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The Official South Carolina Thread

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Sometimes I feel like the SC scene is pretty behind on some jokes sometimes.

Drinkin' out of cups and Juggernaut are so like 2006 (**** I sound like a preppy ****hole saying it)

just sayin'
it's like finding Over 9000 to be funny now and not then :p

Spank That Dill

Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2009
Columbia, SC / Augusta, GA
Sometimes I feel like the SC scene is pretty behind on some jokes sometimes.

Drinkin' out of cups and Juggernaut are so like 2006 (**** I sound like a preppy ****hole saying it)

just sayin'
it's like finding Over 9000 to be funny now and not then :p
I showed one of my suitemates Juggernaut ***** for the first time the other day, he had no idea what it was. I was all like, "Where've you been man, Saturn?" (trophy for whoever gets reference)


Smash Lord
May 27, 2009
On Uncharted Lands
Sometimes I feel like the SC scene is pretty behind on some jokes sometimes.

Drinkin' out of cups and Juggernaut are so like 2006 (**** I sound like a preppy ****hole saying it)

just sayin'
it's like finding Over 9000 to be funny now and not then :p
I'v all ready know about Juggybaby (nick name the My Way crew give him....I'm one of the first people to support the [My Way] Entertainment vids

also, [My Way] has made Juggernaut vids that go to 2008 meaning it really is not that old.....soooo you know....it's still 'currently funny' as well as 'classic' lulz

but this is where the thin line between 'currently funny' and 'classic' comes to play and "The Juggernaut *****" is classic (IMO) but I'm sure many others I could ask would agree

Meaning if you get the joke or reference then it's all ways funny....

I showed one of my suitemates Juggernaut ***** for the first time the other day, he had no idea what it was. I was all like, "Where've you been man, Saturn?" (trophy for whoever gets reference)
Yeah This lol
Kinda like this Saturn joke.....yet....I know it I can't quite put my finger on it

and Over 9000 is also, most time ALL WAYS funny.... especially the very beginning of this vid...and the very end -- and can be used many times....when you find something worth saying it to

....over 9000 is funny lol..... Micheal Phelps Over 9000


Smash Ace
Jul 9, 2007
They're all self important jokes that aren't funny, but rather obnoxious, that people cling to to fit in with the internet meme crowd.


Smash Lord
May 27, 2009
On Uncharted Lands
They're all self important jokes that aren't funny, but rather obnoxious, that people cling to to fit in with the internet meme crowd.
I enjoy "those" jokes...I wouldn't say I (personally) cling to it...but from time to time I bring it up....I mean it's all personal preference

EDIT: I have the beastliest avi evar...and it's one of the most fun games of 2006 (IMO)

This game was sooo good Jack Thompson tried to get this game banned b4 it even hit shelves! lulz



Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007
West Frankfort, IL
SC Smash is FTW.

We may not have a whole lot of people, or skill, but at least... well... we're pretty. :)

Edit: By "not a whole lot of...skill" I mean in general. >.> Obviously we have a couple good players. Our Melee scene is particularly lacking interest though. :(


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
as long as you appreciate your melee, it's all good

and foxy, come play singles dawg. next herb/pound?

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
well, you know why they call him the amazing snapple.

cause hes amazing.

fifth at a GA tourney? are you ****ing kidd01ing me?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007
West Frankfort, IL
Yeah I'm gonna try to work my way into Pound. HERB shouldn't be a problem, but I won't be living on the East Coast anymore for either of these tournaments. I'm not sure I'll be able to make it to Pound though. I'm retiring and I have a crap ton of paperwork and leave and all that jazz. But I'm definitely gonna try! Hit me up! :)

Peepee, sir, I don't got this. :( I was just implying that we have like... Yay. And uhh... Well Yay. I can keep up with him for the most part, but he's too good. :( I haven't played him since I picked up Falco though, so we'll see.

Edit: TRC, I'm going home. My absolute last day in SC will be 31Jan. I'm retiring and I'm only 20. ;D How cool is that?

