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The Original Midna for Brawl thread. (Debate the Wolf here!)

Midna In Brawl?

  • Only Midna in Brawl!

    Votes: 277 30.8%
  • Midna and Wolflink in Brawl!

    Votes: 398 44.3%
  • I don't want Midna in there, period!

    Votes: 89 9.9%
  • Just give me Wolflink sans Midna!

    Votes: 30 3.3%
  • I really couldn't care less.

    Votes: 105 11.7%

  • Total voters

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Ah, I agree with you on that aspect of Zelda, Ganondorf, and Link being the only main characters through the 'series'-- but based on everything being updated to Twilight Princess and such and the most up-to-date console game being Twilight Princess, I think Midna has more than a fair chance at a shot on making it into Brawl than any other Zelda character.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2007
30 feet behind you with a sniper rifle
Ah, I agree with you on that aspect of Zelda, Ganondorf, and Link being the only main characters through the 'series'-- but based on everything being updated to Twilight Princess and such and the most up-to-date console game being Twilight Princess, I think Midna has more than a fair chance at a shot on making it into Brawl than any other Zelda character.
she might be in brawl, but if she is, she'll probly be an AT

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Perhaps, I just read the poll results again, and I didn't find Midna anywhere on those polls. I'm fearing that we will not get her unless Sakurai decides to add her despite the polls. Her fan base must have sprouted over or something. But I do take into consideration it was a poll on what the Japanese voted for. I'm hoping that Sakurai realizes there are other fans besides Japanese who have different tastes than them.

Storm Eagle

Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2007
Midna would be a great addition to the Brawl Roster! But without the wolf, please. Oh, and screw WW Link and Vaati. ;)


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
Perhaps, I just read the poll results again, and I didn't find Midna anywhere on those polls. I'm fearing that we will not get her unless Sakurai decides to add her despite the polls. Her fan base must have sprouted over or something. But I do take into consideration it was a poll on what the Japanese voted for. I'm hoping that Sakurai realizes there are other fans besides Japanese who have different tastes than them.
A lot of characters weren't on the poll... Midna was too new at the time anyway.

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Maybe, but Zelda and Link are updated to their appearances in Twilight Princess, and there is a Bridge of Eldin stage. But regardless of that, I hope Sakurai realizes that she has a decent fan base.

But back to her importance with blazer787, Midna is highly acclaimed to be the Twilight Princess herself. That has a lot to say for itself. What other sidekick is so important that has the subtitle named after their title? She is pretty important, maybe not to the entire series as a whole, but you have to consider that the most recent console game was Twilight Princess, and she was pretty promising.

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
important characters are just link, zelda, and gannon. all the others are too minoot to be playable, but might make apearences s assist trophies and such


Anyways, Darky Dee speaks the truth, and we need at least one more character from the Zelda series, and Midna could take the cake.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
she might be in brawl, but if she is, she'll probly be an AT
I guess it's opinion in the end:ohwell:

I personaly take the fact that she doesn't appear on the stage to fix the bridge as a sign that she is playable (Really, thats what happened in the game so if she aint playable it would make sense for her to do that).

And your opinion on TP isn't relavent to this. Really, some people like myself think that TP is one of the best LoZ games. . . . not a fact, just one of the reasons I want TP's most important character in brawl.

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
We've gone over tons of move sets for her in this thread though, and that's where imagination comes into play. She has the potential to be so versatile. Imagine a small imp floating above the ground like Mewtwo but higher. Grapple and attack with her hair. Teleporting. Twili magic. There is so much potential for her.

She could do a dash attack like Fox, but instead of a dash, she teleports through a twilt warp hole and rams the opponent with her helmet as she does her little eerie giggle.

I was even suggesting that she even transform into her true-form in the same fashion Zelda does with Sheik to give her more strategy.

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
That topic has been argued through and out for a decent portion of this thread, you should go back a few pages and see why people think she should fly solo.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
I dont see why anyone would want Midna by herself.
And I don't see why anyone would want her any other way, so that makes us even on that account. Really, the reason shes wanted on her own is simple: fans want to play as her, not some animal she happens to be riding and providing a few moves for.



Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL

besides if Midna was with WL...you'd be controlling Link not Midna...


