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The Official Waluigi Thread

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Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
McFox said:
Answer me this, Waluigi fans: If it's so important that Waluigi appears with Wario in every game they appear in, why hasn't Waluigi appeared in the Warioware series? I mean, that's a MUCH easier appearance in Smash, because Wario is totally random and stupid (in a good way). Just make him a Warioware character and give him some random minigames, and BAM, he's got instant credibility.

And when I said "answer me this," that was rhetorical. In conclusion, there is no reason to include Waluigi in Brawl on the BASIS of him being Wario's partner. He's not even Wario's partner in Wario's games.
I'll just keep quoting this until someone can answer. Which means I'll just keep quoting it over and over for eternity.

But where is this nonsense that Wario needs a "partner" coming from? Wario does not need a partner. He's a hugely popular character with two successful series, all of his "partners" including Waluigi have 0. Wario has the clout to appear alone.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
The Dastardly similarity is just too **** similar to be a coincidence, he looks more like Dastardly **** then he does Luigi or Foreman Spike and I don't like cheap knock offs (Daisy is different)


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
She is but she was also in the SMB movie, I know it's hypocritical of me wanting Daisy but not Waluigi but still she has actually been in a mario platformer.


Smash Journeyman
May 17, 2006
McFox said:
When I think of Wario, I think of Warioware. You know, because that's a game series he starred in.

Answer me this, Waluigi fans: If it's so important that Waluigi appears with Wario in every game they appear in, why hasn't Waluigi appeared in the Warioware series? I mean, that's a MUCH easier appearance in Smash, because Wario is totally random and stupid (in a good way). Just make him a Warioware character and give him some random minigames, and BAM, he's got instant credibility.

And when I said "answer me this," that was rhetorical. In conclusion, there is no reason to include Waluigi in Brawl on the BASIS of him being Wario's partner. He's not even Wario's partner in Wario's games.
Make up you're mind. First you say it's rhetorical, then you say you will keep quoting it until someone answers. :confused:

I'll take a shot by saying that warioware is not waluigi's element. Wario's main focus is his own personal greedy, that's what makes warioware a perfect fit for him. Waluigi is not driven by greed. He is driven by a need to cause mischieve as well as an unsatisfying dislike for luigi. Partners or not that may not be a good fit for him so he might of opted not to help.
I do agree that wario doesn't necessarily need a "partner" in smash yet I don't really have anything against it, even if it's a warioware character. I still see waluigi in brawl though :p
colbusman said:
well, when you think of wario characters, do you first think of wario ware? when most people think of wario, they probably think of waluigi first
This is somewhat true for a good number of people
xianfeng said:
The Dastardly similarity is just too **** similar to be a coincidence, he looks more like Dastardly **** then he does Luigi or Foreman Spike and I don't like cheap knock offs (Daisy is different)
Is it really that serious? We all know his design was just from strecthing out luigi and making him evil. How would something this trivial change you're perspective? w/e
She is but she was also in the SMB movie, I know it's hypocritical of me wanting Daisy but not Waluigi but still she has actually been in a mario platformer.
Yes, this does make you hypocritical.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
It doesn't matter if Waluigi is thought of when you think of Wario, it's becoming more often that someone thinks of Wario Ware when they think of Wario. Why? Because Wario Ware is one of Nintendo's newer franchises and has been a success.

No, he doesn't need a partner, but if he had one, the Wario Ware characters deserve it a lot more than him. They've appeared alongside Wario for 3 games now(4 games soon), and are in his MAIN franchise, not serving as his doubles partner. They're also a lot more original, which is a +.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
McFox said:
But where is this nonsense that Wario needs a "partner" coming from? Wario does not need a partner. He's a hugely popular character with two successful series, all of his "partners" including Waluigi have 0. Wario has the clout to appear alone.
i do agree that wario does not need a partner. that is not a good excuse for waluigi to be in brawl.

but here is a hypothetical question. let's just say waluigi is in brawl. what if he ends up being one of the better characters, or we found out he was replacing an even worse character. would you still consider him a bad choice? i know it sounds dumb, but it shows how much of a waluigi hater you are.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Not like I don't admit to being a Waluigi hater, but fine. Since you asked:

There are VERY few characters I would consider worse than him. Daisy, and Petey Piranha, and that's really pretty much about it.

