much as Wolf Link, like say Custom Robo's Ray, or Golden Sun's Issac, or Olimar from Pikmin.

On a second note, I apologize if I seemed condescending about the whole grammar and spelling issue. Wasn't meant to berate you, and for that, I'm sorry.

That aside, I don't even know what you're arguing about anymore. I've stated my opinion about it to you so many times, and all those times, you completely disregarded it and had not shared any opinions on my valid argument.

How can you even think I haven't played OoT from that statement? I never said the game should not have Sheik in because all other Zelda's don't have Sheik, I made that post in response to one of ur posts, why dont you go 3 posts into the past and read them again and read my example of the hotdogs and w/e again. What I said was (in response to you saying Sheik should be in because she is Zelda) (Or that Zelda is Sheik for that matter): That Sheik is NOT Zelda, because if you say Zelda you mean ALL Zelda's, and Sheik is only OoT Zelda, so please don't say that Sheik is Zelda, unless you state its for one game. You people (talking to everyone who has used this opinion) keep saying "Sheik = Zelda, how can they take her out?", I DONT CARE if they take her out or not, what I do care is that Sheik =/= Zelda, except for OoT. NOW do you follow?.

(I now apologize for being rude, if I was, am just tired and had a big discussion with my parents)

Sheik is a Ninja Version of OoT Zelda, why waste a move on her, there are so much better moves, like a sword (From TP)? (THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE, I DO NOT WANT ZELDA WIELDING A SWORD)(Whatever you answer, there's my answer for WL)

What I meant to say with Dr. Mario, is that if there is a completely different character, with NOTHING in common but only the name as Mario, and is the protagonist of one of the best games of the Mario franchise, and would be acclaimed by many, do you think having the name Mario would actually lower his chances? (Maybe you could argue that it does, but would you discuss it as ardually as you are with WL?)

Anyways who is Custom Robo's Ray? I don't know him :S

I don't take those things seriously, its just that I personally don't like the people who do that. Apology accepted, and I hope you forgive my current mood.

No each time I have answered each of your points, you just don't read my crap correctly. (Learn to follow post strings)

Anyways, I still want to clarify that throughout all of my posts, I've never said I wanted Sheik out or that I wanted WL in, all I've said is that the reasons you set foward for WL not to be in brawl and for Sheik being out are not correct. (Hamburguer + Hotdog example) I actually WOULD LIKE Sheik in. Its just that I don't like when people use incorrect reasons to state that she should.

Now, let me see if I can go finish that other post I left unfinished

Edit: I finished the other post:

The thing written in red is a miscomprehension from my post replying to omegaslayer about how WL would not be similar MOVESET and I guess GRAPHICAL wiser to Link, please try to follow.

Again: Have you seen the new character: "The Bike", its yellow and I heard it can take over other characters if you knock that fat dude on top of it.

To the above poster: What I would like is a Midna sans WL, that can summon him, but keep her the same, just with WL there (Maybe make her a little faster but lose some range?), thus making everyone happy, I would actually not care if Midna nor WL makes it in, BUT I DO NOT WANT Midna sans WL or WL sans Midna, that is one thing I really don't want.

You should go and read it so you don't get confused, or at least theres less chance at it...

Edit 2: Again I apologize, and I believe I should thank you, even though all the way throughout the post I kept reminding myself not to try to be rude and not to be mad (which ended in me not writing half the opinions and facts I was going write). In the end, I did channel some anger into this post; I feel relieved, in some way.

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
That Sheik is NOT Zelda, because if you say Zelda you mean ALL Zelda's, and Sheik is only OoT Zelda, so please don't say that Sheik is Zelda, unless you state its for one game. You people (talking to everyone who has used this opinion) keep saying "Sheik = Zelda, how can they take her out?", I DONT CARE if they take her out or not, what I do care is that Sheik =/= Zelda, except for OoT. NOW do you follow?
I already repeated myself more than once already. The game, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, is supposed to be nonsensical. That means it's not meant to be in canon with the character's original video games. We normally would not see Pokemon Trainer going toe-to-toe with Bowser.

