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The Official Waluigi Thread

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Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
In Akaneia, blasting every castle with a pink Land
Waluigi wouldn't have a franchise... he would just be out of place in the Wario Ware franchise because, well, he hasn't been in any game, and there actually ARE more Wario Ware characters that deserve a spot over him.
yes!!:) Wario Ware characters are pretty unique and are not CLONES OF A ALREADY EXISTING CHARACTER.
Ashley, Kat and Ana come to mind..;)

I just want to point out that [character name] does not deserve to be in brawl because he\she dosn't have a personality is a pretty stupid argument. Mario, Link, Kirby and Samus pretty much don't have any personality WHATSOEVER.(specially Link)

Anyway, They could have had Daisy or Waluigi in a ton of different games, from Wario Ware to Mario & Luigi. They just don't for whatever reason. And I wish I knew what that reason was. Why not make Daisy or Waluigi show up in an RPG like Mario & Luigi or Waluigi being in some of the mini-games in Wario Ware?. There obviously aren't any storyline barriers (not that Mario has storyline barriers, anyways). There aren't any legal barriers since they are fully Nintendowned. And it's not like Nintendo doesn't remember they exist since they continue to show up in the various "filler" games. So WHY does Nintendo not use them in ANY of the non-filler games EVER, if even only as a cameo or an npc? What's the reason? It's just odd.

Smile Guy

Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
I'm completely indifferent to Waluigi really. I certainly see the appeal of him being in the game as he would square off the whole MARIO:LUIGI:WARIO:WALUIGI thing but other than that there really isn't any other proper reason.

If he was in the game, they'd better make him pretty interesting. I'd suggest a moveset focussing around lots of different sports (but as that's what I want Mii's moveset to focus around) then lots of different minigames from Mario Party... he could be the tribute to Mario Party like Wario is to WarioWare (not that Mario Party *spit* deserves a homage at all).


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2007
At Home
not in brawl.
he deserves his own game for the wii.
put him in next smash game.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2006
A place where I can hear SMYN
yes!!:) Wario Ware characters are pretty unique and are not CLONES OF A ALREADY EXISTING CHARACTER.
Ashley, Kat and Ana come to mind..;)

I just want to point out that [character name] does not deserve to be in brawl because he\she dosn't have a personality is a pretty stupid argument. Mario, Link, Kirby and Samus pretty much don't have any personality WHATSOEVER.(specially Link)

Anyway, They could have had Daisy or Waluigi in a ton of different games, from Wario Ware to Mario & Luigi. They just don't for whatever reason. And I wish I knew what that reason was. Why not make Daisy or Waluigi show up in an RPG like Mario & Luigi or Waluigi being in some of the mini-games in Wario Ware?. There obviously aren't any storyline barriers (not that Mario has storyline barriers, anyways). There aren't any legal barriers since they are fully Nintendowned. And it's not like Nintendo doesn't remember they exist since they continue to show up in the various "filler" games. So WHY does Nintendo not use them in ANY of the non-filler games EVER, if even only as a cameo or an npc? What's the reason? It's just odd.
Mario, Link, Kirby, and Samus may not have as much personality as Harry Potter, but they do have many traits. Link, for example, is brave and courageous but isn't quite the sharpest tool in the shed (Midna or Navi has to tell him where to go, etc).

I agree that characters don't have to have TONS of personality, but there are other reasons why Waluigi shouldn't be in Brawl, that you have raised up yourself. Why hasn't Waluigi been in WW or an RPG? Because he isn't important enough and the game creators have decided that he shouldn't be in there.

I don't think it's ODD. What's odd is that some people think that Waluigi has a chance in Brawl.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2007
closest to Sterling Heights, MI on your wii foreca
Team A: Pro-Waluigi
Team B: Anti-Waluigi
Team C: Could-care-less-for-Waluigi
^^you are right.
I am in team C ,I Could care less for Waluigi,he does not deserve to be in brawl...
...Waluigi definitely Not for brawl.
is it just me, or do you belong on 'team B'? C is for people who dont care either way...like me.


Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2007
I support Waluigi for SSBB. I've always thought he would make a great addition to the SSB series, along with Wario, ever since Mario Tennis on the N64.

I agree with the thread creator on how there isn't much known about him. Sakurai and his gang can be so creative with him and make him a great character.

This may even lead to him starring in his own game! I'm sure I speak for a majority of the posters in this topic when I say that it's about time Waluigi had some character background.Plus, since Wario is in, it'd only make sense to add Waluigi into it.


Smash Cadet
Jul 20, 2007
Toronto, Canada
i hope they put walluigi in the game. he's 1 of my favourite nintendo characters and wats a game with wario and without his partner! just put him in. the more characters the longer the game. thats how i c it!


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
This may even lead to him starring in his own game! I'm sure I speak for a majority of the posters in this topic when I say that it's about time Waluigi had some character background.Plus, since Wario is in, it'd only make sense to add Waluigi into it.
NO. The fact that Wario is in doesn't give Waluigi any hope whatsoever, in fact, it REDUCES it. Just so you understand:

Waluigi is part of the Mario franchise.
Wario is part of the Mario franchise AND the Wario Ware franchise.
Waluigi is NOT part of the Wario Ware franchise.

Wario is representing his own franchise, Wario Ware.

What can they do? There is no way in hell they are gonna give him a Wario Ware costume, and him being in the Mario franchise while Wario is not makes no sense. Thus, Waluigi = Assist Trophy at most.

THERE. I'm tired of the "Wario is in, so should Waluigi!" argument.

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
You know, I've yet to see a fan based moveset for him that doesn't have him as a clone or Luigified clone of another Mario character. Face it, Waluigi has nothing going for him at all. He would make a good AT though, because he is pretty well known. He could throw Bomb-ombs or something.

I have a feeling that team chart is going to turn out a little something like this:

Team A: 9
Team B: 7,041
Team C: 850
Team D (The rest of Smashboards' members that haven't even heard of the idea but would probably choose Team B): 52,633

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I agree with the thread creator on how there isn't much known about him.
That's because there is nothing to him.

This may even lead to him starring in his own game!
That would be a terrible idea even ignoring the fact that it would never happen. The game would be a complete bomb and no one would buy it. It would be worse than the Phillips Zelda games.

I'm sure I speak for a majority of the posters in this topic when I say that it's about time Waluigi had some character background.
No, you speak for the minority. We don't want to know anything about him. We don't want to see him. He's an extra character for party and sports games. That's it.

Plus, since Wario is in, it'd only make sense to add Waluigi into it.
How? Waluigi is an over-use of the formula (as stated in pages and pages in this thread). It would be an insult to Wario to include Waluigi.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2007
In your house!
You know what I've noticed. Wario is the sole reason Waluigi's been requested. Granted, he's a part of the Mario continuity now... in the sports franchises anyway but he isn't exactally Wario's answer to Mario's Luigi yet. My point being, he isn't quite as established in the market. He's a fan favorite but can't hold his own, especially in a game like Brawl. There are too many other qualified characters at this point. I would like it if they gave Luigi a WL colored costume.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2006
if wario is in, why not Waluigi?? but... he appeared as a Trophy in Melee, so... maybe we can see him as an At char!


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
if wario is in, why not Waluigi?? but... he appeared as a Trophy in Melee, so... maybe we can see him as an At char!
I hate quoting myself, but here it goes:

NO. The fact that Wario is in doesn't give Waluigi any hope whatsoever, in fact, it REDUCES it. Just so you understand:

Waluigi is part of the Mario franchise.
Wario is part of the Mario franchise AND the Wario Ware franchise.
Waluigi is NOT part of the Wario Ware franchise.

Wario is representing his own franchise, Wario Ware.

