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The Official Waluigi Thread

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Deleted member

They should have tilted the L to make a V, and called him Viligi or something along the lines. That would have made him a little more respectable.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Nintendo's> Wario= Bad Mario (War) {Simple, yet clever and original; give title of "the opposition"}
Smash Daddy's> Viligi- Disgusting Luigi (Vile) {Could easily give off a "gross" personality}
Mine> Ruigi- Destructive Luigi (Ruin) {Could easily tie into Wrecking Crew}
---All good ideas IMO---

Camelot's> Waluigi- Bad Luigi (War) {Pattern already taken by Wario; unoriginal, stupid, lazy}

Good job Camelot. Way to put no thought into something that could have turned out just as good as Wario.

Deleted member

Yep, you're right enough that it'd be painful for the Waluigi designers to read your post. They should have copied the concept Wario used, but not been so stupid with the whole "WE MUST ROTATE LUIGI'S LETTER EXACTLY AS NINTENDO DID WITH WARIO AND MARIO, EVEN IF IT MAKES NO SENSE". The fact they treated Wario's relationship with Mario as a formula rather than an idea, leading them to believe that the other brother would also have an exact same alter-ego almost formulaicly, made them fail before they even began.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
is Waluigi cool as a character certainly
do i like him? yes
however six characters is maximum for the mario series and waluigi has slim to no chance

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I have an idea: How about they just make a Luigi costume which is the same colors as Waluigi?...Then everyone is happy! Yaayyy!


Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2006
Actually, I just realized, Luigis colors were opposite of Mario on the color wheel, and Waluigis colors were opposite to Warios on the color wheel, which could be how it lead to Waluigi being Purple and Luigi being Green.

Deleted member

Yeah, it would seem as if those are the two options...

You give Luigi a purple costume or, if they're in, an alternate outfit that fits Waluigi's appearance well but without altering Luigi's features. Maybe adding a fake angry eyebrow or two.

Then you have...

Making a stage feature Waluigi either in the background or as a hazard. You could even have a Mario Party stage and include Daisy, who could also be a Peach costume.

I'd rather not have him at all, personally. Again - it seems Camelot followed the Wario formula a tad too much in a search for un-originality.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
wow a mario party stage think of the possibilities

you walk and wham a giant hammer appears and the game goes to wimote controls for the user lol


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
They should have tilted the L to make a V, and called him Viligi or something along the lines. That would have made him a little more respectable.
Nintendo's> Wario= Bad Mario (War) {Simple, yet clever and original; give title of "the opposition"}
Smash Daddy's> Viligi- Disgusting Luigi (Vile) {Could easily give off a "gross" personality}
Mine> Ruigi- Destructive Luigi (Ruin) {Could easily tie into Wrecking Crew}
---All good ideas IMO---

Camelot's> Waluigi- Bad Luigi (War) {Pattern already taken by Wario; unoriginal, stupid, lazy}

Good job Camelot. Way to put no thought into something that could have turned out just as good as Wario.
Yep, you're right enough that it'd be painful for the Waluigi designers to read your post. They should have copied the concept Wario used, but not been so stupid with the whole "WE MUST ROTATE LUIGI'S LETTER EXACTLY AS NINTENDO DID WITH WARIO AND MARIO, EVEN IF IT MAKES NO SENSE". The fact they treated Wario's relationship with Mario as a formula rather than an idea, leading them to believe that the other brother would also have an exact same alter-ego almost formulaicly, made them fail before they even began.
"YES! His name is unoriginal so i respect him less!"

Seriously, it's just his name.


But Viligi sounds cool.
I have an idea: How about they just make a Luigi costume which is the same colors as Waluigi?...Then everyone is happy! Yaayyy!
Then you have...

Making a stage feature Waluigi either in the background or as a hazard. You could even have a Mario Party stage and include Daisy, who could also be a Peach costume.
Yes, that would be nice to have that happen if Waluigi doesn't make it... but I would like to have Waluigi as a non-playable character or boss in Adventure Mode...or an event match...or something. In fact, we should have wanted characters who don't make it making cameos like that, so that way...
Then everyone is happy! Yaayyy!
I'd rather not have him at all, personally. Again - it seems Camelot followed the Wario formula a tad too much in a search for un-originality.
...so are you saying that Camelot INTENDED Waluigi to be unoriginal?
and WHY has this already been said? because it's fact.
...then why did you repeat it?

