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The Official Waluigi Thread

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Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Yeah I agree on more characters the better, But Irather have a good character with a nice moveset, instead of them waisting their time for waluigi, being the most non-unique character I know...


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Once again, it's just his name and appearence, and you don't know what he could be like in Brawl.




Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Cmon man it aint idiotic, I know what can cheer u up!! Keep posting pro-waluigi things so we can flame them... or u can..umm maybe throw bombs or something XD


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Wikipedia: Waluigi's name has a dual-meaning in Japanese. The Japanese word "warui" (??, "warui"?) means "bad" or "evil" ("Warui" is also a condescending way of apologizing, as opposed to "gomennasai", or "sumimasen" which are more polite). This means that Waluigi's name is a portmanteau of "warui" and "Luigi" and essentially means "Evil Luigi". Many believe his name to be a cheap offshoot of Wario's name rather than being derived from Luigi's name. Similarly, "Ruiji" (the Japanese pronunciation of "Luigi) means "analogous" or "copy"; giving Waluigi's name the double-meaning of "Evil Copy". Additionally, the name Waluigi would be pronounced in Japanese as waruiji, which rearranges the syllables of ijiwaru, the Japanese word for "mean-spirited". Note that in Japanese, the same sound is used for L and R.
I'm sorry, but the most probable thing is that his name is cheap knock-off of Wario's and Luigi's. Because:

1. Those "other meanings" could be coincidental.
2. Warui does mean bad, and ruiji does mean copy, BUT, Waruiji DOESN'T mean "evil copy", because you can't mash words like that up. You know what waruiji means? Warui = bad, Ji = letter (well, loosely, it refers more to japanese letters, like kanJI). So unless Waluigi is an evil letter, and his name reflects that, his name is most likely a cheap knock-off of Luigi and Wario, with a coincidental, minor, secondary meaning. And I seriously doubt that much thought goes into people comming up with a name for a minor filler character.

That's in case someone brings that up again.

santos1192 said:
i want waluigi the more characters the better
It doesn't work that way. They can't magically come up with Waluigi and put him in the roster. They are working with a limited character roster, so if Waluigi gets in, there's a character that CAN'T. He is not worthy of it, not as a marioverse character, and much, much less worthy when held against the MANY other Nintendo characters.

Besides, his "lack of moves" is not reason enough to justificate that they could "get creative" with his moveset. And don't point the finger at Captain Falcon, he had a backstory, he was a bounty hunter, he had a PAST from where to draw moves from. And his representing a series. The Mario series was VERY well represented without Doctor Mario butting in (that ship already sailed though, and I don't really care) so they don't even need Waluigi to show up.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I just assumed people were going to ignore that post. >_>

Anyway, while "Ruigi" may mean "copy" in Japanese; I'm sure it's coincidental. The name "Mario" is based off of a warehouse owner in New York City. It's an Italian name (obviously); so it only makes sense that his brother would also have a (common) Italian name. Japanese people cannot pronouce L's; so it becomes "Ruigi."

Also, it should be noted that "Luigi" is the italian form of "Louis," which is the French form of the German "Ludwig," meaning "famous warrior."


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
I have relised that all the waluigi haters here call the pro walugigi posters morons. Whats up with that, all you are going to do is flame us,so why bother to post if all you are going to do is flame and not take in anything us prowaluigi peeps say


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I respect your opinions, If u want him in so be it, but saying stuff like: "Warios in, so should his partner, after all mario has luigi" just pisses me off, cause ur comparing a character created as a filler with the most famous duo among videogame characters... which is pretty ********...

Look ur comparing waluigi with falco and ganondorf, saying they dont have a game or their own series, and thus waluigi should be in, AGAIN that is a ******** statement, why u ask?

Falco is the partner and friendly rival to the Star fox series, among the characters of the franchise hes one of the more popular, and is important to the series...

Ganondorf is the main villain of the series, hes a powerful magician and is evil to the core, and thus, being the main villain, hes one of the most important to the srie...

see a connection? BOTH of them are important to their respective series, they WERENT created as fillers, and are popular among gamers... Now waluigi is a totally diferent story...

Not only was he created as a filler, but COMPARING him with other more deserving characters, he has a very slim chance, why u ask? cause of his popularity and 0 uniqueness...

Hes a copy copy of luigi, with a bit of wario, whose a copy of mario, how is that unique? true mario doesnt have much of a personality just like waluigi, but CMON ur comparing a filler with THE greatest videogame character of all time...