What if he ends up being a better character? From the way you worded it, I assume you mean that he's higher up on the tier and good to play as. Well, that doesn't have any bearing on how much I do or don't like his character. He's cliched and boring, and how "good" he would be has nothing to do with whether I want him to appear or not. A lot of my favorite Melee characters are near the bottom tier, and I still like them better than some top-tier people. I use Pokemon like Paras and Pikachu instead of Parasect and Raichu, even though the evolved forms have better stats. I use the starters because I like them.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
McFox said:
Not like I don't admit to being a Waluigi hater, but fine. Since you asked:

There are VERY few characters I would consider worse than him. Daisy, and Petey Piranha, and that's really pretty much about it.

What if he ends up being a better character? From the way you worded it, I assume you mean that he's higher up on the tier and good to play as. Well, that doesn't have any bearing on how much I do or don't like his character. He's cliched and boring, and how "good" he would be has nothing to do with whether I want him to appear or not. A lot of my favorite Melee characters are near the bottom tier, and I still like them better than some top-tier people. I use Pokemon like Paras and Pikachu instead of Parasect and Raichu, even though the evolved forms have better stats. I use the starters because I like them.
so do I. look at my sig. i favor characters like bowser, pika, and ganon over marth and sheik. i don't like the teir list. it is just another way of saying "this character cannot fight that well" and i don't like that. it is the fighter who sucks, not the character. and learning to master slow characters is a high honor for smash.

now, i love to use waluigi in the sports and party titles, and i beleive he has the potential to have his own game. maybe not now or in a year, but someday he will. and i beleive sakurai can make a great character out of waluigi. i think he has great potential to be in smash. so what if he was just a filler character for wario? the fact is nintendo liked him so much they added him in all the other mario titles.

now, like i said before, he is not high up on my list. hell, geno ended up in there because he was so kickass, and i have never played that far into smrpg. but waluigi has better potential than other characters out there, such as pac-man or tingle. here is hoping waluigi makes it in before some other stupid character out there seizes his spot.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Pacman has a clear moveset and actually abilities from his recent games so he would be a lot better than Waluigi and at least Tingle has his own game.

If Nintendo likes Waluigi so much why don't they put him in the Mario Platformers?


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2006
New Orleans, LA
Putting Daisy in is a bad enough idea but giving her Peach's move set is stupid.

And another thing. Correct me if i'm wrong but Daisy has only appeared in Mario Sports Spin-offs. So has Waluigi. So if you put Daisy in, you might as well throw Waluigi in there also....which is also a bad idea.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Daisy appeared as the rescuable princess, filling Peach's role for the Super Mario Land series.

She didn't actually do anything, she was just waiting for you at the end of the game.

Iggy K

Smash Ace
May 18, 2006
Difference being Peach has a big fan base, was playable in SMRPG and SMB2 and had a starring role.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
colbusman said:
now, i love to use waluigi in the sports and party titles, and i beleive he has the potential to have his own game. maybe not now or in a year, but someday he will.
That's great, but that "someday" will be more like "Nintendo being desperate and giving one of their most unoriginal, boring characters a game.

colbusman said:
and i beleive sakurai can make a great character out of waluigi. i think he has great potential to be in smash. so what if he was just a filler character for wario? the fact is nintendo liked him so much they added him in all the other mario titles.
It doesn't take much to be in Mario Party/Tennis/every other sport on Earth. That doesn't mean Nintendo loves him, if they loved him, they'd give him his own game and more personality.

colbusman said:
waluigi has better potential than other characters out there, such as pac-man or tingle. here is hoping waluigi makes it in before some other stupid character out there seizes his spot.
So replace really good, original characters(not including Tingle, although he deserves it more than Waluigi) with a stupid, unoriginal character, I like your thinking colbusman!


Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2006
Marshigio said:
That's great, but that "someday" will be more like "Nintendo being desperate and giving one of their most unoriginal, boring characters a game.