What can they do? There is no way in hell they are gonna give him a Wario Ware costume, and him being in the Mario franchise while Wario is not makes no sense. Thus, Waluigi = Assist Trophy at most.

THERE. I'm tired of the "Wario is in, so should Waluigi!" argument.
OK. And I've been thinking, and I don't even see him as an assist now, because even some assist trophies have franchises. And no, they can't give the smash symbol to Waluigi.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
OK. And I've been thinking, and I don't even see him as an assist now, because even some assist trophies have franchises. And no, they can't give the smash symbol to Waluigi.
I'm anti-Waluigi... but I have to stop you there.
Samurai Goroh and Hammer Bro are Assist Trophies.
Just because most of the AT's star in their franchise (if you don't take into account that only one SimCity game had Doctor Wright... and that there is only one generation of Nintendog games, all released simultaneously), doesn't mean it's exactly a spot for a "starring role". I think Waluigi would fit just fine as an AT. He can stay clear of the character roster as to not take up room for a more deserving character, and can satisfy the pro-Waluigi people just enough so they don't cry.

Team A: 9
Team B: 7,041
Team C: 850
Team D (The rest of Smashboards' members that haven't even heard of the idea but would probably choose Team B): 52,633
I love that my idea of teams is still being used! <3:):laugh::)<3 (yay i less than three it!)
And... you're right about there being a Team D. lolz.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
I'm anti-Waluigi... but I have to stop you there.
Samurai Goroh and Hammer Bro are Assist Trophies.
Just because most of the AT's star in their franchise (if you don't take into account that only one SimCity game had Doctor Wright... and that there is only one generation of Nintendog games, all released simultaneously), doesn't mean it's exactly a spot for a "starring role". I think Waluigi would fit just fine as an AT. He can stay clear of the character roster as to not take up room for a more deserving character, and can satisfy the pro-Waluigi people just enough so they don't cry.
I didn't mean it like that, is just that it downed on me that some assist trophies have franchises, and Waluigi would fit oddly into the marioverse, without Wario there, even as an AT. And there are many other characters from the Mario series that could take AT spots over Waluigi... MANY. But I won't care if he is in as an AT, is just that I used to say "Waluigi for AT" and now I've changed my mind.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
You know, I've yet to see a fan based moveset for him that doesn't have him as a clone or Luigified clone of another Mario character. Face it, Waluigi has nothing going for him at all.
In other words, you haven't read any of the movesets in this thread.
He would make a good AT though, because he is pretty well known.

I have a feeling that team chart is going to turn out a little something like this:

Team A: 9
Team B: 7,041
Team C: 850
Team D (The rest of Smashboards' members that haven't even heard of the idea but would probably choose Team B): 52,633
Exaggerating? I'm thinking of making a list of Pro-Waluigi members here... and I'm pretty positive it'll have way more than nine members.
Yet AGAIN the ONLY reason guys can bring up:

Doesn't speaking in 1337 make you sound smarter?

Most people saying that are saying that if Wario's in, Waluigi has a possibility of making it in, not if Wario's in Waluigi has a 10000000000000% chance of making it in. Oh, but wait...
NO. The fact that Wario is in doesn't give Waluigi any hope whatsoever, in fact, it REDUCES it. Just so you understand:

Waluigi is part of the Mario franchise.
Wario is part of the Mario franchise AND the Wario Ware franchise.
Waluigi is NOT part of the Wario Ware franchise.

Wario is representing his own franchise, Wario Ware.

What can they do? There is no way in hell they are gonna give him a Wario Ware costume, and him being in the Mario franchise while Wario is not makes no sense. Thus, Waluigi = Assist Trophy at most.

THERE. I'm tired of the "Wario is in, so should Waluigi!" argument.
Yes! Even though they are partners, they're from completely different franchises and therefore can't...be...partners if Waluigi somehow does make it in because obviously, Sakurai will COMPLETELY ignore the other games Wario has previously appeared in like they never existed!

