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The Official Waluigi Thread

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Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Waluigi as a original character: No, but if it makes it I won't make a big deal of it.
As a clone: idc, but he could be quite intresting, as would just about any character as a clone.
As a AT: Heck yes! He could be a very intresting AT, and his odds of being a AT are very high!
In SSB4: YES!!! By then, he'll turn out like Donkey Kong....but not that big, or at least not yet... ;)

IMO Waluigi is too young and not ready to be in SSB...yet. Give him 3 years, 5 tops and he'll be more than ready, and then he'll pwn some n00bs like no other as his usual awsome self! :laugh: :) ;)

And Red Maniac, I thought it would be war too, but it has generally been stable and a intelligent debate.

@ X-x-Dyce-x-X
I second that! :laugh: We could all be happy then, and have Waluigi without him taking up a character spot! ;)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2007
I think if Waluigi is an AT, then perhaps this will finally give him some recognition...especially if he is a fairly helpful one. However...I must disagree with the "clone" idea. I mean...in Melee, let's be honest, they were simply fillers. Having everyone be different is much more exciting! ^_^


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
1.- But luigi wasnt created as a filelr, he was created in mairo bros so mario and luigi could fight against each other, and in super mario bros he was the second player, point is he has ALWAYS been popular, and if u ask a non-gamer something about mario bros, they think of mairo and luigi, my dad is an example, but when u ask someone about the anti-mario bros, few, VERY few will mention waluigi, this shows the popularity and I doubt he'll get his own series, because even though wario DID get his own series, he was always popular...
Want me to prove how luigi was a filler back then in Double Dragon just like in SMB the multiplayer wasn't simultaneous so when the second player started they used Billy Lee the same character as player one they could have done the same in mario bros and the game would be the exact same.

2.- NES-SNES era, not much u can do back then, unlike now...
Mario was a hero, a villain and a doctor in the same era so why not?

3.- If u can find that link ill believe it, so far I believe waluigi being in the top 10 is BS, and my BS meter agrees...
I can't find the article on the web but I can tell you where I saw such article it was in the mexican magazine Club Nintendo.

4.- So? what if a spin-off selled more than an actual game of the series, in the end if mario dies in a spin-off the series will continue, but if mario dies ina game of the series its over... And I doubt sakurai will go: OMG MAROI KATR SLLDE MORE THAN SUNSHNIE!!1! WALUIGI IN BARWL!!
Then why was the MK stage shown first instead of the mario stage? spin-offs can be as big if not bigger than the main series.

Exactly, without considering the lcones who were fillers in melee, so far no character with a minor role has been added in melee (except shiek but she was a transformation), every single character added is either incredibly popular or has had a major role, or both, waluigi doesnt fit none of these bills:
The reason doesn't matter they were in after all and many of the clones were good additions like falco, ganon etc offered a diferent way to play their counterparts.

And not everyone has to be an incredibly recognized characters the IC prove that they were added instead of more recognized characters.

Geno- Geno being considered 3rd party or not, belongs in the marioverse, and is incredibly popular, had a big role in SMRPG and is in sakurai top five in his poll list, waluigi however doesnt appear on the list at all...
Aren't you contradicting yourself? you bash waluigi for only appearing in spin-offs yet you say geno would be a good addition isn't mario rpg a spin-off? because I don't remember mario games as RPG they are platformers.

Waluigi doesn't appear in that poll so what? Little Mac doesn't appear either yet Dragon Chan appears does that mean one of mac's opponents will be in brawl but not the main character? seems doubtful.

Wario could easly unlock another WarioWare character, that's a pattern too. ;)
Again you bash waluigi for the spin-offs but you want a character from other spin-off doesn't make sense to me.

The irony is that Geno apepares in the Top five on sakurais list, nad is in a game considered t be one of the greates ever made...
So? the IC come from one of the worst games nintendo has ever done.

Now the reasons why I want waluigi in brawl.

1-Dream fights, smash is all about those fights you never thought would never be possible so why waluigi? because the Marios vs Warios is one of those dream fights this one is event mode material.

2-Waluigi adds a new fast-long reach kind of fighter and there are few of them in smash marth was the only one in melee, lets say the add geno like some suggest what does he bring new to the table? he is a projectile based character and there are many of those in melee samus, link, y.link, falco, doc etc.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Dude ur asking for a tase of pwnage rite now:

1.-Want me to prove how luigi was a filler back then in Double Dragon just like in SMB the multiplayer wasn't simultaneous so when the second player started they used Billy Lee the same character as player one they could have done the same in mario bros and the game would be the exact same.

2.- Mario was a hero, a villain and a doctor in the same era so why not?

3.- I can't find the article on the web but I can tell you where I saw such article it was in the mexican magazine Club Nintendo.

4.- Then why was the MK stage shown first instead of the mario stage? spin-offs can be as big if not bigger than the main series.

5.- The reason doesn't matter they were in after all and many of the clones were good additions like falco, ganon etc offered a diferent way to play their counterparts.

6.- And not everyone has to be an incredibly recognized characters the IC prove that they were added instead of more recognized characters.

7.- Aren't you contradicting yourself? you bash waluigi for only appearing in spin-offs yet you say geno would be a good addition isn't mario rpg a spin-off? because I don't remember mario games as RPG they are platformers.

8.- Waluigi doesn't appear in that poll so what? Little Mac doesn't appear either yet Dragon Chan appears does that mean one of mac's opponents will be in brawl but not the main character? seems doubtful.

9.- Again you bash waluigi for the spin-offs but you want a character from other spin-off doesn't make sense to me.

10.- So? the IC come from one of the worst games nintendo has ever done.

11.- Now the reasons why I want waluigi in brawl.

