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The Official Waluigi Thread

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Deleted member

wtf, I only said that because you said no one should use golf or tennis rackets, when Peach does in Smash. I said Peach would most likely get a new moveset in Brawl because of Super Princess Peach, I said absolutely nothing about Waluigi taking tips from Peach.
If Peach used tennis rackets or golf clubs in 'Melee, it doesn't mean anything for Waluigi. I thought you were answering my question - "What moves could he have?" - sorry if you weren't. I don't see how he can have any original moves. I, for one, don't want character based entirely around his long legs and sports equipment...


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
The frying pan was definitely not random. Have you ever played Super Mario RPG?

Luckily, Waluigi will never make it into the game, because he's worthless and boring, and Sakurai wouldn't waste him time making a "moveset" for a character who sucks.
waluigi rocks you mcfox.

and i say, it only matters if sakura likes waluigi not us


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
I think i forgot to mention that Waluigi is also an incredibly cheap ripoff of **** Dastardly didn't I? I'm pretty sure I did. That would make him a double clone of 2 clones with a style cloned from a character born of someone else's creative mind.

He is still one of, if not the, lamest video characters ever created. Not for Brawl.

Deleted member

Vali's right. He also posted Waluigi's downfall a few hundred replies back. This topic is one big Waluigi hatefest, the world would be better off without Waluigi.


Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2006
naw, the world needs Waluigi, we need a controversial character, besides, if he miraculously makes it into Brawl, you can just kick his *** or send a bomb to Sakurai if you hate him that bad

Deleted member

Indeed. He is beyond annoying, he's simply useless. He needs a canon appearance, even if it's a small part, to become even a Mario character. Thus far he's a Camelot character.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
He is still one of, if not the, lamest video characters ever created. Not for Brawl.
*cough* Tingle......Anyways....

Originally Posted by the grim lizard
You obviously don't know your video game history....

Wario first appeared in Super Mario Land 2 for the GB. Since then, he was in Wario's Woods, several Warioland games, every single Mario Party game, Wario Ware games, etc. etc. Wario is his own character with his own series.

Waluigi, on the other hand, first appeared in Mario Tennis for the N64, and his first MP appearance was the third game. Since then, he has appeared exclusively in Mario party-type games like sports games, MK, and MP games. He have never, no not once appeared in a platformer. He was created for those party games because that's where he belonged. He was an extra character.

Wario is legit. It is possible to play Wario games and never encounter any other Mario series character in the game. With Waluigi, that is impossible. In preparing this response, I ran across this article entitled "Characters We Ought to Recall." Here is what they had to say about Waluigi:

#8 Waluigi
Where did this guy come from? I guess Wario makes sense, but who the heck is this Waluigi? Couldn't that have just changed the first letter, or just created another name or something? After pondering these questions, as well as many others, I realized that there is no answer that would make any sense. No matter if he's part of a board game, no matter if playing tennis or golf, or really whatever he's doing, the fact of the matter is he doesn't belong! Why not include Kid Icarus in these games? Or how about putting Toad back into the line up?? There are all these questions, but only one answer: Waluigi has to go!!

If they are going to make up a moveset from scratch, at least make it someone interesting. It deserves to go to someone who has actually been in regular game, probably moreso to someone who starred in one. For from-scratch movesets, the award goes to someone like Balloon Fighter or Mach Rider...
^^^^ Agreed, but he could be a neat clone I suppose. That would be his best shot at making it in, is as a last minute clone.

@ Smash Daddy
I can name AT LEAST 10 worse video game characters than Waluigi=there are worse, a lot worse.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
*cough* Tingle......Anyways....
And which of the two characters, praytell, has their own video game, support enough to have a character dedicated to him in a game where he couldn't find a suitable place, and numerous roles in canon games? Waluigi or Tingle?

^^^^ Agreed, but he could be a neat clone I suppose. That would be his best shot at making it in, is as a last minute clone.
I don't even need to flame this one... you handled it quite well yourself.

@ Smash Daddy
I can name AT LEAST 10 worse video game characters than Waluigi=there are worse, a lot worse.
I'm not going to lie, you're probably right on this one. I'm just wondering what your list would be. I'd really enjoy reading a "Top 10 Characters 'Worse than Waluigi'".