And if they ARE partners, it'll cause a tear in the fabric of space-time continuum, and the entire universe will be sucked into a wormhole, floating around in nothingness for all eternity! "WHY?" screams Sakurai. "Why did I give Waluigi a Mario emblem even though he's a Wario related character and hasn't appeared in Wario games?"

Like you said, Wario is also part of the Mario franchise and has his own franchise. He's like DK and Yoshi. He's a Mario related character, but has his own franchise. But I'm sure that Brawl will mention the other games that Wario appeared in.

If Waluigi is in as a PC or AT, he'll be a Mario character. That's it.
That's because there is nothing to him.

That would be a terrible idea even ignoring the fact that it would never happen. The game would be a complete bomb and no one would buy it. It would be worse than the Phillips Zelda games.
Ah, but what about a Wario Bros. game?

No, you speak for the minority. We don't want to know anything about him. We don't want to see him. He's an extra character for party and sports games. That's it.
And by "we," you mean you.

How? Waluigi is an over-use of the formula (as stated in pages and pages in this thread). It would be an insult to Wario to include Waluigi.
Explain, please.

thats a dumb idea. i hate waliugi. i couldnt even think of his attacks.
You couldn't think of his attacks... because you don't want to.

It is an insult to Wario to include Waluigi.

i don't want to see him as an AT either..but it might happen.. oh well...
Darn it people, explain how it would be an insult!


if wario is in, why not Waluigi?? but... he appeared as a Trophy in Melee, so... maybe we can see him as an At char!
You're not helping.
OK. And I've been thinking, and I don't even see him as an assist now, because even some assist trophies have franchises. And no, they can't give the smash symbol to Waluigi.
That makes no sense at all. So you must have your own franchise to be an AT?

But wait, you said that SOME of them have franchises...

Stop confusing me!

I didn't mean it like that, is just that it downed on me that some assist trophies have franchises, and Waluigi would fit oddly into the marioverse, without Wario there, even as an AT. And there are many other characters from the Mario series that could take AT spots over Waluigi... MANY. But I won't care if he is in as an AT, is just that I used to say "Waluigi for AT" and now I've changed my mind.
Waluigi is a Mario character. He doesn't always need to have Wario around. He doesn't feed off of Wario's life energy to survive.

Assist trophies are guest characters who didn't make the cut. It's possible that Waluigi crossed Sakurai's mind once. He's a well known character and like someone said earlier, is a fan favorite. I see no reason why he can't make it as an Assist Trophy. At least consider the possibility.

There aren't any complicated rules or standards characters need. If they want to put him in the game, they could do it despite all of that franchise and costume stuff you guys have been talking about.
He can stay clear of the character roster as to not take up room for a more deserving character, and can satisfy the pro-Waluigi people just enough so they don't cry.
Jun 26, 2007
koopa cape located at the end of rainbow road
I agree with red, the only reasoning ive heard form you guys on why he shouldnt be in is "I don't like him cause i think he sucks!!!!!!!!!!!" and to me that argument is not valid at all. Also to those of you who say theres no way to make a moveset, think of captain falcon. Before super smash we had no idea what he could do. So what did they do? did they throw him out because they didnt want to bother making things up? no, they made a darn good character! And i think they can do the same with waluigi no matter how much you haters deny it.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
In other words, you haven't read any of the movesets in this thread.
He would make a good AT though, because he is pretty well known. He could throw Bomb-ombs or something.
Something Bomberman would be far better suited to.

Exaggerating? I'm thinking of making a list of Pro-Waluigi members here... and I'm pretty positive it'll have way more than nine members.
Fine, 10. Happy?

Most people saying that are saying that if Wario's in, Waluigi has a possibility of making it in, not if Wario's in Waluigi has a 10000000000000% chance of making it in. Oh, but wait...
No, they're saying "If Wario is in then Waluigi SHOULD be in" and there's a massive difference. What you first said is technically correct (even without the Wario part) and doesn't come with the deluded fanboyness of what I said, which unfortunately is what is actually being said.

