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The Official Waluigi Thread

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the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Waluigi has nothing to do with Luigi, oddly enough. That's probably what makes his character so absurd. Waluigi's character is based solely on the fact that he is Wario's brother.

There have never been any interactions between Luigi and Waluigi that would make them enemies of any kind. It's just supposed to be "implied" because his name, he has an upside-down 'L', and he's the taller, skinnier brother.


Aug 19, 2001
Love never blows up and gets killed.
I like Waluigi. He gives Wario family, Luigi an opposite, and he adds that dishonest nature to someone as honest and lovable as Mario.He wont be in this game, he has no background, and no claim to fame. but i like him. he has captured my heart in the way wario has, because anti-heroes just have magical charm about them, fighting bad guys with bad guy rules. I believe one day Waluigi will be in an actual game, but until then, I'll be happy with him just being a filler.


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2006
Almondia City, NW of Leruki
OK, Waluigi was created only to fill a space in Mario sports spin-offs, and there are already characters that appear on that games (Luigi, Peach, MARIO himself) and ALSO are stars in other games. So I don't think Spin-offs deserve more representation than the Mario circuit stage. Also, Camelot would see as a cool gift (we, the fans too XD) if a Golden sun character appears in Brawl, i say this cuz Camelot helped with the Mario Tennis games. Well, thats kinda off-topic lol..
The point is, Waluigi doesn't really have something to represent, he's a filler character, and Smash is about Stars, not fillers


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Wow. While I do admit I was "served" in some points, I have to disagree with many of them.
Fine, 10. Happy?
No, by "we" I mean everyone except for the 5 Waluigi fans.
Dead Hippie, PZX2DN4F, Cashed, asianpride3491, Gonzales, Exodecai101, Ferro De Lupe, Azukki, The Other Wind, Ember Joe, killbeast301, Khorsan, Fox_Rocks, magar, supermario62, Mikey yin15, Tal-IGN, Doctor Grudge, fluffy, Waluigi911, colbusman, Brahma, Master_Sheik, DokturSea, D.J Cat, DastrnMarco, Shadow Smasher, hellboy, the54effect, BIRDMAN22, G.Fizzle, Grizz Lee, Wave Bird, Plan 9, NintendoWarrior, Meta_Owns_Ur_Mom, kirbyphreak, Super Smash Master, primusfan, Pit 42, Mubariz, tamis31, Drewz, Tiamat, toasty4you, Sinistar71 (who made an amazing WL moveset), SonicFZ, LuZr!!@, Link-NY, LUVTOY77-ROGUE WIREFRAME, Luigi+Roy+C.F.+Falco=Domination, Super_Cool, Crom, WindGuru, Cerberus360, GreenKirby, Nightmare KoRn Kid, DarkKnight077, tirkaro, Brawlmatt202, El HP, Meteor Master, The wrath of Koarin, Mestro, Devastlian, Icetrash, Chibirobo, GameFreak, FSLMJM, Lu-Gi-Oh!, Jorgito, ClarkJables (originally a Waluigi hater), t0m0, I.B, K4M1K4Z3, Johnknight1, y3nia659, matthewmilad, Toasty!, Mckillyou, Reno>, 8-Bit., drewdizzal, Mayumoogie, Shade 64-luigi-, HellsAngelLust, DonkeySmasher, Blackadder, Pyroloserkid, smidge, the_Capt_Falcon_Master, domiNate, zKillah, RandomJelly, Onifrio, skullkidd, Cold_Murderer, Zhilo, Master_Pig, Link Sharingan, Dead Wire, Jackal478, and of course, me. That's exactly 103 members who would like to see Waluigi in Brawl. Unless I miscounted. Or if I forgot anyone. Or if I accedently typed someone's name in twice.

Anyway, there may be more Anti-Waluigi guys on this board, but there are still a lot of pro-Waluigi guys.
Thank you for stating the blindingly obvious.
Well, a few guys don't understand that for some bizzare reason...
No, because he really doesn't have any, or anything special to define himself away from Mario and Luigi. He's just a lankier, uglier version of everyone's favourite Italian plumbers.
Not even personality? Oh, wait...
Ah, terrible idea. Waluigi has no personality. "wahaha...i have a pointy mustache and lanky legs...that is the extent of my character..."

As I said, Waluigi is an insult to Wario in general.
...seriosly, has anyone read my post?

He isn't really greedy, but he is selfish. He cheats, hates when he loses, makes random comments, brags when he wins and always does it in an "in-your-face" way, he is inappropriate (remember his taunt in Super Mario Strikers? The cr0tch chop?) he's always cocky and cheers for himself.

Because Waluigi would drag down the quality of the game by appearing in it and thus Wario's reputation would be tarnished. Putting Wario together, who on his own is very popular and loved and has personality etc., with Waluigi, who lacks any redeeming quality, is an insult to Wario.
So wait, Brawl would be worse with Waluigi?
*Ahem* There are PLENTY of VALID arguments listed thousands of times over these pages that all successfully rip Waluigi to shreds and yet you've managed to either miss or ignore them all? The only reason that Pro-Waluigi people have been able to come up with is "I like him so he should be in" or the ever used, ever ******** "Wario is in, so should Waluigi". The thing with Capt. Falcon is that he's the main character in a popular franchise that has no way of expressing fighting moves, what with it being a racing game. Therefore it was necessary to think up an entirely original moveset in order for him to be included and the time and resources spent on creating a moveset from scratch were well spent. Waluigi on the other hand is about as minor as you can get (at least generic enemies appear in the canon games) and there's absolutely no reason for them to spend lots of time, effort and resources in making a moveset for a character that isn't even that popular. Honestly, if Waluigi was as popular or important as you guys seem to make out, then he'd already have his own platformers or whatever and have at least something to derive a moveset from easily. He doesn't, because he is neither popular nor important. If anyone is denying anything, it's the Pro-Waluigi fans.
And what are the valid arguments? His name and appearence is unoriginal. Okay... He hasn't appeared in a main Wario or Mario game. True, but he's still well known and has appeared in many Mario games. There are more deserving characters. Well, of course there are! That doesn't mean that Waluigi won't make it in.
Nobody cares about Waluigi. They don't need to give him a history because we don't care about him.
And me. And Gypsy. And Dyce. And the the other thousands of Waluigi haters out there, hence the use of the term "we".
So THAT'S what they mean by "we!"
Go back and find it yourself Mr. "You guys didn't read any of the past pages." 90% of this thread is about how everyone hates Waluigi because he's lame and generic and an overuse of the formula.
AHA! So you DIDN'T read the past pages! 90%? Exaggerating?
See? Everyone says that. "Make him an AT; he can throw bombs or something." Everyone says that because that is the extent of his character. He can throw bombs or something. What an exciting character...I sure wish they'd make an entire moveset based on "he could throw bombs or something"...
I was just saying that that's a possibility... Although in retrospect, it's not a very good one.
OK, I'll spell it out for you. Wario has had four Warioland games, five Wario Ware games, and a handful of other Wario titles. Plus, he has starred in more than a score of cameos (not just talking about ones Waluigi has been in). Not to mention that he has a far far far larger fanbase than Waluigi. He has been wanted to be in Smash since the original. He has to wait through TWO games to finally get in. And, what? Waluigi gets in on the first try? How is that fair to Wario? It's saying that Waluigi is more important than Wario, which is clearly not true.
WTF? So Waluigi being in Brawl would hurt Wario's feelings or something like that? I'm sure the developers wanted Wario in the original and melee, but they didn't have time or there wasn't enough space for him. Hey, if Waluigi can be in, he can be in. The first Smash game you appear in doesn't say how important the character is. It's just a video game where electric mice, puffballs, racecar drivers and plumbers beat each other for no reason! Why does that matter?
That's because not even people that like Waluigi can rationalize him being a PC.
Then make him an AT. I don't care. As long as he appears.
Speaking of over-used...Don't go down the path of Captain Falcon. He's a racer and a bounty hunter. Like it is that difficult to come up with something for him. Waluigi would be more generic than generic. Falcon's moves were anything but so. As pointed out above, people who like him can't even think of a decent moveset. They just say "have him throw bombs or something".
~snip awesome moveset~
If by "epic" you mean "incredibly lame," then yeah, it would be epic.

Read above statements for further clarification.
Where's the button for the forum version of a slow clap? I applaud that post grim lizard. I think that is a fairly accurate portrayal of Waluigi's existence and people's feelings towards his existence.

Which is lame btw...in case someone wasn't following...just want to make sure everyone is on the same page....no pun intended...
Waluigi fans have been pwn, flamed, and a combination of both flawned, I made it up btw...

Grims post is automatic win...
See, whenever someone makes a very long anti-WL post, people always assumes that everything is over and the pro-WL are "pwned," served," etc. But not really.


Seriously I wanna ****ing shoot whoever created Waluigi (I doubt it was miyamoto, I think it was camelot since they made mario tennis 64)
Is that all you ever say? People have said more things than that.
Various said:
I think Waluigi's smash attack should just be an honest to goodness punch to the mouth, like Mario and Luigi's in SSB.