Deleted member

I can name AT LEAST 10 worse video game characters than Waluigi=there are worse, a lot worse.
He's still number eleven. :chuckle:

He holds much, much less ground than any other character. I think to be in Smash you need to first be in a Canon game of your series... Oh snap. Seems Waluigi cannot even pass the first checkpoint. If we include Waluigi, we may as well include... Well... I don't know. Every other character in the 'Party games have at least appeared once or twice in a canon game or two, even the numerous enemies and characters in the mini-games, so I don't see how anyone can be rated lower than him.

If we wasn't playable we wouldn't be discussing him.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Vali's right. He also posted Waluigi's downfall a few hundred replies back. This topic is one big Waluigi hatefest, the world would be better off without Waluigi.
That's only your opinion.
If Peach used tennis rackets or golf clubs in 'Melee, it doesn't mean anything for Waluigi.
Actually, it means that characters can use sports moves.

I don't see how he can have any original moves. I, for one, don't want character based entirely around his long legs and sports equipment...
Wait, so if they do involve his legs and sports equipment, they aren't original? I can't think of any other characters with a similar physical appearence like Waluigi. And besides Peach (who could possibly get new moves from "Super Princess Peach" like someone said) no one uses sports equipment in combat. He can use different abilities from his appearences. He usually uses Bob-Ombs and Piranha Plants, he can spin around and create tornadoes, he can swim in the air, use eggplants, use the Vacuum Orb from MP7 to absorb health, use his Drop Rocket ability, and he's made references to "Wrecking Crew." Why not give him a hammer or something?

And about the **** Dasterly thing: I highly doubt that Camelot intended to made him look like him. I'm sure that it's just a coincidence.

All of this is just my opinion, of course.
naw, the world needs Waluigi, we need a controversial character, besides, if he miraculously makes it into Brawl, you can just kick his *** or send a bomb to Sakurai if you hate him that bad
They could add Jack Thompson or Uwe Boll so people would forget how much they dislike Waluigi. >_>
Well if he's that friggin cool and original... why havn't they given him a role in a canon game?
You got me there. But I don't think that having a main role in a main series game isn't the most important thing to have to get in Brawl. Once again, my opinion.

Deleted member

That's only your opinion.
As is everything we say here. Speculation is the term used. It's no big deal, but I did present facts to back it up which gives me points.

Actually, it means that characters can use sports moves.
Not really. One character, one that's a female, used a small amount of equipment... Peach's moves could in no way effect Waluigi's. Look to Luigi, Mario... Wario now... Do they need equipment?

Wait, so if they do involve his legs and sports equipment, they aren't original? I can't think of any other characters with a similar physical appearence like Waluigi.
They aren't original concepts, only when put together are they at all different. No-one else uses their feet and sporting equipment. But that doesn't make it the good original, it makes it the random original.

And besides Peach (who could possibly get new moves from "Super Princess Peach" like someone said) no one uses sports equipment in combat.
... I don't get it. First Peach's use of equipment means Waluigi will not be alone in his use of it, now the fact she's going to be different makes him original? It seems more like replacing Peach if you put it that way.

He can use different abilities from his appearences. He usually uses Bob-Ombs and Piranha Plants, he can spin around and create tornadoes, he can swim in the air, use eggplants, use the Vacuum Orb from MP7 to absorb health, use his Drop Rocket ability, and he's made references to "Wrecking Crew." Why not give him a hammer or something?
Um... Random... Extremely random. His moveset should follow some pattern. Like how Peach uses several weird weapons, or Bowser uses slow, powerful attacks. All these would be so spontaneous and un-co-ordinated when put together, it'd look a mess. He needs a foundation on which to build - moreover he needs to be somewhat similar to Luigi or Wario. I need something less cluttered before I respect his possibility in 'Brawl.


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
I personally don't think that we should exclude any first party characters from the super smash fun! Especially Waluigi which has been a staple of the series for years. I think too many people get stuck on the third party characters and forget the many characters in the Nintendo universe that deserve a spot. I want variety as much as the next guy but Waluigi is a must for the brawl universe!

Shade 64-luigi-

Smash Apprentice
Jun 22, 2007
Nintendo Land
Waluigi would be cool, but he would make wario look odd if mario, luigi, and waluigi are in there traditional clothing, while wario is wareing wario ware!