Yes! Even though they are partners, they're from completely different franchises and therefore can't...be...partners if Waluigi somehow does make it in because obviously, Sakurai will COMPLETELY ignore the other games Wario has previously appeared in like they never existed!

And if they ARE partners, it'll cause a tear in the fabric of space-time continuum, and the entire universe will be sucked into a wormhole, floating around in nothingness for all eternity! "WHY?" screams Sakurai. "Why did I give Waluigi a Mario emblem even though he's a Wario related character and hasn't appeared in Wario games?"
Partners in...2 games? Those being the Mario Tennis and Mario Kart. Not really sure if they're partners anywhere else, or even related to each other in any way since Waluigi hasn't appeared in any canon games for either the Marioverse or Warioverse.

If Waluigi is in as a PC or AT, he'll be a Mario character. That's it.
Thank you for stating the blindingly obvious.

Ah, but what about a Wario Bros. game?
Or how about just another Wario game like the Wario Land series? Ahhh...much better.

And by "we," you mean you.
And me. And Gypsy. And Dyce. And the the other thousands of Waluigi haters out there, hence the use of the term "we".

You couldn't think of his attacks... because you don't want to.
No, because he really doesn't have any, or anything special to define himself away from Mario and Luigi. He's just a lankier, uglier version of everyone's favourite Italian plumbers.

Darn it people, explain how it would be an insult!


Because Waluigi would drag down the quality of the game by appearing in it and thus Wario's reputation would be tarnished. Putting Wario together, who on his own is very popular and loved and has personality etc., with Waluigi, who lacks any redeeming quality, is an insult to Wario.

That makes no sense at all. So you must have your own franchise to be an AT?

But wait, you said that SOME of them have franchises...

Stop confusing me!
He's basically saying that AT should be possibly reserved for characters that represent franchises that are underrepped but won't be getting another representative (or enough) such as F-Zero getting Goroh, and then that will only be SOME of the ATs and the others will be the incredibly popular characters that have no shot at being a playable character, eg. Hammer Bros.

Waluigi is a Mario character. He doesn't always need to have Wario around. He doesn't feed off of Wario's life energy to survive.
Well, the entire basis of the "Pro-Waluigi" camp is saying that he should be in because Wario is in. He was made only because of Wario and will continue to feed off of Wario's existance like a parasite/leech.

Someone I can't be bothered to listen to said:
I agree with red, the only reasoning ive heard form you guys on why he shouldnt be in is "I don't like him cause i think he sucks!!!!!!!!!!!" and to me that argument is not valid at all. Also to those of you who say theres no way to make a moveset, think of captain falcon. Before super smash we had no idea what he could do. So what did they do? did they throw him out because they didnt want to bother making things up? no, they made a darn good character! And i think they can do the same with waluigi no matter how much you haters deny it.
*Ahem* There are PLENTY of VALID arguments listed thousands of times over these pages that all successfully rip Waluigi to shreds and yet you've managed to either miss or ignore them all? The only reason that Pro-Waluigi people have been able to come up with is "I like him so he should be in" or the ever used, ever ******** "Wario is in, so should Waluigi". The thing with Capt. Falcon is that he's the main character in a popular franchise that has no way of expressing fighting moves, what with it being a racing game. Therefore it was necessary to think up an entirely original moveset in order for him to be included and the time and resources spent on creating a moveset from scratch were well spent. Waluigi on the other hand is about as minor as you can get (at least generic enemies appear in the canon games) and there's absolutely no reason for them to spend lots of time, effort and resources in making a moveset for a character that isn't even that popular. Honestly, if Waluigi was as popular or important as you guys seem to make out, then he'd already have his own platformers or whatever and have at least something to derive a moveset from easily. He doesn't, because he is neither popular nor important. If anyone is denying anything, it's the Pro-Waluigi fans.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
@Red_Maniac.. y-... You just got learned son..