Not only that he had almost no role in a mario game, only appearing in sports and party games, he was the main antagonist of mario DDR, oh wow he TOTALYL must be in [/sarcasm]... Really cmon compare that to the roles of other characters:

Waluigi-mario: Mario is the main hero of the series so he wins
Waluigi-luigi: Hes been around as much as mario, has a tad less popularity than his brother, and has had his OWN game, luigi wins
Waluigi-Wario: Please wario has his own series, actually make that 2 series: the wario-land and wario ware, wario wins
Waluigi-Peach: Peach is the dammsel in distress, shes the reason mario is on adventures against bowser, but not only that she has now her own game... peach wins...
Waluigi-Bowser: Bowser is the main enemy in nearly every mario game, being platform, sports or party, waluigi is only the main bad guy is a dancing game... bowser wins...
Waluigi-Toad: Toad is (I believe) in the top 5 on sakurais list, has his own game, warios woods, and has been part of the mario series since the NES, he may not be as popular as the rest, but he has had at least a role in a aplatform game of mario, waluigi has not, toad wins...
Waluigi-Daisy: Daisy is too peach as waluigi to luig, BUT daisy has at least ONE major role in a platform game, even if its on the gameboy, daisy wins...

Waluigi loses against all of the main characters, he isnt even on sakurais poll, and even chain chomp is on it!! this proves how unpopular he is in COMPARISON, now I know chain chomp cant be a PC, but those that dont have limbs or the all-star status, they can appear as an AT, so can waluigi...

Now ur ALSO comparing waluigi with retros, have u no f'king shame? the retros dont NEED to be popular, cause they are part of the old days, representing past series, guys like the ICS, GaW, Pit and other retros are there just for the old school gamers...

Also wario is representing his own series, if waluigi is added he HAS to be part of the mario series, cause wario has his WW look, and since waluigi HASNT appeared in the WW games, it will look ******** if theyre paired up even tought theyre on diferent series...

Ok HP, red maniac and the other 5 pro-waluigi, I ask u, if waluigi is in, shouldnt daisy, toadette, bowser jr, and other be in, cause peach, toad (if hes added) and bowser are in??
TWoK like I said at the top I respect your opinions, but comparing him with other characters, and saying he should be added for X reasons is BS... I personally would like to see ur response about the last paragraph, the one in bold...


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Ok HP, red maniac and the other 5 pro-waluigi, I ask u, if waluigi is in, shouldnt daisy, toadette, bowser jr, and other be in, cause peach, toad (if hes added) and bowser are in??
A. we have proved there is more than 5 pro waluigi'ists

(outside of this paraghraph) every character has personality. waluigi=cocky wich = adjective wich=personality.

ok the bold atament of strkys. Dasiy realy is= to waluigi,but daisy has a perfect costume replica on melee(not much,but it is somthig. She is basicly what blood falcon is to captian falcon.

Toad ha always been the helper,never a main hereo,so he would most likly take up that role in brawl(vergin on irelivance)


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
You know, the grim lizard is right. We are saying the same things over and over again.



Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
So since waluigi has always been the least considered character of the bunch, it means he will be one of the last considered, and may end up as an AT? sweet...

So? daisy can have her own moveset, she has a tomboyish personality, and can be a stronger faster peach, heavier or something, just like you guys say waluigi can be in and unique, she can be in and unique, now ur just favoring characters, u just like waluigi and want him in, but dont consider the facts:

Waluigi and daisy are similair, if u want waluigi but not daisy then u just want the character witout considering the status, and the facts is they have equal status, so if u want waluigi, u practically have to want daisy in, but u dont...

now why cant waluigi be a color swap for luigi in brawl? and cmon mario has the plumber wario look and wario was added, even tough hes representing the WW series, hes still in, thus daisy can be in...

U fail, u want waluigi? u gotta look at the facts, if waluigi is in, theres no reason for daisy, toad, bowser jr, (if toads in) toadette and other to NOT be in, and I highly doubt sakurai would add one without considering the rest, so in the end theres only one reasonable solution: AT


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
you say pro waluigi peeps fail, pro geno peeps fail,suckers.

now you are useing the "if A then B "logic,wich is stupid.

a person can like A without likeing B.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Why exactly do geno pros fail? he has one of the most requestes characters, even after so many years, waluigi has been in like 10 games and he doesnt even APPEAR on the list...