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
I personally don't think that we should exclude any first party characters from the super smash fun! Especially Waluigi which has been a staple of the series for years. I think too many people get stuck on the third party characters and forget the many characters in the Nintendo universe that deserve a spot. I want variety as much as the next guy but Waluigi is a must for the brawl universe!
That's a pretty misguided post. Including every single first party character would have every character from every Nintendo first party franchise and a roster of over 100 for sure. It just wouldn't work. Waluigi as a staple of the series...in party game spin-offs, sure. His inclusion in them has been equalled by Daisy, so since she's appeared in a canon game she should get in first.

Your last sentence actually makes me laugh. Saying Waluigi should be in Brawl is advocating cloning/ripping off movesets since Waluigi has absolutely nothing to go for him having an original moveset.

http://thor.mirtna.org/oddities/lookalikes/pics/waluigi_mario_series_-_dastardly_d ick.jpg

Found on some look-a-likes page. Mr. D. Dastardly is a good villain yes, but I have absolutely no respect for some lame rip-off of him. That doesn't make Waluigi in any way better, it just makes him even worse. Sorry for the broken link, but since it sensors the D word it won't actually let me put in the picture :/.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
*cough* Tingle......Anyways....
Tingle atleast made apperances in canon games and even has his own spin off semi-franchise. Nope, Tingle is at a much higher level of Brawl material in my books.

Actually, it means that characters can use sports moves.
Why not have Daisy instead of Waluigi then? They fill in exactly the same role, and she'd be a much better Peach replacement cause... Well she looks far more like her so could use Peach's Melee moveset while Peach gets a new one. Not saying that either should happen though.

Wait, so if they do involve his legs and sports equipment, they aren't original? I can't think of any other characters with a similar physical appearence like Waluigi. And besides Peach (who could possibly get new moves from "Super Princess Peach" like someone said) no one uses sports equipment in combat. He can use different abilities from his appearences. He usually uses Bob-Ombs and Piranha Plants, he can spin around and create tornadoes, he can swim in the air, use eggplants, use the Vacuum Orb from MP7 to absorb health, use his Drop Rocket ability, and he's made references to "Wrecking Crew." Why not give him a hammer or something?
Sure he's got potential of having a moveset, but every character from the Mario cameo games could use the same items and had special abilities as the Waluigi-Swim. But they shouldn't affect current characters movesets. Besides like Smash Daddy already said; his moves should follow SOME pattern. Would Waluigi be a slow but strong character? Or would he be a fast but weak character? From these abilities and items I dunno what to think of him. Atleast Peach had a pattern of being a more airbone character, Mr.Game & Watch however I'm speecheless about.

You got me there. But I don't think that having a main role in a main series game isn't the most important thing to have to get in Brawl. Once again, my opinion.
Yes your opinion indeed. What I mostly want to see are characters with good roles in their games and being a bit regonisable and populair. Sure I don't mind retro characters, but most of them also had atleast one good role. Waluigi is the complete opposite, he's a character that has had many roles but all of them where useless so far. In Smash he'd be exactly as he would be in all those other crappy cameo games; a Mario-fied partner for Wario created only to fill in that role. His moves could be unique, but his inclusion to Brawl clearly wouldn't.

I personally don't think that we should exclude any first party characters from the super smash fun! Especially Waluigi which has been a staple of the series for years. I think too many people get stuck on the third party characters and forget the many characters in the Nintendo universe that deserve a spot. I want variety as much as the next guy but Waluigi is a must for the brawl universe!
Umm dude how much characters you think Brawl is gonna have? We'd be lucky if we're getting around 40 characters but sure if there are 150+ characters I wouldn't half be as against Waluigi as I am now.

Waluigi would be cool, but he would make wario look odd if mario, luigi, and waluigi are in there traditional clothing, while wario is wareing wario ware!
Yup and THAT'S the reason why Waluigi won't make it. Wario deserves it to have his own look and franchise represented. That way he has little connection to Mario at all and opens a spot for another WarioWare character that would be a MUCH better partner for Wario than Waluigi ever would.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
And which of the two characters, praytell, has their own video game, support enough to have a character dedicated to him in a game where he couldn't find a suitable place, and numerous roles in canon games? Waluigi or Tingle?
It's a spin-off of Balloon Fight (awsome and addicting game) that is only in Europe. I suppose that's a step forward for Tingle, but not a big one. Waluigi's had more appearances, but mainly only in spin-offs. However, I suppose that game counts for something, but c'mon Tingle doesn't have half the fanbase of Waluigi. Heck, he's probably the least popular LOZ character, and most despised.