So stating that Twilight Princess Zelda is not Sheik is irrelevant. Besides, throughout the series, there are numerous incarnations of Zelda as you already know. So spiritually she still is Sheik, as seen in Wind Waker, when Tetra awakens as Zelda, and not the other way around.

Finally, Zelda's specials that she still retains in Brawl, like Din's Fire are only seen in Ocarina of Time.

... why waste a move on her, there are so much better moves, like a sword...
Because her transformation adds gives a lot more strategy, and it's a way of throwing in an additional character without occupying an additional slot. With that move, you gain three more moves on top of her own three.

(Whatever you answer, there's my answer for WL)
That's besides the point. Wolf Link would require an additional character slot, and judging by the demo's character selection screen, it doesn't look like we're going to be getting more characters as many have though. This is in lieu of the Solo Midna topic, because she can hold her own, and if she was on wolf Link, we would really be controlling Wolf Link.

What I meant to say with Dr. Mario, is that if there is a completely different character, with NOTHING in common but only the name as Mario, and is the protagonist of one of the best games of the Mario franchise, and would be acclaimed by many, do you think having the name Mario would actually lower his chances? (Maybe you could argue that it does, but would you discuss it as ardually as you are with WL?)
I think I'm getting the statement. You mean something like Street Fighter's Ryu being in a Capcom cross-over game with Breath of Fire's Ryu, so the two of them being completely different characters? I have my bets on it being a no. It would probably cause confusion, since Street Fighter's Ryu is more popular, they would go with him and resort to a different character in Breath of Fire that is as popular as BoF's Ryu.

Even so, Wolf Link is Link, they're the same person.

Custom Robo Arena's Ray​

Zaq attaq

Smash Rookie
Oct 30, 2007
Midna would be best by herself in TP wolf link was so slow and not even that powerful he was mainly used for puzzles not combat Midna would be way better off by her lonesome


Smash Cadet
Nov 16, 2007
Vaati doesn't seem as popular. There is a bit of a rift between console Zeldas and hand held Zeldas. I hadn't heard of Vaati for a long time, whereas Midna was more "the talk of the town." Also I think it is because you can use Midna, but Vaati is the bad guy (this doesn't apply to Gannondorf because he is pretty much every game).

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
Well, Vaati may not be able to get in since his design may not be adapting to Brawl style of game play and we already have a main villain of Zelda, Ganondarf, ready for another fight. Maybe an AT or trophy may work, or possibly a sticker at the least, but seeing him playable is probably a low chance.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2007
Well, Midna's chances as playble are slightly increased because today's update shows that black Zelda is clearly not a "daisy-style" princess Midna. It's not really much but It makes me a bit more hopeful.

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
Well, Midna's chances as playble are slightly increased because today's update shows that black Zelda is clearly not a "daisy-style" princess Midna. It's not really much but It makes me a bit more hopeful.
Minor, but it's is something that would get her in even by that note.

Also, I heard people who uses the argument "Twilight Princess is over representing itself in Brawl." Well if that's so, I guess OoT is over representing itself in Brawl as well. Why would I said that? Well, some of Zelda moves in Brawl are mainly OoT related (and her colors from Melee returns, which was OoT related). If Sheik gets in, that's OoT related. Also, don't forget that we already have a song that is a collab of a couple of major OoT songs in Brawl as well. And I can bet you that they'll have an OoT stage ready for an update.

Besides, the only representation that TP is making right now is only one stage of TP and a different styles for Link and Zelda. That's it. It's not much of a complainant for stopping Midna chances of getting in since OoT is just as same, or more, representation than TP.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2007
Vallejo, CA
Midna's going to be in Brawl, I can feel it. In fact, I'm kind of feeling Midna as being tomorrow's update. I mean, they can't go for a month without announcing a new character; that's just mean.

I'm gonna laugh when I'm right...

EDIT: Never mind


Smash Rookie
Nov 23, 2007
I would really like Midna and Wolf to appear in Brawl, Imp Midna thou.

Wolf Link dosen't have to be a huge part of the combo thou, Maybe just for additional maneuverability and a bit more physical fighting (Close Range).