Deleted member

I don't think Waluigi is wanted that much. His name is an example of why Nintendo may be rejecting him in all their main games. If they don't want him in their main games, it's likely he won't be wanted in SSBB either. There simply is not room.

Also, where would he slot in? He's never been in Super Mario or Warioware, so he'd be floating in polo.


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007

I remember back when Mario Tennis came out, that my brother told me something he read in a Nintendo Power or online. He said that if you rearange the letters in "Waluigi" you get the japanese word for "evil" or "bad guy" or something.
I'm not saying this is true, so don't flame me. I was just hoping someone would know some facts and could tell me.
I also LOVE Waluigi because I've been using him in every game since he came out. It was either him, or if one of my friends chose him, I'd be Luigi. Mario Tennis, double dash, mario partys...good times.
Plus if yo had M L and WA...it would feel like there's a hole...


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002

I remember back when Mario Tennis came out, that my brother told me something he read in a Nintendo Power or online. He said that if you rearange the letters in "Waluigi" you get the japanese word for "evil" or "bad guy" or something.
I'm not saying this is true, so don't flame me. I was just hoping someone would know some facts and could tell me.
From Wikipedia

The name "Wario" is Mario's name blended with the Japanese adjective warui (悪い) meaning "bad"; hence, a "bad Mario".


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2004
And you have to remember when your coming up with your..."interesting" waluigi names that they are made in japanese before they are brought over to english. Not only that but if i see any waluigi haters main him in a tournament ......


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
You talk about the lack of background waluigi has,well ROY seemed to of goten in there BEFORE HIS GAME CAME OUT,so in reality he had NO background


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Roy was put in for promotional reasons, and the game was far into development anyway so they already had a background established for him (read his trophy for one thing), not to mention he was a clone. Waluigi can't be used for promotional reasons because he isn't promoting anything, and it doesn't help that he's practically the only Mario character that doesn't have a background.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
Waluigi will be a cool and
if tweaked carefully an unique character

However if there are 5-6 mario characters does he deserve a spot

Deleted member

Bowser Jr.
... Waluigi?

Not even counting Wario and Yoshi. And all those characters except Waluigi have been in the main games, several times, so he doesn't fit.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
You talk about the lack of background waluigi has,well ROY seemed to of goten in there BEFORE HIS GAME CAME OUT,so in reality he had NO background
Bowser Jr.
... Waluigi?

Not even counting Wario and Yoshi. And all those characters except Waluigi have been in the main games, several times, so he doesn't fit.
So what, all Mario characters have to be the same and fit together?
Nowai. If anyone it'll be Shadow Mario.
I don't know...not sure if I want Shadow Mario as a SEPERATE character...maybe a transformation of Bowser Jr...

Deleted member

So what, all Mario characters have to be the same and fit together?
Not really. Super Mario is a seperate series from Mario Party. If you extend it to just Mario, Wario and Yoshi are also in it. It messes things up. It's better to keep things simple. Everyone who appears in the main Mario games need to stick together. If Waluigi is in, where is he meant to go?

I don't know...not sure if I want Shadow Mario as a SEPERATE character...maybe a transformation of Bowser Jr...
He still counts as a character, even if he's a transformation.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
I once was a Shadow Mario as a Bowser Jr transformation followe, but really, how could SM NOT be a clone of Mario? And we already kinda have one of those.

Deleted member

Meh. He would be a clone, but an interesting one. He'd also be the only one if Dr. Mario is removed.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
also if you transform into jr. you would have a very rounded character

one side is a weapon(paintbrush) wielding and maybe heavy character
the other is mario Mr. balanced

if i had that combo i would transform 20 times a game


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Actually...having Shadow Mario, but making him as fast as Fox, with a real underhanded moveset would be awesome. Because it'd really reflect the nature of being the opposite of Mario...so...Shadow Mario.

Anyway, on topic but being incredibly redundant; Waluigi would likely be highly dependant on Wario appearing in his normal costume...and that's already up for debate. And all the sports game and whatnot are considered a little...how you say, non-canon?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
I figured as much. Just thought I'd be better off posting about Waluigi if I'm already here...maybe he should be the ref for some brand of wacky minigame. Whoa-hoa!