I don't even need to flame this one... you handled it quite well yourself.
I try! :grin: But generally that is his best shot, and IMO the best way he could get in. I think he would perform great as a clone, whether he's another Mario clone, a Wario clone, or sorta both. Watch me get blasted by the anit-Waluigi crowd and diehard Waluigi fan crowd all at once! :chuckle:

I'm not going to lie, you're probably right on this one. I'm just wondering what your list would be. I'd really enjoy reading a "Top 10 Characters 'Worse than Waluigi'".
Well I'd kill Tingle, aim for Plusle and Minun, hate on Cd-i Zelda, Link, Ganon, and the King of Hyrule, and that one odd guy on the maigc carpet. Of course I'd knock on Sora for singing "Under the Sea" in full mermaid gear (funniest and most retarted thing ever), the mailman in tLOZ: MM&TP, and the nerd boss in Super Paper Mario. I win=I could go to 25, maybe 50 if I really wanted too!

@ Smash Daddy
At least he doesn't sing "Under the Sea" in full mermaid gear. I lost all of the little respect for Sora in that moment, and paid my brother to beat it while I lol'd how retarted it was! That was the dumbest crap ever! :chuckle: Seriously though, if I wanted to waste 5 hours of my life I could find AT LEAST 100 stupider and lamer video game characters. I'll just insert most the Pokemon there instead! :grin:

@ Vali
I think he means 1st aprty characters who have made over 20 or so appearances. In which case Waluigi would be considered one of those. SEriously though, by SSB4 he'll be half as big as Wario, almost as wanted for SSB4 as Wario, and immensely popular. He'll be in the spin-off games, but he'll play a somewat major roll in the Mario universe. O, and he looks more like this guy=ya.

The SWF is blocking it, so I'll just give you another link. Just go to Waluigi 2=hilarious! (Waluigi 1 is the one below and the one Vali showed) Sorry about the inconvenince, it's under (Super) Mario (Bros.) Series=once you see the character, you'll get why it's blocked.


^^^ Camelot consists of many posers, lol! Hopefully Nintendo will set the record straight with Waluigi=ya. Let him have his big time, and we will all be playing Waluigi Land or World, or something like that. Super Waluigi Sunshine, anyone=??? :grin: :laugh: ;)

^^^ That is still funny, but the one I put above is better!

@ X-x-Dyce-x-X
You stole my pic. How did you get it up anyways=??? Dasterly D*I*C*K's name blocked it for me, lol! :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2006
*@ Smash Daddy
I can name AT LEAST 10 worse video game characters than Waluigi=there are worse, a lot worse.
just name 10 pokemon.....

anyways....waluigi..... So far, I have held myself back from bashing him in this thread to avoid useless arguments that go nowhere, but what the heck.

Waluigi is a horrible idea for a brawl character. There are MANY more characters that would be considered Brawl material before him.

Waluigi.... first and foremost, he isn't popular enough. YES I realize this is a support thread for him, yes I know he has become a regular for Mario sports titles.....but really? What has he had besides Mario sports/parties? He has never had his OWN game (unlike other Mario characters who have had spin offs) nor, has he appeared in an actual "un-partyish" Mario

The ONLY games he has appeared in, are the Mario sports/party ones (majority of which don't sell as well, and are extremely childish). He has never been in any of the major platformers or RPG's that best represent the Mario series.

secondly.....he isn't origional. The only reason he was ever created in the first place was to give Wario someone to play tennis with.

Besides, even if waluigi's inclusion in mario sports games did qualify him for Brawl.....he's STILL low on the possible characters list.... Why?
More major game characters like Wario & Metaknight didn't even make it into melee...does anyone actually think the developers would jump to start including such characters of miniscule importance in Brawl?

and on a personal note....I think that IF waluigi was in brawl, more people would be upset about it rather than glad, because he'd be a wasting a character slot from some character who deserves it, and of course, he's hated for just plain and simply being incredibly stupid and annoying.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
^^^ Solid points, but he could make a great clone, sorta a last minute addition,but not to the Dr. Mario extremes of course (more of a G'dorf and C. Falcon kinda relationship). Still all the people who would complain about the addition of Waluigi IF he made it need to understand that he does have a prety big sized fanbase. Who cares how lame a character is, a big fanbase is all a character needs, and I think Waluigi just falls short in that category.