1-Dream fights, smash is all about those fights you never thought would never be possible so why waluigi? because the Marios vs Warios is one of those dream fights this one is event mode material.

2-Waluigi adds a new fast-long reach kind of fighter and there are few of them in smash marth was the only one in melee, lets say the add geno like some suggest what does he bring new to the table? he is a projectile based character and there are many of those in melee samus, link, y.link, falco, doc etc.
1.- It allowed 2-player gameplay even if it aint simultanous, there were a few games back in the NES era where u cna play 2-player simultanous games...
Point is if the player used mario, died and the second player used mario as well it wouldnt make sense...

Understand it was the NES era, 8-bits, there was LITTLE u can do in a game back then, hell u couldnt even use all the colors!! there was NO WAY u could have maked a game as complicated or give any character such depth...

rite now u can create a game about anything, give a chaacter ANY roll, look at shadow he got his own game, wario got his own series, luigi got his own game and peach, developing a game with story and depth is possible, and yet it HASNT happen to waluigi...

seriously ur comparing a character that was created as a filelr in the N64 era, to a character created in the 8-bit era, shame on you...

2.- yeah but there was no depth, why did bowser capture peach, why did mario become a doctor, why did he went evil, all of these things couldnt have been aswered in the past cause there wasnt the technology to create such a depth game, unlike now...

3.- Dude IM from mexico, and I BUY those magazines, wario and toad were on the list, but waluigi wasnt on it, I can guarantee you me being from mexico and all...

4.- Dude its a stage, representing the ENTIRE mario series, by ur logic dry bones, toad, toadette, waluigi, daisy, bowser jr, baby mario, baby luigi and all of those should be in brawl, point is its representing the entire mario series as a STAGE, being from a spin-off or not the game mario kart has ALL the mario characters, and since were gettin more mario characters than usual, it would fit to have a stage were all of these characters were once racing on...

But ANY character appearing only in sports and party games aitn important to the storyline of the series, and shouldnt be in the game...

5.- dont consider the fillers and ull see there arent any minor characters in smash, WHY should it have minors this time around??

6.- God how many times I have to say this: THEY ARE RETROS, theyre there to represent the old school days, and it doesnt matter if theyre popular or not, retro characters have a shot of returning, check Pit, guys like mach rider, balloon fighter and other characters have a shot, why CAUSE THEYRE RETROS...

7.- By spinoffs I mean party and sports games, that had little to nothing to do with the storyline, in SMRPG it HAD a story line, it began like any other mario game, bowser captures peach and mario goes and saves her but the game takes a diferent course which is simply awesome...

8.- Thats the thing if they add a series to brawl, the main hero is bound to gt in, any other character from that series is welcomed as long as he/she/it is popular and deserves the shot, in the mario series mario is already in and so is the side kick, love interest and the main enemy, other characters are welcome as long as they fit the bill: good role, popular and deserves it, waluigi doesnt fit ANY of the bills...

9.- Fine Ill put it in other words: Geno was part of one of the greatest SNES games and in the history of games, he was one of the main characters, and is on the top five most wanted characters, he fills all the bills, true it aint a real mario game, but it has a storyline and depth, hell it may have mroe than any other mario game out there...

10.- Dear GOD I didnt just read that...


1.- what? just because u want marios vs warios? u gotta be kidding, u can do that in any sports and party games, why does it have to be smash, were waluigi will take a spot of a more deserving character??

2.- And we dont have long reach characters already? Marth, roy, dk, link, jiggly and her hitboxes... ur logic fails, true we got projectile characters, but hes more magic based than anything, so magic + projectiles = new


Many of u put the same arguement over and over and over: "Wario is in, lets have waluigi is so they can be together and have the warios!"

Not only does wario have his WW look, which waluigi doesnt have thus it wouldnt make sense, having the biker and the plumber together...

BUT by THAT logic we might as well add Daisy in, to have the princess in brawl!! and if toad is added, then lets add Toadette! Kf u guys cant figure a better excuse then ur logic fails unless u want daisy, waluigi AND toadette in brawl, something thats ******** and wont happen...


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
You know, it was peaceful and for once almost EVERYONE agreed with each other here...but you RUINED it. WHY?????

If Waluigi's in, he's in. If he's an Assist Trophy, he's an Assist Trophy. If he's not in the game, he's not. There's nothing we can do about it.

People from BOTH sides have been saying the same things and this is going nowhere.

No one will win this or ANY character debate until they announce all of the characters.

Am I the only one who doesn't really care about which characters make it, as long as the game is fun to play?

Well, unless most of the characters are unliked by every single person in the entire world and has only appeared in one game, hasn't had an important role in any game EVER and no one knows him and has no name.

EDIT: W00t! 100th page!


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
How would Waluigi, let alone ANYONE be interesting as a clone?
Falco, Ganondorf, Roy, Luigi, Doc (even if he's the clooniest clone ever, he is awsome!), and YLink. Need I continue=??? As long as they are AT LEAST similar to the Capt. Falcon/Ganondorf, and Fox/Falco relationships, where they are the exact same/opposite, cloens are awsome! Plus they add more space for other clones and original movesets. We could have 30 original movesets and 30 clones over 40 original movesets for all I care. Faloc and Ganondorf-es clones ftw!


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Falco, Ganondorf, Roy, Luigi, Doc (even if he's the clooniest clone ever, he is awsome!), and YLink. Need I continue=???
Well, you can't continue since those are the only clones.
As long as they are AT LEAST similar to the Capt. Falcon/Ganondorf, and Fox/Falco relationships, where they are the exact same/opposite, cloens are awsome! Plus they add more space for other clones and original movesets. We could have 30 original movesets and 30 clones over 40 original movesets for all I care. Faloc and Ganondorf-es clones ftw!