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
Enlighten me with a moveset of Skull Kid in a PM for me. I'm looking for of seeing his FS. Besides, Zant is more fitting of a boss than anything.

Unless they are transforming characters, over-representation of a single character by giving them a new slot isn't what Sakurai is aiming for, which could conclude that no matter how popular that certain clone character is, they're most likely not playable. So that comment wasn't really fallacious.

Of course there are too many Links, even if it's just one. You need only one 1 Link to represent Link, so it's kinda wasting another good character chance of getting in. In Melee, their concept was just to add favorite characters that they liked over the years. In Brawl however, the concept is to try to get rid of the problem of having similar characters (perfect clones/perfect cloned moveseted characters/alts) and having new (or old) characters that are generically different from them.

Besides, people like Darky Dee and I don't want to choose from Adult Link, Wolf Link, WW Link, and Young Link in which I can choose one Link with the most compatible representation better than most and have Midna, Zelda w/Shiek, and Ganondarf, with more options open for other characters from different series as a side.

I disagree on that one. Like I just said, this is over-representing ONE character. I believe that Brawl isn't about one character, it's about all the different characters that made an impact from different series in Nintendo. As long they are completely different characters, they are more welcome to join.

Explain to me how is WL doing nothing but 5 attacks with Midna on top of him anything near a Link "similarity", Yes Sakurai is trying to get rid of the clones, but its IMPOSSIBLE to make WL even remotely close to Link

You obviously can't comprehend what you read. "If" is a very important word, also it was followed by "it isn't the case." And it isn't the case, because I know well that Link can't transform into Wolf Link. So there is no loophole. Anywhoo, I was glad I entertained you even though the idea totally went over your head.

Either way with your little discrepancies, Wolf Link "being there to represent Twilight Princess" or not, Wolf Link will be in there when there already is another Link.

Just because Melee had 2 Links, which is insignificant in this matter, because I am hoping he is cut. Your justification is that since there are two Links, that that means they should add more. No.

What I'm inferring is that they delete Young Link and replace him with Midna to even things out, a real character that represents the series.

Read OmegaSlayer16's post, it's basically everything I really cared to counter rebut your two cent's-worth with. Thanks OmegaSlayer16 for clarifying my opinion.

You ask me if I can comprehend what I read yet you follow with a statement that rather says you can't.

What I wrote in my post, when I said "IF Link could tranform ..." was a quote from you, but I didn't put quotations because I didn't have the exact words, just the same message, and it is a loophole, its a way of saying Zelda doesn't need more useless chars, but Sheik ain't one of those, because she's a transformation. Thats stupid...

AND NO, if you would have read correctly, how you claim you do, my statement that there are 2 Links is to fight the stupid statement that you guys use that "2 Link's woiuld be overdoing it, Sakurai would never do that!" It is not arguing if more Link's should be added.

Please..... nm.....

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
Overrated hey? Well there are Nintendo characters WAY more overrated than her, but you don't see them complaining to be in Brawl now do you?

Oh yeah, you're also spamming. You know, Spammers are losers right?

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Explain to me how is WL doing nothing but 5 attacks with Midna on top of him anything near a Link "similarity", Yes Sakurai is trying to get rid of the clones, but its IMPOSSIBLE to make WL even remotely close to Link
Because the suffix. Whether he has his green tunic or four paws, it's Link.

What I wrote in my post, when I said "IF Link could tranform ..." was a quote from you, but I didn't put quotations because I didn't have the exact words, just the same message, and it is a loophole, its a way of saying Zelda doesn't need more useless chars, but Sheik ain't one of those, because she's a transformation. Thats stupid...
I still don't get what you're trying to write. Again, Sheik doesn't occupy a character slot, plus we already experienced her in Melee and for the most part, wasn't disappointing. She isn't 'useless' because she's Zelda's alter ego and Zelda obviously returned. That's like stating Samus' Zero Suit form insignificant.

AND NO, if you would have read correctly, how you claim you do, my statement that there are 2 Links is to fight the stupid statement that you guys use that "2 Link's woiuld be overdoing it, Sakurai would never do that!" It is not arguing if more Link's should be added.
I never stated anything of me. You're assuming things. It's hard to decipher your context because the format is so contorted. Anyhow, this portion is still contradicting itself. It seems you're arguing just for the sake of arguing.