He's obviously one of the more contriversal and complicated character to talk about. Whether Waluigi makes it or not idc, but he definitely has a shot, and I suppose he could make a good clone. No matter how lame people think he is, a good moveset is basically all that matters to me IMO. And I can't think of one, and that is a gigantic step down in terms of chances IMO.

I'd say Waluigi is up there in the 60 or somost likely characters for Brawl, but I think he won't make it. He'll be in SSB4 (not including a possible DS SSB game) for sure. By then he'll be 10 times as awsome, and 10 times as original.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
no, being a lookalike to **** Dastardly = Instant Fav, since I loved **** Dastardly
Dude, **** Dastardly is the bomb. Used to watch some show he was in when I was a kid...I think! :laugh: :chuckle: :) That was the first thing I thought of when I first saw Waluigi, lol! :chuckle: Love the Ron Jeremy one, is this applying there is a side of Mario we don't know=??? Maybe his career, lol! :chuckle:


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Um... Random... Extremely random. His moveset should follow some pattern. Like how Peach uses several weird weapons, or Bowser uses slow, powerful attacks. All these would be so spontaneous and un-co-ordinated when put together, it'd look a mess. He needs a foundation on which to build - moreover he needs to be somewhat similar to Luigi or Wario. I need something less cluttered before I respect his possibility in 'Brawl.
I was just stating the possible special moves that he could have if he is added in a Smash game.

Waluigi is, physically, a "more extreme version of Luigi." Luigi, and from what we've seen in the trailers and screenshots, Wario have unusual and strange looking standard attacks. Waluigi can also have Because of his long limbs, his standard attacks can have a longer range. He is a slow character, so his attacks could be slow. As for his special moves, they could be his specials from the sports games and be like Mr. Game & Watch.

B- Bob-Omb Serve: Waluigi takes a Bob-Omb and hits it with a tennis racket
B <>- Liar Ball: Waluigi throws multiple Egg-Plants; not a very strong move
B ^- Swimming Return: Waluigi swims up in the air; player can control which way like Fox and Falco's Up B move
B \/- Whirluigi: Waluigi spins around hitting anyone near him and creates a tornado that lasts for a few seconds

Final Smash: Bob-Omb Launcher- Waluigi takes the Bob-Omb launcher from the "Mario Power Tennis" opening movie and launches Bob-Ombs everywhere in the stage

^ Not the best moveset, but someone else here posted a MUCH better moveset. I'll post a link when I find it.
Here's D;ck Dastardly vs. Waluigi:

Heh... funny how he's just a rip off of everyone these days. UNORIGINAL SWINE!
Once again, I'm pretty sure that Camelot didn't intend to make him look like "you-know-who." And haven't you noticed the "Wrecking Crew" references?

*cough* Tingle......Anyways....

^^^^ Agreed, but he could be a neat clone I suppose. That would be his best shot at making it in, is as a last minute clone.
I try! :grin: But generally that is his best shot, and IMO the best way he could get in. I think he would perform great as a clone, whether he's another Mario clone, a Wario clone, or sorta both. Watch me get blasted by the anit-Waluigi crowd and diehard Waluigi fan crowd all at once! :chuckle:

@ Smash Daddy
At least he doesn't sing "Under the Sea" in full mermaid gear. I lost all of the little respect for Sora in that moment, and paid my brother to beat it while I lol'd how retarted it was! That was the dumbest crap ever! :chuckle: Seriously though, if I wanted to waste 5 hours of my life I could find AT LEAST 100 stupider and lamer video game characters. I'll just insert most the Pokemon there instead! :grin:

^^^ Camelot consists of many posers, lol! Hopefully Nintendo will set the record straight with Waluigi=ya. Let him have his big time, and we will all be playing Waluigi Land or World, or something like that. Super Waluigi Sunshine, anyone=??? :grin: :laugh: ;)

^^^ That is still funny, but the one I put above is better!
^^^ Solid points, but he could make a great clone, sorta a last minute addition,but not to the Dr. Mario extremes of course (more of a G'dorf and C. Falcon kinda relationship). Still all the people who would complain about the addition of Waluigi IF he made it need to understand that he does have a prety big sized fanbase. Who cares how lame a character is, a big fanbase is all a character needs, and I think Waluigi just falls short in that category.

