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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
I came to save these new generations of babies

From parents who failed to raise 'em 'cause they're lazy.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
I'm confused/if you are addresses my misuse of "there" I believe I already conceded my writing flaws within the very same post you quoted...just sayan.
After you tried to tell me that the area under a probability curve adds up to one, when it obviously adds up to forty-two, I was forced to correct you on everything I can for the rest of forever.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2009
I may be able to offer a ride home Alan, i'm playing in a wind symphony concert tomorrow evening, and I'll be back in the Union afterward.

Todd Bonney

Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2005
Warn and inform Alice of what she will confront on the big bad interwebs, or don't let her on them at all.

I'm leaning towards the latter.

There's no responsible way to say, "Alice, you tell mommy or daddy right away if you see a video of two girls pooping into each other's butts, then eating that poop and vomiting it up again and eating the poop-vomit mix. Do you understand, young lady? And you may, without any warning, come across pictures and videos of dudes cutting their own ***** off, in which case you are to log off at once! "


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
My signature, also known as the best signature in the entire world, seems to have been broken :( let us hope that this is just temporary.

Also, Facebook (and other social networking stuff) is just like anything else. There are people who use it, there are people who misuse it, there are people who don't want anything to do with it, and there are people who are addicted to it. The best comparison I can give is alcohol. People like to drink, they have fun, go to a party have a beer w/e. That's fine. But then some people get trashed 2 or 3 times a week. That would be misuse. And some of those people will be addicted for life. This isn't because alcohol in and of itself is bad, it's because people don't know how to use it.

The fact that people are using the internet at younger and younger ages doesn't have to affect any of us. No one's making you use Facebook, and even if you didn't have a choice for some reason, no one's making you be friends with all the kids on there. It's just like the Brawl forums on here (and the Melee forums before Brawl came out), there are tons of kids that don't know what they're talking about and the vast majority don't care about people like us. It's just how kids are.

The point is, just ignore them and let them live their lives separately. The majority of people still use Facebook maybe once or twice a day just to keep in touch with friends they might never get to see. It's just that, as with any other community, the worst members are also the loudest.

Alan has a right to complain about people on the internet though. The WoW community sucks.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
The "let live separately" is a fallacy i've come to learn in this world, because you cannot ignore that things are shoved down your throat (not just necessarily for the aforementioned point). Also knowing that people get rich off of manipulating the mis-informed, uneducated, the needy, and naive also leaves me with an unsettling feeling. Although that is basically what the definition of reward in this world, is by how manipulative you in meeting other people's needs.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
After you tried to tell me that the area under a probability curve adds up to one, when it obviously adds up to forty-two, I was forced to correct you on everything I can for the rest of forever.
+50 points for Hitchhikers reference
-100 points for probability

I may be able to offer a ride home Alan, i'm playing in a wind symphony concert tomorrow evening, and I'll be back in the Union afterward.
wtf DON'T you do?

Lemme know if you're good <3

I'm leaning towards the latter.

There's no responsible way to say, "Alice, you tell mommy or daddy right away if you see a video of two girls pooping into each other's butts, then eating that poop and vomiting it up again and eating the poop-vomit mix. Do you understand, young lady? And you may, without any warning, come across pictures and videos of dudes cutting their own ***** off, in which case you are to log off at once! "
The idea was more along the lines of telling them that **** is out there before they discover it, and so arming them with the knowledge of what to expect and that it's bull****.

The notion of these things existing isn't going to harm children. The sudden and violent collapse of the idiotic fantasy world of purity and innocence that we attempt to shelter them in will.

Alan has a right to complain about people on the internet though. The WoW community sucks.
Your argument was stupid, but the above line was solid.

The "let live separately" is a fallacy i've come to learn in this world, because you cannot ignore that things are shoved down your throat (not just necessarily for the aforementioned point). Also knowing that people get rich off of manipulating the mis-informed, uneducated, the needy, and naive also leaves me with an unsettling feeling. Although that is basically what the definition of reward in this world, is by how manipulative you in meeting other people's needs.
You accurately negated the latter half of this paragraph. Reward for one always comes at the cost of another. There is no exception to this.

But reinforcing the former half, and countering Logan's argument which I called stupid, differing groups of people can always coexist happily at a safe distance for some period of time, but inevitably, be it as the nature of things to end, growth in population will always force the rise of a majority, and the majority will pursue whatever it desires while their former neighbors gets royally screwed. Read: the colonization of America, the Holocaust, the Holy Roman Empire or the American Christian right (veritably interchangeable), feudal Asia, the ancient Middle-Eastern empires, contemporary corporate rule, or pretty much the entirety of history itself.

Todd Bonney

Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2005
The notion of these things existing isn't going to harm children. The sudden and violent collapse of the idiotic fantasy world of purity and innocence that we attempt to shelter them in will.
Use normal words you pretentious piece of ****.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Pretention is perceived far more than its emitted.

