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The One-and-only-London-Thread thread - Updates on first post


Smash Lord
May 18, 2006
Scotland, United Kingdom
Didn't this thread used to be full of "brawls baws" etc etc? What happened?
Anyway I played it yesterday, online is a major lag fest and I don't intend on travelling for such a low depth game, Melee ftw lads Melee ftw.

Robby I might come down sometime and play you, I'll talk to you more about it some other time.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
I agree with Foulplat with the crapness of brawl bit.

Bring out the DS' imo.
No thanks, I will rather destroy you online on Wii.

lol you cant get destroyed in racing only fighting(brawl)
Yes you can, you can get completely left in somones dust or item ***** or laped. Its just not as effective as fighting game. Get the game and you will change your opinion when I destroy you.

Pdot I destroyed you yesterday online to the point where I realised your actually not a challenge... get better please then come to me.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Mario Kart DS = Melee
Mario Kart Wii = Brawl

Frostbyte's got the right idea :lick:
NO WAYYYYYY loool. For that comment I want you to stay in your uni and I never wanna see you again.

People who play brawl I would like to grab your attention for a minute. Can you watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6viaa76cAo and still find Brawl to be more entertaining then Melee. If so go die quickly because you have already become a failure at life


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2006
to be honest i dont think anyone thinks brawl is BETTER than melee..

its just something different to play and master..melee has got a bit boring imo

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Haven't played MKwii, but I heard they took all the technical stuff out of it and added bikes etc.

@ pro: Even though the game is probably ****, I'd finish you anyway after playing it for a week.

You won't know what's going on here, but it's just so sick.
That snaking is actually sick but snaking is taken out of MKWii. You can still do it but its no way near as effective. Guess that game is still good but LOOOOOOOL at you thinking you can beat me at MKWii...


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2006
edwin do you have MK or are you getting it?


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2006
B.bill why did you tell ME you sent prof an email?

no offense but why would I care


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2006
P. Pro- I've sent you an email please read it

This is his Emotional message people

'You're a gay imma not bother -_-'
I was initially going to say stop being a prick but then I knew that you wouldn't listen and keep on posting **** or picking on people on the boards. Charles match went to time which he was disappointed for that has nothing to do with you. You didn't even turn up. You don't even like brawl. You're just someone who likes to feel big and important by argueing on a website.

You should consider this a warning as I'm sick and tired to you making smashboards so ****ed up. If you make any more pointless posts or have a go at ANYONE then I will report them which may result in you getting banned. I hate to be so harsh but unless you stop posting **** I'm gonna do something about it. I have to actually PM you as opposed to replying on the thread cos you reply to EVERYTHING even the smallest of comments which basically ruins thread as they fill up with your posts that no-one cares about.

Prof Pro:
First of all loool at actually taking time to email me over a incident on smashboards that weren't involving you, Go do somethingelse with your time bullet prick instead of getting involved, if you want me to big cocky to you more I can take time out of my day but it weren't directed at you, you could always go to my cocky thread though for advice if you would like to challenge me.
You can report me if you want but you need to man up BIG TIME since your getting emotional and taken posts from a game website out into the real world, I know you were thinking about it while you were laying in your bed.
At the end of the day please man up and dont post in this thread, you are just here to cause trouble and I dont respect that amd you are not from London and you are not contributing any info which is spoiling the thread. So run off like a snitch and act like a ***** and dont return :D lol.

Kman when are you doing your smashfest cos im gonna try make it since I haven seen alot of the london smashers in a long time.
PDOT just said to me 'Kman isn't a man, he should be called Kboy as you didn't show up to the £10 MM' loooool.
ToS and Chrisboi hope to see you two if it is going on so we can have a happy happy joy joy time lol :D

Im taken a break from smashboards so even if im banned im on my break loool. F U BBill Baby


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2006
Because he is an emotional guy init. Puts too much heart and soul into reading posts to the point he will actually take the stupid arguement elsewhere and not leave it where it belongs lol. Like the time he kept on telling me to go on msn.

