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The Original Midna for Brawl thread. (Debate the Wolf here!)

Midna In Brawl?

  • Only Midna in Brawl!

    Votes: 277 30.8%
  • Midna and Wolflink in Brawl!

    Votes: 398 44.3%
  • I don't want Midna in there, period!

    Votes: 89 9.9%
  • Just give me Wolflink sans Midna!

    Votes: 30 3.3%
  • I really couldn't care less.

    Votes: 105 11.7%

  • Total voters


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
I honestly have no idea. They made up Zelda's moveset, and I've been fine with that. I'm absolutely fine with imp form. Still, if you want the basic idea, read my last reply. Do you have any suggestions. My mind is blank. Something coldish, yet powerful.
Midna, Imp Form alone, the moveset practically writes itself, not to say her final smash, Fused Shadows PWNAGE!


Smash Ace
Oct 28, 2007
Victoria, British Columbia
Midna, Imp Form alone, the moveset practically writes itself, not to say her final smash, Fused Shadows PWNAGE!
True, Midna's true form would be harder to make a moveset for. So I suppose imp form is the most obvious choice. I'm just saying that Nintendo could go with any of the three (well, maybe not wolf Link) and I would be fine.

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
Wolf Link rider? I don't think so. It seems that Sakurai is trying to involve a plot to Subspace, and wolf-link can't fit with human link there. With the one of the other two forms? I can just see it. Link, surrounded by hundreds of those things (primids, I think...). A twilight portal appears. Enter Midna. They go back-to-back, *insert sweet pose they do during cutscene when Ganondorf goes boar*, and BOOM.

THAT would be fun to watch.
Or they could have Midna hand the Shadow Stone to Link and he becomes the Wolf...

That would be how to incorperate Wolf Link into the story without a paradox.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 18, 2007
Midna would make a great character in Brawl (especially since a TP area is in the game).

I imagine Midna becoming her 'human' self as a Final Smash (with some devastating power)...


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
Why would her true form appear anyways? She spent the majority of the game as an Imp, they'd leave her as that.
jsut like.. link spent the majority of the game as a human.. so they'd leave him as THAT.


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
LOL... ye Imp midna looks kick ***. Her humanoid form looks jst.. likea black zelda kinda-sorta ish haha.. and she doesn't look as bad ***


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2007
Or they could have Midna hand the Shadow Stone to Link and he becomes the Wolf...

That would be how to incorperate Wolf Link into the story without a paradox.

Yes, yes. I agree 100% with you. I want Midna in Brawl, but on wolf Link. Alone, she would be rather small on the stage and... well, let's just say that her most rememberable moments were when she was with Link as a wolf. That's just the way I picture her... >_>

BTW, is it so hard to understand that all of the characters are trophies? They retain all of their knowledge... it's not like they have a "limited existence". We shouldn't get all technical with the Subspace Emissary... it's really a loop hole in which characters from different universes come together. It's not like everything that happens in Brawl is canon to any character's respective series. The trophies just represent the characters coming together from many series...

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
Yes, yes. I agree 100% with you. I want Midna in Brawl, but on wolf Link. Alone, she would be rather small on the stage and... well, let's just say that her most rememberable moments were when she was with Link as a wolf. That's just the way I picture her...
Well, I'm glad someone acknowledged my solution to the whloe "Wolf Link/Link paradox in the SSE" problem.

We've all seen the videos showing us how we'd pick our characters. Now, imagine this:

Link and Midna start off on adventure. Cut to "pick a character". Pick Link, and you play as him. Pick Midna, and she hands Link the Shadow stone turning him into Wolf Link. Problem 95% solved.

Something that just popped into my mind though... Two-player Co-Op makes P2 take the character not picked by P1... How would 2nd player play?


*Retires to private study to think on problem.*

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Midna isn't THAT small though. In literal terms, Kirby should be eight inches, but he looks more like three feet, so resizing Midna isn't a problem if she does need to be resized. She would probably levitate in the air like Mewtwo, and her imposing helmet gives her height as well. I would assume she would be no smaller than Lucas.

As for her true form being in there, I'm for it. Another character combination like Zelda and Samus wouldn't hurt. If those who don't want her true form in there, nobody is forcing you to transform into the different form. Imp form would be small, nimble, and quick. True form would be hardy, graceful, and powerful, which is the exact opposite in how Zelda starts off a match.