I am scarcely liable for the tumultuous breadth of my tempered vocabulary, and will excuse no conviction towards my persona that attempts to sully the paradigm of my contemporary vernacular or maculates the most reputable cultivation which chiseled me into the impeccable monument of a man I am today.

So eat sh*t.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Alan's gay

My argument still stands. People will forever be addicted to the various parts of internet culture. If you don't like it, don't deal with it.

Inevitably problems will occur. But who cares? Deal with them when they come.

If you're worried about your children, then you can raise them your own way.

Seriously, apathy is so underappreciated.

You sleep at 7:40 Alan?! No wonder I can never find you

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
Alan's gay

My argument still stands. People will forever be addicted to the various parts of internet culture. If you don't like it, don't deal with it.

Inevitably problems will occur. But who cares? Deal with them when they come.

If you're worried about your children, then you can raise them your own way.

Seriously, apathy is so underappreciated.

You sleep at 7:40 Alan?! No wonder I can never find you
Wouldn't appreciating apathy be. . . weird? And contradictory?

Alan's Fox.

All that ni**a do is shine.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Alan's gay
You wish

My argument still stands.

People will forever be addicted to the various parts of internet culture.
They don't have to

If you don't like it, don't deal with it.
Because using the internet isn't essential these days

Inevitably problems will occur.
Of course

But who cares?

Deal with them when they come.

If you're worried about your children, then you can raise them your own way.
Until they go to school

Seriously, apathy is so underappreciated.
Not in this context

You sleep at 7:40 Alan?!

It's underappreciated


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Honestly, out of all these debates I read I always want to side with anyone that isn't Alan. What would you call that?

And it's not even that he's not making good points. His posts are just so anger inducing and counter-productive to trying to convince anybody. By the end of any of these arguments it devolves into "u mad" scenario with the arguing still going on just for the sake of arguing.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
His posts are just so anger inducing and counter-productive to trying to convince anybody.
That's because I have absolutely no intentions of convincing anyone of anything, and am merely sparring among friends whom I respect the opinions of and can enjoy a good critical discussion with, free from the awkward confinements of political correctness, social decency, or outright common sense.

Don't take me so seriously. <3

I always want to side with anyone that isn't Alan. What would you call that?



My dad is scouting out doing rounds of the Pittsburgh campuses in order to push inform about the energy drink. He'll probably stop by at the Duq Union tonight if anybody is interested in an opportunity to distribute Green Zilla to any friends / classmates / athletic clubs / etc. for your respective university. This is a serious business proposition and he can provide all the insight I couldn't offer.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
I remember playing all weekend with my friend trying to break a million. we only got to 850k

Game was intense once, those 2 minutes were up, its like **** i made it this far, cant lose this...it took a bit of planning.

Also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsV500W4BHU&ob=av2e

has lightsaber sound effects in the background noise, neat. It has to be one of the most insane music videos ever lol! would make a great game.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
That guy's been skating since before most of us were born XD

I've never really known anything about the skating scene though. I played Tony Hawk for N64, whichever one had the blue cartridge lmao, nothing more than that though :(


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
I just want to let everyone know, I went 1 Gate 1 Robo 1 SG into Carrier-Mothership into losing my whole fecking base to DTs....best game of SC2 I ever played. SC2Replayed won't let me upload the replay right now, but it will be there soon. This is what they get for placing me in Silver League.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Why are people so bad at video games

And why do the people that suck so badly have to be my friends :(

(And for those who will get angry at me, I'm talking about LoL players, not you guys. Except for Alan. Man up. <3)


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
You're **** straight I'm arrogant when I have to listen to people telling me that Teemo's going to be ridiculously overpowered.

Because his DoT applies two tics on the first hit.

(hint hint: his damage is still AWFUL)



Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
I am apparently bad at reading poems, because I got through half of that then changed tabs to look at my Fantasy Football team for the 14th time this morning. No offense to Alan though, I just do not believe I have the capability to always appreciate poetry.

Anyway, does anyone wanna play Smash on like Tuesday after 6pm. I'd say Duquesne would be best because my apartment is in the cut, unless someone wants to invite me over. If you ride buses I'd be more than willing to take you home. Just saying I'd really like to Smash some Bros on Tuesday with some people.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
I am apparently bad at reading poems, because I got through half of that then changed tabs to look at my Fantasy Football team for the 14th time this morning. No offense to Alan though, I just do not believe I have the capability to always appreciate poetry.

Anyway, does anyone wanna play Smash on like Tuesday after 6pm. I'd say Duquesne would be best because my apartment is in the cut, unless someone wants to invite me over. If you ride buses I'd be more than willing to take you home. Just saying I'd really like to Smash some Bros on Tuesday with some people.
I only appreciate my own poetry (and Disney lyrics).

I'll smash Tuesday if, you know, I can get there and back.
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