Also, Waluigi would probably end up as the highest tier Mario character simply due to his godly range (worked for Marth). I mean, look at those arms!
Just for the sake of asking xianfeng, when has Diddy kong had such a huge following? Minus Diddy Kong racing, he has played a filler and secondary role for DK (even in DKC2, Dixie became more popular and more people tended to use her, which was why he was replaced by kiddie kong in DKC3). Since his return, he has played just as important a role (if not less) then Waluigi in the Mario Universe. You, as well as many of the other Waluigi haters here, seem to like resaying the same 3 or 4 things again and again and again:

1. Waluigi is unoriginal

What makes Falco so creative? He's a bird anthro that flies a spaceship like the other 3 starfox pilots. He's the stereotypical "Cool guy with mysterious past" character you see in almost EVERY anime that involves combat of any sort. Or Captain Falcon, as much as I love F-Zero, he's very average, a futuristic, Helmeted bounty hunter(who does THAT sound like, hmmm....I wonder..?) that races around with 40 equally unoriginal (though likeable) characters. Waluigi may be uninspired and cliche', but he's FAR from alone in the Smash Bros. cast.

2. Waluigi has only been in Party games / Waluigi started out in MARIO TENNIS / Waluigi is a "Filler" character

I dislike repeating myself, but every character in smash bros. represents something about Nintendo and it's amazing history. Waluigi could easily represent the five or six party games that nintendo releases each and every year (a well liked and profitable move, an opinion I share with many), as well as the entire genre itself. Also, in my honest opinion, waluigi is a clever nod to wrecking crew, a classic, forgotten pre-Super Mario Bros. Mario game, a game that he could easily represent, in moves and in spirit.

3. Waluigi is boring

No, YOU think he his. How boring a character is is nothing but opinion, and to go around acting like it's fact with no regard for other people's opinions makes you an *******, and just because YOU hate a character doesn't mean others do, so don't think of your opinion as fact.

4. Waluigi is a waste of the developer's time

Again, this is opinion. It clearly wasn't a waste of time for the developers to make waluigi, so why would it be a waste to make a moveset for him.

My point is, if you dislike Waluigi, you are entitled to your opinion, but don't just say the same reasons again and again. Some original output from the nay-sayers could help your cause out a lot.
I don't think many people realize a cold, hard, Nintendo truth that has been masked for ever so long; Mario himself is as bad as Waluigi. Think about it: in all of Mario's games, the stories have been bland, and Mario has been forced into situations, revealing absolutely nothing about his character. He is the stereotypical hero type, with nothing but his looks original. The only reason he is so widely supported is because he's starred in so many games, which makes no sense.

Waluigi may be a filler character with not much personality, but it is slowly being established through the sports games. For example, in Mario Power Tennis, it is revealed that he is mischievous and an annoyance for Mario and Luigi, rather than a full-fledged villain like Bowser. That alone, combined with his stature, range, affinity for Bob-Ombs and special moves in his games, is enough to make him equal to Mario, who is the quintessential Brawl character.
The filler comment I won't touch because I'm still surprised that it's being used as an arguement. In terms of unoriginal, so are luigi and wario. They both come from the same character mold, which is mario (luigi even has the same career). Yes, yes, yes. I know what you want to say, "they have their own games" or "they aren't in just party games." Still doesn't change the fact that their originality is just as low. Who cares about originality anyway. Within this entire forum people want to see generic turtle enemies, pinnochio's cousin, the marshmallow man's little brother, black mages, a potential fox clone, and many other characters that are not original.

Nobody likes fillers? People love fillers. Walk through time with me a see some of the popular fillers. Luigi, who made player 2 look different, was popular. Falco, who was there to let it be known that fox wasn't the best pilot, was popular. Daisy, peaches clone, is growing popular. Wolf O'donnel, looks alot like fox doesn't he, is growing popular. Now lets look at the smash bros universe.
Correct me if I'm wrong (and yes, I'm being technical) but all the last minute additions to melee were just fillers. Most of the clones were put in just to add more characters at the last minute. Doc, Falco, Y.link, and Pichu all have a fanbase in melee. Even though, as of right now, they were just fillers.

Also, even if it isn't waluigi, the mario franchise will add more characters to brawl. The are the largest and will be represented as such. Especially since mario reps. nintendo
...I don't think the argument that "Waluigi has nevar appeared in his own game lol" is a very strong one. Waluigi's had more appearances than Falco, more personality than Jigglypuff, and he's more recognizable than Marth (here OR in Japan, because Fire Emblem 1 is OLD).

Irregardless, Waluigi is no longer a "sidekick." He only really appeared directly alongside Wario in Double Dash and Tennis 64 anyways. In Toadstool Tour, Power Tennis, Baseball, Strikers, all the newer Party games, Mario DDR, blah blah blah... he works solo. Yes, he was created just as a doubles partner for Wario, but what the hell was Luigi? Or Yoshi? Or Wario? Luigi started out as just Player 2, and Yoshi was only meant to be Mario's ride. Wario started out as a BS rival for Mario when the development team was too lazy to use Bowser for Mario Land 2. But all these characters... they got popular enough over time, and became stars themselves. Waluigi's pretty much at that point right now as well. Go surf the web: Waluigi is a very, very popular Nintendo character. I think his inclusion would please a lot of people who are maybe not huge Nintendo fanboys, but looking for a fun-*** experience.

And I know it would be upsetting if they opted for him over, say, Little Mac, but hey. At least it would be a fun character :laugh:
We're still confusing personality I see. Wario started as a money hungry anti-hero and even after numerous games and years he still remains a money hungry anti-hero. That isn't really personality growth. I will agree that Luigi become more than he was though.

Overall, outside of personal dislike, I can't see where all the negativity is coming from towards this character. Every anti-waluigi statement that has been made about him can be said about one of the beloved members of the melee roster.

It was said above that he has been around for six years and has the same personality yet does not have his own game. That can be said about falco. He's been around longer, has appeared in, less games, doesn't have his own title, and is only pickable in assault( I heard. I never played it). Yet we are now not only ranking him in the elite column for melee but most of us are hoping he gets a new moveset so he can be more original. Personality shouldn't even be brought up because most of melee's cast have very little.

"He has only appeared in part games". Nintendo choose to but him in multiplayer games, so what? How does that mean he will never get his own game (as most of you have related together)? Why does that mean he should be excluded from another multiplayer game.

"He'd only be a clone". This arguement has already been dismissed by the developer. (unofficially) They have proved that the can make any character original and it's evident with fox and C.F.

"He's just a filler". This argument has been used more than any other even though it has been dismissed many pages ago. Yet, I know it will return again. Like a classic horror movie, when you think you're safe it jumps through the window and beats you to death with a sledgehammer. :urg:

In terms of other unique characters. It's all opinion. I personally think chrono should be the first new addition to brawl. It's my opinion. Some think it should be megaman, or sonic, or bomberman, geno, wolf o'donnel, diddy kong, etc, etc. The smash community isn't going to agree on every character addition. If any of the characters I named makes it to brawl, some people will be happy, some will be pissed. No character is going to get 100% support nor are you expected to like everyone, which is why I don't get why some of you are making it seem like waluigi would be the worst thing to happen to smash. Do the same thing you did with the melee character you didn't like, don't pick them and move on and focus on the ones you do like.

EDIT: The post above mine show an example of personal dislike. How would you know that he would be the most boring character in both games?????
Sakurai might also be looking fan support in addition to game appearance and games starred. If that's the case then I still can't see why he wouldn't at least get the 14th spot in terms of new characters. Yes there are higher priority characters but there can't be more than 13.
Geno and Mallow don't really count above him because they would be third party.
... Waluigi wasn't in a real game...


I don't understand why this excludes him automatically. Hell, if ANY ONE had said "Solid snake is going to be in the new Melee!" before it came out, we'd have beat them with our mean words... such as YOU IS STUPIDZ!!~!~!123`!! It would seem Nintendo can and WILL throw in some unusual characters... Sakurai even said 'We're going to use some LESS POPULAR characters, not just the big names', on smash dojo.(he said something like, don't quote me, rofl)

Waluigi is a "stupid" filler character, thrown in to give Wario a buddy...

Doesn't that make him MORE likely? Mario has Wario... the game is almost certain to have luigi... and Waluigi is basically luigi's Wario... Soooooooo can't you sorta just take Waluigi's status as partner in crime to wario, and make it an INCLUSION factor, like because now that wario's in, and Mario's in... it's really weird to NOT have Waluigi too?

ohh well, just read this thread and saw those two things and was like... wahh? I'm probably not going to check this thread again, so don't bother asking me/telling me stuff.
It's only obvious for Nintendo to include him, after all, I don't remember Luigi being extremely popular before the original SSB. I do believe Luigi hit it big on the Gamecube, Wii could be Waluigi's console to shine on.
I have always loved Waluigi. What i have not apprieciated is his lack of appearances in the normal Mario/Wario continuities.

I predicted him from the first time I saw Wario. i mean come on Luigi fans, help me out when I say, how fair is it that Mario not only gets to save that hott princess from a Turtle dragon, and has a rival who looks like him? Waluigi and Daisy type characters were bound to happen for Luigi at some point(but jesus god do i hate Daisy).

Since his initial appearance, I've seen Waluigi team up with Wario to cause both Mario and Luigi trouble. When brawl comes I dont want to see Mario fighting Wario while Luigi is just standing to the side idley, waiting for yet another chance to jump out of his brothers shadow! And that is exactly Waluigi's significance, he brings much needed light onto the character of Luigi.

So, yeah. Once they confirm Luigi, and they will, I'm expecting ( and very much hoping for) the confirmation of Waluigi. It is time he breaks into the light.