So ur saying my logic is stupid:

"If wario is in, then so should waluigi"



Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Geno was in Super Mario RPG, that game made many platform players realize how wonderful the RPG world is. Everytime I play an RPG it's because of SMRPG. He's iconic to me, and even if he was just in one game, he's much more deserving that Waluigi, cause he hasn't introduced me to anything really.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
A unique 3rd party, hes from the marioverse, and Im sure sakurai knows this, and if he gets rites to use him, I doubt he'll consider him 3rd party...

besides 1 game does not count u out for smash:
Ganondorf (human form)

they all prove this, u fail...


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
EDIT: By popular demand, I compiled this...

Characters more deserving/interesting than Waluigi (in no particular order):

Ridley, King Dedede, Diddy, Dixie, Dark Samus, Skull Kid, WW Link, Tetra, Vaati, Midna/Wolf, Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario, any of the Koopalings, Stafy, Little Mac, Mach Rider, Ray01, Takamaru, Poo, Jeff, Paula, Lucas, Claus, Krystal, Wolf O'Donnell, Katt Monroe, Slippy, Peppy, Leon, Andross, Goroh, Pico, Black Shadow, Deathborn, Darunia, Impa, Mikau (or some other Zora), K. Rool, Bubbles, Tamagon, Mach Rider, Balloon Fighter, Captain Syrup, 9-volt, Orbulon, Jimmy T., Dribble and Spitz, Toad, Knuckle Joe, Sir Kibbles, Captain Olimar, Louie, Muddy Mole, Resetti, Tom Nook, Mike Jones, Ike, Black Knight, Ayra, Hector, Lyn, Isaac, Felix, Mia, Jenna, Ivan, Garet (all GS characters), Rundus, Sylux, Spire, other Hunters, Kraid, Knuckles, Pacman, Gex, Adeleine, Red, Bulbasaur, Charizard, Squirtle, Poliwhirl, Lucario, Deoxys, (honestly I could give you 100 Pokemon who would be more interesting than Waluigi)

...just to name a few. All of those characters are more interesting than Waluigi and would be more unique in Brawl. They have also all appeared in normal titles, which is more than we can say about our party/sports game-bound fellow. There are also plenty of other minions and whatnot that I didn't list that would also be more interesting and have also appeared in platformers, unlike Waluigi. I'm also not very familiar with a lot of series; so I only listed the few I could think of. And, there are only a few 3rd party characters up there, but one could make a whole list of those type who would be better suited than Waluigi, too.

In short, pwnd.
Yeah what a great list you got the entire warioware cast which all of them come from a spin-off and don't have their own game i'm loving the irony in this, a lot of zelda NPC's who dont have their own games and never will BTW, Tom Nook a character who is part of a stage, Deoxys is a pokeball, Goroh? but you were saying he is not original, a lot of pokemon who are items, Gex?, Red? what is he going to do throw pokeballs or something? hahaha you fail so hard is not even funny seriously we are talking about possible candidates not every character in existence.

It's funny how people have to flame someone just because they can't think of real arguments and show their inmaturity how old are you BTW? 10 years old maybe? Dyce is the only one who is actually making some intelligent post around here and not only mindlessly bashing the character or the people who want waluigi in smash because you know what you are not better than anyone here so if you will keep with the stupid flames don't even bother posting in this thread.

2: Doctor Mario was put in the game as FILLER. They needed to save space for another character, and the best clone of Mario that they could find was... well... Mario in a doctor's outfit! He was a last ditch character, and a bad one at that. But since they're not going to add clone characters this time (that we know of) Wally doesn't have that great of a chance.
While it's true he was in because the game was rushed the point is that he made it to smash and it's true he isn't very creative but he is actually a better character than his counterpart.

3: Snake isn't a Nintendo All-Star, no. But he has done more for Konami than Waluigi has done for Nintendo. He's a big name, and an All-Star in every respect. ICs have their own game... does Waluigi? Falco's been in every Starfox game and is playable in most. And Sheik made the cut because of the huge commercial success of OoT, a canon game in the Zelda franchise. Notice that the Zelda characters in Melee were all based off their OoT versions? And how was Sakurai to know she wouldn't be in anymore games? But all-in-all, these characters are All-Stars in one way or another. Waluigi hasn't earned that title yet.
The thing I want to know is where that rules "you need to have your game comes from" because as far as I know many characters broke that rule, yes many characters had a role in their series of origin but the examples I mentioned they were not the protagonist they were secondary characters and like you mention games like mario party, tennis, kart etc are huge comercial success as well in fact they sell better than series like star fox, metroid, f-zero, fire emblem etc.