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Well, you can't continue since those are the only clones.
I left out the most despised clone/character: Pichu! HA, I win!

Don't be docs-like clones, be at least Falco or Ganondorf-like clones, but preferably Luigified clones. Originality amonst clones is what makes them great, PERIOD!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2004
Clones just make the developers seem like they are lazy and lack innovation.

On Topic: I bet waluigi is in. The first thing i thought when they showed wario was "wheres waluigi".


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
I left out the most despised clone/character: Pichu! HA, I win!
...you may have won this round...

Don't be docs-like clones, be at least Falco or Ganondorf-like clones, but preferably Luigified clones. Originality amonst clones is what makes them great, PERIOD!
But...clones aren't original. Sure, they can be like Luigi and have original moves- OHHHH....I get what you're saying. Yeah, maybe one or two of "Luigified" clones would be okay, but I think that the only "Luigified" clone in Brawl should be...Luigi.

Less clones=more original moves and characters=more possibilites=more fun


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Clones just make the developers seem like they are lazy and lack innovation.
It isn't lazy, it's making room for more characters! Would you rather have 40 pure original characters with no clones, or 30 original characters, with 30 clones, who are generally Luigi, Ganondorf, and Falco like clones. The choice is yours, but generally clones are a good thing. Melee was originally suppsoe to have just over 20 characters, and we got 26=thank the clones! Top that!

But...clones aren't original. Sure, they can be like Luigi and have original moves- OHHHH....I get what you're saying. Yeah, maybe one or two of "Luigified" clones would be okay, but I think that the only "Luigified" clone in Brawl should be...Luigi.

Less clones=more original moves and characters=more possibilites=more fun
More characters=more fun=more options! Look at Falco and Fox users, they use both characters completely diffrently. Proof that clones can be good, helpful to the game, and be somewat original. Plus, it allows more characters to be made. Overall clones can be a good thing, and show some originality and diffrent ways to use the same styles, with their own personal flair. ;)


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I'll be fine with Waluigi as a playable character ONLY if he's good, and he doesn't take a spot from a more deserving character. I couldn't give you an example, but I think everyone (Waluigi supporters included) should have at least one character in their mind who they know should deserve the spot over Wally.

The first character to come to my mind was Ike from Fire Emblem: Path of Radience and the upcoming Wii game Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn; yes he's more new than Waluigi, but he's so popular right now it would be silly if Sakurai couldn't find a place for him. If Ike doesn't make it in, and Waluigi does, I'm going to be pissed (and a bit dumbfounded).

Other than that: Waluigi for Assist Trophy ONLAYYYYY!


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Because we all know that Mario DDR, Mario Strikers, and Nintendo Monopoly were all very important to the timeline of the Mario Universe... I wonder how you sleep at night knowing that nothing you ever say is sensible.

YES and NO aren't numbers Stryks... Lol but you're right, more people seem to prefer him as an assistant. Even the Waluigi supporters seem to think in the same manner. I think we found a mutually acceptable way to have Waluigi in the game without anyone getting pissed or disappointed (except for TWoK; but no one really cares about him :laugh:).

Did you notice the :p after monopoly? that kinda signifys sarcasm. :******:

And ddr was a game,and people say he has never played an importiant role in a GAME,so i found a GAME in wich he had a decent part,and as for the mario kart stage,waluigi was in mario kart(well some of them)so it could also represent him along with everbody else.

A lot of mario games out there are sports games,and waluigi has seemed to be in every one(so i guess he is a POPULAR filler)

And stryks, you have patterns,but when a good patern like mario-luigi wario-waluigi comes up,you say it is crap. when you know it has some validity.

Also if geno is 3rd party, sakura(Based on what i have heared) said he did not want that many,so 2 would be good. Snake/Sonic.(this is just what i have heard.)

And not all waluigi fans agree for him to be ATed. i say all or nothing

The first character to come to my mind was Ike from Fire Emblem: Path of Radience and the upcoming Wii game Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn; yes he's more new than Waluigi, but he's so popular right now it would be silly if Sakurai couldn't find a place for him. If Ike doesn't make it in, and Waluigi does, I'm going to be pissed (and a bit dumbfounded).

but dyce they are from different genre's of games. and realy Mario character have prevalence over FE.

Also, we do not even know how many character are in, there could be 50+(it'd be sweet) and if there was waluigi would definitly be in,so you cant say much till we know


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
I repeat. Waluigi can't be a clone because he's anatomically different from all the other characters.

Dr. Mario has similar anatomy to Mario (duh). Pichu does to Pikachu (another duh). Falco has very similar body proportions to Fox (or at least he used to, although even today after the redesigns they're similar enough to get away with it), and even Ganondorf and Capton Falcon both have general normal human proportions.

Waluigi does NOT have normal human proportions! Both his arms and his legs are longer than normally possible for a human being. There is no other Nintendo character out there with proportions like that.

The whole point of clones from a developer standpoint is that you can clone most of the animation (with the moves being a part of that), and you can't do that if one character has insanely different anatomy from another.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
^^^^ Since I hate repeating myself, I'll just do self quotes!

Here if how to make a good Waluigi clone:

1. Take the Luigi's moves, and change the fireballs to a original move, and maybe the bup.

2.Change Luigi's stats around a little bit.

3.Change the Luigi character model to Waluigi.

4.Give Waluigi 5 alternate costumes.

5.Change Luigi's voice to Waluigi's voice, and give Waluigi a awsome original taunt.

6.Make Waluigi balanced in the tiers, unlike the extremes of Pichu in Melee (bottome tier), or Pikachu/Kirby in SSB (god-tier=half invincible).