He's obviously one of the more contriversal and complicated character to talk about. Whether Waluigi makes it or not idc, but he definitely has a shot, and I suppose he could make a good clone.
...I thought you SUPPORTED Waluigi!
Congradulations for repeating everything that anti-Waluigi guys have already said!


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
...I thought you SUPPORTED Waluigi!
I did originally, but I realized I wanted several other characters over Waluigi. If the roster had 55-60 slots and it was ALL up to me, I'd give it to him in a heartbeat. 50 maybe, but 40...I kinda like 40 or so characters more than Waluigi. I'm stuck somewhere in the "idc" category currently (and plan to stay there, unless someone says something to convinces me otherwise=someone says something actually new instead of Waluigi hate crap), but I'm not sure if Waluigi could make a appearance as a original character.

He has around 4 times the chances IMO as a clone than as a original, and I think he'd work best as a clone, or at even a semi-clone. Sure you might have made a good B moveset Red Maniac, but what moves does Waluigi have outside of sports, bomb-ombs, and piranha plants=??? He could have original puching, kicking, and headbuting attacks, but he'd need something extra to be truely original, and a great character addition to Brawl.

I guess that Wrecking Crew stuff you found Red Maniac could have more originailty in store for Waluigi if he made it into Brawl, but he still needs more originality IMO, plain and simple. And I don't think he has that, but he is a cool character, I admit that. Watch me get attacked by both sides should be my new motto on this thread, lol! :chuckle: Anyways, in SSB4 I'll probably be all for him the whole way through.

The plus side is it would boost the need for originality for Waluigi, and I could play as him, but otherwise I really don't care if he's in or not. Again, I think he'd be best as a clone or semi-clone. *runs and hides from both sides* In SSB4 (excluding a possible DS SSB, in which Sakurai shows intrest in) I'll be all for Waluigi all the way with you Waluigi for Brawl people. But for now, I'm on the fence I suppose. ;) :) :urg: :p :ohwell: :psycho:

Deleted member

I was just stating the possible special moves that he could have if he is added in a Smash game.

Waluigi is, physically, a "more extreme version of Luigi." Luigi, and from what we've seen in the trailers and screenshots, Wario have unusual and strange looking standard attacks. Waluigi can also have Because of his long limbs, his standard attacks can have a longer range. He is a slow character, so his attacks could be slow. As for his special moves, they could be his specials from the sports games and be like Mr. Game & Watch.

B- Bob-Omb Serve: Waluigi takes a Bob-Omb and hits it with a tennis racket
B <>- Liar Ball: Waluigi throws multiple Egg-Plants; not a very strong move
B ^- Swimming Return: Waluigi swims up in the air; player can control which way like Fox and Falco's Up B move
B \/- Whirluigi: Waluigi spins around hitting anyone near him and creates a tornado that lasts for a few seconds

Final Smash: Bob-Omb Launcher- Waluigi takes the Bob-Omb launcher from the "Mario Power Tennis" opening movie and launches Bob-Ombs everywhere in the stage

^ Not the best moveset, but someone else here posted a MUCH better moveset. I'll post a link when I find it.
Alright. I'm still not really convinced about Waluigi, his moveset or importance. And the fact that Nintendo haven't put him in any actual games makes me think they don't like him as much as the other characters, or favor the ones they've created themselves.

"Waluigi's first appearance was in the Mario Tennis games for the Game Boy Color and Nintendo 64, as Wario's doubles partner, and then in 2005 on Mario Tennis: Power Tour for the Game Boy Advance. Later, along with Princess Daisy, he joined the Mario Party series's roster in Mario Party 3 and has been a playable character in every main entry in the series since. He's since also appeared various other sports games. He has only played a significant role in the plot of three games. He plays a minor antagonistic role in Mario Party 3, an antagonist in Mario Power Tennis, and a primary villain in Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix. Waluigi most recently appears in Mario Strikers Charged, Itadaki Street DS and Mario Party 8. He also appears in Mario Kart DS, as an unlockable character."

