X Japan
Smash Lord
Amorasaki said:I am un-stickying this topic now for a couple of reasons:
-Smashboards has no official relationship with the hub, they are seperate things. People aren't realizing this and are confusing the two.
-The hub has been the source of a lot of very childish drama as of late.
-We now have video forums that also help get people connected with smash vids.
1st off yes Smashboards has no official relationship with the hub, but its a big part of the smash community. its been a big part since Kubuu stated it like 2 years ago just so ppl around the world who plays smash can talk live about vids, **** talk, and plan stuff out with ppl going to tournies together which limits a lots of mess on the boards. for you to un-sticky the thread now is crazy. i mean come on d@mn near everyone on the boards go to the hub and the new ppl that comes to the site are gonna be heading to the Hub soon and they going to be asking "how this **** work" so you might as well have it sticky so ppl can always find it and ask questions.
yes the hub has been the source of a lot of very childish drama, but ask yourself this. . . would you rather have it on the hub or on the boards. you having to deal with it or WJ. done
yes you have video forums, but that should have been up before when the whole hub thing got started and as i said in the 1st paragraph tha leads to a lot of unneeded mess. mic closed Oro's thread in that section and their's a lot of bs post in that section due to the lack of modness in that section(well thats everywhere). point blank the whole smash scene gone to h3ll in a handbasket lately due to the lack and abuse of mod powers within the discussion, tourney, and video section. their's some ppl who are mods and really shouldn't be. i'm not saying no names since that will get me banned and i like this name. but dude if you got someone that made a thread that addresses that the mods here are not doing their jobs or abusing their powers and everyone is fussing about it then that means something is wrong.
straying from the point this shouldn't be unsticky, if you do that then you might as well unsticky the MLG threads and other tournies within the tourney section since Smashboards has no official relationship with MLG and the other tournies.