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The Official Waluigi Thread

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Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Of course you could make a moveset for him, it just doesn't write itself like tons of Brawl candidates.

Oh yeah, and on the point that he'd drag the Wario Series down, I entirely Disagree,
Waluigi's partaking in any game brings it down, no matter how minute his role. It's what he does.

Waluigi seems to be a more of a sneaky kind of character compared to Wario, also, Waluigi doesn't seem to care about Greed, unlike Wario, he seems to care more about destruction and whatnot
What exactly are you basing this on? Waluigi has never really been developed on and so we don't really have any clue about his personality other than his "I fail as a villain" villainary that most if not all Mario villains have. Something along the lines of "Look how evil I am, I'm going to interrupt their tennis tournament bwahahaha oh wait no I failed. Pity." or "The tennis tournament failed so lets steal some magic keys or something and they have to dance to get them back!" (if anyone has actually played Mario DDR and I got the plot wrong, please feel free to point it out, although I don't really care too much)

hence why he could be actually connected to Wrecking Crew through the hints given
Waluigi is being linked to Wrecking Crew because Luigi starred as a playable character in it, but in a purple outfit. Hence now we have what is essentially a purple Luigi again, Nintendo are obviously capatalising on the link. Also according to Wikipedia the badguy is presumed to be who Wario was based off of, so it seems fitting. Waluigi has no connection though.

If The Super Wario Bros game is true, they could have Wario be the guy who collects the treasure and whatnot, and Waluigi could be the sneaky guy who could slip through walls or crawl under things Wario couldn't (Being so thin has to come to an advantage sooner or later) It could be like a Wario Land game, only you could switch between playing as either Wario or Waluigi (but you'd have to use both of them at some points in the game). So imo, he wouldn't bring the Wario Series down at all
What you mean like Waluigi could basically just rip off Paper Mario in a Wario Bros. platformer? Fantastic. Plus the whole sneak around doesn't fit in with your earlier description of him being destructive etc. and his ability to "slip through walls" isn't particularly hyping me up for his inclusion in a Smash Bros. game.


Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2006
Waluigi's partaking in any game brings it down, no matter how minute his role. It's what he does.
It's your opinion, so no use on arguing on an opinion

What exactly are you basing this on? Waluigi has never really been developed on and so we don't really have any clue about his personality other than his "I fail as a villain" villainary that most if not all Mario villains have. Something along the lines of "Look how evil I am, I'm going to interrupt their tennis tournament bwahahaha oh wait no I failed. Pity." or "The tennis tournament failed so lets steal some magic keys or something and they have to dance to get them back!" (if anyone has actually played Mario DDR and I got the plot wrong, please feel free to point it out, although I don't really care too much)
As small of his personality has been shown, he shows to be arrogant (and also a sore loser, but that's very minor). The whole plot of DDR Mario Mix was Waluigi Stole the Music Keys in order to dance his way to world domination (If anyone can succeed that, then they should just take over heaven and hell as well lol). He didn't interrupt a tennis tournament really, him and Wario wanted payback at the Mario Bros for losing in the tournament, so to do that they teamed up with Bowser and were going to destroy them with Bullet Bills and Bombs.

Waluigi is being linked to Wrecking Crew because Luigi starred as a playable character in it, but in a purple outfit. Hence now we have what is essentially a purple Luigi again, Nintendo are obviously capatalising on the link. Also according to Wikipedia the badguy is presumed to be who Wario was based off of, so it seems fitting. Waluigi has no connection though.
I can't argue on that because you could be right. I can't really argue if he's supposed to look like Foreman Spike or not, because all I've seen are sprite sheets, where he looks half like Wario and half like Waluigi.

What you mean like Waluigi could basically just rip off Paper Mario in a Wario Bros. platformer? Fantastic. Plus the whole sneak around doesn't fit in with your earlier description of him being destructive etc. and his ability to "slip through walls" isn't particularly hyping me up for his inclusion in a Smash Bros. game.
Well I never said that he would be in Smash Bros, I only said he has about a 40% chance (which isn't good at all comparing to other characters), imo, I believe he won't be in Brawl, but defintently in the 4th Installment for sure (By then a lot more of his character should be seen).


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
As small of his personality has been shown, he shows to be arrogant (and also a sore loser, but that's very minor). The whole plot of DDR Mario Mix was Waluigi Stole the Music Keys in order to dance his way to world domination (If anyone can succeed that, then they should just take over heaven and hell as well lol). He didn't interrupt a tennis tournament really, him and Wario wanted payback at the Mario Bros for losing in the tournament, so to do that they teamed up with Bowser and were going to destroy them with Bullet Bills and Bombs.
I read up on Mario Mix and it seems Waluigi stole the keys, lost all but 1 and then was the first boss. The final boss was actually yet again Bowser (sorry to have spoiled the epic surprise for anyone that planned on buying it) but you could argue that Waluigi was the main antagonist and yes he had a "major" role in possibly the gayest storyline ever. Him being arrogant...well, that's opinion really because you could be mistaking his "I'm going to win!" as confidence, seeming that in Mario Power Tennis he really put in the practice.

On that note, I just booted up the opening sequence and yeah, they had that machine and Bowser with the bullet bill cannon after interrupting the final match, but it's just another one of those "I fail as a villain" moments, what with them firing projectiles in a tennis tournament.

Well I never said that he would be in Smash Bros, I only said he has about a 40% chance (which isn't good at all comparing to other characters), imo, I believe he won't be in Brawl, but defintently in the 4th Installment for sure (By then a lot more of his character should be seen).
40% is pretty **** high. Low compared to King DeDeDe and Sonic yes, but 40% is 4 out of every 10 rosters he'd be in it, which with his current status as a complete nobody filler character with no personality is frankly rediculous. That and there's lots of Mario reps already with a possible addition of Bowser Jr. and/or Toad and Waluigi won't get in before either of them to be honest. That'd make something like 6 or 7 Mario reps excluding DK + Yoshi, meaning no space for Waluigi.

Plus I notice that Waluigi is classified as "Defense" in MPT. Him and Wiggler :chuckle:. He also controls like a complete yoghurt, give me Diddy Kong any day. Maybe he could have Brawl moves of "Run poorly" and "Aim badly" based on Mario Tennis :laugh:.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
Well... whatever the case, I'm going to guarantee that Waluigi doesn't make it into Brawl. And I will laugh at all you Waluigi supporters when you see his absense. It's just not going to happen. Get used to it now. :)
No one is saying is 100% guaranteed for waluigi to appear in brawl but is one of the most probable candidates from the mario universe.

I read up on Mario Mix and it seems Waluigi stole the keys, lost all but 1 and then was the first boss. The final boss was actually yet again Bowser (sorry to have spoiled the epic surprise for anyone that planned on buying it) but you could argue that Waluigi was the main antagonist and yes he had a "major" role in possibly the gayest storyline ever. Him being arrogant...well, that's opinion really because you could be mistaking his "I'm going to win!" as confidence, seeming that in Mario Power Tennis he really put in the practice.