Please..... nm.....
LOL, k.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
Because the suffix. Whether he has his green tunic or four paws, it's Link.

I still don't get what you're trying to write. Again, Sheik doesn't occupy a character slot, plus we already experienced her in Melee and for the most part, wasn't disappointing. She isn't 'useless' because she's Zelda's alter ego and Zelda obviously returned. That's like stating Samus' Zero Suit form insignificant.

I never stated anything of me. You're assuming things. It's hard to decipher your context because the format is so contorted. Anyhow, this portion is still contradicting itself. It seems you're arguing just for the sake of arguing.

LOL, k.

No, thats like saying Sheik shoudn't be in because she would just be too similar to Zelda. We have no 4 legged creature in SSBB except for Pikachu who doesnt really use his 4 legs, so adding WL would not make it similar to Link, it would be a COMPLETELY NEW character. And you might argue that he would occupy another slot with a Zelda character, but if any Zelda character deserves one of the slots after the obvious 3, (and I am betting Zelda will get at least 4, possibly 5), it should be Midna/WL combo, maybe Midna solo.

Sheik is Zelda's "alter ego" for one game, and even if you might view her as "significant" to the game, which I myself do not agree with, you have to agree that without a doubt both Midna and WL are way more significant to TP than she is to OoT.

Zero Suit Samus is the actual Samus in another suit, in all of the games, if she had that suit, she would be the same person, in TLoZ each game is a different storyline, no Zelda is the same (at least talking in WW, OoT, MM, TP view), so Sheik only appeared in 1 game, and she will probably not appear again.

Using the statement that she was in Smash and wasen't dissapointing proves nothing, if anything it proves you can create a whole new moveset for ANY character that has limbs, which means that the previous statement made by you to my previous statement about WL, (I hope you can follow) was actually wrong and your not really making any sense.

I never stated anything of me. You're assuming things. It's hard to decipher your context because the format is so contorted. Anyhow, this portion is still contradicting itself. It seems you're arguing just for the sake of arguing.
I just needed to quote this again.

Really? I mean really? Ok, so you say I am just assuming things, well, I might be wrong but psicologically (or however its spelt) speaking, when someone tells someone else they're making a mistake, its because they themselves do not make it. Let me explain it in an easier way, when you tell someone they're doing something wrong its because either you do it right, or you know its wrong and if you keep doing it, its because you want to do it wrong and not because you don't know how to do it right.

This being said, when you told me I could not comprehend what I read because I answered in a vague way using the wrong words (which was not actually used incorrectly, instead was a quote from you, which YOU SHOULD have realized if you were reading it), means that you CAN TELL I made a mistake, thus meaning you do not make it, and you do know how to comprehend a reading.

No, if you could comprehend what I wrote in the first place I would not need to explain myself further which will only complicate manners.

Hypothetical case so you can understand what I want to say:

Famous Person 1 is seen by Random Dude 1 eating a Hamburguer
Moments later
Random Dude 2 and Random Dude 3 get in an argument
Which is better?
Hamburguers or Hotdogs?
Random Dude 2 says Hotdogs are better because they taste better
Random Dude 3 says Hamburguers are better for the same reason
Random Dude 2 says noone Famous eats Hamburguers
Random Dude 1 jumps in and says he saw Famous Person 1 eating a Hamburguer before

Ok, in this hypothetical case, did Random Dude 1 at any moment say Hamburguers were better? NO, he just stated that there WAS a Famous Person eating a Hamburguer, thus killing Random Dude 2's statement, but he never actually took a side in the debate. SEE, THIS IS WHAT I MEAN.

Now do you get it? See how its not contradicting itself? See how its not arguing for the sake of arguing, but arguing to disprove a false or incorrect statement.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
between the 2 of you, i support the one against minda, but respect darky dee
I really don't know if I am "the one against Midna", or if I am one of "the 2 of you", but I believe I am, since me and Darky have been the ones arguing. (and you stated that you respect Darky, meaning he is not "the one against Midna")

Really, I am not against Midna, or Sheik, or dying for WL to be in, I am just stating simple facts and opinions.

