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The Old Diddy Social/General/Q&A Thread

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Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Pull 2 bananas, let Ganon grab one.

Ganon has a 41% combo that also leads to death if he has a banana. He also is a great KO'ing power.

Diddy is just **** with 1 banana in teams, and a great damage racker.

I did 1 friendly teams match with Dao, I was Ganon... the **** was just unbearably great.

When 1 side-B = your 1/2 into KO %'s or you ARE in KO %'s or you ARE dead.. .it's just to great to handle.

And if the Diddy is really, really good. You can pull an infinite with 2 bananas if the Diddy controls one and is fast enough AFAIK. And even if it's not an infinite, it's an extremely fast 0-death....


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2008
southport nc D:
Ok i need some serious help. I was playing this pikachu and i got ***** by spam..... he picked bf and did fh/sh tjs on the two mid platforms, i would get close he would either grab, downsmash, fsmash or qac to the next platform...... how do i beat him??
also he camped svs platform and planked uber hard with thunder and qac........ even though our nanas **** him how do we beat this gayness???


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
First of all, when you get the chance, counter-pick FD. Then the tides will turn on him. Secondly, camp back. If he is camping on a platform then wait, then come in with a banana when you think your ready.

Kaptain Kong

Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
To the SE of Port Town.. ..send - Seattle, WA
Pull 2 bananas, let Ganon grab one.

Ganon has a 41% combo that also leads to death if he has a banana. He also is a great KO'ing power.

Diddy is just **** with 1 banana in teams, and a great damage racker.

I did 1 friendly teams match with Dao, I was Ganon... the **** was just unbearably great.

When 1 side-B = your 1/2 into KO %'s or you ARE in KO %'s or you ARE dead.. .it's just to great to handle.

And if the Diddy is really, really good. You can pull an infinite with 2 bananas if the Diddy controls one and is fast enough AFAIK. And even if it's not an infinite, it's an extremely fast 0-death....
how do you do these things exactly?
my friend mains ganon and i'd rather do diddy-dorf instead of doubledorf lol

edit: at Goose
fd is pikas best stage against diddy imo (more tj spamming)


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ok i need some serious help. I was playing this pikachu and i got ***** by spam..... he picked bf and did fh/sh tjs on the two mid platforms, i would get close he would either grab, downsmash, fsmash or qac to the next platform...... how do i beat him??
also he camped svs platform and planked uber hard with thunder and qac........ even though our nanas **** him how do we beat this gayness???
Be patient and be prepared to time the match out...Shielding/avoiding the thunder jolts is probably the biggest key to the matchup...I would suggest Final Destination and Castle Seige as counterpicks. I think the best way to play it on BF and SV is to fight with one banana in hand and leave another on the nearest platform. Definitely strike/ban SV, PikaPika! said he beat ADHD using the same tactic.

Me vs. PikaPika!
Please forgive my poor play, pretty rusty from not playing much...


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
Perth, Australia
Nah, I think smashville works better for Pika against diddy because he can camp on the platform effectively, and can quickly qac down if needed.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM

I'm sorry dude, but those vids look like you're playing on wifi you're moving so slow. Get some footwork in, pressure him, constantly space. Don't just sit there half of the time and LET him camp, HUSTLE your *** and put on the pressure!


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
I actually played a campy Pika too and it was friking annoying.

I personally dont shield the TJs unless hes far away. I feel vunerable when I shield them so I jab them instead. As people said, Pikas camp game is nerfed on FD so try to go there. Ive played on BF against him and it is hard as Thibault said but I think SV is just harder :ohwell:
Watch out for CPs like Japes and Norfair. Youll get camped hard core and those stages are great for pulling it off effectively.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008

I'm sorry dude, but those vids look like you're playing on wifi you're moving so slow. Get some footwork in, pressure him, constantly space. Don't just sit there half of the time and LET him camp, HUSTLE your *** and put on the pressure!
I was pretty rusty from playing not using Diddy for awhile (He's a different character on wifi) and slow from only playing wifi...But I was planning to go down to timer...Thats the way PikaPika plays, he timed my friend out at CoT4 so I wanted to return the favor, so long as I had the percent lead, I was happy. Also, there were times where I was running the clock down, so its not like it was unilateral.