On that note, I just booted up the opening sequence and yeah, they had that machine and Bowser with the bullet bill cannon after interrupting the final match, but it's just another one of those "I fail as a villain" moments, what with them firing projectiles in a tennis tournament.
How many villains actually win?

40% is pretty **** high. Low compared to King DeDeDe and Sonic yes, but 40% is 4 out of every 10 rosters he'd be in it, which with his current status as a complete nobody filler character with no personality is frankly rediculous. That and there's lots of Mario reps already with a possible addition of Bowser Jr. and/or Toad and Waluigi won't get in before either of them to be honest. That'd make something like 6 or 7 Mario reps excluding DK + Yoshi, meaning no space for Waluigi.

Plus I notice that Waluigi is classified as "Defense" in MPT. Him and Wiggler :chuckle:. He also controls like a complete yoghurt, give me Diddy Kong any day. Maybe he could have Brawl moves of "Run poorly" and "Aim badly" based on Mario Tennis :laugh:.
Again with the personality issue what personality mario has? kirby? pikachu? link? waluigi has a lot more personality than those so what is your point?.

Sorry but DK and yoshi are from their respective series the different emblem shows that not to mention their victory music, Dr. Mario is basically out of smash and seeing mario bros is nintendo's best selling series they will include another representative at the very least who will be? I don't know.

One of the reasons you are against waluigi is for being created by a second party but you favor diddy who was created by a studio that no longer works for nintendo? of course im not saying waluigi is more deserving than diddy mind you but you are contradicting yourself.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I really hope Waluigi never gets his own game, because it'd probably sell quite poorly. At the end of the day it'll probably be a ripoff of the Mario games since I'm not sure if there's anything that Mario 'n' the gang haven't yet done. Toilet humour was probably the last thing on Miyamoto's list and Wario filled that slot nicely. If the Super Wario Bros. game is actually true then once again Waluigi will be riding on Wario's coattails while most likely losing any originality that the Wario platformers ever had and ripping off Mario and Luigi once again.
I want to see Waluigi become a bigger, badder character. I hope he gets his own game, because Nintendo should put him into the whole Mario story, or even his own. The reasons below defines this well enough. Besides, Nintendo should make him unique, along with Daisy, and make them awsome characters. This will take time, but overall it is profitable for Nintendo, and they are a company.

To address your issue in regards to Tingle and the poke' pair, Johnknight:

Tingle - Completely different from anything in Zelda and thus original, has a purpose in major games of selling you valuable maps, starred in his own spin-off series of games, is slightly more attractive than Waluigi...maybe...
He sells maps that have no meaning, and his spin-off series was a disaster, and didn't sell well. He stole his spin-offs from the awsome Balloon Fight who would own him anyday=awsome game. Plus I can guarentte you that DDR: Mario Mix sold much better than those Tingle Soin-offs.

Plusle and Minun - Another pair of electric rodents which resemble Pichu but get this, even after 491 of the little buggers they still find some way to make them original and individual which can't be said about Waluigi. Plus/minus on their cheeks and tails might be going a bit far and the Plus LE and Minu N is just as generic a Pokemon name as ever, but at least they have personality, depth (cheerleading rodents with electric shock made pompoms anyone?) and some uniqueness. That and they starred in their own short or film or something and played a minor role in the anime, so I've read.
Plusle and Minun serve no meaning in the Pokemon universe, other than as Pickachu, Latios, and Latias clones. They are just one of 450 storyless Pokemon. Them original, they'd steal moves off Pickachu, take out the far better IC, and be a waste of a slot, and would be pointless.

Pickachu is the most popular Pokemon, Pichu is the preevolution of the most popular Pokemon. Mewtwo ties into the story of R/B versions, and even G/S versions, and is the ultimate Pokemon=the genetically upgraded version of the first and strongest Pokemon Mew. Plus he has two movie, P/M have only a stupid mini anime, while Mewtwo has played a major roll in the series.

Jigglypuff was (get this) the original startng Pokemon. Plus unlike P/M it's unique, and with the combination of singing, slapping, and other powers, it has proven itself in SSB time and time again it's a force to be reconed with.

I honestly can't see any reason for Nintendo to ever push him further than filler character since he's of no importance in regards to any story, has only a small fanbase which pales in comparison to Daisy (she actually played a role in a canon game, which is more than you can say for Waluigi) and Toad (who's now a generic race d*mnit) and the fact that if you're gunning for some Camelot made creation to be in Brawl then for goodness sakes start rooting for Golden Sun characters (namely Isaac) and not this videogaming abomination.
They did with Wario, they did with Luigi, they did with Bowser, and they did with Peach. Look at the facts, Bowser was a replacement for Donkey Kong, who then replaced him as Mario's enemy in SMB, but was replaced with Wart in SMB2, and was so popular he returned in SMB3, and Wart got screwed over. Luigi was a character made just so two people could tell player 1and 2 apart in Mario Bros. Arcade.

Peach was a replacement for that one girlfriend Mario had in Peach's first appearance=SMB1, and has been a staple in video gaming ever since. Wario was just a villian made because people got bored of Bowser, and he would be a evil Wario. Yoshi was just something made for Mario to ride on that Miyamoto wnated on SMB1, but the technology wasn't available until SMW, in which Yoshi was made. Overall he wasn't that important, until SMW2, in which he is the star, then came Yoshi's Story, along with other Yoshi spin-offs and originals.

How is Waluigi as abomination, a abomination is Link's Uncle in tLOZ: ALTTP=what n00b on Sakurai's poll suggested this fool who's in that game for 3 minutes! :mad: Can we stop with the Waluigi hate, it is really annoying me.

But seriously Vali, are you willing to tell me you want Nintendo not to work on Waluigi to make him as awsome as Mario, Luigi, and Wario, eventually branch him off into his own series, and thus he's popular and awsome=??? Nintendo did it with Luigi, Peach, Bowser, and Wario before him, so why not do it again=???? Now those are some awsome replacement characters, and I could imagine Waluigi joining them.

O, and last I checked, Sakurai could do anything he could, within good reason (thus restricting P/M=only appeared in 1 Pokemon game as one of 200), so I don't see why Sakurai couldn't make a Waluigi moveset from scratch. Plus P/M fanbase probably isn't a tenth as large as Waluigi's, since they were pointless adds to the series. Just shows how Pika crazy Nintendo is...

Sakurai did make awsome movesets for Ness (gave him mainly Paula's PK powers), Capt. Falcon (random awsome stuff), Fox (awsome!), Falco (again, awsome!), IC (still cool), Roy (who was an advertisement), and Mr.G&W (a SSBM original), so I think that whole point of it being impossible to come up with a original moveset is 100% irrelevant. It's his game, and whatever he does with Brawl (within good reason, of course) I'll be happy, because I know he'll do a good job.

@ GigaKoopa
Sakurai is a mad genius, and I'm sure he could come up with a moveset for almost anyone or anything for the SSB series. Still, idc if Waluigi makes it in Brawl or not, but by the 4th SSB game (unless Sakurai makes a DS port or something) he should be in. By then we'll have 50-65 character slots, have all the past characters return, and have room for a few awsome characters that were forgotten, or Brawl didn't have room for. Hopefully by then Nintendo will develop Waluigi as his own character further, and take him down the lines of pure individuality.

