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The Official Waluigi Thread

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the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
...just to name a few. All of those characters are more interesting than Waluigi and would be more unique in Brawl. They have also all appeared in normal titles, which is more than we can say about our party/sports game-bound fellow. There are also plenty of other minions and whatnot that I didn't list that would also be more interesting and have also appeared in platformers, unlike Waluigi. I'm also not very familiar with a lot of series; so I only listed the few I could think of. And, there are only a few 3rd party characters up there, but one could make a whole list of those type who would be better suited than Waluigi, too.
Stop being a moron, HP. I know it's hard, but really try. They ARE all more deserving, either because of their importance to their respective series or simply because they they are more unique and would be more interesting in Brawl than Waluigi. They are all more important in their own realms than Waluigi is to the Mario universe.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
By saying they are more interesting you are implying they are more deserving seriously I know you are mentally handicapped but ese no es mi problema do you understand what i'm saying idiot? and i'm not saying Waluigi is the most deserving character to appear in brawl so try harder next time.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
By saying they are more interesting you are implying they are more deserving
Can you not read?

They ARE all more deserving, either because of their importance to their respective series or simply because they they are more unique and would be more interesting in Brawl than Waluigi. They are all more important in their own realms than Waluigi is to the Mario universe.
I know you are mentally handicapped but ese no es mi problema do you understand what i'm saying idiot?
No because I don't speak moron. Besides your grammar and spelling is terrible. I don't take insults too seriously from someone who doesn't even know how to speak correctly.

and i'm not saying Waluigi is the most deserving character to appear in brawl so try harder next time.
Waluigi isn't even the 100th most deserving character to get in.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Thanks for the advice, but I don't need it...sheesh. As I pointed out to Red_maniac, I've only called HP a moron because he's the only one who's been one...Exaggerate much? Seriously, why are you trying to go at it with me twok?


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Hp makes better staments then you fo shizzle. all of your statments derected at him include MORON wich lowers are look at you as a person.



Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Hp makes better staments then you fo shizzle. all of your statments derected at him include MORON wich lowers are look at you as a person.
He'd probably take your attempts at flaming more seriously if you cut the gangsta and actually typed in legible english. Actually, probably not.

<3 Gypsy :D

Oh and Silver as much as I love the comic, Kid Koopa = Bowser Jr. for correctness and having 4 tied at 4th would still make Waluigi 8th, even though it's a tie. Also you said "Top 10" not "Top 8" but apart from that, very very nice :).


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Look HP:

I respect your opinions, If u want him in so be it, but saying stuff like: "Warios in, so should his partner, after all mario has luigi" just pisses me off, cause ur comparing a character created as a filler with the most famous duo among videogame characters... which is pretty ********...

Look ur comparing waluigi with falco and ganondorf, saying they dont have a game or their own series, and thus waluigi should be in, AGAIN that is a ******** statement, why u ask?

Falco is the partner and friendly rival to the Star fox series, among the characters of the franchise hes one of the more popular, and is important to the series...

Ganondorf is the main villain of the series, hes a powerful magician and is evil to the core, and thus, being the main villain, hes one of the most important to the srie...

see a connection? BOTH of them are important to their respective series, they WERENT created as fillers, and are popular among gamers... Now waluigi is a totally diferent story...

Not only was he created as a filler, but COMPARING him with other more deserving characters, he has a very slim chance, why u ask? cause of his popularity and 0 uniqueness...

Hes a copy copy of luigi, with a bit of wario, whose a copy of mario, how is that unique? true mario doesnt have much of a personality just like waluigi, but CMON ur comparing a filler with THE greatest videogame character of all time...

Not only that he had almost no role in a mario game, only appearing in sports and party games, he was the main antagonist of mario DDR, oh wow he TOTALYL must be in [/sarcasm]... Really cmon compare that to the roles of other characters:

Waluigi-mario: Mario is the main hero of the series so he wins
Waluigi-luigi: Hes been around as much as mario, has a tad less popularity than his brother, and has had his OWN game, luigi wins
Waluigi-Wario: Please wario has his own series, actually make that 2 series: the wario-land and wario ware, wario wins
Waluigi-Peach: Peach is the dammsel in distress, shes the reason mario is on adventures against bowser, but not only that she has now her own game... peach wins...
Waluigi-Bowser: Bowser is the main enemy in nearly every mario game, being platform, sports or party, waluigi is only the main bad guy is a dancing game... bowser wins...
Waluigi-Toad: Toad is (I believe) in the top 5 on sakurais list, has his own game, warios woods, and has been part of the mario series since the NES, he may not be as popular as the rest, but he has had at least a role in a aplatform game of mario, waluigi has not, toad wins...
Waluigi-Daisy: Daisy is too peach as waluigi to luig, BUT daisy has at least ONE major role in a platform game, even if its on the gameboy, daisy wins...

