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The Original Girl With the Whirl: Dixie Kong Support Thread


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Actually, I would like to point out that, if Smash 4 is to be released this year, they will have to start revealing newcomers more often, not only in Nintendo Directs (unless there are only four or five more newcomers). So Dixie might as well be revealed randomly, like Wii Fit Trainer was, with her reveal trailer simply being uploaded on YouTube. Honestly, that would be more than enough for the reveal of a tertiary character. Leave the directs for Ridley, Shulk, Palutena and whoever else.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2013
Dixie still stands a chance, but this isn't good logic, since we didn't have a Direct on Super Mario 3D World's release date.
However, the Direct following 3D World's release, we got Rosalina.
Just putting that one out there.
yeah but they could've shown her in any direct that had Super Mario 3d world being promoted but they chose to wait until after the game was released


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
In light of the recent hype surrounding Dixie and the tag team idea with Diddy, I've decided to liven up this thread and base a moveset on that idea. I've been thinking about it since people started bringing it up, and this is what I came up with.

Diddy retains his stats and his moveset from Brawl except the Monkey Flip (I'll explain in a second), and the two Kongs have their own unique movesets. The two switch via up taunt (this is so Diddy can keep the banana; Down B would work too if that's your preference). The main dynamic between the two is that Dixie's attacks are slower (they share the same movement speed) and she is lighter than Diddy, but has a better grab game, better recovery, and better range with disjointed hitboxes, as she mostly uses her hair in her attacks. The tag-out animation is a little slow, so both Kongs are vulnerable during this time. The switch out is cancelled if either Kong is hit during the animation.

I see the rear Kong working in a similar way to the Ice Climbers. They follow behind the lead Kong, attack at the same time, and have their own lifebars, which will be switched if you swap the lead Kong. For example, if Dixie is in front, and has 65% while Diddy hasn't taken damage, when they switch, Diddy will have 65% and Dixie will have no damage. During the grab animation, the rear Kong jumps behind the opponent and pummels them. After the grab animation is over, the rear Kong jumps behind the lead Kong and goes back to following them around. If the lead Kong is hit off the ledge, I picture the rear Kong running over to the ledge and going into a panic animation until the lead Kong either: 1) makes it back on the ledge, or 2) is KO'ed, at which point the rear Kong disappears, like Nana. The same panic animation happens if the lead Kong is Star KO'ed. While they are in the panic animation, they are vulnerable to attacks, so it is a punishment to getting knocked off.

I can also picture a Side B mechanic that involves the lead Kong throwing the rear Kong at the opponent, a la DKC2. If the rear Kong connects, it works like Diddy's Monkey Flip: the rear Kong will hold the opponent and you can run up to the opponent and get a free hit if you are fast enough. If the rear Kong misses, then it works like DKC2: the rear Kong will stay on the ground in a hurt animation and you have to run over and pick them up. At this point, the rear Kong is vulnerable and can be KO'ed easily. If they are knocked off of the ledge, the AI will control their recovery, and they will run back to the lead Kong when they get back onto the ledge. If the rear Kong is KO'ed, you lose an extra damage output and the opportunity to use the Side B.

Now, I posted an idea for Dixie's moveset earlier in the thread, but I've modified it a little:

Taps & Tilts

AAA: Dixie slaps the opponent on the first hit, backhands them on the second,
and smacks them quickly with her hair on the third.

Forward Tilt: Dixie does a handstand in the opposite direction and mule-kicks
the opponent.

Up Tilt: Dixie does an upward sweep with her hair in a 180 degree arc.

Down Tilt: Dixie does a leg sweep.

Dash Attack: Dixie spins forward with her hair (DKC2/3/TF roll attack)

Ledge Hit: Dixie does a roll back onto the stage.

100% Ledge Hit: Dixie slowly pulls herself onto the stage and slaps the opponent.

Aerial Attacks
Neutral Air: Dixie tucks herself inwards and does a spin.

Forward Air: Dixie sweeps her hair forward.

Up Air: Dixie sweeps upwards with her hair.