Well... whatever the case, I'm going to guarantee that Waluigi doesn't make it into Brawl. And I will laugh at all you Waluigi supporters when you see his absense. It's just not going to happen. Get used to it now.
You never know, the only character in the Mario universe that has a better shot is Bowser Jr. It could happen, and I bet it will by a 4th SSB game (not including a very well possible DS version). Laugh at us, but I could do the same for random characters you support=noone here is expecting him. I'd sasy he has a 20% chance, unbaised and realistic.

If you guarentee Waluigi won't make it so much, then did you feel the same way about several past characters, who didn't have a imaginable moveset, or didn't have a real fighting base. THow about Fox?, Jigglypuff?, CApt. Falcon, Ness?, IC?, Shiek?, Doc?, Pichu?, Roy?, Marth?, or best yet G&W?, Pit?, Zamus?, or Snake? Proof that just about anything can happen, and almost anyone can make it. So don't be 100% sure with anything (other than Diddy Kong and King Dedede).

It would have been hard in the past to picture those characters in the SSB series, so don't be 100% positive any character has zero chance, unless of course the whole third party thing where they never appeared on a Nintendo console, or a character didn't originate in video gaming. In other word, about 200 or so characters have at least a 0.000000000001% chance, while about 80 characters at least have a fair chances at least (>10%), and I'd say Waluigi is probably one of them one of them.

O and Vali, if Waluigi is less important because he's second party, Wario was made as a second party character=made by what is now Intelligent Systems (or Games, the guy who made him didn't have a link on wiki). Thought I'd throw that out there, plus so is several other SSB characters.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Sorry for the really long post guys, I'm fighting a 2 sided war for originality, huzzah.

How many villains actually win?

Again with the personality issue what personality mario has? kirby? pikachu? link? waluigi has a lot more personality than those so what is your point?.
All of those characters have nemesis', friends, in most cases love interests, rivals etc. Waluigi has got practically no personality, so I don't see how he could have a quantity greater than some of the greatest videogame characters. Saying that Pikachu has no personality is flat out ignorant seeming that there is 1 singled out Pikachu (like there is Jigglypuff) in the anime which of course has lots of personality. Waluigi is meant to be "Luigi's rival" or so I'm told and apart from the opening cinematics in MPT and probably some brief moment in DDR Mario Mix he has done nothing to be any sort of rival to Luigi.

Sorry but DK and yoshi are from their respective series the different emblem shows that not to mention their victory music, Dr. Mario is basically out of smash and seeing mario bros is nintendo's best selling series they will include another representative at the very least who will be? I don't know.
Hence why I said excluding because there are people out there that say that they count as Mario characters. Peach, Mario, Bowser and Luigi will return for sure, and then an addition of Bowser Jr. or Toad will be the 5th Mario slot and then the 6th, if there is one, will be the one of those 2 that isn't included. I can't see 7 Mario characters being in Brawl unless there was some exceptional choices that couldn't be decided between, but Waluigi is nowhere near exceptional.

One of the reasons you are against waluigi is for being created by a second party but you favor diddy who was created by a studio that no longer works for nintendo? of course im not saying waluigi is more deserving than diddy mind you but you are contradicting yourself.
That's one of the reasons why I deem him incredibly unimportant (designed to be a filler character by a 2nd party developer for a sports game IS incredibly unimportant) but it's his overall incredible unimportantness that is a reason why I don't want him in Brawl. Diddy on the other hand, you seem to have a good time comparing Waluigi to really really good characters, is the 2nd most important character in Nintendo's 4th biggest franchise, has oodles of moves at his disposal, could be very versatile in a tag-team with Dixie (I'm not pro-Dixie though) and has even starred in some of Nintendo's biggest games. Diddy is also incredibly popular among fans and is probably the 2nd most likely 1st party candidate after King DeDeDe to be in Brawl. I hardly see that as a contradiction.

I want to see Waluigi become a bigger, badder character. I hope he gets his own game, because Nintendo should put him into the whole Mario story, or even his own. The reasons below defines this well enough. Besides, Nintendo should make him unique, along with Daisy, and make them awsome characters. This will take time, but overall it is profitable for Nintendo, and they are a company.
Daisy has potential. At the end of the day the Mario franchise lacks females, it has Peach and while Daisy started off as an exact carbon copy of Peach (hence Melee outfit) she's had a slightly updated look and a whole different direction with the attitude. This has potential for growth, possibly a spin-off franchise at some point but I don't really see that on the cards in the near future when Nintendo has so much to pump into the main franchises at the moment.

That said, the Mario franchise doesn't really need villains. Wario is still villainy but his main success nowadays is his spin-off toilet humour franchise which is working very well for him. He still has the badass persona from the old Wario days but he's moved on into WarioWare now with only titles like Master of Disguise keeping his "greedy thief" side alive, which got pretty bad reviews. We have Bowser and Bowser Jr. for the canon Mario games which works perfectly and Waluigi would feel so out of place in modern Mario platformers. That leaves a spin-off franchise (see my early post for Waluigi's potential franchise) and he hasn't really got much going for him because he's in no way shape or form unique, other than the fact that he's 2 combined clones practically.

The only way that I can see Waluigi appearing in any games is either in the partnership with Wario, which I'm not sure how great that'll be since Wario's WarioWare series is selling like crazy and getting awesome reviews, or it'll be as the main antagonist in Luigi spin-offs. Luigi doesn't seem to be exactly a favourite at the moment though, his only adventure solo was Luigi's mansion was it not? Didn't go down particularly well with critics but sold alright, mainly because it was a launch title. While he seems to be cropping up regularly in the canon games and such things as Mario + Luigi it's never by himself, so unless Wario + Luigi again are introduced I don't see it happening.

He sells maps that have no meaning, and his spin-off series was a disaster, and didn't sell well. He stole his spin-offs from the awsome Balloon Fight who would own him anyday=awsome game. Plus I can guarentte you that DDR: Mario Mix sold much better than those Tingle Soin-offs.
Tingle is still popular enough in Japan to get that chance at a spin-off title. The fact that Mario Mix sold world-wide with the whole Mario brand garunteed it to sell better than a Tingle spin-off only sold in Japan. But hell I'm not even for Tingle in Brawl or anything but I'll fight tooth and nail to defend the originality he represents. He's completely unique in the Zelda world and while he might float with 2 balloons (hardly a unqiue concept in Balloon fighter anyway, while the game was unique flying with balloons wasn't a radical idea) his personality and everything about him is different. The maps...well...you can get by without them, but Tingle was always there to steal your rupees and help you out if you needed him and in WW he had a bigger role than Waluigi has ever had.

Plusle and Minun serve no meaning in the Pokemon universe, other than as Pickachu, Latios, and Latias clones. They are just one of 450 storyless Pokemon. Them original, they'd steal moves off Pickachu, take out the far better IC, and be a waste of a slot, and would be pointless.
Actually I'm pretty sure I mentioned that they featured in their own spin-off movie and predominantly in 2 episodes of the anime. Far from storyless, but less important than Lucario or Pikachu obviously. Again I'm not tooting for them to be in Brawl, just that they're better characters than Waluigi.