Waluigi loses against all of the main characters, he isnt even on sakurais poll, and even chain chomp is on it!! this proves how unpopular he is in COMPARISON, now I know chain chomp cant be a PC, but those that dont have limbs or the all-star status, they can appear as an AT, so can waluigi...

Now ur ALSO comparing waluigi with retros, have u no f'king shame? the retros dont NEED to be popular, cause they are part of the old days, representing past series, guys like the ICS, GaW, Pit and other retros are there just for the old school gamers...

Also wario is representing his own series, if waluigi is added he HAS to be part of the mario series, cause wario has his WW look, and since waluigi HASNT appeared in the WW games, it will look ******** if theyre paired up even tought theyre on diferent series...

Ok HP, red maniac and the other 5 pro-waluigi, I ask u, if waluigi is in, shouldnt daisy, toadette, bowser jr, and other be in, cause peach, toad (if hes added) and bowser are in??
Now PLEASE I have given facts about waluigi, theres almost 0 way u can come up with something that hasnt been already mentioned (which was proven false) that justifies wlauigi in brawl... also respond to the last parafraph please...


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
I whant the Pro Waluigi guys to tell me, why he is deserving of being in Brawl.

Besides "Wario is in".

Come on, tell me.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2007
I am a Waluigi fan for Party games and Mario sport games, but I have been persuaded that Waluigi does not deserve a slot in the final roster.

Characters such as Waluigi, Daisy, Toadette, and Birdo have all been featured in party/sport games. But, they are only there as counterparts for main characters, Wario, Peach, Toad, and Yoshi respectively. Therefore, none of that four should join the Smash roster. Waluigi especially, seeing as he hasn't been featured in a 'real' Mario series game.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
scine this thread is goin no where, why dont we let it die? no-one has switched sides. no one can prove anuything anymore,everyone is being a hard azz. so lets just kill this topic


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
And why is it that no Pro Walluigi poster tells me that he deserves to be in?



Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Characters more deserving/interesting than Waluigi (in no particular order):
Who are they? You should finish that post because there definitely ARE more deserving characters than Waluigi. But even so, I think the Mario Universe could do without another rep this time around. Aren't 4 legit (Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser) and 2 technical (Yoshi, DK) enough Mario characters? But let me just round off a few more deserving characters since you didn't feel it necessary:

1) Toad- The dude has been to more parties, racked up more go-kart mileage, and played just as many sports as Waluigi. Notice how Sakurai even worked him into the game as a part of Peach's moveset, a winable trophy, and with a cameo in Mushroom Kingdom, while Waluigi only got the trophy?

2) Baby Bowser- Bowser's son. He's so fast and small that he couldn't possible be a clone of Bowser. He's been the badguy in two canon Mario game and he's been around longer and in more party games than Waluigi has.

3) Daisy- I think the world would be a better place if Daisy didn't make the cut, but the fact that she's more deserving over Waluigi doesn't say much about him. She's been in just as many party games as Waluigi has been in and she's got that canon game under her belt.

4) Geno- A fan favorite, and highly requested to be in Brawl. Playable character in a canon game and even had enough popularity to make a small cameo in another canon game. He's diverse enough to easily have a moveset, and he's original to the series.

5) Fawful- The badguy/comic relief in a canon Mario game. Not to mention he ALSO had a cameo appearance in the sequel. He's random, menacing, evil, and a genious with a rediculously cool vacuum on his head. No way they couldn't think of a good moveset for him.

6) Mallow- Just about everything I said about Geno can go for Mallow, except that he didn't make a cameo appearance and isn't as high on the list as Geno.


?) Waluigi- Noncanon roles, not too different from Wario, obviously not important enough to be in either of his own brother's series, made to be filler and remains as such...