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
You have insulted me Foxy, just letting you know. If we end up playing again I'm going to probably 3 stock you every match.

Just saying. Cause I really dislike... no, greatly dislike people who don't know what the **** they are talking about when it comes to SC Melee. Yay is by and large our greatest player both skill-wise and popularity/renown whateverthe**** but I've watched you ride his **** for like 10 different posts where you talk about SC and never said **** about me, lol. Maybe you forgot or I didn't play serious enough or something, I don't know, but I am left insulted.

You have no idea about my skill in this game. It doesn't really matter since you're leaving anyway. Not like you were "here" to begin with.

Saltiness aside congrats on retiring and everything and I still respect you, but I don't really respect your opinions on myself, and whatever impression I gave off when I didn't play the game at all (read : the tourneys I hosted)

wow I'm such a **** on the forums nowadays

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
I'm a real ******* on the forums nowadays.
Maybe I want to do what Wes and Bobby did to GA to get them motivated in the days of old...

maybe I'm just silly. everything seems so much more angry in text form doesn't it? hahaha

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Devin totally making me eat my own words from before... I can't really say **** about it either hahaha

Dill so awesome, we need to meet up and play sometime soon. Are you back in Augusta yet?


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
Twist! sup dude. I'm dill.

RC tells me that you're a cool dude. That means you automatically get bro-status in my mind. Are you going to Umad?
definitely going since PP is going. But I was gonna go anyway. lol I'm a **** falcon, mah tech skills good but the only match ups know is fox and falco xD. We should play mad friendlys dill.


Smash Lord
May 27, 2009
On Uncharted Lands
definitely going since PP is going. But I was gonna go anyway. lol I'm a **** falcon, mah tech skills good but the only match ups know is fox and falco xD. We should play mad friendlys dill.
Hell Yeah, PP is coming to my tournament.....WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have insulted me Foxy, just letting you know. If we end up playing again I'm going to probably 3 stock you every match.

Just saying. Cause I really dislike... no, greatly dislike people who don't know what the **** they are talking about when it comes to SC Melee. Yay is by and large our greatest player both skill-wise and popularity/renown whateverthe**** but I've watched you ride his **** for like 10 different posts where you talk about SC and never said **** about me, lol. Maybe you forgot or I didn't play serious enough or something, I don't know, but I am left insulted.

You have no idea about my skill in this game. It doesn't really matter since you're leaving anyway. Not like you were "here" to begin with.

Saltiness aside congrats on retiring and everything and I still respect you, but I don't really respect your opinions on myself, and whatever impression I gave off when I didn't play the game at all (read : the tourneys I hosted)

wow I'm such a **** on the forums nowadays
Can we please mention RC when talking about SC-Melee (because RC is the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit) and/or Just stop talking about SC-Melee lol

until, Melee tournaments become a regular thing in SC -- (I hope) lawl And then we can talk all we want about it....RC, hope you make it man....it wouldn't be the same haha


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
Greenville, SC (summer) West Chester, PA (school)
As far as the SC melee community goes, Yay may have the unbridled twichy fingers of a coked up Philippian prostitute, but if SC ever had any player that was a foundation in the community it is RC. Here is a little story, long before brawl came out lived the wonderful land of Melee. Within this great land there existed many kingdoms that had tournaments in plethora. However, in the sad state of Carolina, South there had no tournament and those who wanted to get better had to travel hours upon hours. Without the friendship and bond that developed between the Red Comet and a certain Philippian hooker. Yayuhz would have never gotten the notoriety that he has outside of the message boards and would be stuck as a rideless wonder if it wasnt for TRC.
If Yayuhz is the "King of SC smash", than RC is the queen that wears the pants and smacks that ****er around and wears the pants. Know your god **** roots son.

As a community SC doesn't have that much respect. However, if there is one person who is OG and deserves it the title goes to TRC. Pay respects to your melee godfathers.
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