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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
All of the Amumu guides I've read always go "SUNFIRE CAPES, GET THEM" and I can understand the theory, but that's 6000 gold towards two items that don't help major stats beside Armor, only buff up your DoT. Iunno, I just wouldn't want to spend the game trying to get gold to get two capes by 15, and then just try and bandage to hug enemies.

I'd rather Headbutt or Roll into things. :D
against most teams I think 2 sunfire capes is overkill and hell, I usually don't even prioritize capes most of the time. I usually go:

philosopher's stone
ninja tabi/mecury treads (depending on their team)
spirit visage/frozen heart (depending on whether they have high burst damage casters, if so, visage, if not, heart)
sunfire cape
spirit visage/frozen heart (whichever I didn't get before)
force of nature (doesn't usually come to this, but if you get here, you're basically invincible to everything and move fast enough to chase down anyone with despair up)

the 2nd cape is just not that great... despair is already packing so much punch late game that the extra (40 - their magic resist)/second just isn't worth the cost IMO.

bandage tossing and hugging people is awesomely fun to me and it keeps it's punch later in the game, whereas I find headbutt becomes pretty bad late game (and is only conditionally good early game, most people know how to play around it unless you have flash, and even then, people are pretty good about not getting caught in stupid traps with it).

Summoner Name: SmashGizmo


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Shaco + Alistar = God Lane. I really like the tanky characters in the game as partners, and they seem appealing to play. That's why I want to go for Rammus. (Amumu looks fun, but I can already tell he's a slow starter.)
Rammus is the best tank imo. All the others have to sacrifice a lot to keep up in damage, Rammus just has to stack armor :laugh:. I'd love to do Kayle/Shaco lane sometime, Kayle's invuln at level 6 = ridiculous tower dive, plus she can heal, tank, slow, and her heal gives allies move speed.

shaco's such a *******

Yosh. I think the first character I unlock will either be Rammus, Shaco, or Karthus. Probably Shaco, then to Rammus.
Rammus as I said is one of the best tanks (for 5v5 premade, if you're lacking on heals, Alistar/Kayle might be better, but in general, Rammus *****). Shaco is top tier, probably the best straight up DPS in the game not to mention he's got a stealth, built in flash, and a fear. He's not quite Twisted Fate good, but... well, Twisted Fate is banned from most of the ladders (and is getting completely remade) so... yeah. Karthus is pretty good, not the best mage but he's not bottom tier like Evelynn :|. Very useful on premade teams, Wall of Pain is a godsend. His ult is very good but kinda overrated.

na, amumu's ****ing ****. you open regen amulet -> philosopher's stone (abilities go tantrum, bandage toss, tantrum, despair, tantrum, curse with the rest of your levels favoring the order curse -> tantrum -> toss ->despair) and so long as you don't do anything overly stupid, you're good to not get ***** (I also like having heal to protect myself from ballsy early ganks).

I still don't get how anyone plays alistar without wanting to kill themselves... HE'S SO BORING. I get that he's an awesome lane partner for carries, but actually playing him sucks :'(.
I know nothing about playing Amumu or Alistar, but I'd definitely agree that Amumu starts out pretty slow. All tanks do, kinda. Alistar's stupid good for pushing. His combo's broken. Flash, knock them into the air, knock them back towards allies/towers, heal any damage you take :| so gay. Shame he gets destroyed by Executioner's Calling or Gangplank but... so does almost everyone I s'pose.

All of the Amumu guides I've read always go "SUNFIRE CAPES, GET THEM" and I can understand the theory, but that's 6000 gold towards two items that don't help major stats beside Armor, only buff up your DoT. Iunno, I just wouldn't want to spend the game trying to get gold to get two capes by 15, and then just try and bandage to hug enemies.

I'd rather Headbutt or Roll into things. :D

Edit: Btw Summoner Names, geef me them nao. <-- Tonixion
Sunfire capes are overrated in my opinion. Sunfire cape Evelynn is AMAZING though :laugh: you don't focus on ganks, instead farm the jungle/creeps until you can outright buy 2 sunfire capes... then run around stealthed standing in groups of enemies just doing damage. Long as they aren't paranoid enough to get Oracle's, they can't see your items because they can't see you. Pretty funny in team fights.

Summoner name (already added you in game so you know, but for everyone else): Chantal. I know it's a girl's name, I thought we'd actually be able to like *see* our summoner :\


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
I've never had a problem with Twisted Fate so far. Then again I know enough not to be the target of any of his abilities, sans his ult. Though I haven't played in Premade yet either. I like the idea of Rammus's playstyle A LOT. Powerball -> Tremor -> Taunt. First game I ever played was Sonic, so Powerball is kind of nostalgia.

I found out my love for Shaco simply because he happened to pop up as Free Champion... after I read his playstyle guide.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
I didn't mean to say Amumu's bad. I mean, he has the freaking win any team fight button. So gay.