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
No, thats like saying Sheik shoudn't be in because she would just be too similar to Zelda.
How so? Sheik is way different in every way. Did I not state that they share the same character slot? That's why her down special is her transformation.

We have no 4 legged creature in SSBB except for Pikachu who doesnt really use his 4 legs, so adding WL would not make it similar to Link, it would be a COMPLETELY NEW character. And you might argue that he would occupy another slot with a Zelda character, but if any Zelda character deserves one of the slots after the obvious 3, (and I am betting Zelda will get at least 4, possibly 5), it should be Midna/WL combo, maybe Midna solo.
Ivysaur is not bipedal. As much as I agree that Wolf Link would be unique since there many bipedal characters, the fact that he is Link, still stands. One Link is enough in my opinion, and a Midna/Wolf Link combo would really be controlling Wolf Link with Midna being your support.

Sheik is Zelda's "alter ego" for one game, and even if you might view her as "significant" to the game, which I myself do not agree with, you have to agree that without a doubt both Midna and WL are way more significant to TP than she is to OoT.
Yes, Midna was very important in Twilight Princess, and hands down, the most interactive sidekick that associated with other characters than Link, but you make Sheik look like roadkill. Besides that fact which is irrelevant in this matter, Sheik's home character is Zelda. It's not like she is transforming into Saria or Ruto. Yet, llike I stated earlier, Link is already in the game, and it would be too many Links in Brawl when there should be more representation from other franchises.

Zero Suit Samus is the actual Samus in another suit, in all of the games, if she had that suit, she would be the same person, in TLoZ each game is a different storyline, no Zelda is the same (at least talking in WW, OoT, MM, TP view), so Sheik only appeared in 1 game, and she will probably not appear again.
I know it's Samus without her power suit, and it was only playable in Metroid Zero Mission, was it not? Her current design is based off of her current games, yet she has the ability to transition into the Zero Suit with the trademark abilities was only in Metroid: Zero Mission. So stating that Zelda has no business having the Sheik transformation now because of her Twilight Princess design doesn't matter, because the game should be nonsensical. Zelda shouldn't be brawling with anyone if thats how we look at it.

Using the statement that she was in Smash and wasen't dissapointing proves nothing, if anything it proves you can create a whole new moveset for ANY character that has limbs, which means that the previous statement made by you to my previous statement about WL, (I hope you can follow) was actually wrong and your not really making any sense.
I really don't see how Sheik proves that Sora can create a new move set. You are tying in Wolf Link with move sets. I never stated that he wouldn't be creative or useful. You're either confused or putting words in my mouth. My point is that Wolf Link is Link, and we already have one Link. That would be exactly like "Ok, lets give Dr. Mario his own move set in Brawl, and still have Mario, so we can have two Marios."

Really? I mean really? Ok, so you say I am just assuming things, well, I might be wrong but psicologically (or however its spelt) speaking, when someone tells someone else they're making a mistake, its because they themselves do not make it. Let me explain it in an easier way, when you tell someone they're doing something wrong its because either you do it right, or you know its wrong and if you keep doing it, its because you want to do it wrong and not because you don't know how to do it right.
Yes, exactly like that long run-on sentence at the end of that portion. It's called intuition. Some people don't know what's wrong, but they do know what is right. For example, if I really cared for that kind of stuff, I would correct you that physiologically is spelled incorrectly, and spelt is not a word, like "ain't". There are some people in this world that should not consider a major English.

This being said, when you told me I could not comprehend what I read because I answered in a vague way using the wrong words (which was not actually used incorrectly, instead was a quote from you, which YOU SHOULD have realized if you were reading it), means that you CAN TELL I made a mistake, thus meaning you do not make it, and you do know how to comprehend a reading.
People don't put the quote button under post for their health.

No, if you could comprehend what I wrote in the first place I would not need to explain myself further which will only complicate manners.
Thank God this didn't come from me. ;>

Ok, all that is out of the way. Lets dissect this situation. I answered your question, and you had nothing to rebut it with. You should concentrate on this portion more than any other.

