Actually, I need to address some points and ask some questions.
-Wolf outcamps Olimar
-Olimar can approach safely
-bair wall can be WACed to be able to approach.
I don't know if its worth sucking up the damage, keep in mind it'll still refresh wolf's moves. Any other approach options?
-dthrow>fair>grab>dthrow is a true combo am I right?
No idea, but probably.
Do you edgeguard wolf? If so, how? I'm not exactly sure.
I have no idea, but for the upB spike, just make sure you're at a range where only the weak part will hit, then you'll be safe. He can shine you offstage if you get in close though, so... maybe throwing a purple pikmin? Also, if he's recovering from below, and pikmin can still hit people after a fsmash that sends the pikmin off the stage, it could work as a gimp. I don't know if that works though, that's your job
How do you deal with shine?
Bait it, I can't think of any good ways how to though. Grabs work on the reflector, just like everything else, after the invincibility frames. Otherwise, just stay outside his shine range and grab grab grab, your grab range is too good.
What are wolf's most reliable kill moves in this fight? Dsmash gets decayed by most wolfs from what I've seen. Contrary to popular belief, pummeling does NOT restore move decay.
Each grab you get only counts the refreshing for the first pummel IIRC, the others don't count. All smashes can kill, spike, bair offstage (not really because of whistle though, right?), fair, and utilt. Mostly dsmash though, which won't be decayed by a good wolf, so keep your distance (grabs help).