It doesn't take much to be in Mario Party/Tennis/every other sport on Earth. That doesn't mean Nintendo loves him, if they loved him, they'd give him his own game and more personality.

So replace really good, original characters(not including Tingle, although he deserves it more than Waluigi) with a stupid, unoriginal character, I like your thinking colbusman!
You know, if someone like Tingle can get there own game, then Waluigi can defintently can get his own game, and maybe the Wii is the chance for Waluigi to get his own game, the gamecube had Luigi get his own game(well really 2nd if you count Mario is Missing) and the DS had Princess Peach get her own game, so i predict the Wii that either Bowser or Waluigi shall finally be getting there own game on the Wii. Well Nintendo has maybe some sort of care for him, they made him a villian(a mini villian in mario party 3 and one of the main villians in ddr and you can sort of say he,wario,bowser were the villians in mario power tennis since they ruined the finals of the tournament by trying to bomb Mario and Luigi) and also they need make him have a cameo in paper mario ttyd and for all we know he MAY be in Mario Galaxy(highly doubt it but you never know, i'm actually surprised they included Waluigi on nintendo monopoly) and how is he unoriginal, he's Called Waluigi because it means Evil/Bad Luigi, just like Wario beans Evil/Bad Mario, what else would they call him if they wanted to give Wario a partner and Luigi a rival, they'd have to use the same concept they did with Wario, We know he's Rude and Cocky, we know he has a bit of a connection to wrecking crew it looks like, and that he's d ick dastardlys long lost cousin :p. And also, Waluigi being boring/unoriginal to you is a matter of opinion on how you feel about him because there are people who like the guy and may think he's the best character ever(and don't say there aren't because there are) so that ends my little mini story, and i'm off to continue my art i'm doing(it's just a bracket for a tourney for anyone who cares lol)


Smash Journeyman
May 17, 2006
Marshigio said:
That's great, but that "someday" will be more like "Nintendo being desperate and giving one of their most unoriginal, boring characters a game.
You make it seem like most of nintendo's characters are hugely original. With the exception of mario, none of the overalls wearing, heavy mustached italian guys are original. They have king kong with a tie, a female diddy kong, pinnochio's half brother, the marshmellow man from ghostbusters illegitiamte son, many damsels in distress, the repeated cliche of the sworded noble hero, and more. At this day in age, most characters are going to be thought up from some other mold.
It doesn't take much to be in Mario Party/Tennis/every other sport on Earth. That doesn't mean Nintendo loves him, if they loved him, they'd give him his own game and more personality.
I diagree. He has personality, although not enough to run with. The made him pretty much evil and hateful, yet dimwitted and slow. The most I can see him being right now is a boss somewhere down the line. There's nothing wrong with that (It worked for bowser) I just can't see his own adventure right now. Besides, every character in the nintendo world is made for a reason. Some where made to be constantly kidnapped, some to be "footsoldiers", some to be heroes and some to be sidekicks. If he was made to be a kart driving, soccer ball kicking, air swimming party character then I'm all for it.

EDIT: I didn;t comment on the last part because I felt that Exodecai101 did a good job.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Tingle is an original character, have you been to his RPG website? It's definetly something different. So stop with the Tingle bashing, do that in the Tingle thread.

Birdman, you gave good examples of how Nintedo based characters off of others. Don't forget though, they put a huge twist with each of them. King Kong jumps on crocodiles' heads and plays the drums, same with Dixie Kong, Pinnochio's brother shoots stars, Wario can turn into different forms, and Peach can fight and float. All these characters have a difference from their counterparts, meanwhile Waluigi looks like D ick Dastardly with different clothes.

Waluigi may be a boss in Mario's Galaxy(though I highly doubt it) and just because he ruined a tennis tournament doesn't mean he's an important character. That was a spin-off, it's story doesn't have significance.