Back Air: Dixie does a kick behind her.

Down Air: Dixie whips her hair downwards. This is a Meteor Smash.

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash: When charging, Dixie tilts her head to the side. When
released, she does a powerful swing with her hair that sweeps.
upwards in front of her.

Up Smash: When charging, Dixie crouches down and looks up with both hands at
her side. When released, she jumps up and does a single clap with
her hands.

Down Smash: When charging, Dixie crouches down and tilts her head to the side.
When released, she does a spin attack, damaging opponents on both
sides of her.

Grab animation: Dixie throws her hair out in front of her and hooks the
opponent with it, bringing them into close range in front
of her. This can be used as a tether. (While grabbing the opponent,
Diddy jumps behind the opponent.)

Pummel: Dixie slaps the opponent. (Diddy also pummels the opponent)

Forward Throw: Dixie lifts the opponent with her hair and throws them forward.

Down Throw: Dixie lifts the opponent with her hair and slams them down on the
ground underneath her. The opponent flies backwards.

Up Throw: Dixie spins her neck in a full circle and throws them directly

Back Throw: Dixie lifts the opponent with her hair and slams them down on the
ground behind her. She then pole-vaults over them and throws them
behind her.

Special Moves

^B - Hair Copter: Dixie spins upwards like Little Mac's Up B,
and as she starts to fall, she starts twirling her hair to slow
her decent. She can use any move besides her Up B to cancel
out of the twirl, and she can't use it again until she touches
ground or is hit in the middle of her decent. This attack can be
used to extend combos.

>B - Monkey Throw: Dixie throws Diddy at the opponent (explained

\/B - Barrel Throw (if the tag out is up taunt): Dixie bends over and randomly
picks up one of three types of barrels around her size with her hair: Steel,
Wooden, and TNT. If the button is held, she walks around with the barrel
in her hair. If the button is released, she then throws the barrel.
Wooden barrels do a small amount of damage, Steel
barrels roll along the ground and do a decent amount of
damage and have great knockback,
and TNT barrels explode and do around 20%. Wooden
Barrels are the most common (around 80%), Steel Barrels
are slightly rare (around 15%), and TNT barrels are really
rare (around 5%). This can only be used on the ground.

B - Bubblegum Popgun: Dixie shoots a gumball at the opponent.
The gumball travels fast in a straight line and is pretty weak.
At higher percentages, it has a chance of making opponents
sticky and unable to move for a bit.

Final Smash: I can't think of anything really substantial, but I'll leave
that to your imagination.


Intro: Dixie and Diddy appear in DX and DD barrels (based on Tropical Freeze) and jump out of them.

Up Taunt (if switch is Down B): Dixie pulls out her guitar and jams on it.

Side Taunt: Dixie blows a bubble with her bubblegum.

Down Taunt: Dixie jumps up and down excitedly and makes monkey noises.

So, what do you guys think?
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I was thinking that the bubblegum popgun needs to be more useful than just shooting gumballs... how about making opponents sticky?


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
I was thinking that the bubblegum popgun needs to be more useful than just shooting gumballs... how about making opponents sticky?
That could work. I'll modify it. Though, I think it should be at higher percentages, like the Ice Climbers' ice attacks.
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the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
That may put the Diddy + Dixie combo idea to rest... or not. Still hoping she makes in, perhaps as a secret/unlockable character


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
Still staying optimistic on this one. Now the Diddy/Dixie combo is put to rest and the way is paved for a DKC newcomer. My moveset for Dixie still stands, but maybe put in a grapple Side B where she grabs the opponent with her hair and spins them a la Cat O' Nine Tails from DKC2.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Now we have the "Will it be K. Rool or DIxie" thing ahead of us.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Now we have the "Will it be K. Rool or DIxie" thing ahead of us.
Don't out rule Cranky either. IMO Dixie > Cranky = K Rool

Dixie is in, IMO, it's just a matter of if anyone else is in with her. Which, could be.
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Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Now we have the "Will it be K. Rool or DIxie" thing ahead of us.
Honestly I think K. Rool was always a given.

