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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2007
San Diego, CA
but it did work..., i was walking back, ticket guy was right there...since they have multiple people working tickets, they could just assume someone else put it there.
Isn't the next step after putting a ticket on the windshield to tow the car? Sounds like you're playing with fire there.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
Isn't the next step after putting a ticket on the windshield to tow the car? Sounds like you're playing with fire there.
well, They cant tow the car, its a paid ticket, which means worst thing that could happen is i get another ticket (which would happen regardless if i didnt have a fake ticket on there). So my method is sort of a frail safety net, which can only be broken if the parking authority dont trust the ticket on the windshield lol.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
That is really risky taki. You can get into a lot of **** if they figure out what you're doing.
I'm pretty sure they will ticket you no matter where you are parking on campus, unless you have a permit, so its a lose/lose.

No convenient choice, they removed meter parking on locust st. so im not sure what they expect people to do.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
I'm pretty sure they will ticket you no matter where you are parking on campus, unless you have a permit, so its a lose/lose.

No convenient choice, they removed meter parking on locust st. so im not sure what they expect people to do.
The expect you to pay a ridiculous rate to park in the garage.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009

Truth. It's actually 11 methinks. Although late time pens games may result in a gate operator staying late. I take a risk every time I go for that loophole.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009
Double post of epic sadness

IMPORTANT. READ. No TL;DR crap here.

It's a sad day for smash, because I have facilitated something awful.

So in the most recent weeks, many of my commuter friends have been interested in playing smash in the commuter lounge during the day all days of the school week. I of course was perfectly cool with this, and started leaving my cube at school. As the weeks passed, some other students were bringing in their n64's, controllers, etc. and the gaming scene quickly grew in the commuter lounge.

This recent turn of lounge activities spawned complaints from other commuters that watch tv down there. The director of commuter affairs, Tim Lewis, pulled me aside and explained to me the situation, and banned gaming from the lounge.

I made many arguments, including bringing our own tv's in that don't tie up cable lines, and he rejected them with "the nite spot is what gaming is for" blah blah blah.

I can't refute his decision or change his mind, there's no question there. Now obviously this is not a problem for all the commuters who want to play games, they just simply provide the Nite Spot an ID. But this puts us in an interesting situation.

While the bulk of our friday sessions happen after class/commuter office hours, Tim still has a big beef with many outside duquesne students playing in his lounge without supervision. He obviously referred me to the building manager, who is my boss, of whom I have already had this conversation with.

So what does this mean for tomorrow? We will be in the nite spot, because my night time boss is not here and my co workers will be cool with us there, which gives me a week to figure this stuff out.

I feel like I've brought a great burden on this community more than I have brought any benefit. I'm sorry gents, but I may have gotten us banned from the commuter lounge in the future, depending on how things go with my boss and Tim and stuff.

I'll be there to get tv's and let you guys into the nite spot with my ID, but I probably won't play that much. Feel too bad :'[


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
I dont understand how we never had any of these problems up until now...

I find it hard to believe that its the ACTUAL commuters that complained about us being in the lounge. I think your bosses just have their panties all up in a bunch for no reason. there was never 1 time where we didnt ask if the tv was being used (IF we used it).

I just dont see where the complaints are... we are taking too many chairs? Racking up the electric bill by a whopping 2cents a minute? we mind our own business. most of the time anyway when we use the commuter lounge TV, we have a Duquesne student..how is that different from say any moron sitting there watching a dumb show while everyone else shows up and they dont like it.

What i think needs to happen is we need to stop publicizing these weeklies to the management.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
not TSK
We never had these problems because we aren't the cause of them. The nitespot problem started up when all those other guys started showing up playing street fighter/whatever else they played. They effectively doubled the amount of people in the nitespot and between them and us every tv was monopolized which probably caused concern along with the food being hogged. Now apparently commuters have been playing smash in the lounge during weekday afternoons which is a problem because people do often hang out in there and watch tv on weekdays.

Solution = Tom's commuter friends should not have been playing in the lounge and should go to the nitespot during weekdays. We should play in the nitespot early on Fridays when we have less people and there are still commuters around and then move to the lounge later in the day. Or if the managers really do have a problem with us not being supervised in the lounge then they should let us go back to playing in the nitespot where Tom/the other staff are. We personally haven't caused a problem in ~5 years so they have nothing to suggest otherwise. And if none of that works, can't a duq student make an official gaming club to get them off our backs?


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
I feel like I've brought a great burden on this community more than I have brought any benefit. I'm sorry gents, but I may have gotten us banned from the commuter lounge in the future, depending on how things go with my boss and Tim and stuff.

I'll be there to get tv's and let you guys into the nite spot with my ID, but I probably won't play that much. Feel too bad :'[
Thomas, don't hate on yourself. As TSK said, the last person's fault it is is yours. Cheer up, me bucko!


and Metal


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009

TSK, among the commuter students that have indulged in a lot of smashing/64 games etc. is myself, so in part I am at fault in encouraging tv use for said gaming. Again, I and every other commuter can go to the nitespot (and we have to for that fact). You're suggesting that the smash community hang out in the nite spot while we can before enough people arrive that the stupid 2-1 guest to duq student ratio is exceeded, and move to the commuter lounge after the commuters *and office of commuter affairs staff* are gone. This does not remedy the concern for unsupervised conduct. Also, what happens if I'm not there for a Friday?