Twisted Fate is broken because, once you know the timing, you can get gold card 100% of the time. With sheen, it can do a TON of damage, plus Rylai's/Frozen Mallet/Lizard Buff you can slow people... keep in mind his ult will reveal all characters, including stealth and in bushes, and makes Gate near instant... someone gets away with half health? Grab a Gold Card, Destiny, Gate in front of them, kill them before they get out of stun. Gold card is also one of the best harass moves in the game :\

Also congrats guys, we have a page that's (so far) 100% LoL!


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Apparently the Gold Cards can also stun towers. After briefly reading a guide on Twisted Fate, I can see the potential. I've just never gone up against anyone who can use his tricks. Karthus was also pretty appealing to me. Not only does he look awesome, his ult is ****** and reminds me of the Mountain King in DoTA (One of my favs).

Though I've already Hallucinated with Shaco to avoid a Karthus Ult, it does not deter me to play as him, lol.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Oddly enough I've never played against a Ryze yet, though he's a cover character. Fiddlesticks a few times. But then again, I'm Shaco.

I don't get targeted until something is dead and I'm too far away.

And can either of you two link me to a Champion Tier List? I'm just curious.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Oddly enough I've never played against a Ryze yet, though he's a cover character. Fiddlesticks a few times. But then again, I'm Shaco.

I don't get targeted until something is dead and I'm too far away.

And can either of you two link me to a Champion Tier List? I'm just curious.
eh, there isn't really one and it would be invalidated quickly with all the patches and stuff anyway, so it's not worth it. for instance, not a long time ago, udyr was apparently busted as ****, but he was nerfed down to being reasonable recently.

This sounds very familiar to WoW talk. o.o
lol yea, but I play this game so it's way more acceptable :p.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2009
Sewickley PA
an analogy referencing the nature of contrasting attributes/elements?

1.) ^ Effing AMAZING!! I laughed for like 20mins.
2.) I'm sorry to hear that WEMP! This makes me a very sad panda. :(
3.) Agreed Naka I think that this IS secretly WoW talk and they are just pretending like it's some other game.
4.) And 2A-ron I feel ur pain I don't understand why that topic had to die so soon. It was well before it's time. I guess I'll just have to think of an =ly interesting and in depth discussion starter. TO THE BAT CAVE!!!

- "SKRAAAAAA!! Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger!" - Link's Incredibly successful Butterfinger campaign... Sadly it was to graphic to be shown on television.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
My wii is officially fail. Got to the second boss of Majora's Mask, and it froze. So i decided to play Wind Waker instead because i had a NG+ that was left unused. It never loaded. Then decided i'll just play Master Quest version of OoT, but that failed as well. WHAT THE F*CK....


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2009
Sewickley PA
Dear christ that would be a terrible thought!! Luckily in my case it's not true. Bwahahahahaha! My Wii(my sisters Wii actually) loves me with all it's little processing heart. I'm convinced that Swanny's Ninetendo systems begrudge him in one way or another. I'm working on how and why though. I'll get it eventually.

- "Your too SL-SKRRAAAAAAA!!!!" - Sonic the hedgehog making the mistake of thinking Link was dead and taunting.... He will be missed.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
We already figured that out jeff. It's gremlins remember? How else would it know when the pivotal points in video games and shut down just before they happen. If it was the Wii begrudging me nothing would work ever, and i just wouldn't be able to use the **** thing.

wtb anti gremlin spray


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Hey people are talking about LoL.

I just got into the game a little while ago. Played as Ryze when he was free, playing as Annie now.

Summoner name: Relambrien. Get at me.



Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2009
Sewickley PA
I'd be up for Brawl! Sadly I think I'd probably b the only one there who would. T_T Oh well. Se la Vi. An d Swanny I apologize I had forgotten that it was gremlins.... I am now convinced that they are in my head as well.... Stupid gremlins....

- "!!!" - Snake just got spotted by Link... Pegasus Boots to Fierce Deity.... NOT pretty.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
Lol, no worries. When i find the spray to get rid of em i'll let you borrow it.

Sleek Media
--We are still Melee only, but a few people may be willing to play brawl.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
So...are you guys doing Brawl at your weekend matches, or is it still Melee-only?
It will be melee only for a looooooooooooooooong time.

If you wanna play Brawl, bring it, but also bring a Wii and component cables (if they're needed for Brawl, don't think they are) if we go to Duquesne because losing a setup to Brawl probably isn't going to happen :laugh:


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
Everyone needs to stop calling it Melee ONLY. There is no written law that says you can only have 1 game there. We welcome smashers of all kind, just expect many people to not wanna play brawl (for long anyway).


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
By telling people that we exclusively play 1 game, it implies that anyone who plays another game is unwelcome, which is not the case. This is more for having fun, than worshiping 1 game, so you guys need to relax a bit and be more welcoming. Its no wonder the brawlers think we are all some close-mindd douchebags(most of us are).