4: Once again, they were all in multiple, if not all, canon games to their series. And yes, Peach has her own game (Super Princess Peach) not to mention she has playable roles in SMRPG, Paper Mario, Super Paper Mario, and Super Mario Bros. 2 (and let's not dive into the Doki-Doki Panic arguement again now, alright everyone?) And Zelda did have her own game too, even though it was that horrible Phillips Disk Drive game.
Yeah but peach didn't had her own game until the arrival of the DS many years after melee was created, and the RPG are spin-offs not canon. Don't even remind me of those Phillips games besides those thinks can't be considered games those are abominations.

And "there could maybe possibly eventually Super Wario Bros" is a dumb arguement. I'm sorry. But really, you could say that anyone 'might' get their own game eventually.
Super Wario Bros. has a basis of it's existence.

8: HE WASN'T IN WRECKING CREW! Wario's concept was based off the villain in Wrecking Crew, so basically all Waluigi is, is a rip-off of a rip-off.
Yes I know he wasn't but nintendo is trying to somehow relate him to that series.

Thank you El HP for putting in words what i could not, i aplaude you.
Thanks I guess.:p

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Yeah what a great list you got the entire warioware cast which all of them come from a spin-off and don't have their own game i'm loving the irony in this, a lot of zelda NPC's who dont have their own games and never will BTW, Tom Nook a character who is part of a stage, Deoxys is a pokeball, Goroh? but you were saying he is not original, a lot of pokemon who are items, Gex?, Red? what is he going to do throw pokeballs or something? hahaha you fail so hard is not even funny seriously we are talking about possible candidates not every character in existence.

It's funny how people have to flame someone just because they can't think of real arguments and show their inmaturity how old are you BTW? 10 years old maybe? Dyce is the only one who is actually making some intelligent post around here and not only mindlessly bashing the character or the people who want waluigi in smash because you know what you are not better than anyone here so if you will keep with the stupid flames don't even bother posting in this thread.
I'm sorry, but you really are a moron, HP. I said that was a list of characters who were either more interesting or more important than Waluigi. I didn't say they were likely candidates. :******:

And yes, all of them would be more interesting than Waluigi. You pointed out than I included already confirmed NPCs...well, hello! That's the point. If Waluigi is below the rankings with them, you honestly think he'll be a PC?? derrrrr

I even flippin' clarified the list below it. Pretty much all of those characters have appeared in a normal video game title, not a Mario sports/party game. There is no irony. You completely and utterly fail.

I like how you're attempting to mock me when I make coherent, point-by-point replies and you just spew a bunch of crap that doesn't make any sense whatsoever and completely disregard everything that you have me quoted as saying. Seriously, you lose. Just go away because you can't make a reasonable argument to save your life.

Edit: Let me just add this for all of you who still think that most people don't hate Waluigi. Here is a couple examples I saw in other threads for a general consensus about the attitudes of this character:

Hey now...that's just mean....You can say Bomberman shouldn't be in Brawl, that's fine.
But when you start comparing him to Waluigi...that's where I draw the line! Waluigi is a failure at life, he's so bad people complain he sucks at just existing.

Bomberman is cool, he just might or might not be viable for Brawl. This in no way gives permission to bash him over the head like that.
D@mn, that was a low blow. To compare Bomberman to Waluigi is nothing above blasphemy. Waluigi is a filler character based off another character, Bomberman is a completely original character.
Have an open mind. Check the moveset on the previous page, play a recent Bomberman game, or come back with a better reason.

one of my favorite charaters in mario is daisy.but i have to say that she just make it as AT at most.

she will be back as an alt costum for peach.

looking at the bright side , she is better than waliugi.
amen @ that
True dat, true dat!


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
HP u freaking ******, what u said about the warioware cast, he said they would be more interesting...

also warioware a spin-off?? u gotta be kidding, WW is a new franchise about mini-games with wario being the boss of WW inc, it aint a spin-off but an entirely new series based on mini-games...


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Waluigi should be in Brawl! he is great he has been in loads of games!! and he could use Bombs... or something and all your Logic fails me Waluigi haters!!

Note: Waluigi is a gay ****** who if he makes it into brawl i will not only kill ones self but also kill sakurai!

Split personality syndrome FTW!