Let me remind you that Wario Land was a platformer not a party game making WarioWare a spin-off since the game takes Wario's origin into a different genre, this is the exact same as Super Mario Bros. is to Mario Party also you will be flaming as well? I thought you were better than that.
Alright, I see your logic. I guess you could consider the WarioWare games spin-offs, but the fact that Waluigi hasn't made an appearance in EITHER of them makes me think that Nintendo doesn't really like him that much. So what does that say about his chances for Brawl?

It's true Doc was the definition of clone. Some have actually posted a moveset for Waluigi and I don't think people is suggesting a bob-omb for him those are already an item not to mention seeing how powerful they are it would be a very cheap move also mario & luigi use generic items like the fireball or the cape even peach does because anyone was able to pick up a vegetal in SMB 2.
Well the fireball is a Mario/Luigi exclusive, as is the cape. But the only reason Luigi is like he is now is because he was the clone in SSB64. They could make a totally different moveset for Luigi now if they wanted to. And actually, if you want to get technical, only Mario, Luigi, Toad, or Peach could be given the turnips since they were the only characters to use them. And since Mario and Luigi's movesets are occupied and Toad isn't a PC, you're only left with one other candidate.

True Doc is basically gone but his appearance in melee opens the possibility for other spin-off characters to appear.
Yea, but now that Doc's gone that kind of shows that spin-off characters is sort of a bad idea especially when done wrong. And the only way to throw Waluigi in would pretty much be as a last-minute thing... and look how that turned out.

Well the game was listed by the same blog that reported the existence of games like Mario & Sonic, NBA Live 2008 and Ready2Rumble before any other site and that seems to good for a guess don't you think?
What blog? And after just Google searching it, I found that Super Wario Bros was a minigame in one of the GBA WarioWare games that... oh, surprisingly, Waluigi WASN'T a part of!


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
No because I don't speak moron. Besides your grammar and spelling is terrible. I don't take insults too seriously from someone who doesn't even know how to speak correctly.
You don't speak what? it's spanish just to let you know that' the problem of being so ignorant and please don't hurt my feelings saying my grammar sucks because you know what? i'm latino and how is possible my spelling is terrible when I use software to autocorrect?

Waluigi isn't even the 100th most deserving character to get in.
He is more deserving than half the characters of your crappy list which BTW Knuckle Joe makes a nice AT.

@TWoK thanks but don't pay attention to Mr. Perfect grammar it's a waste of time is obvious you can't debate with an idiot.

@Stryks you already made those questions and I answered check the previous post if you don't remember.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Repeat for emphasis: Characters already announced as ATs are way more deserving than Waluigi for a playable spot. Knuckle Joe included. If he didn't get in, then Waluigi shouldn't get the spot over him.

I could take out characters already de-confirmed and make a 100 character list either way.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
@El HP:

Come on, if Walluigi deserves to be in Brawl, tell me why.

Hm? you can't?.



Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
EL HP Jesus Christ what is wrong with you!? you keep on saying that Grim lizard is stupid when he is the one who is making the pointfull and meaningful post while all you can do i reply back telling him he is stupid when your reply's don't prove anything!

And god your right theres no point arguing with an idiot! So everyone lets just ignore this ******** idiot EL HP sorry to be so offensive but when you were born did the doctors drop you on your head or something?


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
the fact that we are arguing with this "Hewlett-Packard" makes us stupid. We should stop.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
I Hope i never see his ugly face in Brawl.

Not in brawl, add him if you whant in SSB4.

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
If Super Smash Bros just took any old character anyone liked, then God knows who would be in the game. Naruto, Dragonball Z guys, Powerpuff Girls, Pico, Waluigi, the Thundercats, Spock, Megatron, Petey Pirhanna, Darth Maul, the car from Nightrider, Dorothy's shoes, Sepiroth, Invader Zim, the Spinosaurus from Jurassic Park 3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Harry Potter, Dora the Explorer, Steve from Blues Clues, ET, Sora, various generic Legend of Zelda characters, etc.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
@El HP:

Come on, if Walluigi deserves to be in Brawl, tell me why.

Hm? you can't?.

^^This almost made me go into a cardiac arrest because I laughed so hard!

Ah hem, but lets get serious people, Waluigi will be lucky enough to make it as a assist character trophy. Say your prayers Waluigi, meh.....not as if that prayer will be answered!:laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2007
Bridgewater, MA.
I would not rule it out completely that he won't make it, I think his chances are high. Although, I could care less about Waluigi being in it or not.
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