Pickachu is the most popular Pokemon, Pichu is the preevolution of the most popular Pokemon. Mewtwo ties into the story of R/B versions, and even G/S versions, and is the ultimate Pokemon=the genetically upgraded version of the first and strongest Pokemon Mew. Plus he has two movie, P/M have only a stupid mini anime, while Mewtwo has played a major roll in the series.] Jigglypuff was (get this) the original starting Pokemon. Plus unlike P/M it's unique, and with the combination of singing, slapping, and other powers, it has proven itself in SSB time and time again it's a force to be reconed with.
No arguments there except maybe the spelling of Pikachu, but I fail to see the point you're trying to make. Except Pichu isn't more important just because he's the pre-evolution, they just included him as a clone due to running out of time, which obviously won't happen this time around.

They did with Wario, they did with Luigi, they did with Bowser, and they did with Peach. Look at the facts, Bowser was a replacement for Donkey Kong, who then replaced him as Mario's enemy in SMB, but was replaced with Wart in SMB2, and was so popular he returned in SMB3, and Wart got screwed over. Luigi was a character made just so two people could tell player 1and 2 apart in Mario Bros. Arcade.

Peach was a replacement for Pauline in Peach's first appearance=SMB1, and has been a staple in video gaming ever since. Wario was just a villian made because people got bored of Bowser, and he would be a evil Wario. Yoshi was just something made for Mario to ride on that Miyamoto wnated on SMB1, but the technology wasn't available until SMW, in which Yoshi was made. Overall he wasn't that important, until SMW2, in which he is the star, then came Yoshi's Story, along with other Yoshi spin-offs and originals.

How is Waluigi as abomination, a abomination is Link's Uncle in tLOZ: ALTTP=what n00b on Sakurai's poll suggested this fool who's in that game for 3 minutes! :mad: Can we stop with the Waluigi hate, it is really annoying me.

But seriously Vali, are you willing to tell me you want Nintendo not to work on Waluigi to make him as awsome as Mario, Luigi, and Wario, eventually branch him off into his own series, and thus he's popular and awsome=??? Nintendo did it with Luigi, Peach, Bowser, and Wario before him, so why not do it again=???? Now those are some awsome replacement characters, and I could imagine Waluigi joining them.
I explained all of this in my first post back a page or two. Those were different times, if something as bland as SMB1 if released today as a serious game on any console other than the Virtual Console would get such an incredibly low mark and sell incredibly low amounts. You know what I'd prefer to seeing Waluigi getting worked on and his own spin-off series? I'd prefer to see an original, well thought-out character with his own style and traits rather than that clone clone. I couldn't care less if Waluigi never appeared in a video-game, even better if they replaced him with a half-decent character.

O, and last I checked, Sakurai could do anything he could, within good reason (thus restricting P/M=only appeared in 1 Pokemon game as one of 200), so I don't see why Sakurai couldn't make a Waluigi moveset from scratch. Plus P/M fanbase probably isn't a tenth as large as Waluigi's, since they were pointless adds to the series. Just shows how Pika crazy Nintendo is...

Sakurai did make awsome movesets for Ness (gave him mainly Paula's PK powers), Capt. Falcon (random awsome stuff), Fox (awsome!), Falco (again, awsome!), IC (still cool), Roy (who was an advertisement), and Mr.G&W (a SSBM original), so I think that whole point of it being impossible to come up with a original moveset is 100% irrelevant. It's his game, and whatever he does with Brawl (within good reason, of course) I'll be happy, because I know he'll do a good job.
P/M would be a terrible addition to Brawl, but they are very popular in Japan. Waluigi doesn't have his own movie and hasn't played any role in any canon games, ever.

I never said you couldn't make a moveset for Waluigi, but it'd be a huge waste of time since there are so so so so so many better candidates who even though they might not have any moves would still work infinitely better. Samurai Goroh is a prime example of this, why waste a slot on Waluigi when someone like Samurai Goroh could be implemented at probably less production time. They'd have to actually INVENT the character Waluigi before they could give him moves, unless he was some awful clone which fits in with his character at the moment.

Johnknight1 said:
the only character in the Mario universe that has a better shot is Bowser Jr
Toad and Daisy.

And to the Intelligent systems counter-argument I say *cough*N-Sider: Once mistaken to be the same group, the two have a very close relationship but are definitely two very different entities. Intelligent Systems created and programmed two franchises by the name of Fire Emblem and Wars. Both titles were developed in conjunction with Nintendo's R&D1 group who was involved in the design and production of the titles. Intelligent Systems then assisted Nintendo R&D1 in several titles like Metroid 3, and Card Hero by sending over extra programmers who helped to complete the staff.*cough*

Therefore anything created by R&D1 such as Wario and Metroid is infact, 1st party Nintendo.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Daisy has potential. At the end of the day the Mario franchise lacks females, it has Peach and while Daisy started off as an exact carbon copy of Peach (hence Melee outfit) she's had a slightly updated look and a whole different direction with the attitude. This has potential for growth, possibly a spin-off franchise at some point but I don't really see that on the cards in the near future when Nintendo has so much to pump into the main franchises at the moment.
Daisy well, I forgot about her, but generally she has about the same chance as Waluigi. Toad doesn't stand that much of a chance=sorry Toad fans.

That said, the Mario franchise doesn't really need villains. Wario is still villainy but his main success nowadays is his spin-off toilet humour franchise which is working very well for him. He still has the badass persona from the old Wario days but he's moved on into WarioWare now with only titles like Master of Disguise keeping his "greedy thief" side alive, which got pretty bad reviews. We have Bowser and Bowser Jr. for the canon Mario games which works perfectly and Waluigi would feel so out of place in modern Mario platformers. That leaves a spin-off franchise (see my early post for Waluigi's potential franchise) and he hasn't really got much going for him because he's in no way shape or form unique, other than the fact that he's 2 combined clones practically.
Ya, but has anything ever stopped Nintendo from making new villians=??? Seriously, every few Zelda games we get a new villian who is the main villian in the game, and the same thing keeps happening to Mario. Look at SMB1 (Bowser), SMB2 (Wart), SML2 (Wario), SMW2 (Baby Bowser), Super Mario Sunshine (Bowser Jr.), SM Galaxy (=aliens), PM2 (Grodus) and SPM (Count Bleck).

Those were all new villians to Mario villians, and being Wario's brother Waluigi is already that important. If Nintendo actually tried they could pull off Waluigi being original, his greedy and mischevious nature are very diffren from Wario's, and if built upon Waluigi could ultimately become his own characer. Nintendo could make a good profit from doing this yet again.