7.Make Waluigi WD not as good, but make up for that.

There, now is that really as hard as making Waluigi original=??? You could have more characters via making more clones. Clones add a diffrent type of originality, by having the same moves as the originals, but instead doing completely diffrent effects. Heck, I'd rather have 30 original characters with 30 clones over 40 original characters anyday. so long as they are primaraly like the Fox/Falco relationship over being all Doc clones.

I know you are not arguing that there should be no clones Stryks, but I thought I should throw that out there anyways. Overall clones can be a good copy, and still be pretty original, and they make the series that much more intresting and better. In other words, clones FTW=clones can be pretty awsome!
There, a self quote from a few pages back (that I posted) proves that it can work. His animation can work, he is extremely similar to Luigi, could have better range, less wieght, about the same jump, etc. He could be a pretty intresting clone to say the least, but then again a lot of characters could be intresting clones. Do I need to show a comparision of Waluigi and Luigi's body shapes next=???


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
TWoK and HP:

Dude ur asking for a tase of pwnage rite now:

1.- It allowed 2-player gameplay even if it aint simultanous, there were a few games back in the NES era where u cna play 2-player simultanous games...
Point is if the player used mario, died and the second player used mario as well it wouldnt make sense...

Understand it was the NES era, 8-bits, there was LITTLE u can do in a game back then, hell u couldnt even use all the colors!! there was NO WAY u could have maked a game as complicated or give any character such depth...

rite now u can create a game about anything, give a chaacter ANY roll, look at shadow he got his own game, wario got his own series, luigi got his own game and peach, developing a game with story and depth is possible, and yet it HASNT happen to waluigi...

seriously ur comparing a character that was created as a filelr in the N64 era, to a character created in the 8-bit era, shame on you...

2.- yeah but there was no depth, why did bowser capture peach, why did mario become a doctor, why did he went evil, all of these things couldnt have been aswered in the past cause there wasnt the technology to create such a depth game, unlike now...

3.- Dude IM from mexico, and I BUY those magazines, wario and toad were on the list, but waluigi wasnt on it, I can guarantee you me being from mexico and all...

4.- Dude its a stage, representing the ENTIRE mario series, by ur logic dry bones, toad, toadette, waluigi, daisy, bowser jr, baby mario, baby luigi and all of those should be in brawl, point is its representing the entire mario series as a STAGE, being from a spin-off or not the game mario kart has ALL the mario characters, and since were gettin more mario characters than usual, it would fit to have a stage were all of these characters were once racing on...

But ANY character appearing only in sports and party games aitn important to the storyline of the series, and shouldnt be in the game...

5.- dont consider the fillers and ull see there arent any minor characters in smash, WHY should it have minors this time around??

6.- God how many times I have to say this: THEY ARE RETROS, theyre there to represent the old school days, and it doesnt matter if theyre popular or not, retro characters have a shot of returning, check Pit, guys like mach rider, balloon fighter and other characters have a shot, why CAUSE THEYRE RETROS...

7.- By spinoffs I mean party and sports games, that had little to nothing to do with the storyline, in SMRPG it HAD a story line, it began like any other mario game, bowser captures peach and mario goes and saves her but the game takes a diferent course which is simply awesome...

8.- Thats the thing if they add a series to brawl, the main hero is bound to gt in, any other character from that series is welcomed as long as he/she/it is popular and deserves the shot, in the mario series mario is already in and so is the side kick, love interest and the main enemy, other characters are welcome as long as they fit the bill: good role, popular and deserves it, waluigi doesnt fit ANY of the bills...

9.- Fine Ill put it in other words: Geno was part of one of the greatest SNES games and in the history of games, he was one of the main characters, and is on the top five most wanted characters, he fills all the bills, true it aint a real mario game, but it has a storyline and depth, hell it may have mroe than any other mario game out there...

10.- Dear GOD I didnt just read that...


1.- what? just because u want marios vs warios? u gotta be kidding, u can do that in any sports and party games, why does it have to be smash, were waluigi will take a spot of a more deserving character??

2.- And we dont have long reach characters already? Marth, roy, dk, link, jiggly and her hitboxes... ur logic fails, true we got projectile characters, but hes more magic based than anything, so magic + projectiles = new


Many of u put the same arguement over and over and over: "Wario is in, lets have waluigi is so they can be together and have the warios!"

Not only does wario have his WW look, which waluigi doesnt have thus it wouldnt make sense, having the biker and the plumber together...

BUT by THAT logic we might as well add Daisy in, to have the princess in brawl!! and if toad is added, then lets add Toadette! Kf u guys cant figure a better excuse then ur logic fails unless u want daisy, waluigi AND toadette in brawl, something thats ******** and wont happen...
Read the LAST part especially...


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
I'll be fine with Waluigi as a playable character ONLY if he's good, and he doesn't take a spot from a more deserving character. I couldn't give you an example, but I think everyone (Waluigi supporters included) should have at least one character in their mind who they know should deserve the spot over Wally. !
goroh was more deserving, *sheds a tear for goroh*


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2007
I think that Waluigi would make an acceptable addition.

He has a unique physical appearance, which will make for a unique move set and fighting style.

And I don't think that complaining about his lack of 'personality' really supports a case to not have him be included in Brawl. How much personality is required in SSB, putting aside the Taunts? And I can see him making great taunts anyway.

I just don't like Waluigi's symbol, an upside-down L? WTF??