He's the most prominent, the most popular, and easily has the most to work with.

The real question is was Dixie really seriously considered as a solo character. If she was ever brought up again as a team character with Diddy, chances are she was dropped, and dropped entirely at that point.

If Dixie was considered for just solo, however, if she is not playable she would have been one of the last "cuts" to have been made. I think a similar thing of Cranky Kong.

I think there's still a solid chance either Cranky Kong or Dixie Kong are playable. I imagine both were considered, the question is how strongly and how long, and with what details and ideas did they come up with in the brainstorming stage before final decisions began being made.

That will ultimately tell us as to whether or not Diddy or Cranky (and almost definitely not both characters) are playable.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Don't out rule Cranky either. IMO Dixie > Cranky = K Rool

Dixie is in, IMO, it's just a matter of if anyone else is in with her. Which, could be.
IMO Cranky isn't even a possibility. It will be either Dixie, K. Rool or no DK newcomer.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008
Fingers crossed for Dixie now. It's nice to have all of the DK veterans confirmed. I really hate that it is probably a Dixie vs KRool thing now, but I am on team Dixie.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Wonder if Dixie is gonna be solo or be paired with Kiddy if Sakurai still wants a Kong team in Smash...

I am just tired of the K. Rool fans hating on Dixie and saying she would be a clone of Diddy... but I know she won't play like Diddy... her hair would help her dominate in air combat... so her gameplay would be different from Diddy's.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I suppose my only real gripe with Dixie would be similar to the blue haired lord problem with Fire Emblem.

Given the choice between a third monkey and King K Rool, I'd pick the latter for the sake of a more diverse roster. (him being another villain and heavy character helps too)

I don't have anything in particular against Dixie. (In fact I would have welcomed her had she paired up with Diddy)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2013
even though she isn't paired with Diddy anymore I still believe she has a huge chance of being playable separately in fact that's the way I've always supported her anyways


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Cranky's always been a huge part of the series, and he's now been proven to be playable material, so he's now a choice. I don't think he's much of a threat, though. Hell, I don't see K Rool as much of a threat anymore. Not to say either of them won't get in, but not without Dixie.

And she could still be paired with Diddy, we haven't seen anything from Shiek, and Zelda's Phantom (for all we know) could be a Down B move.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Dixie and K. Rool could very well both be playable, but I don't see Dixie getting in when K. Rool does not.

However, I could see Cranky get in while K. Rool and Dixie do not, despite the fan outrage at that prospect.

I say this despite the fact Smash Wii U's gameplay and character choice is trying to sucker in past smash fans (and fighting game and platformer fans) than any smash game before harder than any game before, in part because it's Nintendo's biggest sell of the Wii U (much akin to Melee with the GameCube, only with actual promotions behind it and more CGI).

So yeah, maybe I'm contradicting myself there! :laugh: But I could easily see Sakurai having something crazy in mind for Cranky.

But alas, like I said, Dixie I think has no chance at being playable if Cranky is confirmed, whereas K. Rool being confirmed might help her chances. If Cranky is confirmed, I think that essentially means if there's another Donkey Kong playable character it's 100% K. Rool.

If K. Rool is confirmed, that means in regards to Donkey Kong playable characters we either get Cranky or Dixie or no one.

So yeah... you Dixie fans might want to cheer for K. Rool being confirmed...


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
After playing Tropical Freeze today.. I'm 100% on the supporter list for Dixie. Don't even want Diddy & Cranky around in that game lol

Aurora Jenny

Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2007
Spring. Texas
I hear tell that Game Arts was the one behind Dixie's near inclusion in Brawl, not Sakurai. So anyone banking on that probably shouldn't. That said, I don't think we can discount the previous development dismissals completely, just not as strongly.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
After playing Tropical Freeze today.. I'm 100% on the supporter list for Dixie. Don't even want Diddy & Cranky around in that game lol
Yup... Dixie Kong is so much fun to play with... I loved playing as Dixie Kong in DKC2 and DKC3 for the SNES (I have them in Wii Virtual Console library)... those games are why I support Dixie Kong since the pre-Melee days.