Tingle is still popular enough in Japan to get that chance at a spin-off title. The fact that Mario Mix sold world-wide with the whole Mario brand garunteed it to sell better than a Tingle spin-off only sold in Japan. But hell I'm not even for Tingle in Brawl or anything but I'll fight tooth and nail to defend the originality he represents. He's completely unique in the Zelda world and while he might float with 2 balloons (hardly a unqiue concept in Balloon fighter anyway, while the game was unique flying with balloons wasn't a radical idea) his personality and everything about him is different. The maps...well...you can get by without them, but Tingle was always there to steal your rupees and help you out if you needed him and in WW he had a bigger role than Waluigi has ever had.
Tingle is unique in tLOZ, not in his spin-offs. The maps are useless in MM, but I guess they serve a point in WW, kinda at leas. He's been in bigger roles, but ultimately 90% of the characters who are newcomers in the series will be picked for their popularity, and Tingle heavily lacks that outside of Japan. Tingle has like a 0.1% chance, and I know you're not defending him, but that is true. He's unpopular, not wanted, and not a very desired character for Brawl.

Actually I'm pretty sure I mentioned that they featured in their own spin-off movie and predominantly in 2 episodes of the anime. Far from storyless, but less important than Lucario or Pikachu obviously. Again I'm not tooting for them to be in Brawl, just that they're better characters than Waluigi.
That's basically a Japan only comic. They are the worse spin-offs I have ever seen. Obviously Nintendo didn't get it when they added Pichu to Melee, because it is hated, and is a stupid and pointless Pokemon. So Nintendo, lacking originality, adds these Pokemon to the roster to be the new Pickas. Honestly, in the 5th gen of Pokemon I bet we'll get 1 or 2 new Pikas, thus we'll have 6 or 7 Pikas=overkill!

No arguments there except maybe the spelling of Pikachu, but I fail to see the point you're trying to make. Except Pichu isn't more important just because he's the pre-evolution, they just included him as a clone due to running out of time, which obviously won't happen this time around.
I'm da bset sepleler in da wrold, waht are you takling abuot=???? Pichu is the pre-evolution of the most popular Pokemon in existense. Yes Pichu was added last minute, but I have a feeling we'll get a few last minute characters again.

I explained all of this in my first post back a page or two. Those were different times, if something as bland as SMB1 if released today as a serious game on any console other than the Virtual Console would get such an incredibly low mark and sell incredibly low amounts. You know what I'd prefer to seeing Waluigi getting worked on and his own spin-off series? I'd prefer to see an original, well thought-out character with his own style and traits rather than that clone clone. I couldn't care less if Waluigi never appeared in a video-game, even better if they replaced him with a half-decent character.
He's a neat character if you dig deep enough, and Nintendo should create more traits and personalies for him, because I believe he could have avery unique and awsome personality if worked upon.

P/M would be a terrible addition to Brawl, but they are very popular in Japan. Waluigi doesn't have his own movie and hasn't played any role in any canon games, ever.
P/M have their own movie=??? Wario doesn't have a movie at all, and in fact in that SMB movie thing several years back Daisy was in it vs. Peach. The reason they are popular is they are another Pikachu=simply put. The resason Waluigi is liked much more outside of Japan is most of his appearances are sports games, and we all know Japan isn't big on those or FPS.

Two stupid manga appearances in a Japan only manga doens't mean they have a important roll. Besides we are talking about GAMES, not Japan only magnas that barely anyone here reads. In the games P/M have no point other than you get one in Ruby, one in Saphire. Waluigi actually has personality other than beign a cheerleader.

I never said you couldn't make a moveset for Waluigi, but it'd be a huge waste of time since there are so so so so so many better candidates who even though they might not have any moves would still work infinitely better. Samurai Goroh is a prime example of this, why waste a slot on Waluigi when someone like Samurai Goroh could be implemented at probably less production time. They'd have to actually INVENT the character Waluigi before they could give him moves, unless he was some awful clone which fits in with his character at the moment.
I'm all for Samurai Goroh, so I'm not speaking out against him. Though, there has never really been a awful character in the SSB series. Sure Doc was almost the exact same thing as Mario, and Pichu hurt itself, though several pros have been successful with both of them. That is why I'm saying idc if he's in Brawl or not, but I think he'll be in SSB4, unless there is a DS or handheld one next of course. By then he should be big, and Nintendo will hopefully and probably develop him into his own character.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Daisy well, I forgot about her, but generally she has about the same chance as Waluigi. Toad doesn't stand that much of a chance=sorry Toad fans.
Toad has very good chances, 40% to Bowser Jr's 60% I'd say. It's more or less a coinflip. Reasons being he's been very important in the past, one of the few generic races which have repeatedly had their own singluar characters (Kinopio who was playable, The Master, Toadsworth).

Ya, but has anything ever stopped Nintendo from making new villians=??? Seriously, every few Zelda games we get a new villian who is the main villian in the game, and the same thing keeps happening to Mario. Look at SMB1 (Bowser), SMB2 (Wart), SML2 (Wario), SMW2 (Baby Bowser), Super Mario Sunshine (Bowser Jr.), SM Galaxy (=aliens), PM2 (Grodus) and SPM (Count Bleck).
SMB1/2/3/W2 were back when the franchise was establishing itself, you can't really compare those games to the games now. SPGalaxy we know really nothing about and I garuntee you the end boss will be a Bowser. Paper Mario is a spinoff and so it ain't a canon game and all of it's characters bar Bowser/Toadsworth/Peach/Luigi etc. are completely separate to the rest of the Mario universe.

Those were all new villians to Mario villians, and being Wario's brother Waluigi is already that important. If Nintendo actually tried they could pull off Waluigi being original, his greedy and mischevious nature are very diffren from Wario's, and if built upon Waluigi could ultimately become his own characer. Nintendo could make a good profit from doing this yet again.
Being someone's brother doesn't make that person important unless their like the freakin' Queen or something. Waluigi has never ever been shown to have a greedy nature and certainly never in the way that Wario has. Nintendo would almost certainly make more money from spin-offs like Paper Mario than a Waluigi themed spin-off, his inclusion isn't necessary.

Tingle is unique in tLOZ, not in his spin-offs. The maps are useless in MM, but I guess they serve a point in WW, kinda at leas. He's been in bigger roles, but ultimately 90% of the characters who are newcomers in the series will be picked for their popularity, and Tingle heavily lacks that outside of Japan. Tingle has like a 0.1% chance, and I know you're not defending him, but that is true. He's unpopular, not wanted, and not a very desired character for Brawl.

The whole concept of Tingle is unique. He was also playable in WW and he's very popular in Japan, with a cult following in the rest of the world. "Not wanted" and "Not very desired" is the same point, which suggests you ran out of things to criticise :chuckle:. Tingle won't be in Brawl no, but to be honest he has more of a chance than Waluigi even at 0.1%.

That's basically a Japan only comic. They are the worse spin-offs I have ever seen. Obviously Nintendo didn't get it when they added Pichu to Melee, because it is hated, and is a stupid and pointless Pokemon. So Nintendo, lacking originality, adds these Pokemon to the roster to be the new Pickas. Honestly, in the 5th gen of Pokemon I bet we'll get 1 or 2 new Pikas, thus we'll have 6 or 7 Pikas=overkill!
The anime isn't the manga, it's a TV show. Besides, the only thing they really have in common with Pikachu is that they're from a similar Pikachu family of Pokemon. I don't criticise nature in giving us <insert random number> of different variations of buffalo, and pushing 500 creatures they're bound to start capitalising on designs that're very popular such as Pikachu. Now, just because they're from the same Pikafamily doesn't mean they aren't original, since they've been given attributes to differentiate them from Pikachu. Waluigi on the other hand is pretty much nothing but a clone of Luigi ripped off with a clone of Wario. Infact it's a perfect description.