Smash Journeyman
May 17, 2006
Marshigio said:
Birdman, you gave good examples of how Nintedo based characters off of others. Don't forget though, they put a huge twist with each of them. King Kong jumps on crocodiles' heads and plays the drums, same with Dixie Kong, Pinnochio's brother shoots stars, Wario can turn into different forms, and Peach can fight and float. All these characters have a difference from their counterparts, meanwhile Waluigi looks like D ick Dastardly with different clothes.
I'll give you that, but we didn't find that out until they were choosable in an adventure. Waluigi has yet to be an adventure star so we really don't know what nintendo can have him do. They still many different options to explore IMO.

For the record, Tingle bashing should be allowed anywhere between the 7 seas. :laugh:


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i don't know why characters like pac-man and tingle are favored over ANYBODY else. that is a mystery i may never solve.

seriously, what can pac-man do? eat dots, and that's about it. i never played the other pacman titles because they were mediocre and looked no fun at all. and tingle is a stupid ****** who floats around making maps thinking he is a freakin FAIRY!!! how can you favor those guys over an evil person who loves to be mischevious? are you guys dumb or something? see, i should know dumb. i go to a school where only a choice few are actually smart, and this is by far one of the stupideset things i have ever witnessed. now i know waluigi's chance of being a star of his own adventure is slim. but if tingle can get one, i know waluigi can.

and i have seen the new tingle game. i subscribe to nintendo power. i read about it and it looks ********. you want to go into a magical land, and some greedy peice of crap doesn't want you in until you pay him. i mean, you can't talk to people unless you pay. you die when you run out of rupees! oh i hope that game doesn't come to america.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
We can say, "what if Waluigi had his own game?" and, "what if Waluigi appeared in Wario Ware?" all day, the fact that him starring in a game (or playing a major role) isn't announced(probably not planned either) is enough to end all these stupid, "what if" scenarios.

With that being said, there are too many characters that have priority over Waluigi to be included in Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
May 17, 2006
I agree also but for different reasons. Some of the better character suggestions are characters that didn't star in their own game but were featured or sidekicks. As previously stated, I can think of seven that have priorty easily, and maybe more if I focus but I don't believe that there are 14-17 characters that are ahead of him. If brawl does indeed have 40 spots available I expect to see waluigi in one of them. :)


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
colbusman said:
seriously, what can pac-man do?
Butt bounce, rev-roll, punch, kick, etc. Plus Pac-Man appeared in Mario Kart Arcade GP and Mario's voice was used in Pac-Man Vs.
and tingle is a stupid ****** who floats around making maps thinking he is a freakin FAIRY!!!


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
there are far better namco characters than pac-man. if that is all he can do, then he shouldn't be in brawl. waluigi has more moves than pac-man. if any namco character is in, it should be from soul calibur 2.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Seeing as how they put in Pac-Man(in Mario Kart) and not another Namco character, I think Namco disagrees with you.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
There are 3rd party characters with priority over them as well. Besides, they have their own fighting game(a very good one at that) so just play that.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i own it. it is a fun game. love playing as link, nightmare, and mitsurugi.

but as for 3rd party, i just see the connections nintendo has. they are really close to namco and sega, so sonic and someone from soul calibur. they did use link in their game, so we should use one of theirs.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
That's true, chances are we'll be seeing a Namco character, but I think Pacman. This is getting off-topic...


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
pac-man better not be in there. he does so little, and you don't really think he's a fighter. there are way better namco characters to include.

anyway, let's get back on topic, so waluigi seems to be hated by almost everyone on this thread, huh?


Smash Journeyman
May 17, 2006
If that's the case then I hope Namco doesn't contribute just yet. I don't think any of those characters would fit as well as other third party. I do like the idea of Mitsurugi but he has already been on two fighting games and I don't think it would do the soul caliber crew justice to be in smash. Soul Cal. is has many different ways to attack (horizontal, diagonal, kick, combination), great throws (Ivy anyone), parrying, and other aspects that smash won't be able to emulate. Link works on soul caliber because they can make him more complex of a fighter and make it work. The other way around wouldn't be justice IMO. It would take away from the character.

Now that we have 9 post in a row that are not related to this thread can we get back on topic?

Yes, he is hated by many. I am still a supporter though
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