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Not really. Super Mario is a seperate series from Mario Party. If you extend it to just Mario, Wario and Yoshi are also in it. It messes things up. It's better to keep things simple. Everyone who appears in the main Mario games need to stick together. If Waluigi is in, where is he meant to go?
Eh, I consider all of the main games and spin-offs as one big Mario series, but that's just me.

But I don't see why Waluigi can't rep the Mario spin-offs.
Anyway, on topic but being incredibly redundant; Waluigi would likely be highly dependant on Wario appearing in his normal costume...and that's already up for debate. And all the sports game and whatnot are considered a little...how you say, non-canon?
So Waluigi's fate depends on what costume Wario is wearing? And how are sports games non-canon?
we generally decided that waluigi will either be a stage hazard or a costume
We did?


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I actually have no problem with Waluigi. I think he's kind of creative, a little unimaginative and underdeveloped, but all around a decent character. They really need to give him his own personality though, and not base him off of characters like Foreman Spike or Wario (maybe they could base him a little off Wario, since they are brothers). That's why I say keep him off the Brawl lineup and wait until he gets his own game or until he's part of a canon Super Mario or Warioland game.
^^^ Exactly my thoughts. He's creative and imaginative, but by Nintendo's doing of him, not Camelots! He needs to have his personality built upon, and have sorta individualiy, much like the Mario and Luigi relationship. Unless he appears or is scheduled to appear in a Mario game that isn't a spin-off or party game, or he is scheduled to get his own game, or be a main character in a game I see no reason why he should be in, other than a large fanbase (in which he sorta has), and to be more wanted (or at least neutral) than not wanted.

Whoa, surprised my post about how Waluigi could be a good clone didn't get bashed by either side, lol. Now that is a surprise, if there ever is or was one on this thread, lol! :chuckle: O, and Shadow Mario would suck as a transformation (and I'm undecieded as his own slot). Seriously, who would pick Mario when you can play as Shadow Mario (a Mario clone), and then play mindgames on your opponent and switch to Bowser Jr. Mario wouldn't be played, and Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario would be overplayed, overpowered, and would be the new top tier.

As bad as people say Shiek is, if Shadow Mario was a Mario clone it would be 10 times worse. We'd have less Mario players than any other character, and a lot of Shadow Mario and Bowser Jr. players. I'm personally ALL against transformation duos (unfair mindgames), and if Shadow Mario was to make it, he should be his own sot, not a transformation character. Same thing if (and only if) Shiek returns, and I'm almost 100% positive ZSS and Samus are seperate characters, so I'm not worried about that.

@ DonkeySmasher
There are a lot more opposition to you and the anti-Waluigi crowd than Red Maniac. Plus add in me and my fellow nuetral people on the stance (if I'm not the only one, lol! :chuckle:), so generally isn't the word I'd look for. I'd say the majority is anti-Waluigi and agrees with you, followed by my extrmely microscopic minority (neutral), and the 2nd biggest party, the pro-Waluigis.

I'm still not primaraly agreeing with either side, though I think he could make a exellent clone, as well as a exellent original (same with every character, minus Plusle and Minun). But is his fanbase big enough to make him a cloned character=??? I think more than likely he won't make it in Brawl (at least not as a playable character), but that's something to consider.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Well original Wario and Wario Ware...Wario are something of two seperate worlds entirely. Waluigi wasn't created by Nintendo (I remember that much, at least,) and he was created to be a companion to Wario's wacky party and sports misadventures. If Waluigi were to appear without traditional Wario there, it'd effectively mean that he was chosen specifically on his own merit to appear in a game full of Nintendo's allstars. ...And I just kind of don't think Waluigi has much of his own merit to go on.

I could be wrong of course, and my facts could be pretty out of date, no? Correct me if any of them are.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2006
You talk about the lack of background waluigi has,well ROY seemed to of goten in there BEFORE HIS GAME CAME OUT,so in reality he had NO background
Not really. Roy was scheduled to appear in a game that gave him a background; it just hadn't been released yet. As far as we know, there are no games being developed that give Waluigi any sort of background.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
we generally decided that waluigi will either be a stage hazard or a costume
Oh... we did? And who are we? Did someone send an e-mail to Sakurai and let him know that we made that decision? If not someone should get on that. We seem to have some sort of power over the production and development of the game so it's best that we don't let Sakurai out of the loop of what we feel the best decision is. After all, we all must have decided this together.

Hahaha! Alright, sorry, I was just busting your balls. I couldn't resist, it was such a rediculous post I had to tear it a few new ones.
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