A wolf Link and Midna combo isn't cutting it for me. It'd be a 'bad' weird to see Midna riding Link, fighting against human Link, plus it just makes Midna look like she must use Link as a crutch to do her bidding when she has enough potential herself.

Oh man, I can already see her entrance appearance. A twilight warp hole opens up in the air, and a bunch of black squares spinning together forming Midna with her arms crossed as she releases her little cryptic giggle.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
yea but Midna's an imp because of a curse Zant put on her...

also if Midna and Wolf Link are one character...why is it JUST called Midna?

thats like calling the Ice Climbers Popo...because Popo (usually) leads the team...

thats like if my sister and I get into Brawl as PC's and you just name this duo after my first name...

what if Sakurai gets drunk one day and decides to make Kirby grouped with Gooey and Diddy with Dixie? Will they be called Kirby and Diddy even though theres another character tagged along?


Smash Cadet
Oct 21, 2007
I think Midna would be an awesome choice for Brawl. Either with or without Wolf Link would be fine with me. The only other Zelda character I'd like to see in there as much as Midna would be Skull Kid with Majora's Mask.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
yea but Midna's an imp because of a curse Zant put on her...

also if Midna and Wolf Link are one character...why is it JUST called Midna?

thats like calling the Ice Climbers Popo...because Popo (usually) leads the team...

thats like if my sister and I get into Brawl as PC's and you just name this duo after my first name...

what if Sakurai gets drunk one day and decides to make Kirby grouped with Gooey and Diddy with Dixie? Will they be called Kirby and Diddy even though theres another character tagged along?
I see your point, and it's valid.

But we run into problems when considering a character like Pokemon Trainer. In this case, we have three characters that fight, and they're all named after some guy that stands in the background, flailing his arms. Because he's "directing" them.

It could be argued that, at least in the case of Midna and wolf Link hypothetically being in Brawl, that Midna is directing Link for that period of time. She's riding him in order to benefit from his advantages (speed, jumping ability, clawing and biting attacks, etc.), no different than Link riding Epona.

So I can see why the two would just be referred to as Midna. She could be seen as the mastermind, unlike a case like Popo and Nana where it's much more a partnership (plus, technically, you can choose to be Nana. They were keen to eliminate sexism issues in Melee and I'd have to assume that they did the same for Brawl).


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I feel that WL would cheapen the whole Midna-as-a-character feeling.

I want Midna in brawl so that I can play as. . . .ya know, MIDNA. I don't want to run/ jump/ dudge/ roll/ and have a good chuck of the move-set played as WL.

I also want a True Form transformation. Would give LoZ devs something to work on if they choose to bring her back.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
If you think she could, why don't you tell me what she could do since she basically doesn't do A THING as her true form, it would be a waste.
You're forgetting the fact that this is Smash Bros. we're talking about. Movesets can be given to almost any characters with the right about time and consideration put into it. Sheik never used one of her attacks in Smash bros. from LoZ (Except maybe the deku nut) and she still got in. Zelda never used one of her attacks in Smash Bros. from LoZ (except for that big beam at the end of OoT but that wasn't even in her moveset).

I'm not saying I'm totally for Midna's true form. But it is true that a moveset could be made for her easily, by Sakurai.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
You're forgetting the fact that this is Smash Bros. we're talking about. Movesets can be given to almost any characters with the right about time and consideration put into it. Sheik never used one of her attacks in Smash bros. from LoZ (Except maybe the deku nut) and she still got in. Zelda never used one of her attacks in Smash Bros. from LoZ (except for that big beam at the end of OoT but that wasn't even in her moveset).

I'm not saying I'm totally for Midna's true form. But it is true that a moveset could be made for her easily, by Sakurai.
True, but consider for like 9/10 of the game ur used to Midna in imp form,she showed more abilities that would be way easier to add in her imp form, like the hair spikes and hand, her dark field, etc. these moves wouldnt look correct (mostly the hair abilities) with Twili Midna.

also her final smash shuld be without any doubt the Twili spider, and since midna needs the helmet, she needs to be in Imp form, cause I doubt the helmet can fit her in Twili, IDK really but who knows, imp midna ftw


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
BTW, is it so hard to understand that all of the characters are trophies? They retain all of their knowledge... it's not like they have a "limited existence". We shouldn't get all technical with the Subspace Emissary... it's really a loop hole in which characters from different universes come together. It's not like everything that happens in Brawl is canon to any character's respective series. The trophies just represent the characters coming together from many series...
Um.... actually...