On a side note I really really really hope the begin to put Waluigi in games with Wario. They really do compliment each other, even when the Mario Bros arent around. I mean just last night I play Super Mario Strikers and Mario Kart : Double Dash. those two just make me giggle.
Shoot the guy who created Waluigi? Do you REALLY, REALLY hate him that much? He's just a FREAKING video game character.

Hey, what if he does make it into Brawl in some form? Will you be angry? Will you smash and burn your Wiis? Go on strike start a petition? It's a video game. There are a few characters I hate, but i don't care if they make it. Play the game to have fun (or for competition). If he doesn't make it in as a PC, oh well. If he makes it in as an AT, woo!

Please, reply ASAP and point out anything you think is wrong. I love a good debate! :)


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Oh man this is heartbreaking.

Things I don't like about Waluigi include..
-His unoriginal name. Mario got Wario by turning the M upside down (Though Waluigi's hat is an upside down L.. go figure). How did they come up with Waluigi? Grab the "Wa" from Wario and throw it in front of Luigi to give Luigi a nemesis. They could have done a better job with that.
-Character design, Mario is fat and kinda short.. Wario had to be fatter? Luigi is a bit taller and slimmer so Waluigi had to be taller and even slimmer? He looks like a very opposite of... *Gasp* Wario? Interesting.

And my favorite color purple.. why must he be purple...

Also he has only appeared in spinoffs and party games right? I don't think that gives him FULL right as an official character in the timeline.. But does Mario have a timeline?

I think Wario has a much bigger fanbase than Waluigi and they wouldn't be doing much good by throwing Waluigi in the game.

I'll leave it all up to The Studio and Sakurai to decide.

This is similar to.. If they put Toad in, they would have to put in Toadette?


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Oh man this is heartbreaking.

Things I don't like about Waluigi include..
-His unoriginal name. Mario got Wario by turning the M upside down (Though Waluigi's hat is an upside down L.. go figure). How did they come up with Waluigi? Grab the "Wa" from Wario and throw it in front of Luigi to give Luigi a nemesis. They could have done a better job with that.
-Character design, Mario is fat and kinda short.. Wario had to be fatter? Luigi is a bit taller and slimmer so Waluigi had to be taller and even slimmer? He looks like a very opposite of... *Gasp* Wario? Interesting.
...and those are reasons that he shouldn't be in Brawl?

Also he has only appeared in spinoffs and party games right? I don't think that gives him FULL right as an official character in the timeline.. But does Mario have a timeline?
I'd say something... but you already said it.

This is similar to.. If they put Toad in, they would have to put in Toadette?
Not really, because... I don't think anyone wants Toadette in Braw


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2005
Fort Woth, Tx 3265-4808-7722
I dont want Waluigi in Brawl. He has about as much personality as a can of beans and he doesnt even have any pizazz. Whats the point of him existing besides filling in another slot in a tennis/golf game. Go Home Waluigi.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Dead Hippie, PZX2DN4F, Cashed, asianpride3491, Gonzales, Exodecai101, Ferro De Lupe, Azukki, The Other Wind, Ember Joe, killbeast301, Khorsan, Fox_Rocks, magar, supermario62, Mikey yin15, Tal-IGN, Doctor Grudge, fluffy, Waluigi911, colbusman, Brahma, Master_Sheik, DokturSea, D.J Cat, DastrnMarco, Shadow Smasher, hellboy, the54effect, BIRDMAN22, G.Fizzle, Grizz Lee, Wave Bird, Plan 9, NintendoWarrior, Meta_Owns_Ur_Mom, kirbyphreak, Super Smash Master, primusfan, Pit 42, Mubariz, tamis31, Drewz, Tiamat, toasty4you, Sinistar71 (who made an amazing WL moveset), SonicFZ, LuZr!!@, Link-NY, LUVTOY77-ROGUE WIREFRAME, Luigi+Roy+C.F.+Falco=Domination, Super_Cool, Crom, WindGuru, Cerberus360, GreenKirby, Nightmare KoRn Kid, DarkKnight077, tirkaro, Brawlmatt202, El HP, Meteor Master, The wrath of Koarin, Mestro, Devastlian, Icetrash, Chibirobo, GameFreak, FSLMJM, Lu-Gi-Oh!, Jorgito, ClarkJables (originally a Waluigi hater), t0m0, I.B, K4M1K4Z3, Johnknight1, y3nia659, matthewmilad, Toasty!, Mckillyou, Reno>, 8-Bit., drewdizzal, Mayumoogie, Shade 64-luigi-, HellsAngelLust, DonkeySmasher, Blackadder, Pyroloserkid, smidge, the_Capt_Falcon_Master, domiNate, zKillah, RandomJelly, Onifrio, skullkidd, Cold_Murderer, Zhilo, Master_Pig, Link Sharingan, Dead Wire, Jackal478, and of course, me. That's exactly 103 members who would like to see Waluigi in Brawl. Unless I miscounted. Or if I forgot anyone. Or if I accedently typed someone's name in twice.
My apologies, "we" means the 100,000 members of this forum minues the 50 Waluigi supporters.

Not even personality? Oh, wait...

Oh, OK, so Waluigi's personality now consists of a lame lankey fellow who indicates to his 9-year-old strikers audience to "suck it."

So wait, Brawl would be worse with Waluigi?
As a PC, yes. Not even my 14-year-old brother who likes him thinks he should be in Brawl.

And what are the valid arguments? His name and appearence is unoriginal. Okay... He hasn't appeared in a main Wario or Mario game. True, but he's still well known and has appeared in many Mario games. There are more deserving characters. Well, of course there are! That doesn't mean that Waluigi won't make it in.
He has appeared in 0 Mario titles. Sports games are not Mario titles. Other than that, you said it all right there. He has no credentials to be in Brawl. A lot of people know him...a lot of people know Barney, too, doesn't mean he should be in.

So THAT'S what they mean by "we!"
No, try reading what I just said...twice now.

AHA! So you DIDN'T read the past pages! 90%? Exaggerating?
Actually I did. That's what I just said. 90% is not exaggerating. Perhaps YOU didn't read them...

I was just saying that that's a possibility... Although in retrospect, it's not a very good one.
There ya go.

WTF? So Waluigi being in Brawl would hurt Wario's feelings or something like that? I'm sure the developers wanted Wario in the original and melee, but they didn't have time or there wasn't enough space for him. Hey, if Waluigi can be in, he can be in. The first Smash game you appear in doesn't say how important the character is. It's just a video game where electric mice, puffballs, racecar drivers and plumbers beat each other for no reason! Why does that matter?
It's an insult to his fans...whatever. Don't take everything so literally. Waluigi is NOT more important than Wario; he's not even close to being equal with him. Waluigi is a waste of space, simple as that. I'm not going to keep repeating why he shouldn't be in because there are 50 pages filled with it. Try reading some of them. Also, it's Nintendo's All-Stars, not any filler we can find...

Then make him an AT. I don't care. As long as he appears.
Now you're being more reasonable.

Read what I wrote.

See, whenever someone makes a very long anti-WL post, people always assumes that everything is over and the pro-WL are "pwned," served," etc. But not really.
You admitted this yourself.

I'm not going to keep re-clarifying it for you. Read this post. Read my other posts. Read the majority of the posts in this thread...they all explain very well why he has no place being in Brawl.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
...and those are reasons that he shouldn't be in Brawl?

I'd say something... but you already said it.

Not really, because... I don't think anyone wants Toadette in Braw
Did I say Waluigi shouldn't be in Brawl?... Hmm.

I am thinking it but I certainly didn't say it as I don't have anything to back myself up.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
It's funny how people repeat the same thing again and again ok lets see.

1-Suck: LOL opinions seriously people you think Waluigi sucks that's fine everyone has a different opinion but please don't state your opinion as fact because isn't.

2-Spin-off: remember Doctor Mario? yep that guy comes from a spin-off yet he was in melee and it doesn't matter that melee was rushed the point is that a character from a spin-off made it to the roster, why is Wario wearing clothes and have moves from a spin-off? why there's a stage based on a spin-off? and you know what Waluigi has not only appeared on spin-offs he appeared in G&W gallery 4 in the game boxing just to let you know.

3-Nintendo All-Stars: Is Snake a nintendo all-star? what about IC, Falco, Sheik? lets take out the lesser known characters that added more to competitive play than the likes of mario and link the "All-Stars" which both of them suck in melee.

4-He has no games: did falco, ganon, zelda, peach among others had their own game? at least he has a chance to get his own game starting by the rumored Super Wario Bros.

5-No personality: I love mario and link personality(sarcasm) and you know this is a fighting game so what's the point of this?

6-No moves: whirlwind, eggplant, swim, piranha plant, gold mantis and more.

7-He is second party: sorry folks but nintendo owns the rights of Waluigi just like they own Diddy Kong, Krystal and Golden Sun.

8-No franchise: He can be related to mario or he can be related to Wrecking Crew since many of his traits are based on that series he even has the destruction dance based on that series and problem solved.

9-There are more deserving characters: true but like I said there's always room for the lesser known characters that in fact most of the time add more to the game than the better known characters.

Now people say everyone hates Waluigi it doesn't matter because the developers are the ones who will decide who will be in.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
It's funny how people repeat the same thing again and again ok lets see.
You said it; so stop bringing up the same old tired "arguments." But, to humor you, I'll respond to all of the things you listed.

1-Suck: LOL opinions seriously people you think Waluigi sucks that's fine everyone has a different opinion but please don't state your opinion as fact because isn't.
Everyone hates him. That's enough of a reason to keep him out. If popularity like with Dedede, Ridley, and Diddy is enough to get those characters in, then unpopularity is enough to keep Waluigi out. Not to mention that all of those (and more) bring originality to the table. This does not apply to Waluigi in the least. Let me say again..."He can throw bombs or something."