I see them as more of a speedy/light pair, not too much attack power but lots of combo possibility. But i'm not sure about their weight range.

Just Midna = Light
Midna+Link = Medium? Heavy? (Wolves don't exactly seem light n fluffy.)

Sorry if this has been mentioned tonnes~


Smash Journeyman
Oct 30, 2007
MIDA IS AWESOME! i recently started playing TP and se is awesome, i REALLY REALLY don't want wolf link though, i think just lone midna is better, her grabs would rock too, espicialy if she used her hair/ 3rd hand thing! her normal be could be the charger up thing she does when she frees link at the beginning of the game! she would be so cool! WITHOUT wolf link, i mean it would be NEAT if wolf link was there, but she would be ruined imo...

EDIT - i can see the destined battle....between olimar (one of my main supports) and midna (a new main support) it would be like, the 2 smallest characters (considering midna is still in her smaller form, i havn't made it far enough in the game to see her return to normal.) and it would be so awesome! lol


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
I think Olimar should go against Peach....ppl who use veggies to pwn....


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
It sounds stupid for wolf link to be in with midna when hes already selectable alone.

How can imp midna fight? she'd fight kinda awkward..


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
Imp Midna can fight by herself just fine...Im not that good at explaining but she would float around and she could use her twilight magic to attack, her B moves can be easily taken from TP without making stuff up...as well as the rest of her moveset...which would involve her hair and magic....then her Final Smash could be that she takes out the Fused Shadows and turns into that ...thing....and just...pwn....

in my opinion, Wolf Link + Midna is alot more awkward than having her fight solo...Link limits her abilities....(again this is my opinion)...


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
It just seems weird for her imp form to be moving around.. you said float.. I guess she could but i still cant picture it looking not awkward in ssb. Mewtwo did but he's bigger.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 30, 2007
i think midna floating around would be awesome! she would definately be a light character, tho

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World

Midna (alone): Higher jump, floating (possibly just as fast a WL running if they wanted to), stronger usage of Twili magic, usage of her hair, better recovery move, stronger and more balanced grabbing, better and possibly stronger attacks, possible transform to her real self for more moves (highly unlikely), cooler (and better) looking dodge and rolling, and many more things that are possible.

Midna w/Wolf Link: Smaller jump, running, biting, less usage of Twili magic, weaker recovery move, awkward grabbing and hard to do air attacks and weird dodging and rolling.

In other words, it's limiting if she on Wolf Link's back.

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
You know, when I wanted Midna getting into Brawl, that is my initial thought of her getting in their. Ideally for Smash Bros, she is like a smaller Mewtwo, but with a hair instead of the tail doing certain physical attacks. However, that would clouds Mewtwo's chances if that was to happen.

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
Hmmm, not a lot people in my perspective but not nobody that is for sure. You could probably say that Mewtwo could be a one-shot and Midna might fill in his spot. That wouldn't be a bad thing though because she is popular as much as he was and he didn't use a lot of physical moves himself. I don't believe another Pokemon character could fill in his role, heck, they even have Pokeballs to represent most of them AND have a Pokemon Trainer with 3 Pokemon you can use AND probably have Jigglypuff coming back. Why add more? Still, they have a shot to add another one, but I see a slim chance of that happening.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2007
Vallejo, CA
Who plays mewtwo again? I always forget.
Taj. Taj is too good with Mewtwo, too good.

Oh, and wolf link shouldn't be in. I don't get why more people voted him in. Midna would be so frickin' awesome in Brawl (by herself) but I'm hoping that she's never an update on the Dojo, and that she's unlockable; there would be so much more satisfaction in unlocking her than in just reading that she's in.

King Helmaroc

Smash Rookie
Oct 31, 2007
Good ol' America. :P Yeah, we suck. XD
Oh, and wolf link shouldn't be in. I don't get why more people voted him in. Midna would be so frickin' awesome in Brawl. (by herself)
Wait, what? Why!? Midna would not be Midna without Wolf Link. I'm not saying I don't like Midna (Midna is frickin awsome), it's just that she would not work without Wolf Link with her. Think about it. It's weirder then Mewtwo. Midna is tiny, and she can hover. Teleport, too. Wolf Link + Midna = Beyond Win. What moveset could Midna have by herself anyway? She never really does anything, exept help Wolf Link.