The Adventure mode also emphasizes character development. You’ll see many famous characters persevering under the weight of their personal histories, shouldering their unique burdens... It’s really something you won’t see anywhere else.
This was quoted straight from the dojo.


^^ Thats the link. So um... yea, things that happen in Brawl kinda ARE canoned to a character's respective series...


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
True, but consider for like 9/10 of the game ur used to Midna in imp form,she showed more abilities that would be way easier to add in her imp form, like the hair spikes and hand, her dark field, etc. these moves wouldnt look correct (mostly the hair abilities) with Twili Midna.
This isn't about "IF she could be a PC", it's about "IF her lack of a move-set would prevent her from being a PC". By no means do they have to make her use her hair like Imp Midna does. . . . just made up Twilt magic would be enuff.


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
But think about it... do you really think they'd put Midna in after she was in Imp form for practically the whole game? I mean, she was only in her true form for like a cutscene, right? And why would they make up a completely new and unheard-of moveset for her true form, when her Imp form already has a wide variety to choose from? Not to mention her Imp form is way cooler! (In my opinion)


Smash Rookie
Oct 9, 2007
I'd say if they add Midna and wolf Link it would add a lot of zest to the game
Hey! They could even make a new Zelda stage!:laugh:


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
This isn't about "IF she could be a PC", it's about "IF her lack of a move-set would prevent her from being a PC". By no means do they have to make her use her hair like Imp Midna does. . . . just made up Twilt magic would be enuff.
Imp Midna >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Midna's true form.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
But think about it... do you really think they'd put Midna in after she was in Imp form for practically the whole game? I mean, she was only in her true form for like a cutscene, right? And why would they make up a completely new and unheard-of moveset for her true form, when her Imp form already has a wide variety to choose from? Not to mention her Imp form is way cooler! (In my opinion)
IIIFFFF they want True form Midna as a character than they WILLL make up a move-set for her.

I agree that IMP Midna WILL be in brawl but I also think TRUE FORM Midna could be her transformation. By no means am I saying True Midna should get in over Imp Midna.

And just so that everyone knows. . .
Imp Midna========True Midna with a curse on her.


Smash Ace
Oct 28, 2007
Victoria, British Columbia
Actually, now that I think about it, I don't ever remember Midna fighting in TP without the fused shadows. Can anyone think of an instance where she actually directly used violence? So, how does her Imp form's moveset write itself? Also, I can't be the only one who's noticed how short that form is. Is she gonna have to jump and strike to avoid attacking her enemy's shins?

P.S. : Adult Zelda only appeared at the end of OoT. That didn't stop her from being on the character selection screen, instead of Sheik, who had far more game-time. I think, if Midna's in the game, it's a close race between true form and imp form (I don't think wolf-form has much of a chance...).


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
IIIFFFF they want True form Midna as a character than they WILLL make up a move-set for her.

I agree that IMP Midna WILL be in brawl but I also think TRUE FORM Midna could be her transformation. By no means am I saying True Midna should get in over Imp Midna.

And just so that everyone knows. . .
Imp Midna========True Midna with a curse on her.
What makes you think a form of Midna that was barely in the game and that unless you have played TP you probably won't know will make it? Imp Midna has the moves, the FS, True Form Midna has NOTHING!

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
It doesn't matter if True Form Midna didn't show her potential. Zelda never showed anything in terms of fighting, but they made her one hell of a combatant.

This is where imagination comes into play.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Actually, now that I think about it, I don't ever remember Midna fighting in TP without the fused shadows. Can anyone think of an instance where she actually directly used violence? So, how does her Imp form's moveset write itself? Also, I can't be the only one who's noticed how short that form is. Is she gonna have to jump and strike to avoid attacking her enemy's shins?
I imagine Midna would be about Kirby's size, perhaps a bit taller, and probably floating a few inches off the ground by default. No major issue with her height.

And I think there were some scenes where Midna fought back against Zant or someone using magic, but can't quite recall. Anyway, her moves don't write themselves IMO, which is why she would make a great character - more room for creativity. Its the Wolf's moves that would write themselves - claw, claw, bite, lunge, death field special with Midna, etc.