2-Spin-off: remember Doctor Mario? yep that guy comes from a spin-off yet he was in melee and it doesn't matter that melee was rushed the point is that a character from a spin-off made it to the roster, why is Wario wearing clothes and have moves from a spin-off? why there's a stage based on a spin-off? and you know what Waluigi has not only appeared on spin-offs he appeared in G&W gallery 4 in the game boxing just to let you know.
Dr. Mario's game was awesome. So awesome that they re-released it about 10 times. Let's compare that to Waluigi's game...oh, yeah. He's never been in one.

Anyway, to say that Waluigi was a "spin-off" would be to give him far too much credit. Wario himself is a spin-off; so that point is moot. The point is that Waluigi used the same formula with the name, letter, physique, etc. He is unoriginal in every sense of the word. "Spin-off" doesn't mean "unoriginal." The fact is, spin-offs occur because of a character's popularity. Show me Waluigi's game.

3-Nintendo All-Stars: Is Snake a nintendo all-star? what about IC, Falco, Sheik? lets take out the lesser known characters that added more to competitive play than the likes of mario and link the "All-Stars" which both of them suck in melee.
I don't like 3rd parties, but that Pandora's Box has already been opened. Even Sakurai, though, said he wanted to severely limit the number of TPCs that got in. Let's also keep in mind, though, that Sakurai wants original characters who will bring uniqueness and creativity to Brawl. Waluigi doesn't fit the bill. Look at Goroh.

ICs are classic retro; they (as well as many retro characters) are as important as Mario in getting Nintendo started. Falco is an important character from a popular/important series. Mario has all of his other important characters in. Fox gets one, too. This is a very poor point as Waluigi is neither popular, interesting, nor important. Sheik is an alter ego of Zelda. Perfectly acceptable.

4-He has no games: did falco, ganon, zelda, peach among others had their own game? at least he has a chance to get his own game starting by the rumored Super Wario Bros.
Yes, Falco was in SF for SNES, SF64, SF Assault, and SF Command. Show me Waluigi's game. Ganondorf was in LttP, OoT, WW, and TP. Show me Waluigi's game. Zelda was in every Zelda game (hence her namesake >_<). Show me Waluigi's series. Peach has been in almost (if not every, since there are so many) Mario game ever. Show me the games Waluigi has been in.

Until that happens (which is still seems pretty far-fetched) he has no place in Smash.

5-No personality: I love mario and link personality(sarcasm) and you know this is a fighting game so what's the point of this?
How dare you compare him to Link or Mario. And yes, they both have plenty of personality, not to mention they've each starred in more than a dozen platformers each. Show me Waluigi's games. Waluigi would have no personality. I've yet to see anything to show otherwise. His moveset can be..."He can throw bombs or something."

6-No moves: whirlwind, eggplant, swim, piranha plant, gold mantis and more.
"He can throw bombs or something."

7-He is second party: sorry folks but nintendo owns the rights of Waluigi just like they own Diddy Kong, Krystal and Golden Sun.
I doubt anyone has said this, as Smash itself is 2nd party.

8-No franchise: He can be related to mario or he can be related to Wrecking Crew since many of his traits are based on that series he even has the destruction dance based on that series and problem solved.
Read the thread for crying out loud. He has no history with WC.

9-There are more deserving characters: true but like I said there's always room for the lesser known characters that in fact most of the time add more to the game than the better known characters.
I can give you a list of 100 characters more deserving and more interesting than Waluigi. There is no room for Waluigi. He can add nothing to the game. "He can throw bombs or something."

Now people say everyone hates Waluigi it doesn't matter because the developers are the ones who will decide who will be in.
Look at Goroh; it's clear they hate unoriginality. "He can throw bombs or something."


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Also, Waluigi would probably end up as the highest tier Mario character simply due to his godly range (worked for Marth). I mean, look at those arms!

Would also need a disjointed hitbox, fast speed, good strength and good priority too but this was a joke point. Haha.

Just for the sake of asking xianfeng, when has Diddy kong had such a huge following? Minus Diddy Kong racing, he has played a filler and secondary role for DK (even in DKC2, Dixie became more popular and more people tended to use her, which was why he was replaced by kiddie kong in DKC3). Since his return, he has played just as important a role (if not less) then Waluigi in the Mario Universe. You, as well as many of the other Waluigi haters here, seem to like resaying the same 3 or 4 things again and again and again:

Diddy Kong was one of the most popular characters in the series, despite being replaced in DKC3, and the fact that he's the original partner to DK and the 2nd most important character in one of the top 5 biggest franchises of all time says a lot. I just love it how Waluigi supporters like to compare him to characters that outclass him by far.

1. Waluigi is unoriginal

What makes Falco so creative? He's a bird anthro that flies a spaceship like the other 3 starfox pilots. He's the stereotypical "Cool guy with mysterious past" character you see in almost EVERY anime that involves combat of any sort. Or Captain Falcon, as much as I love F-Zero, he's very average, a futuristic, Helmeted bounty hunter(who does THAT sound like, hmmm....I wonder..?) that races around with 40 equally unoriginal (though likeable) characters. Waluigi may be uninspired and cliche', but he's FAR from alone in the Smash Bros. cast.

A) Both characters you mentioned there were created at the beginning of their franchises, in the canon games, and at the time there was no need to have detailed characters with rich backgrounds. Wow...odd feeling like I've said all of this before. That and both games you mentioned revolve more around the vehicles they're piloting than the characters themselves, more notably in F-Zero's case. Had both games been say, adventure games, then there'd probably have been more of a need to make interesting characters to grab the player's attention rather than shiny machines.

B) Waluigi takes uninspired cheap unoriginal ripoffs to a whole new level. As previously stated, he just keeps on ripping off other characters which neither Falco nor Captain Falcon do. Their names may be particularly uninspired for example, but hell they aren't ripping off 2 other characters in some lame attempt at linking the characters into a franchise.

2. Waluigi has only been in Party games / Waluigi started out in MARIO TENNIS / Waluigi is a "Filler" character

I dislike repeating myself, but every character in smash bros. represents something about Nintendo and it's amazing history. Waluigi could easily represent the five or six party games that nintendo releases each and every year (a well liked and profitable move, an opinion I share with many), as well as the entire genre itself. Also, in my honest opinion, waluigi is a clever nod to wrecking crew, a classic, forgotten pre-Super Mario Bros. Mario game, a game that he could easily represent, in moves and in spirit.

Sorry? Did I just hear that right? A representative of the MARIO party games? Which almost all of the Mario cast participate in anyway? Even if there was a need for it, as if all the Mario characters didn't rep it already, why not Toad or Daisy? Toad usually plays a bigger part in the games (as the host) anyway, so he'd be perfect.

Wrecking Crew was also just more or less a Donkey Kong vs. Jumpman ripoff, the only good thing that came out of that was Wario (in a minor way). It's hardly a "classic".

3. Waluigi is boring

No, YOU think he his. How boring a character is is nothing but opinion, and to go around acting like it's fact with no regard for other people's opinions makes you an *******, and just because YOU hate a character doesn't mean others do, so don't think of your opinion as fact.

It's just when most people seem to think that he's boring it's a bad thing. Ever hear of the Poll Tax? Sure not everyone hated it, but that didn't mean the government should have kept it just because the minority didn't mind it.

4. Waluigi is a waste of the developer's time

Again, this is opinion. It clearly wasn't a waste of time for the developers to make waluigi, so why would it be a waste to make a moveset for him.

Actually, it would be a waste of developers time to get rid of Waluigi, merely because by getting rid of Waluigi it'd just create the need for another filler. However why they should put the same effort into building a moveset from scratch like they did for Fox or Captain Falcon is a much worthier question. I'll save you having to answer that, they shouldn't.

My point is, if you dislike Waluigi, you are entitled to your opinion, but don't just say the same reasons again and again. Some original output from the nay-sayers could help your cause out a lot.

Wow. I think the irony might have just killed me.

I don't think many people realize a cold, hard, Nintendo truth that has been masked for ever so long; Mario himself is as bad as Waluigi. Think about it: in all of Mario's games, the stories have been bland, and Mario has been forced into situations, revealing absolutely nothing about his character. He is the stereotypical hero type, with nothing but his looks original. The only reason he is so widely supported is because he's starred in so many games, which makes no sense.

Waluigi may be a filler character with not much personality, but it is slowly being established through the sports games. For example, in Mario Power Tennis, it is revealed that he is mischievous and an annoyance for Mario and Luigi, rather than a full-fledged villain like Bowser. That alone, combined with his stature, range, affinity for Bob-Ombs and special moves in his games, is enough to make him equal to Mario, who is the quintessential Brawl character.

^ I stopped reading, right there. Anything after is unreadable due to the tears of laughter welling up in my eyes. Whoever wrote that should go into standup.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
I do hope not, really. And I do think a lack of 'regular' Wario doesn't bode well at all for Waluigi. (Seeing as all of Waluigi's appearances seem to bolt him to Wario at the hip.)

But a lot of folks do like his sense of comic relief, so I suppose I wouldn't be horribly surprised if he was dropped in for the Japanese fans, at least...knowing their crazy sense of humor.


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
3-Nintendo All-Stars: Is Snake a nintendo all-star? what about IC, Falco, Sheik? lets take out the lesser known characters that added more to competitive play than the likes of mario and link the "All-Stars" which both of them suck in melee.