He's a neat character if you dig deep enough, and Nintendo should create more traits and personalies for him, because I believe he could have avery unique and awsome personality if worked upon.
What's there to dig into?

P/M have their own movie=??? in fact in that SMB movie thing several years back Daisy was in it vs. Peach. The reason they are popular is they are another Pikachu=simply put. The resason Waluigi is liked much more outside of Japan is most of his appearances are sports games, and we all know Japan isn't big on those or FPS.
P/M apparently had a short before the Deoxys movie and played some part in the movie itself. It's important enough to warrent a mention I feel, think I read the wiki entry slightly wrong though, it isn't a full movie. Your other point bolsters the Daisy > Waluigi argument and I'd hardly say that Waluigi is popular outside of Japan but you're right, he's probably liked more in the rest of the world.

Three stupid anime appearances doens't mean they have a important roll. Besides we are talking about GAMES. In the games P/M have no point other than you get one in Ruby, one in Saphire. Waluigi actually has personality other than beign a cheerleader.
In the games no pokemon have any defining roles, other than "starter" and "legendary" which basically isn't a role. By that logic, Pikachu/Jigglypuff/Mewtwo or any other pokemon should be in Brawl. It's the anime which defines who's popular and who gets in. I'm still interested to know what personality Waluigi has other than "Look at me, I'm a villain".


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Man, these posts are too long. You guys are just saying the same things. And this is the WALUIGI thread, not the Daisy/Toad/Tingle/Pokemon thread.

And the "traits" arguement is still going on. He already is his own character. He has his own personality. Read the other posts in this thread.

People are still saying he is unoriginal. Is Wario original? Is Luigi original?


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Toad has very good chances, 40% to Bowser Jr's 60% I'd say. It's more or less a coinflip. Reasons being he's been very important in the past, one of the few generic races which have repeatedly had their own singluar characters (Kinopio who was playable, The Master, Toadsworth).
40%??? I'd give him a 10% at most, while I'd give Bowser Jr. a 40% chance at best. Bowser Jr.'s only been a villian in two Mario games, though one was the #2 selling GC game, while the other is curently the #1 selling DS game (unless D/P passed it already). Waluigi and Daisy have a much better chance than Toad, simply because they are more popular.

SMB1/2/3/W2 were back when the franchise was establishing itself, you can't really compare those games to the games now. SPGalaxy we know really nothing about and I garuntee you the end boss will be a Bowser. Paper Mario is a spinoff and so it ain't a canon game and all of it's characters bar Bowser/Toadsworth/Peach/Luigi etc. are completely separate to the rest of the Mario universe.
But the franchise is entering a brand new era with virtual reality technology. The story behind SMG is Peach gets abducted by aliens, and Mario has to travel throughout the Galaxy to save her. I think it is very likely Bowser will be the last boss, but nothing is for certain, since he hasn't been mentioned at all in interviews about SMG.

Being someone's brother doesn't make that person important unless their like the freakin' Queen or something. Waluigi has never ever been shown to have a greedy nature and certainly never in the way that Wario has. Nintendo would almost certainly make more money from spin-offs like Paper Mario than a Waluigi themed spin-off, his inclusion isn't necessary.
He has a mischeifious nature, and is greedy. He is very selfish, and sure PM would outsell a Waluigi series, but then again it already outsells WarioWare. I'm not arguing weather his is inclusion is neccissary or not, I'm arguing that his personality needs to be bulit upon. Look on the first page or so to find I more, you can find more of this info there.

Tingle is unique in tLOZ, not in his spin-offs. The maps are useless in MM, but I guess they serve a point in WW, kinda at leas. He's been in bigger roles, but ultimately 90% of the characters who are newcomers in the series will be picked for their popularity, and Tingle heavily lacks that outside of Japan. Tingle has like a 0.1% chance, and I know you're not defending him, but that is true. He's unpopular, not wanted, and not a very desired character for Brawl.
Tingle may be popular in Japan, but so are a bunch of other crap characters, like Link's Uncle who somehow appeared on Sakurai's poll=whoever wants him is retarted. Same thing with playing as a Metroid=retarted! His moveset would follow what Balloon Fight's moveset would have or could have been, I could almost guarentee you that. Balloon Fight however, is a good choice, but that's another story, another time.

The whole concept of Tingle is unique. He was also playable in WW and he's very popular in Japan, with a cult following in the rest of the world. "Not wanted" and "Not very desired" is the same point, which suggests you ran out of things to criticise :chuckle:. Tingle won't be in Brawl no, but to be honest he has more of a chance than Waluigi even at 0.1%.
Waluigi has a much better chance than Tingle. At least he doesn't fly around on balloons his whole life, believe he's a fairy reicarnated, while in his midages, and forces slave labor upon his brothers, friends, and random people who he save who were shipwrecked, and makes them wear his same outfit, in all sorts of colors! :laugh:

The anime isn't the manga, it's a TV show. Besides, the only thing they really have in common with Pikachu is that they're from a similar Pikachu family of Pokemon. I don't criticise nature in giving us <insert random number> of different variations of buffalo, and pushing 500 creatures they're bound to start capitalising on designs that're very popular such as Pikachu. Now, just because they're from the same Pikafamily doesn't mean they aren't original, since they've been given attributes to differentiate them from Pikachu. Waluigi on the other hand is pretty much nothing but a clone of Luigi ripped off with a clone of Wario. Infact it's a perfect description.
The TV show doens't matter about characters who make it into smash, at all, other than possilby the movies. Mewtwo was in smash because he had a story in the game. He was a genetically enhanced version of the first, most legendary, and strongest Pokemon Mew. Plus he burned down the Cinnibar Lab, was the ultimate final Pokemon, and in S/G he destroyed the cave he once hid in. Ultimately a lot of the story towards the end of the Pokemon games revolves around him.

Pikachu in Yellow Version is immediately attached to you, and becomes your faithful companion (or so they say). This is one of the few instances where the show matters, and if let's say :001: :004:, or :007: were to take it's place as Ash's starter, then they would be the most popular Pokemon, and the series would be completely diffrent. Just imagine Pichu, and P/M being :001:, :004:, or :007: clones=scary!

P/M are rip offs of Pikachu, Pichu, Latios, and Latias. That is more of a rip-off than Waluigi, or any other character in all off video gaming will ever be, unless there are clones of them, of course! :laugh: Now, no more of this P/M talk, it is getting tiring, and this isn't the place for Pokemon discussion.

What's there to dig into?
That is for Nintendo to deciede. I listed it above, plus Nintendo should start making him go futher into the story, instead of leaving him in Camelot's hands exclusively. He already has a personality, though I feel it needs to be indefinitely built upon, along with Waluigi having a bigger roll in the Mario franchise.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
...seriosly, has anyone read my post?
Man, these posts are too long. You guys are just saying the same things. And this is the WALUIGI thread, not the Daisy/Toad/Tingle/Pokemon thread.