No but seriously Waluigi you must be joking



Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Dyce is the only one who is actually making some intelligent post around here and not only mindlessly bashing the character or the people who want waluigi in smash because you know what you are not better than anyone here so if you will keep with the stupid flames don't even bother posting in this thread.
Hehe! ;) I love to be talked about in a positive manner. Especially from my (quote-enquote)"rivals".

And thank you for that El HP, but now I have to fight back. You understand.

While it's true he was in because the game was rushed the point is that he made it to smash and it's true he isn't very creative but he is actually a better character than his counterpart.
Yes, Doctor Mario was a bad idea, but he was also a last ditch. Notice he's the cloniest clone? I actually prefer Mario to Doc but the difference is so slight it really didn't don on me that they were any different until I started to play seriously, and even now it barely phases me either way. Waluigi just seems like he would be another last ditch to me. And the fact that none of the so called "die-hard" Waluigi fans can even think of a unique moveset to give him that doesn't invovle generic Mario items like Bob-ombs and Pirhanna Plants isn't reassuring me. The only thing I've seen that would be original to Waluigi is the mid-air swim. Other than that, you could give anyone else from the Mario Universe any of the other moves pro-Waluigi people have been giving him.

The thing I want to know is where that rules "you need to have your game comes from" because as far as I know many characters broke that rule, yes many characters had a role in their series of origin but the examples I mentioned they were not the protagonist they were secondary characters and like you mention games like mario party, tennis, kart etc are huge comercial success as well in fact they sell better than series like star fox, metroid, f-zero, fire emblem etc.

Yeah but peach didn't had her own game until the arrival of the DS many years after melee was created, and the RPG are spin-offs not canon. Don't even remind me of those Phillips games besides those thinks can't be considered games those are abominations.
The only characters you could consider to have broken that theory are the Pokemon, and they've ALL been in canon games. That's what I'm trying to say here, it's not so much having your own game that's the problem, it's not being involved in a canon game. And then, the only character to break that guideline is Doctor Mario. But now that he's gone (he will be, I'd like to see the poor b*stard who doubts it. Even if you're a hardcore Doctor Mario fan and he's your best/main, you have to have accepted that he's as good as gone by now), I don't think they'll repeat their mistake twice.

Super Wario Bros. has a basis of it's existence.
Oh? And what's that basis? It's clever and a cute idea? No, it doesn't work that way. I'm going to say that there's no plan in development for it. If I'm wrong please correct me, but I think I'm dead on with this one. And just because people like the idea, doesn't mean it's going to happen, or that if it is going to be made, that it will be made in the near future. When Super Wario Bros does come out I'll buy it. But as of now it's not coming, so Wally's still got nothing, and isn't going to have anything for a while.

Yes I know he wasn't but nintendo is trying to somehow relate him to that series.
They're trying to relate him... but he still isn't a part of it!

Thanks I guess.:p
No no... thank YOU. :p


Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2007
I'd LOVE to see Waluigi playable in Brawl VERY much, but as much as I want this, I can't see it happening. I feel that Nintendo doesn't take him seriously enough to actually make him playable, BUT I can strongly see him as an AT a lot more than being selectable T.T


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2006
Another Mundane character like Waluigi is not what brawl needs. The Italian overalls thing is cool but lets not over do it. Adding Waluigi is the same as adding Birdo.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
I have relised that all the waluigi haters here call the pro walugigi posters morons. Whats up with that, all you are going to do is flame us,so why bother to post if all you are going to do is flame and not take in anything us prowaluigi peeps say
Erm I recall us calling you a moron. I think that was around the time you gave 4 answers to the question "Why should Waluigi be in Brawl while not being in because of Wario?" and 3 of your answers were basically "Because Wario is in, so should Waluigi" just worded differently each time. Then after we had a bit of a laugh at your expense, you went and repeated a couple of your points in large capitals. Red Maniac isn't a moron, he can just throw bombs or something.

now you are useing the "if A then B "logic,wich is stupid.
*Actually killed by the irony this time*


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Mmm not bad... Nice drawings *Thumbs up*
When will this all end... Its like a none stop flame war!


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
I've been reading like 10 pages of this thread... and holy ****. You ARE saying the same stuff one and another time.

So let me post some Waluigi hate here:

Waluigi=Rip off from 2 characters, Wario and Luigi, and has stared in countless PARTY NON CANON GAMES, with no story, and only a description of him that says "he's greedy".