4-He has no games: did falco, ganon, zelda, peach among others had their own game? at least he has a chance to get his own game starting by the rumored Super Wario Bros.
Although you made some strong points there I just wanted to correct you.

1. IC's are actually Nintendo All-Stars. They're on the list. (Forgot link)
2. Peach has had own game. It was for the DS and I heard it was quite good.


I agree with your points El. WaLuigi is one of my favourite charcters from the Mario games. He is mostly always picked when I play Mario Kart.

I think he proberly could fit into Brawl, but he would have to have his own unique move set. Not a cheap clone.

Although I could see him more as an assist or helping Wario as in a move or something, if WaLuigi can make it into this game myself and other gamers a like would be pleased. OR angry. :)


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
My apologies, "we" means the 100,000 members of this forum minues the 50 Waluigi supporters.
1. There aren't even 100,000 members here.
2. I don't think that everyone in the entire board hates him.
3. Do you know how to count?

Oh, OK, so Waluigi's personality now consists of a lame lankey fellow who indicates to his 9-year-old strikers audience to "suck it."
...seriously, has anyone read my post?

He isn't really greedy, but he is selfish. He cheats, hates when he loses, makes random comments, brags when he wins and always does it in an "in-your-face" way, he is inappropriate (remember his taunt in Super Mario Strikers? The cr0tch chop?) he's always cocky and cheers for himself.
As a PC, yes. Not even my 14-year-old brother who likes him thinks he should be in Brawl.
No, no, no, no. Having Waluigi or any character wouldn't make the game worse. You don't know what he would be like in Brawl. That's the problem with most of the arguments in the Brawl Character Discussion. No one knows what any of the characters will be like in Brawl if added. We only talk about the character itself.
He has appeared in 0 Mario titles. Sports games are not Mario titles. Other than that, you said it all right there. He has no credentials to be in Brawl. A lot of people know him...a lot of people know Barney, too, doesn't mean he should be in.
Technically, they are Mario games, just not part of the MAIN Mario series.

Actually I did. That's what I just said. 90% is not exaggerating. Perhaps YOU didn't read them...
Oh, I did read them. How do you think I got that list of members that support Waluigi? Do you think I just made it up? 90% isn't true. Maybe 70, 60, or 50, but not 90.

There ya go.
Yeah, I don't even remember typing "he could throw bombs or something.."

That was a stupid thing to say...
It's an insult to his fans...whatever. Don't take everything so literally. Waluigi is NOT more important than Wario; he's not even close to being equal with him.
Of course.
Waluigi is a waste of space, simple as that. I'm not going to keep repeating why he shouldn't be in because there are 50 pages filled with it. Try reading some of them.
I did.

I'm not going to keep re-clarifying it for you. Read this post. Read my other posts. Read the majority of the posts in this thread...they all explain very well why he has no place being in Brawl.
Okay, maybe he doesn't have a huge chance of being in Brawl. Maybe he doesn't deserve it yet. But I'm just saying it's a possibility. I would like to see him in Brawl. He probably won't make it in as a PC, but i would like to see that.
Everyone hates him. That's enough of a reason to keep him out.
And by "everyone," you mean the Waluigi haters, right?

If popularity like with Dedede, Ridley, and Diddy is enough to get those characters in, then unpopularity is enough to keep Waluigi out. Not to mention that all of those (and more) bring originality to the table. This does not apply to Waluigi in the least.
Well, he may not be as popular as those guys, but he is still (in a way) popular. I remember posting all of these links of fan site, games, videos... I'd post it again... but you wouldn't care.

And yes, he was unoriginal... but it's just his NAME and APPEARENCE. He's become his own character.

Let me say again..."He can throw bombs or something."

Dr. Mario's game was awesome. So awesome that they re-released it about 10 times. Let's compare that to Waluigi's game...oh, yeah. He's never been in one.
So you need our own game to be in Brawl?

Anyway, to say that Waluigi was a "spin-off" would be to give him far too much credit. Wario himself is a spin-off; so that point is moot. The point is that Waluigi used the same formula with the name, letter, physique, etc. He is unoriginal in every sense of the word. "Spin-off" doesn't mean "unoriginal." The fact is, spin-offs occur because of a character's popularity. Show me Waluigi's game.
Me just now said:
And yes, he was unoriginal... but it's just his NAME and APPEARENCE. He's become his own character.

So you need our own game to be in Brawl?

I don't like 3rd parties, but that Pandora's Box has already been opened. Even Sakurai, though, said he wanted to severely limit the number of TPCs that got in. Let's also keep in mind, though, that Sakurai wants original characters who will bring uniqueness and creativity to Brawl. Waluigi doesn't fit the bill. Look at Goroh.
I'm not saying he never said that... but when did he say that?

ICs are classic retro; they (as well as many retro characters) are as important as Mario in getting Nintendo started. Falco is an important character from a popular/important series. Mario has all of his other important characters in. Fox gets one, too.
This is a very poor point as Waluigi is neither popular, interesting, nor important.
While you are right that he isn't that important, like I said earlier, in his own way, he is popular and he's definately more interesting than characters like Mario who doesn't really say or do anything interesting. He has to appear in Brawl, because of his games.

Yes, Falco was in SF for SNES, SF64, SF Assault, and SF Command. Show me Waluigi's game.
But those aren't Falco's games.
Ganondorf was in LttP, OoT, WW, and TP. Show me Waluigi's game.
But those aren't Ganondorf's games.
Zelda was in every Zelda game (hence her namesake >_<).
Show me Waluigi's series. Peach has been in almost (if not every, since there are so many) Mario game ever. Show me the games Waluigi has been in.
Now you need your own series?
Until that happens (which is still seems pretty far-fetched) he has no place in Smash.
It could happen.


How dare you compare him to Link or Mario. And yes, they both have plenty of personality, not to mention they've each starred in more than a dozen platformers each.
Okay, what is their personality?
Show me Waluigi's games.
Waluigi would have no personality. I've yet to see anything to show otherwise.
I think I already told you what it is... but you ignored it.
His moveset can be..."He can throw bombs or something."

Did you read Sinistar71's moveset?
"He can throw bombs or something."

I doubt anyone has said this, as Smash itself is 2nd party.

Read the thread for crying out loud. He has no history with WC.
But he has referenced WC many times.

I can give you a list of 100 characters more deserving and more interesting than Waluigi.
Okay. Give me one.
There is no room for Waluigi. He can add nothing to the game.
How do you know?

"He can throw bombs or something."
*goes back to edit post*

Look at Goroh; it's clear they hate unoriginality. "He can throw bombs or something."
But really, Waluigi has just about as much right to be in Brawl as Toadette. They were only created to be fillers, and have no really influence on the storylines of any mainstream Mario (and in this case Wario) games.
Well, yeah... 'cept no one wants Toadette in Brawl.
I do hope not, really. And I do think a lack of 'regular' Wario doesn't bode well at all for Waluigi. (Seeing as all of Waluigi's appearances seem to bolt him to Wario at the hip.)

But a lot of folks do like his sense of comic relief, so I suppose I wouldn't be horribly surprised if he was dropped in for the Japanese fans, at least...knowing their crazy sense of humor.
Although you made some strong points there I just wanted to correct you.

1. IC's are actually Nintendo All-Stars. They're on the list. (Forgot link)
2. Peach has had own game. It was for the DS and I heard it was quite good.


I agree with your points El. WaLuigi is one of my favourite charcters from the Mario games. He is mostly always picked when I play Mario Kart.

I think he proberly could fit into Brawl, but he would have to have his own unique move set. Not a cheap clone.

Although I could see him more as an assist or helping Wario as in a move or something, if WaLuigi can make it into this game myself and other gamers a like would be pleased. OR angry. :)
Maybe Wario's B atack could be pulling Waluigi out to block other people's attacks like Toad in Melee. :D


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
2-Spin-off: remember Doctor Mario? yep that guy comes from a spin-off yet he was in melee and it doesn't matter that melee was rushed the point is that a character from a spin-off made it to the roster, why is Wario wearing clothes and have moves from a spin-off? why there's a stage based on a spin-off? and you know what Waluigi has not only appeared on spin-offs he appeared in G&W gallery 4 in the game boxing just to let you know.

3-Nintendo All-Stars: Is Snake a nintendo all-star? what about IC, Falco, Sheik? lets take out the lesser known characters that added more to competitive play than the likes of mario and link the "All-Stars" which both of them suck in melee.

4-He has no games: did falco, ganon, zelda, peach among others had their own game? at least he has a chance to get his own game starting by the rumored Super Wario Bros.

8-No franchise: He can be related to mario or he can be related to Wrecking Crew since many of his traits are based on that series he even has the destruction dance based on that series and problem solved.

Now people say everyone hates Waluigi it doesn't matter because the developers are the ones who will decide who will be in.
2: Doctor Mario was put in the game as FILLER. They needed to save space for another character, and the best clone of Mario that they could find was... well... Mario in a doctor's outfit! He was a last ditch character, and a bad one at that. But since they're not going to add clone characters this time (that we know of) Wally doesn't have that great of a chance.

3: Snake isn't a Nintendo All-Star, no. But he has done more for Konami than Waluigi has done for Nintendo. He's a big name, and an All-Star in every respect. ICs have their own game... does Waluigi? Falco's been in every Starfox game and is playable in most. And Sheik made the cut because of the huge commercial success of OoT, a canon game in the Zelda franchise. Notice that the Zelda characters in Melee were all based off their OoT versions? And how was Sakurai to know she wouldn't be in anymore games? But all-in-all, these characters are All-Stars in one way or another. Waluigi hasn't earned that title yet.