And the "traits" arguement is still going on. He already is his own character. He has his own personality. Read the other posts in this thread.

People are still saying he is unoriginal. Is Wario original? Is Luigi original?
He isn't really greedy, but he is selfish. He cheats, hates when he loses, makes random comments, brags when he wins and always does it in an "in-your-face" way, he is inappropriate (remember his taunt in Super Mario Strikers? The cr0tch chop?) he's always cocky and cheers for himself.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
He dies at the end of the game what kind of victory is that?

All of those characters have nemesis', friends, in most cases love interests, rivals etc. Waluigi has got practically no personality, so I don't see how he could have a quantity greater than some of the greatest videogame characters. Saying that Pikachu has no personality is flat out ignorant seeming that there is 1 singled out Pikachu (like there is Jigglypuff) in the anime which of course has lots of personality. Waluigi is meant to be "Luigi's rival" or so I'm told and apart from the opening cinematics in MPT and probably some brief moment in DDR Mario Mix he has done nothing to be any sort of rival to Luigi.
Mario personality? a jumping happy plumber eh? something else what about link? he is like mario a hero that never says a single word and i'm not comparing waluigi to them they are much more important pretty obvious as for pikachu you are the one who mentions personality as a deciding factor when most of nintendo characters are dull in that aspect the minor characters like wario, waluigi, luigi, samus have a lot more developed personality than the main stars so please avoid mention it again.

Hence why I said excluding because there are people out there that say that they count as Mario characters. Peach, Mario, Bowser and Luigi will return for sure, and then an addition of Bowser Jr. or Toad will be the 5th Mario slot and then the 6th, if there is one, will be the one of those 2 that isn't included. I can't see 7 Mario characters being in Brawl unless there was some exceptional choices that couldn't be decided between, but Waluigi is nowhere near exceptional.
You were the one who related DK and yoshi to mario.

The roster will be bigger so what makes you think there won't more mario characters hell waluigi can even be related to wario instead of mario.

That's one of the reasons why I deem him incredibly unimportant (designed to be a filler character by a 2nd party developer for a sports game IS incredibly unimportant) but it's his overall incredible unimportantness that is a reason why I don't want him in Brawl. Diddy on the other hand, you seem to have a good time comparing Waluigi to really really good characters, is the 2nd most important character in Nintendo's 4th biggest franchise, has oodles of moves at his disposal, could be very versatile in a tag-team with Dixie (I'm not pro-Dixie though) and has even starred in some of Nintendo's biggest games. Diddy is also incredibly popular among fans and is probably the 2nd most likely 1st party candidate after King DeDeDe to be in Brawl. I hardly see that as a contradiction.
I didn't state in my post waluigi being more important than diddy I just made the comparison because both of them were created by a second party but as long as nintendo owns their rights they are nintendo first party characters like kristal and the golden sun characters for example.

By the way how many games has diddy starred lately? as far as I know as a filler character in spin-offs he doesn't even appear in mario kart DS.

So you think tingle is important? he is an NPC with a crappy game that nintendo didn't even bother bringing outside japan at least waluigi is a playable character and has appeared in many more games and toad has no chance to appear in brawl he is as generic as a koopa or goomba as shown in mario strikers.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I'm actually kind of hoping this thread dies really soon. I keep coming on to see if someone said anything short, sweet, and to the point... but no, there's a million fvcking novels. And it's all the same repetative garbage; from BOTH sides of the arguement.

Really, I don't care anymore. Let Waluigi be in. I'll be annoyed, but what the fvck. If everyone's just going to piss and moan about it either way. If he makes it, people will still whine and rip on him, but that won't change the fact that he's in. And if he doesn't make it then people will still whine and rip on the people who support him, but that won't change the fact that he's not there.

Honestly, if everyone's going to go in circles, play the "If I type more words I'll sound smarter" game, or miss the subject completely (Pokemon? C'mon... that's not even the same series.), then I'm just going to laugh at you all.

I still don't think Waluigi should be in. I don't feel he deserves the spot yet due to lack of representation and importance of a serious role. That's my only beef. But you numbskulls can keep yelling in loops at each other. I'm done contributing.

Bye. Don't miss me too much.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
^^^^ I said that before we went off subject with that stupid P/M deal (who the f*** thinks they have a better chance than Waluigi=???). In short, if Waluigi makes it, it will jumpstart him into a level of stardome that would be pretty much what Wario had with the Wario Land games. It means he'll be given more oppurtunity, will be more reconizable, and will be used more.

On the other side, if he doesn't make it (more than likely he won't), he'll still be as important as ever. Nintendo needs to push him to become a more original character, a character with meaning and a point in the Mario franchise, and possibly even his own. That is what Daisy has over him. I want to see Waluigi become bigger and bigger as time goes by. If that happens, he'll deserve to be in SSB4 (not counting a likely DS version).

But for now, idc if he's in or not, he needs to get pushed by Nintendo to have a bigger roll in the Mario universe. He's fine if he's not in Brawl, but Nintendo needs to work on him, so Luigi can actually have a rival, and so we'll have another unique character in the Mario series.

Iggy K

Smash Ace
May 18, 2006
40%??? I'd give him a 10% at most, while I'd give Bowser Jr. a 40% chance at best. Bowser Jr.'s only been a villian in two Mario games, though one was the #2 selling GC game, while the other is curently the #1 selling DS game (unless D/P passed it already). Waluigi and Daisy have a much better chance than Toad, simply because they are more popular.
You are bein very delusional, Toad is easily more popular then Waluigi and Daisy combined, definitely more than Jr. too, so I don't think there is a chance of Daisy and Waluigi, two of the least liked characters in the series, getting before him.

That said, I've started to like Waluigi more, and I wouldn't mind it anymore if Waluigi got in (after Toad, of course).


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
He dies at the end of the game what kind of victory is that?
He destroys the world. That's what he wanted to do. Everyone's gotta die sooner or later.

Mario personality? a jumping happy plumber eh? something else what about link? he is like mario a hero that never says a single word

You were the one who related DK and yoshi to mario.

The roster will be bigger so what makes you think there won't more mario characters hell waluigi can even be related to wario instead of mario.

I didn't state in my post waluigi being more important than diddy I just made the comparison because both of them were created by a second party
Actually read my post. If Waluigi was being included as relating to Wario he'd have to be part of the WarioWare franchise, which he isn't. You didn't even think that through before posting.

Red_Maniac said:
People are still saying he is unoriginal. Is Wario original? Is Luigi original?
If you'd read my first post, you'd realise why that's irrelevant.

I'm out, since whenever anyone quotes me it feels like they haven't actually read my points at all. Anything people are bringing up I seemed to have addressed in the post they're actually quoting me from so there's no point in doing this as it just goes round in circles.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
I'm actually kind of hoping this thread dies really soon. I keep coming on to see if someone said anything short, sweet, and to the point... but no, there's a million fvcking novels. And it's all the same repetative garbage; from BOTH sides of the arguement.