Those were somethings I wouldn't even be able to conjure up... And Vali, you can add "OnyxVulpine" to the Waluigi haters :p

I wouldn't not buy the game if Waluigi was put in. But I wouldn't definitely be hating on him all the time.

Dead Wire

Smash Cadet
Jul 19, 2007
I live in a place called socorro which in spanish
Ok People Waluigi is not a Nintendo charactar!

Ok just to start off I could care less if Waluigi is in or not and my brother feels he needs to know everything there is to know about Waluigi or his real name is Four Man Spike from the old NES game Wrecking Crew wich is not Nintendo and Four Man Spike used to have a rival named Eggplant Man wich is on Chibi Robo (Also not Nintendo) Oh yeah on Wrecking Crew Four Man Spike piloted a back hoe called Golden Mantis (Mario Kart Waluigi's back hoe what is it called?) And on Super Mario Strikers Waluigi kicks a fake soccer ball thats really an eggplant QUESTION MARK anyone and on Mario Allstar Base Ball Waluigi throws two base balls ones real and ones an eggplant. And the real nail in the coffin is on Dance Dance Revelution Mario Mix Waluigi's theme song is a remix of the song of WRECKING CREW!!! if nobody believes me rent the games that are still out or buy them good luck finding Wrecking Crew its rare.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Nobody cares about Waluigi. They don't need to give him a history because we don't care about him.

Ah, but what about a Wario Bros. game?
Ah, terrible idea. Waluigi has no personality. "wahaha...i have a pointy mustache and lanky legs...that is the extent of my character..."

As I said, Waluigi is an insult to Wario in general.

And by "we," you mean you.
No, by "we" I mean everyone except for the 5 Waluigi fans.

Explain, please.
Go back and find it yourself Mr. "You guys didn't read any of the past pages." 90% of this thread is about how everyone hates Waluigi because he's lame and generic and an overuse of the formula.

You couldn't think of his attacks... because you don't want to.
Because he doesn't have any...refer to what you said about him being an AT. You struggled with just that:

In other words, you haven't read any of the movesets in this thread.
He would make a good AT though, because he is pretty well known. He could throw Bomb-ombs or something.
See? Everyone says that. "Make him an AT; he can throw bombs or something." Everyone says that because that is the extent of his character. He can throw bombs or something. What an exciting character...I sure wish they'd make an entire moveset based on "he could throw bombs or something"...

Darn it people, explain how it would be an insult!
OK, I'll spell it out for you. Wario has had four Warioland games, five Wario Ware games, and a handful of other Wario titles. Plus, he has starred in more than a score of cameos (not just talking about ones Waluigi has been in). Not to mention that he has a far far far larger fanbase than Waluigi. He has been wanted to be in Smash since the original. He has to wait through TWO games to finally get in. And, what? Waluigi gets in on the first try? How is that fair to Wario? It's saying that Waluigi is more important than Wario, which is clearly not true.

You're not helping.
That's because not even people that like Waluigi can rationalize him being a PC.

I agree with red, the only reasoning ive heard form you guys on why he shouldnt be in is "I don't like him cause i think he sucks!!!!!!!!!!!" and to me that argument is not valid at all. Also to those of you who say theres no way to make a moveset, think of captain falcon. Before super smash we had no idea what he could do. So what did they do? did they throw him out because they didnt want to bother making things up? no, they made a darn good character! And i think they can do the same with waluigi no matter how much you haters deny it.
That is not the only reason. If you people would actually read any other page on this thread you'd see the explanations (which I have condensed above) of why he should not be in Brawl at all. The reason we don't like him and the reason he does suck is because he is lame, generic, and overused formula, as stated above.

Speaking of over-used...Don't go down the path of Captain Falcon. He's a racer and a bounty hunter. Like it is that difficult to come up with something for him. Waluigi would be more generic than generic. Falcon's moves were anything but so. As pointed out above, people who like him can't even think of a decent moveset. They just say "have him throw bombs or something".

well i like Waluigi

and a battle betwen Mario & Luigi VS Wario & Waluigi would be epic
If by "epic" you mean "incredibly lame," then yeah, it would be epic.