4: Once again, they were all in multiple, if not all, canon games to their series. And yes, Peach has her own game (Super Princess Peach) not to mention she has playable roles in SMRPG, Paper Mario, Super Paper Mario, and Super Mario Bros. 2 (and let's not dive into the Doki-Doki Panic arguement again now, alright everyone?) And Zelda did have her own game too, even though it was that horrible Phillips Disk Drive game.

And "there could maybe possibly eventually Super Wario Bros" is a dumb arguement. I'm sorry. But really, you could say that anyone 'might' get their own game eventually.

8: HE WASN'T IN WRECKING CREW! Wario's concept was based off the villain in Wrecking Crew, so basically all Waluigi is, is a rip-off of a rip-off.

But you are right about that last part... it is up to the developers, not us.

Well, yeah... 'cept no one wants Toadette in Brawl.
This is just about as bad an arguement as "There may be a Super Wario Bros game eventually possibly maybe".
Also, it's totally not true. I've seen Toadette for Brawl sigs all over these boards. I dare you to find me any Nintendo character and prove that not a soul likes the idea of them in Brawl.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
Dr. Mario's game was awesome. So awesome that they re-released it about 10 times. Let's compare that to Waluigi's game...oh, yeah. He's never been in one.
Waluigi has never been in a videogame? I thought he was a videogame character but if you say so(sarcasm) and Dr. Mario is one of the worst nintendo games I have ever played it's just a tetris clone how original.

Anyway, to say that Waluigi was a "spin-off" would be to give him far too much credit. Wario himself is a spin-off; so that point is moot. The point is that Waluigi used the same formula with the name, letter, physique, etc. He is unoriginal in every sense of the word. "Spin-off" doesn't mean "unoriginal." The fact is, spin-offs occur because of a character's popularity. Show me Waluigi's game.
Do you even know what a spin-off is?

I don't like 3rd parties, but that Pandora's Box has already been opened. Even Sakurai, though, said he wanted to severely limit the number of TPCs that got in. Let's also keep in mind, though, that Sakurai wants original characters who will bring uniqueness and creativity to Brawl. Waluigi doesn't fit the bill. Look at Goroh.
Yeah original like the clones in melee.

ICs are classic retro; they (as well as many retro characters) are as important as Mario in getting Nintendo started. Falco is an important character from a popular/important series. Mario has all of his other important characters in. Fox gets one, too. This is a very poor point as Waluigi is neither popular, interesting, nor important. Sheik is an alter ego of Zelda. Perfectly acceptable.
Yeah IC are so important that they are dead, falco is a secondary character from a unimportant series you know SF is one of nintendo worst selling franchises, Sheik is a clothes change that will never appear in a videogame ever again.

Yes, Falco was in SF for SNES, SF64, SF Assault, and SF Command. Show me Waluigi's game. Ganondorf was in LttP, OoT, WW, and TP. Show me Waluigi's game. Zelda was in every Zelda game (hence her namesake >_<). Show me Waluigi's series. Peach has been in almost (if not every, since there are so many) Mario game ever. Show me the games Waluigi has been in.
Wow I didn't know falco had his own game named Star Falco where he is the protagonist(sarcasm), yeah playing as ganon in zelda was so great(sarcasm), zelda isn't the protagonist and she doesn't appear in all the games of the series sorry and peach wasn't playable and didn't have her own game until super princess peach.

How dare you compare him to Link or Mario. And yes, they both have plenty of personality, not to mention they've each starred in more than a dozen platformers each. Show me Waluigi's games. Waluigi would have no personality. I've yet to see anything to show otherwise. His moveset can be..."He can throw bombs or something."
Nice way to dodge my question and tell me what's their personality?

Read the thread for crying out loud. He has no history with WC.
He is related to it the destruction dance, the eggplant and the gold mantis proves this.

I can give you a list of 100 characters more deserving and more interesting than Waluigi. There is no room for Waluigi. He can add nothing to the game. "He can throw bombs or something."
Give that list then.

And you know mario can jump and throw fireballs, link can throw bombs and boomerangs, yoshi can throw eggs, samus can shoot missiles and the list goes.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 20, 2007
In the winners circle Mains: JigglyPuff, Gannondo
Ok, iver been reading this for who knows how long, im getting kinda tired how you guys fight like little kids, this si a Quote form this site http://blogs.ign.com/AlloyNES/p13, (which by-the-way, had some good reasons why waluigi should, well, not to choose sides or anything, "appear" in this game) which is a quote from Wikipedia,

Wikipedia: Waluigi's name has a dual-meaning in Japanese. The Japanese word "warui" (??, "warui"?) means "bad" or "evil" ("Warui" is also a condescending way of apologizing, as opposed to "gomennasai", or "sumimasen" which are more polite). This means that Waluigi's name is a portmanteau of "warui" and "Luigi" and essentially means "Evil Luigi". Many believe his name to be a cheap offshoot of Wario's name rather than being derived from Luigi's name. Similarly, "Ruiji" (the Japanese pronunciation of "Luigi) means "analogous" or "copy"; giving Waluigi's name the double-meaning of "Evil Copy". Additionally, the name Waluigi would be pronounced in Japanese as waruiji, which rearranges the syllables of ijiwaru, the Japanese word for "mean-spirited". Note that in Japanese, the same sound is used for L and R.

now, to clear that his name is NOT a Knock off, lets move on,
Waluigi has a chance to be in brawl, not a Right, but a chance, he has more of a chance than Sonic, becuase he is actually OWNED by Nintendo,
now, im not per-say Pro Waluigi, but i'd like to see him in it, sure he dosnt have his own serise, but he can be in it, such as the caracters listed above,
also, why not be in there, there pulling PIT out of the Retro game pool, so why not get another caracter out there, and also, wouldnt it be better if there were more caracters in Brawl? the more the better i say, so why not, bring him on in, if he is a filler caracter than he should fill in a slot for Brawl. and also BTW, i dont go on here a lot so i dont have a high post count or rank, so if you do flame me, well, ill probably wont be here to see it. and also, for all you Waluigi haters out there, why Wouldnt you want him in htere, if he is in there, you can use him as a training Dummy.
so, im off, and if you do in fact find somthing to counter what i say, well, i think you should get a day job...:urg:


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Lets put it this way, if U people want waluigi JUST because wario is in, then daisy and toadette have as much chance entering if Peach and Toad are in brawl.... Thats the deal, u guys dont want them, so WHY would waluigi? he doesnt deserve it...

Waluigi is freaking unoriginal, hes a copy of wario who is a copy of mario, being the evil copy of luig... yeah uniqueness alrite [/sarcasm]...

also yaung, U know why pit is added? cause even after ALL these years, he was one of the most requested characters, and now with sakurais poll u can see which characters we players want to see, and guess what? waluigi is NOWHERE to be seen...

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
1. There aren't even 100,000 members here.
2. I don't think that everyone in the entire board hates him.
3. Do you know how to count?
You're wrong. Check the members list yourself. You're wrong everyone does hate them.

No, no, no, no. Having Waluigi or any character wouldn't make the game worse. You don't know what he would be like in Brawl. That's the problem with most of the arguments in the Brawl Character Discussion. No one knows what any of the characters will be like in Brawl if added. We only talk about the character itself.
"What he would be like" is irrelevant. He won't be playable.

Technically, they are Mario games, just not part of the MAIN Mario series.
Well, isn't this the entire point of the discussion?

Oh, I did read them. How do you think I got that list of members that support Waluigi? Do you think I just made it up? 90% isn't true. Maybe 70, 60, or 50, but not 90.
I don't care about the percent, but if you read them, why are you asking the same questions, and making the same false assumptions/comparisons??

Yeah, I don't even remember typing "he could throw bombs or something.."

That was a stupid thing to say...
OK, everything you say from now on should be discredited because as anyone can see by going back and looking at the original post (where I responded and commented) you can see that he edited it and took out where he mad this statement so that no one could go back and refute that he did, in fact, make this statement. You sir, lose.

And by "everyone," you mean the Waluigi haters, right?
Yes, which is pretty much everyone.

So you need our own game to be in Brawl?
You need to be in a game. A real one. And you need to be important to the series in some way. Waluigi is not. As someone pointed out, he's no more important to the series than Toadette.

I'm not saying he never said that... but when did he say that?
Why do I have to find everything for you? Read through SamuraiPanda's translation thread. Read the Sakurai's comments on characters thread. They both have a lot of good info. Anyway, look at Goroh.

While you are right that he isn't that important, like I said earlier, in his own way, he is popular and he's definately more interesting than characters like Mario who doesn't really say or do anything interesting. He has to appear in Brawl, because of his games.
Yup, not important.

How is Waluigi more interesting than Mario? Because he's a copy of a copy of a copy? I thought you people hated clones? You fail.

But those aren't Falco's games.

But those aren't Ganondorf's games.


Now you need your own series?
Show me Waluigi's game.

Okay, what is their personality?
Seriously, stop comparing Waluigi to characters like Mario, Link, and Captain Falcon. You're making yourself look like an idiot.

But he has referenced WC many times.
No he wasn't. Read Vali's post.