Dekar: Just watched some of your videos, I like your style, very fast, but I feel its a little flashy at times, even though it overwhelms people unfamiliar to the matchup.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Lol. They're familiar to the match-up, they play me all the time.

As for your explanation, now I understand. Fight fire with fire ;) I like that. It just hurts my soul when I see the timer go out. Santi ran the clock on me at SWAT, the ******* :( It just reminds me of how I could have been a bit more aggressive and possibly won in turn, you know? =P (probably not, I sucked then haha).

But seriously, as long as you're limiting the opponents options, Diddy is VERY capable of overwhelming them. Constantly move and constantly place yourself in their face, and you can easily push your Diddy to the next level. =O


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Idk, I saw that sometimes you threw a banana at them and went for a grab even if it was shielded and got away with it, Fair after Diddy Hump, things like that that you got away with, which I was referring to...I'm not entirely sure how capable you're able to limit someones options/overwhelm them when they're able to instant throw bananas back at you (Its almost like we're playing catch), perfect shield bananas at will, and outgrab Diddy, which is kind of why I have a passive aggressive mentality with Diddy.

Though I must say, I really like the SH Flip Kick since you can double jump after it...I usually don't use the kick and just use the flip to move around, but I'll have to try that.

Btw, that was my first match I timed out...so its not really representative of my play...and considering I lost every single game with my friends prior to the tournament, I'm surprised how well I did.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
We're lucky that we main such a fun character. That way, less people will want to go to Melee. I am going to miss Boss, it just sucks that Mario and Luigi couldn't have been better. :(


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2008
London, Ontario
Diddy is really good, I find its really easy to overwhelm most oponents with him.

Do you guys have any mindgames that you use? I got badly beat by Rykoshet on Wifi yesterday and he said I was way too predictable. That every movement I did was either to attack or defend and that all he needed to do was bait and punish. :(

How do I play Diddy like a smart person? I feel like all this time I've just been refining my autopilot Q_Q


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Nobody can tell you how to mindgame. You just have to be creative and read your opponent. Find out your opponents flaws and exploit them, sometimes you will find that you can completely turn their game around. If this is the issue, then use somebody else. Marth for example.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2009
SoCal :I
This is going to sound stupid, especially now that I've been maining Diddy for over a year but, how do I play him...?

Until a few days ago I could use him---well, but now I can't use him at all. I think it's a temporary mental block but, I don't know. o_0 Anyone, help?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2008
southport nc D:
First of all, when you get the chance, counter-pick FD. Then the tides will turn on him. Secondly, camp back. If he is camping on a platform then wait, then come in with a banana when you think your ready.
lol he banned fd :/

Be patient and be prepared to time the match out...Shielding/avoiding the thunder jolts is probably the biggest key to the matchup...I would suggest Final Destination and Castle Seige as counterpicks. I think the best way to play it on BF and SV is to fight with one banana in hand and leave another on the nearest platform. Definitely strike/ban SV, PikaPika! said he beat ADHD using the same tactic.

Me vs. PikaPika!
Please forgive my poor play, pretty rusty from not playing much...
i shielded a lot of them and i got shield poked (lol powershielding on wifi is sorta hard due to tiny lag spikes and falls that occur in games that dont seem to have lag.....) i even took the time to test how crappy our barrels are and they fail so hard despite tj setting them off.

I actually played a campy Pika too and it was friking annoying.

I personally dont shield the TJs unless hes far away. I feel vunerable when I shield them so I jab them instead. As people said, Pikas camp game is nerfed on FD so try to go there. Ive played on BF against him and it is hard as Thibault said but I think SV is just harder :ohwell:
Watch out for CPs like Japes and Norfair. Youll get camped hard core and those stages are great for pulling it off effectively.
mostly i shielded the tjs but i was camped super hard, that day was one of those days where things dont go right and i didnt relize it untill later lol. So i freaked out thinking i just lost the matchup i thought i mastered and i posted the questions..... it was cool to get all of the responses, ill test how effective jab is vs tj

but for now i need someone to help me/ the diddy boards out.........................
I need someone to exchange wii codes (and brawl codes bc i heard you cant send videos without being friends with them in brawl and on the wii) with me so i can send a video to be uploaded to youtube
I happened stumble across a glitch that just might have been a codec error but it is something that imo would help the diddyboards a lot. I was playing tsp (d3) and i dashattacked and i tried to follow up with a hyphen upsmash and.....im sorry its extremly hard to describe without seeing it.... diddy moved faster, the attack came out faster, diddy had a massive distance gain also. ive been useing diddy for so long and in that perticular match i was testing how effective upsmashes were against d3 and when i did that my jaw dropped.......... well its hard to explane without a video and it can be described as.... i guess an "acceleration" glitch. So heres my question can someone that can load videos on to youtube exchange fcs with me? (btw side note i dont know how i did it :/ and dureing that match i was messing around a little so dont judge my skill off the vid :) )