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
Prof Pro:
First of all loool at actually taking time to email me over a incident on smashboards that weren't involving you, Go do somethingelse with your time bullet prick instead of getting involved, if you want me to big cocky to you more I can take time out of my day but it weren't directed at you, you could always go to my cocky thread though for advice if you would like to challenge me.
You can report me if you want but you need to man up BIG TIME since your getting emotional and taken posts from a game website out into the real world, I know you were thinking about it while you were laying in your bed.
At the end of the day please man up and dont post in this thread, you are just here to cause trouble and I dont respect that amd you are not from London and you are not contributing any info which is spoiling the thread. So run off like a snitch and act like a ***** and dont return :D lol.

Kman when are you doing your smashfest cos im gonna try make it since I haven seen alot of the london smashers in a long time.
PDOT just said to me 'Kman isn't a man, he should be called Kboy as you didn't show up to the £10 MM' loooool.
ToS and Chrisboi hope to see you two if it is going on so we can have a happy happy joy joy time lol :D

Im taken a break from smashboards so even if im banned im on my break loool. F U BBill Baby
hehe typical p.pro. You're making the boards an awful place cos of the **** you post like having a go at charles for a tournament you didn't even go to for a game you don't even play/ like. Face it, it's you that needs to man up cos you act like a child on the boards. Don't blame me for trying to make the boards better.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2006
looool Not really I dont need to man up. I can have fun and be cocky on the boards and watch people like you get upset because I dont get emotional involved in it like you. I wasnt having a go at Charles was I stupid f*cking prick Ben... I was laughing at the fact he getting upset and johning about how he lost which he was and your making the boards awful by getting involved in every little thing which is just disgraceful and very typical of you. Anyway your not meant to be posting in this thread so please leave and leave forever thank you very muchy wuchy.
Dont blame me for getting you upset on the boards and making it alot better environent for everybody to socialise.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2006
Thanks for the warning, be sure to let Japan know too, I'm sure they'll appreciate it. :)

Classic BBill vs. classic PPro. :laugh:

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
looool Not really I dont need to man up. I can have fun and be cocky on the boards and watch people like you get upset because I dont get emotional involved in it like you. I wasnt having a go at Charles was I stupid f*cking prick Ben... I was laughing at the fact he getting upset and johning about how he lost which he was and your making the boards awful by getting involved in every little thing which is just disgraceful and very typical of you. Anyway your not meant to be posting in this thread so please leave and leave forever thank you very muchy wuchy.
Dont blame me for getting you upset on the boards and making it alot better environent for everybody to socialise.
I'm not upset I'm just tired of having to put up with you on the boards which would be a better place if you werent on them. Yeah I'm geting involved so what? Some of your posts very very few are fine but a lot of them are just spam, trashtalk or argueing with people.

Oh and btw 'you're not meant to be posting in this thread' :laugh: what about you posting in TKI then????


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
Yo guys, i'm gonna make a thread on neoempire about fests for Brawl (and possibly melee side). London needs to man up and start hosting regularly again somehow so lets get to it!


Would be nice for you to ****ing move to that forum already lol, nice tings will happen eventually if we mix in with the neoempire lot (bigger prize pots, better tournies, more people, everything :))

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
p pro is 2 goooooooood. I'm pretty sure Ben is furious you posted his email.
looool, Mission Accomplished. You can stay here. I would like to point out I did not post Pdot account.

I'm not upset I'm just tired of having to put up with you on the boards which would be a better place if you werent on them. Yeah I'm geting involved so what? Some of your posts very very few are fine but a lot of them are just spam, trashtalk or argueing with people.

Oh and btw 'you're not meant to be posting in this thread' :laugh: what about you posting in TKI then????
looool at you attempting to sonud happy when you are angry inside.
What are you talking about, I have never posted in the TKI thread so go away and stop causing trouble and dont accuse me of something I am 100% sure I didn't do. Plus the TKI thread isn't for a just a section of the UK like this thread, its for people who attend the tourn and since I was there briefly please shut up. Very very few of your posts are about an issue that involves you and you are not a smart person in general :).

Im going to look at this Neoempire thingy and im going to sign up probably Londoners.


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
K, it's gonna be a small invitational fest at my new place on saturday..

Chrisboi, frost, tos, tails chao and neutral are welcome.. don't get offended if you're not invited, there's a lot of smashers and i'm only seeing how this goes. I might invite K-Man too >_> but 6 is pushing it
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