Okay. Give me one.
Guess what...I already posted it earlier. Maybe you should have read it since you read the whole thread. If you guys stop making ******** statements about why Waluigi "deserves" to be in or stop saying the same thing and asking the same questions over and over, I might go back and find it.

How do you know?
You told me yourself. "He can throw bombs or something."

*goes back to edit post*
See?? I knew it!

Waluigi has never been in a videogame? I thought he was a videogame character but if you say so(sarcasm) and Dr. Mario is one of the worst nintendo games I have ever played it's just a tetris clone how original.
Platformer. Geez...context!

There is so much irony in your post. Instead of pointing it out, though, I'll just laugh and leave you to figure it out yourself...:laugh:

Do you even know what a spin-off is?
Yeah, I actually do. Something has popularity, so they create another franchise or another...something. Mostly it is to take advantage to profit from something's popularity but not always. Waluigi wasn't created for this purpose. He was created because Wario needed a doubles partner in Tennis. So, what the crap is your point?

Yeah original like the clones in melee.
Clearly, you are a moron.

Yeah IC are so important that they are dead, falco is a secondary character from a unimportant series you know SF is one of nintendo worst selling franchises, Sheik is a clothes change that will never appear in a videogame ever again.
Yep, it's true. You're a moron.

Wow I didn't know falco had his own game named Star Falco where he is the protagonist(sarcasm), yeah playing as ganon in zelda was so great(sarcasm), zelda isn't the protagonist and she doesn't appear in all the games of the series sorry and peach wasn't playable and didn't have her own game until super princess peach.
Instead of responding, I'll just point and laugh at your idiocy. :laugh:

Nice way to dodge my question and tell me what's their personality?
Last time I checked Mario and Link were in Brawl. Waluigi will not be.

He is related to it the destruction dance, the eggplant and the gold mantis proves this.
You're wrong. Read other people's stuff. They have pointed this out over and over again.

Give that list then.
I might just since you guys are that stupid.

And you know mario can jump and throw fireballs, link can throw bombs and boomerangs, yoshi can throw eggs, samus can shoot missiles and the list goes.
Point? What's your point? My point was that even the pro-Waluigi guys had trouble thinking up something for him to do AS...AN...ASSIST...TROPHY. Let alone a whole moveset. He has nothing special that would make the developers take the time to create a whole moveset for him. He's boring and unoriginal. He would be a waste of space. Why do we have to keep explaining it over and over and over to all of you simple-minded people?


EDIT: By popular demand, I compiled this...

Characters more deserving/interesting than Waluigi (in no particular order):

Ridley, King Dedede, Diddy, Dixie, Dark Samus, Skull Kid, WW Link, Tetra, Vaati, Midna/Wolf, Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario, any of the Koopalings, Stafy, Little Mac, Mach Rider, Ray01, Takamaru, Poo, Jeff, Paula, Lucas, Claus, Krystal, Wolf O'Donnell, Katt Monroe, Slippy, Peppy, Leon, Andross, Goroh, Pico, Black Shadow, Deathborn, Darunia, Impa, Mikau (or some other Zora), K. Rool, Bubbles, Tamagon, Mach Rider, Balloon Fighter, Captain Syrup, 9-volt, Orbulon, Jimmy T., Dribble and Spitz, Toad, Knuckle Joe, Sir Kibbles, Captain Olimar, Louie, Muddy Mole, Resetti, Tom Nook, Mike Jones, Ike, Black Knight, Ayra, Hector, Lyn, Isaac, Felix, Mia, Jenna, Ivan, Garet (all GS characters), Rundus, Sylux, Spire, other Hunters, Kraid, Knuckles, Pacman, Gex, Adeleine, Red, Bulbasaur, Charizard, Squirtle, Poliwhirl, Lucario, Deoxys, (honestly I could give you 100 Pokemon who would be more interesting than Waluigi)

...just to name a few. All of those characters are more interesting than Waluigi and would be more unique in Brawl. They have also all appeared in normal titles, which is more than we can say about our party/sports game-bound fellow. There are also plenty of other minions and whatnot that I didn't list that would also be more interesting and have also appeared in platformers, unlike Waluigi. I'm also not very familiar with a lot of series; so I only listed the few I could think of. And, there are only a few 3rd party characters up there, but one could make a whole list of those type who would be better suited than Waluigi, too.

In short, pwnd.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
You're wrong. Check the members list yourself. You're wrong everyone does hate them.
I checked. You're wrong.

"What he would be like" is irrelevant. He won't be playable.
"What he COULD be like?"

I don't care about the percent, but if you read them, why are you asking the same questions, and making the same false assumptions/comparisons??

OK, everything you say from now on should be discredited because as anyone can see by going back and looking at the original post (where I responded and commented) you can see that he edited it and took out where he mad this statement so that no one could go back and refute that he did, in fact, make this statement. You sir, lose.
I just edited it because it was a stupid thing to say. And why should it matter? You know I made that statement.

Yes, which is pretty much everyone.

Why do I have to find everything for you? Read through SamuraiPanda's translation thread. Read the Sakurai's comments on characters thread. They both have a lot of good info. Anyway, look at Goroh.

Yup, not important.

How is Waluigi more interesting than Mario? Because he's a copy of a copy of a copy? I thought you people hated clones? You fail.
I don't find Mario to be a very interesting character.

Also, what is your definition of interesting? Original?
Show me Waluigi's game.
Shoe me Falco and Ganondorf's games.

Seriously, stop comparing Waluigi to characters like Mario, Link, and Captain Falcon. You're making yourself look like an idiot.

No he wasn't. Read Vali's post.
I did.

Vali said:
Since there was a purple Luigi in WC and the fact that FS could be argued ais the very beginnings of Wario, Nintendo's obviously played into the fanservice with giving links of Waluigi to WC because of it due to Waluigi being Wario's brother and all. Waluigi was never part of WC as neither was Wario.

Guess what...I already posted it earlier. Maybe you should have read it since you read the whole thread. If you guys stop making ******** statements about why Waluigi "deserves" to be in or stop saying the same thing and asking the same questions over and over, I might go back and find it.

You told me yourself. "He can throw bombs or something."
Well, that's not all he can do...

See?? I knew it!

Clearly, you are a moron.

Yep, it's true. You're a moron.

Instead of responding, I'll just point and laugh at your idiocy. :laugh:

Last time I checked Mario and Link were in Brawl. Waluigi will not be.
Wow, el HP is right. You do dodge questions, followed by insulting us because you're "obviously more intelligent and superior than us."

I might just since you guys are that stupid.

Point? What's your point? My point was that even the pro-Waluigi guys had trouble thinking up something for him to do AS...AN...ASSIST...TROPHY. Let alone a whole moveset. He has nothing special that would make the developers take the time to create a whole moveset for him.
People here have thought of good ideas for movesets (that isn't "he could throw bombs or something)
He's boring and unoriginal. He would be a waste of space.
Why do we have to keep explaining it over and over and over to all of you simple-minded people?
Because... we don't agree?

Hey, I'm just curious, but do you respect our opinion or think that we're all idiots?

Do you think that only simple minded people want Waluigi in?

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I checked. You're wrong.
I have no idea what that number is at the front of the SWF site, but if you talley up all the members based on the Members list, last time I checked it was 105370.

Also, what is your definition of interesting? Original?
Yes, more or less.

Shoe me Falco and Ganondorf's games.
I already did. Waluigi has never been in a non-party game. End of story. Stop using the same argument when I've clearly answered it.

Wow, el HP is right. You do dodge questions, followed by insulting us because you're "obviously more intelligent and superior than us."
No, I was just tired of answering the same thing every time. You Waluigi fans are all the same. And his points were laughable; so there was no reason to point out his flaws. And HP was the first one I called a moron, sheesh...

And, no, I didn't dodge the question. Notice how I write point-by-point responses? That's called answering every single question.

The reason I didn't seem to answer it in your eyes is because I didn't feel like writing an in-depth analysis of their character-types. It was really a side point; so it wasn't worth it. I'm still not going to do it because it's not really relevant to this matter. Just look at my list of characters above...they're more interesting than Waluigi.

Anyway, no one has ever given a reason why Waluigi should be in other than "Wario is in." Talk about avoiding the question!

Hey, I'm just curious, but do you respect our opinion or think that we're all idiots?

Do you think that only simple minded people want Waluigi in?
Basically, Waluigi fans come in here, make some statement about why they think he should be in, people answer it fully in every aspect. Then, they just come back and make the same exact statement or whatever, completely disregarding the response. It becomes this endless cycle of having to explain why he shouldn't be in. I don't give people more credit than they deserve. If someone makes an intelligent statement, I view them as so. If people ask the same questions over and over and make the same statements over and over after people have already responded to them...I begin to question their line of thinking, yes.

I don't mind people like Waluigi as a filler, party-game character. But I do question the intelligence of anyone who thinks he would be good in Brawl.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I respect your opinions, If u want him in so be it, but saying stuff like: "Warios in, so should his partner, after all mario has luigi" just pisses me off, cause ur comparing a character created as a filler with the most famous duo among videogame characters... which is pretty ********...

Look ur comparing waluigi with falco and ganondorf, saying they dont have a game or their own series, and thus waluigi should be in, AGAIN that is a ******** statement, why u ask?

Falco is the partner and friendly rival to the Star fox series, among the characters of the franchise hes one of the more popular, and is important to the series...

Ganondorf is the main villain of the series, hes a powerful magician and is evil to the core, and thus, being the main villain, hes one of the most important to the srie...

see a connection? BOTH of them are important to their respective series, they WERENT created as fillers, and are popular among gamers... Now waluigi is a totally diferent story...