Straight from Wikipedia. Now, even Mario Kart, one of the larger Mario party-esque games, has only just started to use him. Heck, I use him because he looks like a freak, but his design is awful compared to other characters. Wario is genius, Luigi and Mario are original... Waluigi has an upside down L on his hat. Warioware, Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario... Dance Dance Revolution? In 'Brawl, in SSB... Not even considered? Frankly - I can't say I've heard much support anywhere else for him. Rightfully so, in my opinion. :dizzy:


Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2006
Actually ever since he debuted he's been in every mario party/spin off, he was also even in Mario Power Tennis, and Wario wasn't. Waluigi was also in Game and Watch Gallery 4 in 2 of the modern modes (Boxing and Rain Shower). Also I don't even use his Wikipedia anymore since they removed a ****load of his info (like his relationship to Wario, Connections to Wrecking Crew, etc)


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Waluigi has no plausible connections to Wrecking Crew. I can't find any screenshots, but from what I hear, Foreman Spike was the basis for Wario. I think the only ties Wally has with WC (not Warcraft) are his carts from Mario Kart DS. I figure they only put them in there for Wally's issue with "lack of material and specific style". Waluigi has all the traits of Wario and that bulldozer and crane could have easily gone to Wario.


Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2006
From Answers.com (although they took it from his old wiki page)
In Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix, Waluigi's song is called "Destruction Dance". The song is a remix of the bonus game tune from the 1984 NES game Wrecking Crew, though the game itself did not feature Waluigi (it did, however, feature Luigi wearing purple). Waluigi's special ball in Mario Superstar Baseball, the Liar Ball, splits up into a fake ball and a real ball. The fake one is an eggplant, again possibly referring to Wrecking Crew, which had Eggplant Men as enemies. Also, in the Challenge Mode of Mario Superstar Baseball, Waluigi must first obtain an eggplant before he can use this move. This also hints that the eggplant is Waluigi's favorite food, like Wario's is garlic. Another possible reference in this game is the team logo for Waluigi Flankers - on it, Waluigi is wearing shades, and has a laugh just like Foreman Spike's laugh in Wrecking Crew '98. Furthermore, in Mario Kart DS Waluigi's default kart was the Gold Mantis, a construction site crane. These facts could however also point to Waluigi having a job as a construction worker.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Whoever said waluigi was unpoular has a stick up there azz, alot of people who dont want him in brawl still like him as a character,so he is popular and liked


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I actually have no problem with Waluigi. I think he's kind of creative, a little unimaginative and underdeveloped, but all around a decent character. They really need to give him his own personality though, and not base him off of characters like Foreman Spike or Wario (maybe they could base him a little off Wario, since they are brothers). That's why I say keep him off the Brawl lineup and wait until he gets his own game or until he's part of a canon Super Mario or Warioland game.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
The only way it'd make him more popular is everyone choosing him as the opponent to beat the living hell out of him.

Anyway to clear up the Wrecking Crew confusion, WC is an old game in which Mario starred in some Donkey-Kong-esque knockoff against "Foreman Spike" whose character was later used as a kind of base/starting point for Wario as far as we know. In WC you could also play as Luigi (in 2 player only I think) and for some unknown reason Luigi came in purple dungarees. Waluigi never appeared in WC, only purple Luigi (which is technically what Waluigi is being just a lankier purple Luigi). Since there was a purple Luigi in WC and the fact that FS could be argued ais the very beginnings of Wario, Nintendo's obviously played into the fanservice with giving links of Waluigi to WC because of it due to Waluigi being Wario's brother and all. Waluigi was never part of WC as neither was Wario.

All this means really is that even choosing purple of as the colour for Waluigi was just another rip off of Luigi, adding another point to the incredibly long "why Waluigi is a bad character" list.

Deleted member

I like Waluigi, but he's not popular enough. People don't want him in 'Brawl.


Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2006
actually if you look on Waluigis Mario Tennis Promo pics, it was Blue/Black, but then they decided on Purple/Black which IMO was a lot better, because he looks better in the purple then the blue (his hair was also a golden like color, but then they made it to the light shade of brown that it is today)
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