You wote said:
Explain to me how is WL doing nothing but 5 attacks with Midna on top of him anything near a Link "similarity", Yes Sakurai is trying to get rid of the clones, but its IMPOSSIBLE to make WL even remotely close to Link
I wrote said:
Because the suffix. Whether he has his green tunic or four paws, it's Link.
The fact of the matter is-- Deku Link, Goron Link, Zora Link, Oni Link, Wolf Link, Wind Waker Link, Young Link, Ocarina of Time Link, future installment Link, Bunny Link from Link to the Past, Twilight Princess Link, they're all Link.

And my claim is that one Link is enough. They don't need two Links to represent the franchise in Brawl no matter how innovative, creative, intriguing it sounds. Having an extra Link would mean we lost a slot that could have been given to another character from a different franchise that deserves it just as much as Wolf Link.

In the end, Midna sans Wolf Link is the way to go, otherwise, then we would really be playing as Wolf Link, and two Links is a crowd, despite him not being a clone. That, and Midna is no pushover. She can carry her own without a canine version of Link.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
How so? Sheik is way different in every way. Did I not state that they share the same character slot? That's why her down special is her transformation.

Ivysaur is not bipedal. As much as I agree that Wolf Link would be unique since there many bipedal characters, the fact that he is Link, still stands. One Link is enough in my opinion, and a Midna/Wolf Link combo would really be controlling Wolf Link with Midna being your support.

Yes, Midna was very important in Twilight Princess, and hands down, the most interactive sidekick that associated with other characters than Link, but you make Sheik look like roadkill. Besides that fact which is irrelevant in this matter, Sheik's home character is Zelda. It's not like she is transforming into Saria or Ruto. Yet, llike I stated earlier, Link is already in the game, and it would be too many Links in Brawl when there should be more representation from other franchises.

I know it's Samus without her power suit, and it was only playable in Metroid Zero Mission, was it not? Her current design is based off of her current games, yet she has the ability to transition into the Zero Suit with the trademark abilities was only in Metroid: Zero Mission. So stating that Zelda has no business having the Sheik transformation now because of her Twilight Princess design doesn't matter, because the game should be nonsensical. Zelda shouldn't be brawling with anyone if thats how we look at it.

I really don't see how Sheik proves that Sora can create a new move set. You are tying in Wolf Link with move sets. I never stated that he wouldn't be creative or useful. You're either confused or putting words in my mouth. My point is that Wolf Link is Link, and we already have one Link. That would be exactly like "Ok, lets give Dr. Mario his own move set in Brawl, and still have Mario, so we can have two Marios."

Yes, exactly like that long run-on sentence at the end of that portion. It's called intuition. Some people don't know what's wrong, but they do know what is right. For example, if I really cared for that kind of stuff, I would correct you that physiologically is spelled incorrectly, and spelt is not a word, like "ain't". There are some people in this world that should not consider a major English.

People don't put the quote button under post for their health.

Thank God this didn't come from me. ;>

Ok, all that is out of the way. Lets dissect this situation. I answered your question, and you had nothing to rebut it with. You should concentrate on this portion more than any other.

The fact of the matter is-- Deku Link, Goron Link, Zora Link, Oni Link, Wolf Link, Wind Waker Link, Young Link, Ocarina of Time Link, future installment Link, Bunny Link from Link to the Past, Twilight Princess Link, they're all Link.

And my claim is that one Link is enough. They don't need two Links to represent the franchise in Brawl no matter how innovative, creative, intriguing it sounds. Having an extra Link would mean we lost a slot that could have been given to another character from a different franchise that deserves it just as much as Wolf Link.

In the end, Midna sans Wolf Link is the way to go, otherwise, then we would really be playing as Wolf Link, and two Links is a crowd, despite him not being a clone. That, and Midna is no pushover. She can carry her own without a canine version of Link.

Currently, I have no time to respond to this whole thing, or organize my ideas (leaving in 5 minutes), So I will post my ideas, and hope you can sort of match them. (If not, I will organize it later, when I come back from school)

Yes, but the point being argued is that WL could not be originial because he was Link (the original point anyways, I see now you changed it, even though it wasn't you who made it 0.o)

What I said is that in Samus storyline, it was her who did all those things, she has the Zero Mission Suit, or at least used it in a game. In TLoZ, it is not Zelda who uses any of these, well at least not 95% of the Zelda's of TLoZ, just that other 5%, so how is that character her alter ego if its not really even in her in all the other games.