Not only was he created as a filler, but COMPARING him with other more deserving characters, he has a very slim chance, why u ask? cause of his popularity and 0 uniqueness...

Hes a copy copy of luigi, with a bit of wario, whose a copy of mario, how is that unique? true mario doesnt have much of a personality just like waluigi, but CMON ur comparing a filler with THE greatest videogame character of all time...

Not only that he had almost no role in a mario game, only appearing in sports and party games, he was the main antagonist of mario DDR, oh wow he TOTALYL must be in [/sarcasm]... Really cmon compare that to the roles of other characters:

Waluigi-mario: Mario is the main hero of the series so he wins
Waluigi-luigi: Hes been around as much as mario, has a tad less popularity than his brother, and has had his OWN game, luigi wins
Waluigi-Wario: Please wario has his own series, actually make that 2 series: the wario-land and wario ware, wario wins
Waluigi-Peach: Peach is the dammsel in distress, shes the reason mario is on adventures against bowser, but not only that she has now her own game... peach wins...
Waluigi-Bowser: Bowser is the main enemy in nearly every mario game, being platform, sports or party, waluigi is only the main bad guy is a dancing game... bowser wins...
Waluigi-Toad: Toad is (I believe) in the top 5 on sakurais list, has his own game, warios woods, and has been part of the mario series since the NES, he may not be as popular as the rest, but he has had at least a role in a aplatform game of mario, waluigi has not, toad wins...
Waluigi-Daisy: Daisy is too peach as waluigi to luig, BUT daisy has at least ONE major role in a platform game, even if its on the gameboy, daisy wins...

Waluigi loses against all of the main characters, he isnt even on sakurais poll, and even chain chomp is on it!! this proves how unpopular he is in COMPARISON, now I know chain chomp cant be a PC, but those that dont have limbs or the all-star status, they can appear as an AT, so can waluigi...

Now ur ALSO comparing waluigi with retros, have u no f'king shame? the retros dont NEED to be popular, cause they are part of the old days, representing past series, guys like the ICS, GaW, Pit and other retros are there just for the old school gamers...

Also wario is representing his own series, if waluigi is added he HAS to be part of the mario series, cause wario has his WW look, and since waluigi HASNT appeared in the WW games, it will look ******** if theyre paired up even tought theyre on diferent series...

Ok HP, red maniac and the other 5 pro-waluigi, I ask u, if waluigi is in, shouldnt daisy, toadette, bowser jr, and other be in, cause peach, toad (if hes added) and bowser are in??

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Yeah, what Stryks said. (I'm glad I didn't bother going into explaining personalities.)

It comes down to this: The developers are going to put in characters who have something unique to offer. Conversely, if a character is important enough to his respective series, they will spend time creating a moveset from scratch. It's unrealistic to assume that they are going to spend time developing a character who has nothing unique to offer and is unimportant to his respective series.


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
Just in case anybody wants to compare Waluigi to other characters....

Dr. Mario: Starred in a spin-off series but he was the main character.

Zelda:The most important character in the Zelda series besides Link himself. Link goes on quests because the Hyrule princess is abducted or threatened by evil.

Young Link: He was the main character in Ocarina of Time (arguably), Majora's Mask, and the Wind Waker Zelda games.

Yoshi: has been Mario's helper in Super Mario World and has starred in games of his own

Falco: Fox's righthand man in Star Fox series plus a big help in the end of Star Fox Adventures

Pikachu: Most popular Pokemon

Jigglypuff: Second Most popular Pokemon (in Japan)

Pichu: One of the most popular Pokemon (though I hate it and I hope it never comes back)

Mewtwo: Most popular legendary Pokemon

Ice Climbers: Stars of a classic NES game

Pit: Star of a popular NES game

Mr. Game and Watch: Possibly the first Nintendo character ever and appeared in every Game and Watch game. Those games were re-released in the Gameboy.

Metaknight: A major boss in many Kirby games and was playable in two.

Zero Suit Samus: She's Samus. Nuff said.

What about Waluigi?

Waluigi: Only has appeared in spin-off Mario games. Never was the main character of any of them and his name didn't appear in any of their titles. He was a villain... in a music game.

Try comparing his importance to all the other characters on the list. Waluigi makes generic enemies such as Bloober and Starman look like popular Nintendo icons.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
Tazmily Village, Currently Maining: Lucas and Didd
Waluigi can have like, a limp sort of a moveset, being him having long arms and legs.

Okay.. Let me give you a hint.

Luigi and Mario from the past 2 SSB games have had almost the same movesets.

Waluigi and Wario wouldnt be clones.

Waluigi, can use his long and slender limbs to do damage.

Wario, uses his own style of fighting, but, having humour to them.
Jun 26, 2007
koopa cape located at the end of rainbow road
you guys talk about waluigi having no personality, but he is described as evil and greedy in various games. The smash bros. mascots link and mario have been described as brave, courageous, heroic, which in my mind is the same thing. Sooooo technically mario and link have even less personality then Mr. "no personality" waluigi.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
What? sorry I was just thinking about all the roles mario and link have in their games, and the roles waluigi has...

Its not about personality, but its role in the games he appears in, and how important he is to that series, not only is waluigi minor in both categories, but your comparing him against MARIO and LINK, guys who are THE most important caracter in their series, and that obviously have more of a role in their games, also they are very f'king popular...


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
you guys talk about waluigi having no personality, but he is described as evil and greedy in various games. The smash bros. mascots link and mario have been described as brave, courageous, heroic, which in my mind is the same thing. Sooooo technically mario and link have even less personality then Mr. "no personality" waluigi.
They have love interests, rivals/nemesises, stuff like perseverance (I mean how many times has Peach been captured now?). They're both being shown as being kind, strong, helpful blah blah blah. The personality of silent protagonists through implications in their actions and interactions with others far outweighs the personality of a useless character that does nothing and has attributes loosely thrown at him in an attempt to define him in some way.

Oh sure Waluigi has been "described" as evil and greedy but apart from firing some bomb-ombs at Mario + Luigi in an opening FMV in a sports game and attempting, and failing, to take over the world through dance in Mario DDR...he's really done absolutely nothing. What he HAS done amounts to pretty much nothing. Evil? Greedy? Hardly. More failing at life.

Heroic can be helping the needy for the single reason of it being the right thing to do. Brave and courageous are more or less the same thing though.

Oh and to the guy above that described Waluigi as having "long slender limbs", thanks for giving me a good laugh although at the same time it disgusts me with the thought of how intimate you want to get with Waluigi. Sounds like you're writing some sort of fanfiction. The bad kind.

He'll probably just throw bombs...or something...


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
I have no idea what that number is at the front of the SWF site, but if you talley up all the members based on the Members list, last time I checked it was 105370.
Eh, never mind. Doesn't matter.

Yes, more or less.

I already did. Waluigi has never been in a non-party game. End of story. Stop using the same argument when I've clearly answered it.
Okay... but I thought those were Fox's and Link's/Zelda's games.

No, I was just tired of answering the same thing every time. You Waluigi fans are all the same. And his points were laughable; so there was no reason to point out his flaws.
While a few of his points were... eh... I didn't find them laughable.

And HP was the first one I called a moron, sheesh...
I know.

And, no, I didn't dodge the question. Notice how I write point-by-point responses? That's called answering every single question.
Okay, maybe you're right, but I don't really understand why people hate him because of his name and appearence. Those are the only unoriginal things about him.

Waluigi loses against all of the main characters, he isnt even on sakurais poll, and even chain chomp is on it!! this proves how unpopular he is in COMPARISON, now I know chain chomp cant be a PC, but those that dont have limbs or the all-star status, they can appear as an AT, so can waluigi...
...I have to check the poll.

Also wario is representing his own series, if waluigi is added he HAS to be part of the mario series, cause wario has his WW look, and since waluigi HASNT appeared in the WW games, it will look ******** if theyre paired up even tought theyre on diferent series...
...didn't I just say that didn't matter a few pages ago? They're in different series. So what? It's not like they're going to be like the Ice Climbers and stick together as partners all of the time. Waluigi is a Mario character. Wario is a Wario character.

Ok HP, red maniac and the other 103 pro-waluigi,
I ask u, if waluigi is in, shouldnt daisy, toadette, bowser jr, and other be in, cause peach, toad (if hes added) and bowser are in??
Well, those shouldn't be the only reasons they should be in. And if you were paying attention, you could see that other people have said more than "if Wario's in, Waluigi should be in."
grim lizard, ur the man!!!

this thread's motto should be: "He can throw bombs or something." LOL
He'll probably just throw bombs...or something...
...I hate myself.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007

Read my post at the middle of the thread. Other people have said more than that.

WE used to actually have intelligent pro-WL posts....
Notice I replied to those myself. That was, until the rediculousness of what I was reading got to such a great magnitude I couldn't read any further. It was more of a good laugh than a good read, actually.

...I hate myself.
I bet you'll love yourself again when Waluigi appears as an AT, throwing bombs (or something).


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Notice I replied to those myself. That was, until the rediculousness of what I was reading got to such a great magnitude I couldn't read any further. It was more of a good laugh than a good read, actually.
Oh, come on, besides the Waluigi = Mario thing, some of those were acually good points.

I bet you'll love yourself again when Waluigi appears as an AT, throwing bombs (or something).
You won't let me forget that, will you?

Maybe I should just embrace it, as that line will follow me for as long as I visit this forum.
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