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Everyone needs to stop calling it Melee ONLY. There is no written law that says you can only have 1 game there. We welcome smashers of all kind, just expect many people to not wanna play brawl (for long anyway).
By telling people that we exclusively play 1 game, it implies that anyone who plays another game is unwelcome, which is not the case. This is more for having fun, than worshiping 1 game, so you guys need to relax a bit and be more welcoming. Its no wonder the brawlers think we are all some close-mindd douchebags(most of us are).
You seem so pissed off lol. What games do we play other than Melee when we get together? Rob plays WoW sometimes but that's it. It *IS* Melee only, because nobody brings Brawl. We've said over and over that Brawl's welcome (as is 64) but that we don't play it.

No one was acting like a close minded douchebag lol. Don't know why you got so mad about it :laugh:

Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
I'd be up for Brawl! Sadly I think I'd probably b the only one there who would. T_T Oh well. Se la Vi. An d Swanny I apologize I had forgotten that it was gremlins.... I am now convinced that they are in my head as well.... Stupid gremlins....

- "!!!" - Snake just got spotted by Link... Pegasus Boots to Fierce Deity.... NOT pretty.
It's "C'est la vie", mon ami, and I'm willing to come if there will be a handful of brawlers. What about all the people I saw at Mav's tournament a little while back? Where do you guys meet at, anyway?

Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
You seem so pissed off lol. What games do we play other than Melee when we get together? Rob plays WoW sometimes but that's it. It *IS* Melee only, because nobody brings Brawl. We've said over and over that Brawl's welcome (as is 64) but that we don't play it.

No one was acting like a close minded douchebag lol. Don't know why you got so mad about it :laugh:
Take is right. I get a really douchy elitist vibe from you guys in general (I've seen it in other topics), and it doesn't sound like you're the most fun crowd to hang out with. The only reason I asked about Brawl is because WEMP suggested it, and he seems like a pretty level-headed guy. Chill out and open up a little. You're all so quick to complain about how the Pittsburgh community sucks. That isn't going to change until you stop strangling the community and chasing away all the brawlers/casuals/whatever.

Back on topic, if some people do want to play Brawl, and it isn't too far away, I'd like to give it a try. I would like to find someone to play with once in a while.


Smash Cadet
Sep 8, 2009
Some of them are just joking around.

But really, from the one year I've been here, it's not that we don't welcome Brawl, it's just that there aren't any Brawl player that actually takes initiative and gets stuff done. We don't hate Brawl, but please understand that we don't really feel obligated to help a gaming scene that we aren't too interested in get started.

Edit: As far as chasing casuals away... it's difficult. If we play seriously, then they just get demolished, but if we sandbag hard, then it comes off as being insulting.


Mote Of Dust
Oct 9, 2008
"Edit: As far as chasing casuals away... it's difficult. If we play seriously, then they just get demolished, but if we sandbag hard, then it comes off as being insulting."

this quote is pretty accurate, even when people say 'don't go easy on me' if you are going against someone **** it is worse than knowingly being sand bagged.

I should know, every match I have against Jacob makes me cry.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2006
I think there's something big that the brawlers in Pittsburgh are missing:


If you want to play, organize yourselves. Melee players aren't going to do it for you.

(separated to highlight, just in case you didn't notice)

We don't care where you want to play. We don't even care that you use Duquesne TVs (we sure as hell don't own them), but don't expect us to organize stuff for a game we aren't particularly interested in. The Street Fighter players got themselves together, so can you.


Smash Lord
Oct 19, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
I wish I was still capable of playing Melee at least decently. Playing Brawl really ruined Melee for me. I think Melee is a better game, but I just gave up trying to get back into it. I'd attend whatever events are ran, and bring a Brawl setup if there were at least a few people interested in Brawl at a competitive level. I don't blame you people for choosing to continue playing Melee. Most of the time, it's a much more entertaining game.

I think there's something big that the brawlers in Pittsburgh are missing:


If you want to play, organize yourselves. Melee players aren't going to do it for you.

(separated to highlight, just in case you didn't notice)

We don't care where you want to play. We don't even care that you use Duquesne TVs (we sure as hell don't own them), but don't expect us to organize stuff for a game we aren't particularly interested in. The Street Fighter players got themselves together, so can you.
That's not really what the problem is. I (or probably even M@v) would've tried getting things going before, but there's just a distinct lack of interest in Brawl in Pittsburgh. Also, the people that were interested either don't play the game seriously, or are like 14 years old. I don't think anyone was demanding the Melee crowd to be interested in Brawl, or crying over the fact that there isn't a Brawl scene, so there's no need to make posts that make you seem like a ****.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2006
edit - lol skyshroud I never knew you could be so salty :B
I tend to get annoyed when people are lazy and expect others to take care of their problems.

Phoenix_Dark (and M@V): I know. I wasn't talking to you guys. However, there are some who complain without putting forth any effort.
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