Now WTF, how can you compare Link to Waluigi, Link has personality... and is the hero of countless games.

Ridley is just a boss, true, a boss, an archnemesis, and the main villain of the Metroid Series, he's inteligent, merciless and evil.

Oh and guess what, he has appeared in 5 Canon games.

Also, the very fact that Waluigi doesn't appear in the Wario Land games with Wario, must mean that even Nintendo hates him, and hate the idiot who created him.

But i do know he could have an amazing moveset...

"He could throw bombs...or something..."

I don't see him appearing as an AT either, but if he does fine.

And if he does appear as a PC, he will make the game worse, know why?

Because he will be taking the slot of more deserving character.

Like who? I don't know... more deserving than Waluigi? a koopa. Wasn't a Koopa Bowser's Partner in Mario Tennis?


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
Did someone compare Waluigi to Geno?

Geno is one of the major characters of one of the most popular Mario games ever (Super Mario RPG). Geno was the one who explained the conflict of the game. That was no minor role.

Geno also has huge fanbase (maybe even equal to the top Mario characters).


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
In Akaneia, blasting every castle with a pink Land
Did someone compare Waluigi to Geno?

Geno is one of the major characters of one of the most popular Mario games ever (Super Mario RPG). Geno was the one who explained the conflict of the game. That was no minor role.

Geno also has huge fanbase (maybe even equal to the top Mario characters).
They even compared him with MARIO and LINK.:mad:



Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
HP u freaking ******, what u said about the warioware cast, he said they would be more interesting...
Characters more deserving/interesting than Waluigi (in no particular order):

also warioware a spin-off?? u gotta be kidding, WW is a new franchise about mini-games with wario being the boss of WW inc, it aint a spin-off but an entirely new series based on mini-games...
Let me remind you that Wario Land was a platformer not a party game making WarioWare a spin-off since the game takes Wario's origin into a different genre, this is the exact same as Super Mario Bros. is to Mario Party also you will be flaming as well? I thought you were better than that.

Hehe! ;) I love to be talked about in a positive manner. Especially from my (quote-enquote)"rivals".

And thank you for that El HP, but now I have to fight back. You understand.
No need to thank me i'm just saying the true.

Yes, Doctor Mario was a bad idea, but he was also a last ditch. Notice he's the cloniest clone? I actually prefer Mario to Doc but the difference is so slight it really didn't don on me that they were any different until I started to play seriously, and even now it barely phases me either way. Waluigi just seems like he would be another last ditch to me. And the fact that none of the so called "die-hard" Waluigi fans can even think of a unique moveset to give him that doesn't invovle generic Mario items like Bob-ombs and Pirhanna Plants isn't reassuring me. The only thing I've seen that would be original to Waluigi is the mid-air swim. Other than that, you could give anyone else from the Mario Universe any of the other moves pro-Waluigi people have been giving him.
It's true Doc was the definition of clone. Some have actually posted a moveset for Waluigi and I don't think people is suggesting a bob-omb for him those are already an item not to mention seeing how powerful they are it would be a very cheap move also mario & luigi use generic items like the fireball or the cape even peach does because anyone was able to pick up a vegetal in SMB 2.

The only characters you could consider to have broken that theory are the Pokemon, and they've ALL been in canon games. That's what I'm trying to say here, it's not so much having your own game that's the problem, it's not being involved in a canon game. And then, the only character to break that guideline is Doctor Mario. But now that he's gone (he will be, I'd like to see the poor b*stard who doubts it. Even if you're a hardcore Doctor Mario fan and he's your best/main, you have to have accepted that he's as good as gone by now), I don't think they'll repeat their mistake twice.
True Doc is basically gone but his appearance in melee opens the possibility for other spin-off characters to appear.

Oh? And what's that basis? It's clever and a cute idea? No, it doesn't work that way. I'm going to say that there's no plan in development for it. If I'm wrong please correct me, but I think I'm dead on with this one. And just because people like the idea, doesn't mean it's going to happen, or that if it is going to be made, that it will be made in the near future. When Super Wario Bros does come out I'll buy it. But as of now it's not coming, so Wally's still got nothing, and isn't going to have anything for a while.
Well the game was listed by the same blog that reported the existence of games like Mario & Sonic, NBA Live 2008 and Ready2Rumble before any other site and that seems to good for a guess don't you think?

No no... thank YOU. :p
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@ GrimLizard come back when you have finally reached puberty at least.
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