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2008
southport nc D:
This is going to sound stupid, especially now that I've been maining Diddy for over a year but, how do I play him...?

Until a few days ago I could use him---well, but now I can't use him at all. I think it's a temporary mental block but, I don't know. o_0 Anyone, help?
yeah i know creepy right? samething happens every sp often to me :/ ill just alternate secondarys for aoout 3 hours and ill go back to diddy and sometimes everything is back to normal.... if not repeat process lol but shorten it to one hour


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2009
SoCal :I
I'm still trying that, it's been like a week now that I haven't been able to play him. I even picked up weegee and kirby(again) but it hasn't been working.

I've played a couple of matches as him everyday too, but that doesn't seem to be helping, just makes me feel worse seeing myself not playing diddy well at all. :[

Would watching vids or diddy mirrors help?


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Wilmington, NC
If Boss went to Melee it would have to of been after HERB. I played him there in Brawl teams and Melee singles.


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
Oh noez? He's a good player, but him leaving isn't the end of Brawl, not by a long shot. Even if all the good players quit simultaneously, other players will come along and take up the spots left. This game is too huge to die anytime soon. (Though his reasons for quitting were sound)

The thing that you were talking about, Thibault, with Diddy doing a very long Up-Smash has actually been brought up before. We've failed to reproduce it, though it is very impressive to see. Here's a video (not the best one; there's one called "Wat" that I can't find that is a lot better):


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Don't worry, people who play fun characters usually don't quit and those MK's are making too much money to quit. Playing Mario and Luigi probably got to him after a while.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I changed it.
You happy?

I've been working on implementing B-reversals into my game. It's lookin pretty slick :)


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Well I'll dash towards an opponent, jump, B-reverse away, then cancel the popgun into a glide toss back towards them. I need to come up with more uses though. Also been doing a lot of pivot grabbing.

Is Diddy's boosted Pivot grab worth doing?


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Do you PBG Dfear?

Also, I can't stop thinking that you are DFear. Like from the lazar collections. is that you?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2009
Well I'll dash towards an opponent, jump, B-reverse away, then cancel the popgun into a glide toss back towards them. I need to come up with more uses though. Also been doing a lot of pivot grabbing.

Is Diddy's boosted Pivot grab worth doing?
Yeah itz pretty handy b/c it can kill sometimes or throw far off the stage. That is if ur b-throwing them because itz the most effective.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
See, recently I've been hitting the opponent with a banana, then just running past them and normal pivot grabbing.

This really seems like it needs its own thread :O
But I'm at work and cbf doing that >.<


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
For what? Forward throw is stronger anyways right?

And backthrow is better for comboing so I don't see what you would want to do.

Possibly a trajectory thing?

EDIT: I may be underestimating the slide it gives you though. :(


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
Diddy is really good, I find its really easy to overwhelm most oponents with him.

Do you guys have any mindgames that you use? I got badly beat by Rykoshet on Wifi yesterday and he said I was way too predictable. That every movement I did was either to attack or defend and that all he needed to do was bait and punish. :(

How do I play Diddy like a smart person? I feel like all this time I've just been refining my autopilot Q_Q
Note that this is only in case you wish to have your play critiqued but I have a secondary account for just random *** matches that I dont feel like putting on my main channel just so people can make ****ty unproductive comments. I placed one of the matches there at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5EPfJ9Hev0 in case you want to go back and think about what I said. Aside from the fact that it's obvious i understand the matchup quite a bit more than you take a look at your movement. For such a mobile character you made no use of his options, the most blatant one being holding a banana and just waiting for me to pretty much do anything aggressive. If I dont get hit with an f or dsmash and DI it poorly at the end of the stage, ike actually lives to quite a high percent against diddy (I think my highest was 267 against NL) so that just happens once in a while.
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