No what I mean is that you say Sheik is not dissapointing, yet you see all she does is kicks and run (Which is not bad), meaning that WL could also have an original moveset, (this was to clarify to the other guy who was in this thread earlier that said that WL would not be fun to play as, as he would not be original because Link is alredy in)

And if Doctor Mario was a Big Bird, who could fly and was in his own game and everyone loved that game, do you think it woudn't be more plausible for him to be in than, say, Boo?

Exactly so using logic, you did state you know how to comprehend and how to write better than me, so there you go, see how I did not assume anything and you did say it, even though you said it indirectly.

Its a forum, I don't care about run-on sentences or any other grammar issue, if I were writting an essay I would do it 10x better. You could probably still write better than me, and I don't really care. I never said I wanted to take an English Major, not that you said I did, but I don't just FYI if you are curious.

My country is Spanish, English is supposedly my second language, but I am one of the best at it at my school (not to brag but I am, not that there is much competition, being a Spanish country, most of my friends can't spell correctly). I know enough French for just about anything I need. I also did not do so bad in the SAT, IMO (~1800 in total, 650 in Math, 600 in Reading and about 530-550 or so in writing) Really, when you have to take someone down by their spelling, its because you are just trying to belittle his opinions, at least thats what it brings. In a forum, about a Video Game, where the community............ I GTG, Ill finish this later

Edit: Finishing

The thing written in red is a miscomprehension from my post replying to omegaslayer about how WL would not be similar MOVESET and I guess GRAPHICAL wiser to Link, please try to follow.

Again: Have you seen the new character: "The Bike", its yellow and I heard it can take over other characters if you knock that fat dude on top of it.

To the above poster: What I would like is a Midna sans WL, that can summon him, but keep her the same, just with WL there (Maybe make her a little faster but lose some range?), thus making everyone happy, I would actually not care if Midna nor WL makes it in, BUT I DO NOT WANT Midna sans WL or WL sans Midna, that is one thing I really don't want.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
. . . Im split on this corrent debate.

Yes, I think Shiek will get the boot and is NOT going to be a brawler.

But. . .

HELLLZ TO THE NOO!!! Midna solo is the best Midna hands down. We have TP link in the game. . . no need for 2 Links (you WOULD be controlling W.Link and Midna would only be a support in such a case . . .).

I use to support WLink and Midna if you go to the first few post of this thread. . . but that was partly because there where no fully 4 legged characters in Smash and now we have Ivy. Therefore IMO 4 legged = Mewtwo flowing in ranks of uniqueness (as in, only one character is known to move in each manner).


Smash Apprentice
Nov 6, 2007
Attached to my wii
My most wanted nintendo character is midna just midna. I think she would be very cool. Sorta like mewtwo but with more physical attacks. Also her final smash could be that big twilight monster that she turns into


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
you could also play as Kafei...why dont ppl want him in so badly...

you could also play as Deku Link, Goron Link, Zora Link, and Oni Link...why dont ppl want them so badly...their important to MM

and you didnt play as her you played as Link and Midna was like your sword if you will...Midna alone would make alot more sense....IMHO....


Smash Lord
Feb 12, 2006
you could also play as Kafei...why dont ppl want him in so badly...

you could also play as Deku Link, Goron Link, Zora Link, and Oni Link...why dont ppl want them so badly
Because nobody wants, likes, or cares about those characters.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Just ignore raphtmarqui. He is shapeing up to be just some Midna flamer that no one cares about on this thread:ohwell:


Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2007
Midna and Wolf Link, like this:

Intro- Woflink jumps onscreen, then Midna comes out of a cracked mirror on top of him.
A moves- Wofl Link's fighting moves in TP.
B moves- One where Midna stretches out the Arm-head (preferably Side-B, also for throw moves) thing and can sling it at people (Tether recovery too). Then some other ones, I haven't really tought about any more.

FS- Midna turns into the Fused Shadow form and rampages aroud the stage for ten seconds (not as big though), then turns back into the human...oid Midna, who acts a lot like Zelda, but with mostly close range attacks, and she's faster.
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