And about Daisy, this thread isn't about her, and anyone would have to admit that Wario to Waluigi is a much bigger difference than Peach to Daisy. She can be represented with the same color change that existed in Melee.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Did you notice the :p after monopoly? that kinda signifys sarcasm. :******:

And ddr was a game,and people say he has never played an importiant role in a GAME,so i found a GAME in wich he had a decent part,
Yes, but it isn't just any old game that we're looking for. It's a role in a 'canon' game that we want. You know, a game that actually contributes to the timeline in Mushroom Kingdom.

but dyce they are from different genre's of games. and realy Mario character have prevalence over FE.

Also, we do not even know how many character are in, there could be 50+(it'd be sweet) and if there was waluigi would definitly be in,so you cant say much till we know
Ummm... (A) just because they're from different games doesn't mean they take up different space in the game's memory. (B) As much as I'd like to see it, there's no way the roster is breaking 50+, unless they do put in clones, which will in fact take up less memory. (C) Oh, right, more Mario characters added to the already huge Mushroom Kingdom Universe roster of 8. Let's just take out all the non-Mario related characters, fill their places with all the other B-Rate and C-Rate Mario characters that aren't playable like Waluigi, Koopa, and Goomba, and call this game "Mario Party Battle". Yea, that will go over really well for Sakurai. But it's ok right? Because Nintendo's set with just Mario.

Nope. Try again TWoK.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2007
My Waluigi Moveset


This moveset that I’ve created for Waluigi would utilize his long limps and height advantages. It also has some humor to it, to match Waluigi’s personality. This moveset might make Waluigi more likeable and certainly very original. Personally, I think Waluigi would make a good addition to the roster, but I'd rather see many characters before him. Give me your comments/questions/suggestions and tell if there is a lame move that I should think about changing.


Attack: 3
Attack Speed: 2.5
Reach: 5
Jump: 4
Gravity: 3
Height: 4
Weight: 3
Movement: 3
Throw: 2.5


A: A standard right-handed punch. 2%.
AA: Waluigi punches with the other hand. 3%
AAA: Jabs his knee into the foe. 5%

Smash Up: Waluigi punches weakly with his left hand above his head, and then quickly adds another harder punch with his right. 8-12%
Smash: Waluigi charges up to prepare for a powerful drop-kick! 11-15%
Smash Down: Waluigi curls up into a ball on the ground when charging, and then extends both his arms and legs quickly when released. 10-14%

Tilt Up: A jab over his head using the heel of his hand. 5%
Tilt: Waluigi claps in the face of his foe kind of weakly. 4%
Tilt Down: Waluigi does a can-opener, damaging foes on either side of him. 6%
A Running: This move would be similar to Luigi’s, except Waluigi would karate chop with his arms fully extended. 3%

Aerial U: Waluigi jabs upwards with the heel of his hand. 4%
Aerial F: A forward jab with the heel of his hand. 4%
Aerial: Waluigi goes spread eagle, facing the camera, knocking nearby opponents with his arms and legs. 5%
Aerial B: Waluigi does a kick behind himself. 6%
Aerial D: A strong DK style kick downwards. 7%

Grab: He will reach out and grab the foe pulling them into himself, pressing A will make him hit them with his knee. 3%
Grab U: A standard upwards throw. 2%
Grab F: Waluigi will bounce the foe directly in front of himself and causing them to fly away. 8%
Grab B: A standard backwards throw. 4%
Grab D: Waluigi will throw them under himself and then slam on them with his butt.

B: Waluigi takes out his tennis racket and serves tennis balls at the enemy kind of slowly. 6%

B Up: Waluigi leaps through the air with his arms open. If he makes contact with another player on the way, he grabs them and brings them back down with him, doing a somersault and then throwing them when they hit the ground. This move would also help Waluigi recover from falls. 9%
B Over: Waluigi will take off his hat and attempt stretch it around an opponent to trap them. If he misses, there would be a lot of lag, but when he makes target, they will be trapped and he can beat on them. This move would be similar to Yoshi’s egg, but the opponent would not be able to escape. Instead, Waluigi would pull his hat off them and put it back on his head after a few seconds. Pretty original, huh? 4% + beat up damage
B Down: Waluigi lies on the ground with his legs in the air flailing, kicking everyone next to him. 4%

Taunt 1: Waluigi does a hoe-down mimic dance, (like what Ashlee Simpson did on SNL:p) complete with his cackle.
Taunt 2: Waluigi does three muscle poses while saying “Imma gonna win.”

Final Smash: (It’s kind of lame, so give me your suggestions.) Waluigi’s arms grow to a completely un-proportional size and length. He then grabs all other opponents and brings them together between his hands, where he mashes them up, putting on major damage. He then flicks them off in a random direction.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 24, 2005
He should be in because I say so. End of discussion.

Just kidding. Really, It's not that big a deal, I see Waluigi as a wacky character that really fits the old school mischievous villain look (you can totally see him tieing a helpless damsel to the train tracks), Is just about as agressive as Wario (In double dash, he outright hook punched you out of the way, and taunted by flexing AND putting a leg up on the car in defiance) and seems to be more prone to burst out lauging maniacally than Wario.
There's enough flavor for me right there, to justify playing as him.

While the other chracters sure do look cool (pit, fox, and metaknight come to mind) They all look... serious. They're all looking at you with serious eyes and closed mouths (bar Bowser and Wario, of course) focusing entirely on ending you. Heck even kirby has that "down to business" attitude to him most of the time. We need more wacky fun characters!


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
I see Waluigi as a wacky character that really fits the old school mischievous villain look (you can totally see him tieing a helpless damsel to the train tracks)
If by "fits" you mean, "rips off" I can see what you mean.

Is just about as agressive as Wario (In double dash, he outright hook punched you out of the way, and taunted by flexing AND putting a leg up on the car in defiance) and seems to be more prone to burst out lauging maniacally than Wario.
There's enough flavor for me right there, to justify playing as him.
So his attack and taunt in a racing game is enough to justify including him in the limited roster of Brawl, over other characters? That's an appauling reason.