I even came up with a moveset. ^^

Standard B: He growls. Sould boring? No. It ready's you for attacks, like if your hit with something, you take less damage. You can preform other attacks quicker after growling, and if someone is standing in front of you while you are doing it, they flinch.
Down B: Dark Energy Field: Just like in TP. Midna slowly charges up a dark circle around WL, and anyone inside of it will get highlighted (You can move around a little). Let go, and, if you have anyone highlighted, you will lunge at all of them in turn, with high power, but low knockback. If no one was highlighted, you will do just a simple spin attack.
Side B: Lunge forward and lach onto someone, so you can attack them over and over for a while. Virtually no knockback.
Up B: Midna flys up at targets something above you, namely, ledges or oponents. If nothing is there, just highlights an area of air above you. Link then precisley lunges at that spot. Low power, but high knockback.

Standard A Combe: Bites, bites, tail swipe. The tail swipe throws people into the air a little.
Side A: Midna puches forward with her hair/hand.
Double Side A: Lunging headbutt.
Up A: Midna swips up with her hair/hand
Down A: Spin attack.

Smash Side: Double team; Midna puches, and Link headbutts.
Smash Up: Link does a flip, biting upwards.
Smash Down: Midna slaps the ground with her hair/hand

Grab: Midna grabs them with her hand.

Super Smash Attack: *Late TP Spoilers!*
Midna brings out the fused shadows and transmorms into her weird spider thing. She then lumbers around the stage and attacks the players with her spear and hitting the ground (but it's not all that strong), then she grabs one player with all her hands and just owns him.
*End Spoilers!*

Taunt 1: Sit's down and howls the first few notes of Zelda'a Lulluby.
Taunt 2: Spins around and sit's, like he does after howling.
Taunt 3: Midna yawns and Link looks back at her.

Win Taunts: Any of the above. I can't think of any more. :p

Yup, in my eyes, Midna + Wolf Link would be a very cool adition to this game.

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
Wait, what? Why!? Midna would not be Midna without Wolf Link. I'm not saying I don't like Midna (Midna is frickin awsome), it's just that she would not work without Wolf Link with her.
And I don't really hate Wolf Link either, but Midna WOULD be Midna without Wolf Link. Yes, I understand that connection they shared in the game, but it would be a whole lot better if you control her all the time instead of her being saddled on his back and control mainly him all the time. Besides, I can work.

Think about it. It's weirder then Mewtwo.
Actually, Mewtwo's moveset could be borrowed as a last resort use for Midna potential moveset. I mean, they both use dark magic and telekinesis, they both can float, and they both have something long on them to attack physically (Mewtwo's tail/Midna hair). Yeah, I could see that one happening if they wanted to.

Midna is tiny, and she can hover. Teleport, too.
Well, Pichu is small, Kirby is small, and Nana and Popo are small. Besides, Midna is probably big (or slightly bigger without the helmet) than Pikachu, so really, her size isn't much of a concern.

I don't understand your other points though. What? Making her smaller while she levitate above the ground make her weird? I don't think they'll place her high above the ground. I bet Sakurai will make her float just about the same height that Mewtwo's floating. So that isn't much of a issue. And the teleporting isn't much of a issue either since she quickly teleports like she did with Wolf Link in the game, so why can't she do it in here?

Wolf Link + Midna = Beyond Win. What moveset could Midna have by herself anyway? She never really does anything, exept help Wolf Link.
Just think outside of the box to make one. Heck, Peach and Zelda barely did anything in their games, but they came into Melee with minor problems. I don't see why Midna can't do the same. Besides, it's not a winning combo, it's more of a hindrance for the both of them. It's one or nothing in my book. And I find only the Final Smash understand in that moveset you created. The rest weren't good example.

i still say she sould be no more than a AT
Well good for you. Besides, if you gave a reason to that, I maybe understand why you would want her to be AT'ed instead of you just spamming here.
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