Seems to me because my bosses are being ******s about the guest ratio, and Tim Lewis (not my boss in any sense of the word) is being a ****** about "disrupting" lounge conduct, we're stuck between a rock and a hard place.

For now, nite spot tomorrow, all day. cuz my bosses arent here. I need time to figure this out.

Another note, the Duquesne Gamers Club does exist, they are a relatively new organization that meets some other day of the week than Friday. Should it come to our necessary participation in this club to secure a spot to play on Friday's at Duquesne, who would be opposed to such involvement? I'd have to get specifics from the president if we actually wanna pursue this, especially terms of non duquesne student involvement.

Aaron, I think Tahlia's friend Alex mentioned something about us looking into that club last weekend. And I wanna pick up those speakers sometime this weekend too ^.^

FEAR NOT. We will conquer this recent garbage we've been experiencing.

Edit: also Taki, Tim did not specify which group was being complained about, the daytime commuter players (including myself) or us on Friday's, nor did he need to, for complaints are complaints no matter the time frame of day and who plays.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
I finally, officially, without any doubt nor confusion in regards to the validity of what I'm about to say, have a job now.

Life: 53626274848821194
Alan: 1
Anybody from Butler going to Duq next week? Naka? Pretty soon I won't have to bum rides anymore! =O

<3 everyone
Just carousing old posts thanks to Alan, and I found these two gems. I got your back Rob even when you aren't really checking boards.

Now, that is all.


I am over their bs personally, if they want to kick us out they can come down and talk to me face to face about it. Because quite frankly they have $120,000 of my money and if that isn't enough for me to be able to enjoy their facilities with a few of my friends without them hassling us, then I would like to let them know whats up.

I know that we need to respect the fact that we are in "someone else's house", but quite frankly we have, furthermore we have not done anything personally to garner any more of this directed disdain in recent weeks. We have every right to be allowed to continue doing what we have been doing for 5 years now with no issues.

I just want a chance to plead our case if need be, because if it comes to us having to leave Duquesne in general for our weeklies I want to take solace in the fact that I, at the very least, did everything I could to circumvent our departure.

Hopefully though, things will continue to proceed as they have in recent weeks with us just chilling out in the Nitespot with no one bothering us and visa versa.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009
Matthew, I whole-heartedly embrace your approach to this issue. I think that personally I've gone down without a fight... such is my nature, I hate conflict. So yes. We shall continue to occupy the nitespot until someone says something. Humor me this though: because I am both a member of the smash community (albeit for only a year, and don't have nearly the authority to speak for the seasoned vets) AND an employee, I'd ask that, at the risk of potential disciplinary action taken upon ourselves, that we follow the rules as much as we can. If we exceed the 2:1 ratio, who gives a **** until we are notified. But at least lets try and be diligent in signing people in as much as we can. I do enjoy taking advantage of being able to attain TV's for everyone ^.^


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Matthew, I whole-heartedly embrace your approach to this issue. I think that personally I've gone down without a fight... such is my nature, I hate conflict. So yes. We shall continue to occupy the nitespot until someone says something. Humor me this though: because I am both a member of the smash community (albeit for only a year, and don't have nearly the authority to speak for the seasoned vets) AND an employee, I'd ask that, at the risk of potential disciplinary action taken upon ourselves, that we follow the rules as much as we can. If we exceed the 2:1 ratio, who gives a **** until we are notified. But at least lets try and be diligent in signing people in as much as we can. I do enjoy taking advantage of being able to attain TV's for everyone ^.^
I agree with this wholeheartedly, we always have and always will follow the rules as closely as possible as long as it does not impede our ability to Smash some Bros every Friday.

Yes Alan I will be picking you up tomorrow at the usual time.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
I want to apologize for throwing my controller today. I was one of the bigger anti rage advocates when it was brought up, and now I feel like an ***. Sorry if it damaged anyone's experience on the real.

^^No jokes.

On a lighter note, I will never lose to Rob ever again when it matters.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
I want to apologize for throwing my controller today. I was one of the bigger anti rage advocates when it was brought up, and now I feel like an ***. Sorry if it damaged anyone's experience on the real.

^^No jokes.

On a lighter note, I will never lose to Rob ever again when it matters.
You ruined my day.

My week.

My life.

Nah seriously, whatever. It's not a problem unless it comes up over and over again.

Also, u mad


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009
Hey thanks to everyone that watched over my stuff last night, I was not expecting to get back at the hour I did, which was by the time everyone left >.>
Concert was totally worth it. Saw the hugest baldest neo nazi punch himself in the face 3 times and then headbutt someone. 'Twas a good show.
Sounds like I missed a lot of fun though :'[ I think I would've just played Metroid II anyway lol.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Hey guys, last ditch effort to see if anyone's going to RoM and has a free spot or two in their car. Sam and I are looking to go and have no ride yet. If not, that's cool.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
From here on out I main Mario.

Except when I want to win.

No johns.


# Honorable Kills are no longer awarded for killing players below level 5.

Sorry Rob =(
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