While the other chracters sure do look cool (pit, fox, and metaknight come to mind) They all look... serious. They're all looking at you with serious eyes and closed mouths (bar Bowser and Wario, of course) focusing entirely on ending you. Heck even kirby has that "down to business" attitude to him most of the time. We need more wacky fun characters!
Wacky fun characters are ones like Game and Watch that add real variety to gameplay with a different sort of art style, personalised and unique movesets and are just fun to play. There's plenty of "wacky fun" characters that could be added and to think that it should be an incredibly unoriginal character from the Mario series which is already teeming with included characters is kinda illogical. Retro characters are the best for wacky fun.


I...er...failed to spot any humour, but that's probably just me. While your moveset would work I guess, it's a bit repetitive and bland and much like Waluigi there isn't really any character there. Sure there's already a lot of characters with some kinda bland A moves, but their B moves and certain A moves which are linked directly to their games often add the bulk of personality and originality, and compared to many potential Brawl additions such as Olimar, Bowser Jr., Ridley etc. stretching your hat over the opponent doesn't cut the mustard.

Edit: Oh and El Hp suggesting that the MK series was bigger than the main Mario series made me laugh. Showing an MK stage before revealing the Mario Sunshine stage in a Brawl trailer? Good lord, cancel SMG, quick!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 24, 2005
So his attack and taunt in a racing game is enough to justify including him in the limited roster of Brawl, over other characters? That's an appauling reason
I textually said its enough reason to make me want to play as him, and this is considering the event that he could be in the game.

Wacky fun characters are ones like Game and Watch that add real variety to gameplay with a different sort of art style, personalised and unique movesets and are just fun to play. There's plenty of "wacky fun" characters that could be added and to think that it should be an incredibly unoriginal character from the Mario series which is already teeming with included characters is kinda illogical. Retro characters are the best for wacky fun.
Most of your statements here are derived from personal opinion, and thus cant be considered facts, and therefore, arguments. I'll grant you, Waluigi is very unoriginal, however, I didn't consider G&W to be fun to play as, that is a matter of who's behind the control as much as it is about the character itself. Implying that waluigi's moveset isnt as personalized and unique as G&Ws, is pointless, since his movesets arent anyhtig more than tehory and speculation. And again, stating retro characters as the best for wacky fun is merely a matter of personal taste.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
I textually said its enough reason to make me want to play as him, and this is considering the event that he could be in the game.
Sorry thought you were saying that he should be included for that reason :(.

Most of your statements here are derived from personal opinion, and thus cant be considered facts, and therefore, arguments.
They are sentiments that I hold to be true, yes you're correct. However, when it comes down to unconfirmed character discusssion all we have to go on is opinions since where one man says for example "Personality should be a deciding factor" there's another saying the complete opposite. It's through discussion and arguments that we can weigh up for ourselves these opinions, but we can never know for sure if they'll come true or not. Samurai Goroh for example, an absolute shoe-in for an F-Zero 2nd playable character surely? Alas, despite many people wishing it to be so it didn't happen.

Stating retro characters as the best for wacky fun is merely a matter of personal taste.
Was more saying what I think reflects the Smash community's tastes. People play low-tier characters for fun and I was thinking more along the lines of the complete uniqueness of Ice Climbers too, but but you're right not everyone likes playing retros or even anything below top tier. Wacky characters don't have to be retro though at all, there's crazy characters like Fawful which would make awesome wacky characters.

I still stand by that Waluigi, unless they spent time to develop him in the same way that they did with Fox, C. Falcon etc., just won't be as original. As personalised I very much doubt since almost all of G+W's moves were derived from his games and Waluigi doesn't have enough going for him to do that.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
Dude ur asking for a tase of pwnage rite now:
No you are the one who will taste some of it hermano.

1.- It allowed 2-player gameplay even if it aint simultanous, there were a few games back in the NES era where u cna play 2-player simultanous games...
Point is if the player used mario, died and the second player used mario as well it wouldnt make sense...
Have you ever played Donkey Kong? you know that game where mario appeared for the first time both players used mario.

Understand it was the NES era, 8-bits, there was LITTLE u can do in a game back then, hell u couldnt even use all the colors!! there was NO WAY u could have maked a game as complicated or give any character such depth...
Have you ever played Ninja Gaiden? the game had a deep story so what's your point? and just because the graphics were primitive doesn't mean the gameplay was limited after all many genres were created in that era.

rite now u can create a game about anything, give a chaacter ANY roll, look at shadow he got his own game, wario got his own series, luigi got his own game and peach, developing a game with story and depth is possible, and yet it HASNT happen to waluigi...
How many years had to pass for luigi or peach to get their own game?

seriously ur comparing a character that was created as a filelr in the N64 era, to a character created in the 8-bit era, shame on you...
So? a character is character is doesn't matter when it was created.

2.- yeah but there was no depth, why did bowser capture peach, why did mario become a doctor, why did he went evil, all of these things couldnt have been aswered in the past cause there wasnt the technology to create such a depth game, unlike now...
Mario games always have had a simple story with no depth.

3.- Dude IM from mexico, and I BUY those magazines, wario and toad were on the list, but waluigi wasnt on it, I can guarantee you me being from mexico and all...
Waluigi was there you may not remember it I can say it because I buy those magazines as well they are distributed to latin america after all.