Luthien said:
P.S. : Adult Zelda only appeared at the end of OoT. That didn't stop her from being on the character selection screen, instead of Sheik, who had far more game-time. I think, if Midna's in the game, it's a close race between true form and imp form (I don't think wolf-form has much of a chance...).
The difference here is that Zelda is a character present in nearly all of the Zelda games. Sheik is not. Zelda is far, far more important and gets far more time in the series than Sheik, which is why she is the primary character there. With Midna though, her Imp form is the one she appears in for almost all of the time she is seen, and is plainly her more popular one. Her Twili form is seen for only a few scenes, and few people care much about it. Besides, between the two, the Imp form is much more unique - her Twili form was disappointingly generic, to be honest - and could help with making her a more unique character.



Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2006
Where that boomerang came from
All of you weirdos need to go back to the Midna Fan Forum and quit *****ing up these forums. Midna isn't even that important a character in the grand scheme of the Zelda series; let alone her "True form's" two minute cutscene. She's a sidekick, doesn't hold a piece of the triforce, and it's extremely likely that we won't see her again.

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
All of you weirdos need to go back to the Midna Fan Forum and quit *****ing up these forums. Midna isn't even that important a character in the grand scheme of the Zelda series; let alone her "True form's" two minute cutscene. She's a sidekick, doesn't hold a piece of the triforce, and it's extremely likely that we won't see her again.

Right, so that justifies her to be disqualified from the roster, even though she is suspected to be the "Twilight Princess"?

She is probably the only sidekick I know of from the Zelda series that fans got attached to the most, plus she has the most potential out of other Zelda characters.

Furthermore, Sheik was only in Ocarina of Time, so that excuse for her not appearing again is baloney.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
All of you weirdos need to go back to the Midna Fan Forum and quit *****ing up these forums.
And you need to learn manners and respect for others. Having a different opinion does not give you the right to address anyone like that.

Midna isn't even that important a character in the grand scheme of the Zelda series
Perhaps, but shes comparable to anyone outside of the big 3 (Link, Zelda, Ganondorf), and easily the most in-depth, fleshed-out character ever added to the series (she has more personality and back story than the big 3 combined). Certainly shes the most popular Zelda character outside of the big 3.

She's a sidekick
Sidekick? Try playing Twilight Princess again, please. Shes the central character of the entire story, more important to it than even Link. She uses Link as her puppet for half of the game, and he still works the same way even after she starts to think of him as a friend instead. Link could be cut from the game and Midna made the star, and little would change outside of the gameplay.

doesn't hold a piece of the triforce
And why does that matter? Its not like the only Zelda characters who could possibly get into Brawl are the big 3.

and it's extremely likely that we won't see her again.
Arguable, but ultimately irrelevant. The same can be said of Sheik, yet she got in Melee.



Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
It doesn't matter if True Form Midna didn't show her potential. Zelda never showed anything in terms of fighting, but they made her one hell of a combatant.

This is where imagination comes into play.
What does Zelda have to do with Midna? Zelda only has two forms and they were both in Melee, she may have never showed potential but she was given elements from the game to give her a moveset, something that CAN'T be done for Midna's true form, is stupid to say they are gonna make their heads explode trying to create a moveset for true form Midna when she only has a cutscene at the end of the game, while Imp Midna appears throughout the WHOLE game and has a moveset that practically writes itself.

Darky Dee

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
What does Zelda have to do with Midna? Zelda only has two forms and they were both in Melee, she may have never showed potential but she was given elements from the game to give her a moveset, something that CAN'T be done for Midna's true form, is stupid to say they are gonna make their heads explode trying to create a moveset for true form Midna when she only has a cutscene at the end of the game, while Imp Midna appears throughout the WHOLE game and has a moveset that practically writes itself.
Well Zant made her an imp for a reason. Perhaps he turned her into that so he could restrain her full potential. If you never got the hint in the game she is a proficient magic user.

Imp form could be nimble, quick, and technical, True could be slow, elegant, and powerful.

She'd be like the exact opposite as Zelda, starts the battle with a fast character and transform into a slower one. She'd play like Zelda's opposite.

Either way, coming up with a move set for her true form won't cause their heads to explode. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. Another question to rebut your comment on move sets not being feasible for her.

What about Sheik? Did we ever see Sheik throw needles, use a chain, or an exploding teleport?
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