I already got Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong... now I want Dixie Kong to complete the DKC trio... though I would hype if Sakurai actually included Kiddy Kong as Dixie Kong's tag team partner... I genuinely liked DKC3.

I also support King K. Rool... but I am getting annoyed with his supporters hating on Dixie and calling her a Diddy clone when it's untrue. It's slowly making me dislike K. Rool... just like how the Geno fanboys turned me against Geno in the pre-Brawl days (and I loved playing Super Mario RPG when I was in middle and high schools).

Popo Nana Power

Smash Apprentice
Dec 6, 2013
Why does everyone assume Diddy being revealed without Dixie deconfirms that they're a tag-team?

A tag-team would be more like Zelda/Sheik than the Ice Climbers. And Sheik hasn't been revealed yet, nor has ZSS. I don't see why they'd have to be revealed at the same time.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Why does everyone assume Diddy being revealed without Dixie deconfirms that they're a tag-team?

A tag-team would be more like Zelda/Sheik than the Ice Climbers. And Sheik hasn't been revealed yet, nor has ZSS. I don't see why they'd have to be revealed at the same time.
I am not entirely sure, but didn't they confirm all of Diddy's specials to be returning? I suppose he could have changed the transformation button into a taunt or something, so nothing is objectively de-confirmed; however, the moment to reveal Dixie would have been around Tropical Freeze. Instead, we got Mac for the Japanese release and Diddy for the American release.

Honestly, that is the predominant reason I am starting to speculate against Dixie Kong. Her reveal would be awkward without something Donkey Kong related. I can't imagine the hype not being attenuated if she was revealed randomly as a semi-clone of Diddy.

Just my opinion.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008
I wouldn't worry about the Tropical Freeze reveal. Would it have been a good time to reveal her? Sure. But Dixie doesn't need to be revealed then, and quite frankly, she doesn't need to be revealed before the game is released. She could be an unlockable character that is revealed after release. And for all we know, she could be revealed in a couple of weeks. Rosalina was revealed weeks after 3D world, if I recall correctly. I wasn't expecting her to be revealed in the last couple weeks. I mean, they weren't going to reveal her before Diddy. We just have to see how it plays out. We should feel comfortable about her inclusion because she is a Nintendo All-Star who has earned her spot on the roster.

I used reveal a lot...


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
I also support King K. Rool... but I am getting annoyed with his supporters hating on Dixie and calling her a Diddy clone when it's untrue..
I'm not trying to be aggressive or mean in saying this, but I'm legitimately curious as to how a character that is literally another character with a ponytail and displays the same abilities as aforementioned other character (plus a flying move) would not at least be a semi-clone. You should consider that people who support K. Rool are irked by the fact that we might be getting what is essentially a gender-bend over the most important, recurring villainous character of the franchise. I'm definitely in their boat, as (from someone who isn't a DK fan) K. Rool seems infinitely more interesting than Dixie.

Not to mention that I'm fairly sure that K. Rool has appeared quite a few more times than Dixie, and the only thing She Kong holds over him is recency (which wasn't even a thing when the roster was being planned). If we can get both, sure, whatever, but if I had to choose, I'd throw Dixie under the bus in a heartbeat.
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Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
Not to mention that I'm fairly sure that K. Rool has appeared quite a few more times than Dixie, and the only thing She Kong holds over him is recency. If we can get both, sure, whatever, but if I had to choose, I'd throw Dixie under the bus in a heartbeat.
I can't say for sure but going by Mariowiki.com, Dixie actually appears one time more than K.Rool does in the games.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I'm not trying to be aggressive or mean in saying this, but I'm legitimately curious as to how a character that is literally another character with a ponytail and displays the same abilities as aforementioned other character (plus a flying move) would not at least be a semi-clone. You should consider that people who support K. Rool are irked by the fact that we might be getting what is essentially a gender-bend over the most important, recurring villainous character of the franchise. I'm definitely in their boat, as (from someone who isn't a DK fan) K. Rool seems infinitely more interesting than Dixie.