Honestly, if everyone's going to go in circles, play the "If I type more words I'll sound smarter" game, or miss the subject completely (Pokemon? C'mon... that's not even the same series.), then I'm just going to laugh at you all.
I agree....


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2006
Drifting along
Its just waluigi. I can see him being in it but for me the chances of more mario related characters getting in is becoming very slim with about 4 guaranteed character spots already. Plus a moveset for waluigi is hard to think of....at least for me anyway. Wouldn't mind if he got in tho.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
Actually read my post. If Waluigi was being included as relating to Wario he'd have to be part of the WarioWare franchise, which he isn't. You didn't even think that through before posting.
Wario might be wearing his WW outfit but that doesn't mean he is only representing WW after all his emblem is not the mustached bomb from WW is a W from wario land not to mention that is because all characters wear their most recent desing like link using his desing from TP want more prove nintendroneblog mentioned some details a while ago concerning brawl, the article stated that multiple outfits will be avaible so making waluigi part of wario is possible.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
the article stated that multiple outfits will be avaible so making waluigi part of wario is possible.
What the hell article said that?

Anyway, I just checked this topic to do my biweekly "Waluigi sucks" post, so here it is.

But yeah, I would love to read this article where it says that.

By the way, I haven't read it, but the article is crap if it says that, and probably says a bunch of other untrue stuff.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
I believe he's talking about that Nintendrone article, and I'm pretty sure it was eventually agreed that it was a hoax.

Regardless, even if Wario can don his original look, I don't see how that helps Waluigi at all. Wario is repping his WW series, which Waluigi hasn't appeared in, and even if he is also repping his Wario Land games, Waluigi hasn't appeared there either. If Waluigi does get in, he'll come under the Mario franchise.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
The article seems believable I don't know where you heard it was a hoax but anyway in the fact sheet it was mentioned metroid prime 3 coming sooner than expected and nintendo annonced the game will be available in august so that gives credibility to the site.


Waluigi hasn't appeared in wario land but I don't see how they can't be related after all they are supposed to be partners.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
There was a Nintendrone thread in the other section, which was eventually closed, which implies that it was proven false. It confirms the original 12 returning, something I doubt Sakurai would've let slip out (if you checked the updates, he even comments about how Yoshi is still yet unconfirmed), and the fact that Sakurai hasn't said anythign regarding controls is also odd despite this guy saying it's focused around the GC controller. Not to mention that no other gaming site seems to have had such an interview, so how some small time blog managed to get inside info whereas IGN or Gamespot have none raises a heck of a lot of doubt. Especially when this Nintendrone guy is supposedly 16.

Yeah, I wonder where I got the idea it was a hoax? The MP3 part appears to just be a lucky guess on his part, especially seeing as it was such a vague comment.

Even if Waluigi is Wario's partner, it doesn't mean he can be a rep in a franchise he hasn't appeared in. He's only ever appeared in Mario games (more accurately, Spin off titles), so if he gets in, he'll rep the Mario series, not Wario's.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Like I said, the article is crap. He threw out a bunch of random, EXTREMELY vague guesses that sounded like they COULD be true, because he knew people would read it. And when people link to it (such as the above) and tell people to check it out, he ends up winning, despite the fact that he made all of that up. I could have easily made an identical list, because all of the stuff he says is either blatantly obvious, or unverifiable.

Unless SAKURAI (the director of the game, and not some random internet idiot) says it, then it's false. End of story.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
Even if Waluigi is Wario's partner, it doesn't mean he can be a rep in a franchise he hasn't appeared in. He's only ever appeared in Mario games (more accurately, Spin off titles), so if he gets in, he'll rep the Mario series, not Wario's.
Well Dr. Mario was related to Super Mario Bros in melee and he doesn't belong in that universe sure he is mario but what I mean is that Dr. Mario doesn't exists in the real mario games if they did it once maybe is possible doing the same in waluigi's case and there is the posibility of the rumored Super Wario Bros.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
You kind of answered your own question. He is basically Mario, so doesn't warrant his own franchise symbol, especially seeing as it's hardly one of the biggest Mario Spin-offs and isn't as big as either WarioWare or Yoshi's games. He was simply a clone made to fill up space, I doubt much thought was put into him.

Regardless of Waluigi's relation to Wario, he's still a part of the Mario franchise far more than the Wario franchises, and will pretty much stay that way until he appears in a Wario title (whether he finaly appears in a WarioWare game or this Wario Bros game is ever announced)


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Wario might be wearing his WW outfit but that doesn't mean he is only representing WW after all his emblem is not the mustached bomb from WW is a W from wario land not to mention that is because all characters wear their most recent desing like link using his desing from TP want more prove nintendroneblog mentioned some details a while ago concerning brawl, the article stated that multiple outfits will be avaible so making waluigi part of wario is possible.
Will it KILL u to use comas?
Wario is wearing his WW costume cuase it would make him more original, and not making him look like another plumber, besides mario already has the wario plumber look...

He IS representing the warioware games, have u EVER seen wario in the warioland games with that costume? point is waluigi aint part of wario ware, and if hes added he'll be part of the mario series (having the mushroom as his icon) and since hes ONLY appeared in party/sports games, I doubt we'll see him in brawl...

and that link u gave is crap, as MCfox said...


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
The WW outfit is his most recent look. That's why he's using it.

And he's representing ALL of his games. Not just WW.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
His most recent look? May I remind u what costume hes using in Mario party 8? the plumber one...

Sakurai choose the ww costume to make him more unique, and since hes using that costume on his new series, it was logical to add it...


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
His most recent look? May I remind u what costume hes using in Mario party 8? the plumber one...

Sakurai choose the ww costume to make him more unique, and since hes using that costume on his new series, it was logical to add it...
You don't get it. Mario Party 8 is a Mario series game. Wario is representing his games, not JUST the Mario series. Besides, I said most recent appearence (newest appearence) not how he appeared in a recent game.

Yes, that may be one reason why he has his WW outfit, but that can't possibly be the ONLY reason.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Ok can we just leave wario out of this, IDK how I got wario into this in the 1st place, this is the waluigi thread anyway...

And well like I said many time sbefore, as well as many members here, he has only stared in sports and party games, and has never had a major role in the mario seies, so have to say no to waluigi...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2007
Kelowna B.C.
I see his "Swimming in air" move from 3 on 3 hoops making an appearance. That is, if he makes it in. Which I hope he does. He's not my most favorite of characters but if Marios rival makes it in, shouldn't Luigis??


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
.He IS representing the warioware games, have u EVER seen wario in the warioland games with that costume? point is waluigi aint part of wario ware, and if hes added he'll be part of the mario series (having the mushroom as his icon) and since hes ONLY appeared in party/sports games, I doubt we'll see him in brawl...
Then why his emblem is a W? why not the mustached bomb or something wario ware related? like I said he is wearing his biker outfit because is his most recent look, in one of the images in battlefield he seems to be using his shoulder tackle that comes from wario land so no he is representing everything related to wario not only WW like peach has elements from SMB2, Mario Tennis, Golf etc.
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