Read above statements for further clarification.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
Where's the button for the forum version of a slow clap? I applaud that post grim lizard. I think that is a fairly accurate portrayal of Waluigi's existence and people's feelings towards his existence.

Which is lame btw...in case someone wasn't following...just want to make sure everyone is on the same page....no pun intended...


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Ok just to start off I could care less if Waluigi is in or not and my brother feels he needs to know everything there is to know about Waluigi or his real name is Four Man Spike from the old NES game Wrecking Crew wich is not Nintendo and Four Man Spike used to have a rival named Eggplant Man wich is on Chibi Robo (Also not Nintendo) Oh yeah on Wrecking Crew Four Man Spike piloted a back hoe called Golden Mantis (Mario Kart Waluigi's back hoe what is it called?) And on Super Mario Strikers Waluigi kicks a fake soccer ball thats really an eggplant QUESTION MARK anyone and on Mario Allstar Base Ball Waluigi throws two base balls ones real and ones an eggplant. And the real nail in the coffin is on Dance Dance Revelution Mario Mix Waluigi's theme song is a remix of the song of WRECKING CREW!!! if nobody believes me rent the games that are still out or buy them good luck finding Wrecking Crew its rare.
Erm...right, another Wrecking Crew mistake. Which I apparently feel obliged to correct...AGAIN. Huzzah for reposts.

He has a history with the wrecking crew= he has some type of background
I'd like to direct you to this quote of myself, to hopefully clear up any confusion

WC is an old game in which Mario starred in some Donkey-Kong-esque knockoff against "Foreman Spike" whose character was later used as a kind of base/starting point for Wario as far as we know. In WC you could also play as Luigi (in 2 player only I think) and for some unknown reason Luigi came in purple dungarees. Waluigi never appeared in WC, only purple Luigi (which is technically what Waluigi is being just a lankier purple version of Luigi). Since there was a purple Luigi in WC and the fact that FS could be argued ais the very beginnings of Wario, Nintendo's obviously played into the fanservice with giving links of Waluigi to WC because of it due to Waluigi being Wario's brother and all. Waluigi was never part of WC as neither was Wario.
Any ties are desparate attempts at making the best of a bad situation in regards of where the hell Waluigi actually fits in to anything, if at all.
Don't know what the hell you researched to come up with that :/.


Smash Ace
Jul 25, 2007
Mechanicsville, VA
Think...If Waluigi is gonna be in he'll probably be unlockable. Mario and Wario as starters. Luigi and Waluigi as unlockables.

I think waluigi would add more fun to the game, the others are in, why not him?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!


Seriously I wanna ****ing shoot whoever created Waluigi (I doubt it was miyamoto, I think it was camelot since they made mario tennis 64)


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Waluigi just makes me sad. Luigi deserves a bad guy, sure, but why'd they make such an awful one? Now, if they ever want to actually give Luigi a nemesis they'll have to go through the trouble of getting rid of Waluigi.
I don't particularly hate the design, with the super skinny but super tall and lanky body. It's just that there isn't really imagination in it at all- And really, at a certain point it's just weird having Wario and Waluigi being the evil twins where there's absolutely no story to back up exactly why they'd exist. They should have at least created some silly game that explains that Mario and Luigi were exploring some mysterious local when they fell into a magic mirror that created distorted forms of themselves, or... SOMETHING.

All in all, Waluigi IS a bit embarrassing, I think.
All that being said, however, I guess I wouldn't be particularly annoyed at the inclusion of Waluigi, as there's no sign that Nintendo's trying to pull him away from games. If he's going to be the official Luigi's nemesis, than so be it. Sigh. Even though he's never been in an ACTUAL mario game with a mario plot and such. I think that's probably because they realize people hate Waluigi and they wish they created him differently.
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