Not to mention that I'm fairly sure that K. Rool has appeared quite a few more times than Dixie, and the only thing She Kong holds over him is recency. If we can get both, sure, whatever, but if I had to choose, I'd throw Dixie under the bus in a heartbeat.
You weren't trying to sound mean or aggressive? That's the same as the whole "I am not racist but..." thing. :rolleyes:

Here's the thing... Sakurai is going for unique characters... and if we still have Toon Link running around despite being a clone of Link. What's unique about Toon Link? He plays differently from Link. Yes, they have the same moves... but Link and Toon Link require different battle strategies.

Even if you are right and Dixie ends up a clone of Diddy... so what? She would still require a different battle strategy if she uses her hair to fly around. Can Diddy stay in the air for a long time? No, he cannot. The sole purpose of his jetpack is for his Up+B recovery move. Dixie's hair has multiple purposes. She uses it to float across the air like Peach does (DKC2 + DKC3). She spins her hair to propel upwards like Link's Up+B recovery move (Tropical Freeze). She uses her hair as a whip (Tropical Freeze). She uses her hair to grab, pick up, and carry enemies (DKC2 + DKC3).

With her hair to carry herself across the air, I imagine she might be able to do her variation of Jigglypuff's wall of pain. Could Diddy do that? No, he cannot. This is an example of Dixie having a different battle strategy that Diddy cannot utilize for himself.

You should consider the fact Dixie supporters are irked by K. Rool supporters hating on Dixie. K. Rool supporters complain about the "muh relevancy" factor has going for her... funny how K. Rool supporters wanted K. Rool to have the "muh relevancy" factor when Tropical Freeze was first announced... and when it looked like he wasn't in the game, all of sudden, they are saying "muh relevancy" is a stupid reason to get in Smash. Sour grapes much?


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Just noticed a few of the comments in here, and would like to remind those whose jimmies have been rustled not to paint K. Rool supporters using broad strokes. Although much of the Smash fanbase loves the "epic" narrative that the two characters are "competing for a Donkey Kong Slot" in the Smash Congress, I've always hated that talking point, because it only really applies to functionally identical characters who'd be redundant in the same game (e.g. Young Link and Toon Link, Dixie and Tiny), not completely different ones. But that narrative ain't going away anytime soon, so might as well just tune it out as best you can.

I'd appreciate less of a strawman there as far as muhrelevance goes. K. Rool supporters have pointed out how effing stupid that argument and its users are since the original Returns' release. As far as wanting him in Tropical Freeze, I think it's fair to say that we wanted him in there because he's a damn awesome villain, not to vault him over some imaginary bar into Smash (though shutting up the muhrelevance crew would have been a welcome side effect, sure).

As far as Dixie being unique, everyone with any sense whatsoever recognizes that any character can be made unique. However, with Dixie, I don't think it's so much a fear of a lack of options, but educated guessing that those options won't be explored. Using Animal Buddies? She won't be doing that if DK or Diddy didn't, since it's just as obvious a source of moves for them. Same with throwing barrels. There's also, I think, a bit of eyerolling that goes on with regard to how far some Dixie movesets have to stretch to pass themselves off as remotely interesting. I'm talking here about taking her idle and stage complete animations and making them attacks. That just comes off as ridiculous...it'd be like DK throwing a 3DS at characters or something. When you compare that to characters who have unique attacks that don't need to be arse-pulled, so to speak, and that contribute to more than just vague "aerial focus," it comes across as somewhat hollow.

Just my two cents. I have no real interest in Dixie, but it's a cool reflection of this community's diversity that others do. Don't feel like you have to justify support by putting together a coherent vision for Dixie when you may just like the character herself. Just remember, there is a difference between "hating" and "being appropriately critical" among people with different opinions.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Can you guys please just accept that the Diddy / Dixie tag team is NOT gonna happen!? I mean, it's better for both characters to be solo. I see no reason to believe Dixie will still be tagged with Diddy, cause she won't. Yes, this does heavily deconfirm any """leaks""" you might've believed in but guess what... Only people who are a special kind of stupid believe these """leaks""" anyway.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007

I agree with Bkupa that K. Rool has a lot more uniqueness and potential than Dixie does. However, why should that discount Dixie Kong?