4.- Dude its a stage, representing the ENTIRE mario series, by ur logic dry bones, toad, toadette, waluigi, daisy, bowser jr, baby mario, baby luigi and all of those should be in brawl, point is its representing the entire mario series as a STAGE, being from a spin-off or not the game mario kart has ALL the mario characters, and since were gettin more mario characters than usual, it would fit to have a stage were all of these characters were once racing on...
Dry Bones along with toad are generic characters, baby mario and baby luigi are unnecesary mario and luigi are already in, bowser jr. is possible and daisy is just peach in yellow so it won't happen, hey you are the one saying that spin-off don't matter and shouldn't exist.

5.- dont consider the fillers and ull see there arent any minor characters in smash, WHY should it have minors this time around??
Some of those fillers as you call them were some of the best characters in the game specially falco who is top tier and even as clones added more variety to the game.

6.- God how many times I have to say this: THEY ARE RETROS, theyre there to represent the old school days, and it doesnt matter if theyre popular or not, retro characters have a shot of returning, check Pit, guys like mach rider, balloon fighter and other characters have a shot, why CAUSE THEYRE RETROS...
Mario, DK, Luigi etc are retros most character in smash are, they are even older than the characters you mention.

7.- By spinoffs I mean party and sports games, that had little to nothing to do with the storyline, in SMRPG it HAD a story line, it began like any other mario game, bowser captures peach and mario goes and saves her but the game takes a diferent course which is simply awesome...
Mario is a platformer not an RPG therefore that makes Mario RPG a spin-off it doesn't matter if it had a story is not part of the main series.

8.- Thats the thing if they add a series to brawl, the main hero is bound to gt in, any other character from that series is welcomed as long as he/she/it is popular and deserves the shot, in the mario series mario is already in and so is the side kick, love interest and the main enemy, other characters are welcome as long as they fit the bill: good role, popular and deserves it, waluigi doesnt fit ANY of the bills...
Popular like pichu? roy?

9.- Fine Ill put it in other words: Geno was part of one of the greatest SNES games and in the history of games, he was one of the main characters, and is on the top five most wanted characters, he fills all the bills, true it aint a real mario game, but it has a storyline and depth, hell it may have mroe than any other mario game out there...
Game quality is an opinion not a fact and geno is secondary character he is only more important than mallow. Mario, peach and bowser are way above geno and he doesn't fit the bills because he is from a spin-off remember?

1.- what? just because u want marios vs warios? u gotta be kidding, u can do that in any sports and party games, why does it have to be smash, were waluigi will take a spot of a more deserving character??
I'm sure i'm not the only one who wants to see that and I mean a fight you know kicks, punches, bites anything goes.

2.- And we dont have long reach characters already? Marth, roy, dk, link, jiggly and her hitboxes... ur logic fails, true we got projectile characters, but hes more magic based than anything, so magic + projectiles = new
I clearly said fast+long reach are DK, Roy or link fast? nope, it seems you need to play more smash or watch vids marth is the only fast+long reach character in melee why you think marth ***** jiggly? because of reach and geno projectiles are energy based not magic the magician was mallow but it doesn't matter they are projectiles.

Characters like Pit, ZSS and Snake add even more to this kind of character that make geno even more worthless.

I'll be fine with Waluigi as a playable character ONLY if he's good, and he doesn't take a spot from a more deserving character. I couldn't give you an example, but I think everyone (Waluigi supporters included) should have at least one character in their mind who they know should deserve the spot over Wally.
You are right I want characters like Ridley, Dark Samus, Black Shadow, Ike etc more than Waluigi but if they have the time I think it won't hurt if the developers add him.

Edit: Oh and El Hp suggesting that the MK series was bigger than the main Mario series made me laugh. Showing an MK stage before revealing the Mario Sunshine stage in a Brawl trailer? Good lord, cancel SMG, quick!
I didn't say it was bigger I said it can be as big the sales speak for themselves, I used that example just to show that spin-offs are not the black sheeps like many here suggest and they can be taken in consideration as much as the main series and let me make a question isn't SSB a spin-off by the way?

I will rest my case here since there is not much to say besides speculating, E3 is next week and nintendo has confirmed they will show new first party titles if Super Wario Bros. is real whether you like it or not walugi will be a new comer.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 24, 2005
Well Vali, we can agree that the real outcome of our collective arguing is meaningless, at least at this very point. By now, the rooster is probably already complete, and either Waluigi is there or not. If people supporting waluigi take dominance over this thread, but they axe him from the final product.. well, that's just too bad. The oposite could happen as well.

A small tought too, perhaps his appearance on brawl could set stronger footing for a fanbase of his to start, and perhaps it could help into making Nintendo give him his own game, or direct co-starring in a wario game, were he shows us just what kind of character he really is.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Hmm I really think that it should work the opposite way around, such as popular important characters with already large fanbases and lead roles being included in the roster and not including characters *cough*Roy*cough* to merely promote them/try to widen the fanbase. As much as I do hate the whole concept of Waluigi (not really a fan of the Wario toilet humour either, but thats just a personal taste again), I wouldn't so much mind his inclusion in the next Smash Bros. if his character was developed upon. However I would much prefer a new, original character from Nintendo (it's been a while hasn't it?) that was far more creative than Waluigi, but I very much doubt that will happen. His inclusion as an AT I wouldn't care too much about, it'd just be like getting a Pokemon I don't like and if that's enough to keep him out of the roster at least this time around then I'm happy.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2005
All right, everyone, listen to this! If Wario is in his WarioWare costume in brawl and not his standard yellow 'n purple, then what the h*** is Waluigi supposed to wear??? Waluigi doesn't have a WarioWare costume, and they can't put him in his normal outfit because it would make him look stupid next to Wario! Unless they come up with some filler story as to where Waluigi was during the events of WarioWare, (I predict that Wario locks him in his bedroom whenever he goes out alone) there is a huge continuity error as to Waluigi's existence!!

