Let's say there was a leak this year for this E3. The leaker states the information was tipped to them through e-mail, this information was sent to the leaker weeks before E3 but brought forth once he saw it was confirmed. It has a list of 4 newcomers. At E3, 2 are shown while 2 are not. When the game releases, 1 character of the 2 is not shown and is indeed playable, while the other is not shown. It does not matter who these characters are or their descriptions, no matter how vague or straight forward.
I tried to make as good as an example as possible, but, anyways - Where am I going with this? Would you say this leak is dead or perfectly real?
My point is, if Sals predictions from the latest update of the Gematsu Leak is, hypothetically, partially true - where some of it is false but some of it is true - would alot of you still agree it is a true leak? I see alot of talk about "outdated information" to make up for questions about, say, Rosalina or the vague explanations for names (Animal Crossing Guy and Pokemon From X and Y). Where's the line drawn ? I feel many followers of the leak will try to prove it true even if we receive some counter information come E3.
How about this? If we don't get Shulk but we do get the Chorus Men, is it true? What about the other way around, where we don't get the Chorus Men and we do get Shulk? Further, what if we get Palutena but not Pacman? These questions shouldn't matter. If the character isn't there, it
should be false. Or, if you're going with the outdated information notion, then it
should/could be true.
Really, the only character here that is a long-shot is the Chorus Men, which I guess is the reasoning for people placing the importance of not being playable versus another character on Sals list.
Many have asked me if I believe in the leak. My answer? Um.... idk. It's not a religion. Or a person to 'believe' in. It could go either way really, but I'm leaning towards it being fabricated from the get-go. However, nothing pushes towards true and nothing pushes me towards false, and I don't need no Monkey Arguments or The Double Ended Sword Principle or the Little Caesars Hot n Ready Paradox to tell ya that. It's so far been very hard to disprove because of it's simplicity (Atleast the first part of it). Even if one side of the argument is disproved, being it true or false, there's still arguments in that that can be made to say it was a true leak. I have a feeling we may never know 100% ever.
I don't come here often because there's not much to go on anymore, it's a waiting game. I've seen though, after the topic was discussed to it's fullest, the thread dissolves into one side of the argument (it being true) becoming the leading voices. This then starts othering users who voice a different opinion in the thread, causing them to feel like outcasts and either joining the group of supporters or not coming back. This is not a diss or anything , so please don't take it as such, just a mere observation.
...THAT and i've been off my forum grind lately

Missed it.