Even if she did have some similar characteristics to Diddy, I'd still be down to have her in the roster.

Why? Because I like her. Pure and simple and that's what I think a lot of Dixie Kong supporters feel....

I do like K. Rool and support him but, to me, Dixie made a larger impact for me than K. Rool did.

Sadly, a lot of people dislike the idea of Dixie because, well, "Duuur she will b a clone!!!" (Typing like an idiot on an iPhone is frustrating with autocorrect.) And I'm actually cool with that because I support Dixie.

Sure, it would be cool to play her as a unique character but she could play a lot like Diddy albeit floaty and more aerial control. Regardless, I still support her. I think she would be a fun, interesting, and worthwhile inclusion.

Plus, many Rosalina detractors said she'd be a clone of Peach. In all honesty, you could say a character could be a clone/semi-clone of most other characters. K. Rool has the distinction of being largely unique and different from most of the cast. However, I do think Dixie has the potential to be unique.

Regardless, I support Dixie, cloned, semi-cloned, or unique. I also support K. Rool; uniqueness and all. Because I love the DK franchise; of which I think it deserves 4 reps. I'll be just as happy if K. Rool gets in over Dixie as if Dixie gets in over K. Rool. However, it would be phenomenal if they both got in and, quite frankly, that's the best way to go IMO.

And in all honesty, it is my belief that I'd be happy really with any character in Smash 4. I'd be just as stoked to see K. Rool as Dixie. I love Rosalina and Ms. Fit. With that in mind, I don't understand why people cringe and hate the idea of Dixie, an important and iconic character with enough merits to make it into Smash.

Putting back on my mod hat:

Let's not start a flame war. We can express our opinions without attacking/mudslinging the other camp. Dixie supporters, don't get too emotional and present Dixie fans in a bad light.

I'm not trying to be aggressive or mean in saying this,.... but if I had to choose, I'd throw Dixie under the bus in a heartbeat.
Wow, thank you. That was totally a non-aggressive and very nice thing for you to say. We really feel enlightened and appreciate your white knighting for Dixie ;)
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Thanks Diddy!

Oh and I'd like to remind Dixie supports to not start crap with K. Rool supporters, vandalize their thread, or paint Dixie fans in a bad light. Just be nice and let's support the DK franchise together.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Anyway, notice how Diddy's design doesn't seem to have been influenced much by Returns? His popgun and jetpack all look the same instead of using their Returns look.

It's reasonable to believe Dixie wouldn't be influenced by Tropical Freeze either. That means no Gumball Gun to her moveset, which I'm okay with.

I think it would be kind of neat if instead she could create whirlwinds with her hair. There's actually a lot of cool ideas you can think of that completely involve her hair.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Sakurai created move sets for Falcon, Marth, Roy, MGW, R.O.B., Fox, and Falco that didn't incorporate large amounts of material in their games.

Granted, Dixie might not have much to offer that Diddy had but she has her ponytails and could incorporate wind-based attacks. Her ponytail could also be used for air-throws which would be interesting.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Always wanted Dixie to have a Side B similary to the attack the Cat O'Ninetails used in DKC2. Was gladly surprised to see someone else mentoin this on this page! Neutral B could simply be Hair Grab, think Donkey Kong's Forward Throw but as a Special. Up B is obviously Helicopter Spin, that leaves Down B open for anything.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Always wanted Dixie to have a Side B similary to the attack the Cat O'Ninetails used in DKC2. Was gladly surprised to see someone else mentoin this on this page! Neutral B could simply be Hair Grab, think Donkey Kong's Forward Throw but as a Special. Up B is obviously Helicopter Spin, that leaves Down B open for anything.
Pineapple Grenades or create whirlwinds that travel along the ground - throwing opponents upwards so she can continue her vicious aerial assault.
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