Wahahaha! I have brought forth a dire dilemma that will now crush the hopes of Waluigi fans across the world! Wahahahahahhaahhahaahah! Wahaha.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
well i never thought the two were that closely tied together that they had to match. and waluigi could use his strikers outfit. plus i doubt they won't let us use wario's regular costume


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
All right, everyone, listen to this! If Wario is in his WarioWare costume in brawl and not his standard yellow 'n purple, then what the h*** is Waluigi supposed to wear??? Waluigi doesn't have a WarioWare costume, and they can't put him in his normal outfit because it would make him look stupid next to Wario! Unless they come up with some filler story as to where Waluigi was during the events of WarioWare, (I predict that Wario locks him in his bedroom whenever he goes out alone) there is a huge continuity error as to Waluigi's existence!!

Wahahaha! I have brought forth a dire dilemma that will now crush the hopes of Waluigi fans across the world! Wahahahahahhaahhahaahah! Wahaha.
HOO-RAH!!! Owned, Waluigi supporters!
How ya' gunna act?

Next big pro-Waluigi post will most likely be El HP, pissed as all hell.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
1.- Have you ever played Ninja Gaiden? the game had a deep story so what's your point? and just because the graphics were primitive doesn't mean the gameplay was limited after all many genres were created in that era.

2.- How many years had to pass for luigi or peach to get their own game?

3.- So? a character is character is doesn't matter when it was created.

4.- Mario games always have had a simple story with no depth.

5.- Waluigi was there you may not remember it I can say it because I buy those magazines as well they are distributed to latin america after all.

6.- Dry Bones along with toad are generic characters, baby mario and baby luigi are unnecesary mario and luigi are already in, bowser jr. is possible and daisy is just peach in yellow so it won't happen, hey you are the one saying that spin-off don't matter and shouldn't exist.

7.- Some of those fillers as you call them were some of the best characters in the game specially falco who is top tier and even as clones added more variety to the game.

8.- Mario, DK, Luigi etc are retros most character in smash are, they are even older than the characters you mention.

9.- Mario is a platformer not an RPG therefore that makes Mario RPG a spin-off it doesn't matter if it had a story is not part of the main series.

10.- Popular like pichu? roy?

11.- Game quality is an opinion not a fact and geno is secondary character he is only more important than mallow. Mario, peach and bowser are way above geno and he doesn't fit the bills because he is from a spin-off remember?

12.- I'm sure i'm not the only one who wants to see that and I mean a fight you know kicks, punches, bites anything goes.

13.- I clearly said fast+long reach are DK, Roy or link fast? nope, it seems you need to play more smash or watch vids marth is the only fast+long reach character in melee why you think marth ***** jiggly? because of reach and geno projectiles are energy based not magic the magician was mallow but it doesn't matter they are projectiles.

14.- Characters like Pit, ZSS and Snake add even more to this kind of character that make geno even more worthless.
Oi bei...

1.- True, yet MOST of the games didn't had depth, e.x. SUPER MARIO BROS, were talking about luigi here and his game didnt had any depth, and there and little could be done passing the years, but now in the 3d world like I stated ANY CHARACTER can have depth and his/her own game, waluigi doesnt...

2.- So? they were ALWAYS important to the series and had big roles in the games, waluigi doesnt have NEITHER of these...

3.- Yeah u can surely compare balloon fighter and midna >.>
Look back then theyre wasnt much u can do, every character today cna be well developed, be important and have a big role, yet waluigi (AGAIN) doesnt have any of these...

4.- But the reasons were never stated...

5.- Yes I know, but I bought that issue a long time ago and waluigi wasnt on the list...

6.- Hang on RIGHT THERE... Daisy is just a yellow peach, ok aint waluigi a taller skinnier luigi, and a complete ripoff of Wario? I mean everything was copied from him, the Inverted L? the inverted W, nose, mustach, both starting with Wa (why does waluigi start with wa? cause WARIO starts with wa complete ripoff) so please u can say daisy is just a yellow peach when luigi is a ripoff of 2 characters... and at least daisy has had one major role in super mario land, dammsel in distress...

7.- Only falco and ganondorf, they ma be important, but at the end what are they? fillers, point is the majority of the fillers and minor characters, doc, pichu, y.link (theres already a link wtf?), roy, falco and ganondorf being the only exception... the REST of the characters are all stars, something waluigi aint...

8.- When I mean RETROS, I mean characters that havent appeared sine the NES era e.x. pit, ICs and amch rider...

9.- I dont think ur seeing the point: The majority of the poeple in japan and america... want... GENO! what other reason is there of why he was on the top 5 list?! and waluigi, ha he doesnt even APPEAR on the list!

10.- Already stated on number 7

11.- Number 9... Obviously mario, peach and bowser are the main characters, but in THAT game Geno was one of the mains, that game alone, thinkg about it: Just ONE game and geno is one of the most wanted characters of ALL how many games has waluigi appeared in? last time I heard either by u or TWoK it was 20, 20 games and no mention of him in the polls! That shows how unpopular he is in comparison to other characters...

12.- True OBVIOUSLY theres gonna be more, but the Geno, Bowser Jr, Toad fans outnumber the wlauigi fans, and I hardly see more than 6-7 mario characters...

13.- So? We dont NEED a character for eveyr propertie:
SLow but long reach
fast but low reach
fast but heavy
slow but floaty
long reach and fast
low reach and slow

There doesnt have to be a character for every propertie out there, unless sakurai said: We HAVE to have a character for every single propertie so waluigi can be in!

14.- Dude how many sword fighters do we got already? expect 4 more at LEAST, I think we can survive with a character who most of the people WANT to see thats a projectile-based thant a character with NO importance to the series, with a small fanbase in comparison that has long reach...
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